
Cicero Dies! de Peter Tonkin

de Peter Tonkin - Género: English
libro gratis Cicero Dies!



The Roman world remains in turmoil more than a year after Caesar’s assassination.

His murderers pillage Macedonia and Syria, building armies, refusing to obey the orders of the Senate, led by Cicero, to return and take control of the Republic before the dead dictator’s closest ally Mark Antony can do so.

Meanwhile Antony is trapped beyond the Alps with the tattered remains of his starving legions defeated at the battle of Mutina. Cicero has declared him enemy of the state and ordered his death. But no-one moves against him. The most powerful general nearby, Octavian, Caesar’s heir, is feigning sickness because he can see a way to take total political control: both Consuls were killed at Mutina and Octavian is waiting for the chance to replace them himself. Only Cicero stands in his way.

The desperate Antony gives secret orders to daring spy and tribune Artemidorus, the man who almost saved Caesar on The Ides. Who might just save Antony now.

Artemidorus must travel undercover across war-torn Italy with messages for Octavian’s eyes only. But Octavian in turn needs someone he can absolutely trust to go clandestinely to Rome and ensure his mother and sister stay safe from Cicero’s ruthless senatorial guards when Octavian makes his grab for Consular power.

So Artemidorus finds himself working for two masters. Facing twice the danger. His situation is compounded by one undeniable truth: For each of his commanders to achieve his goal of absolute power, Cicero must die.