
La por del porter davant del penal de Peter Handke

de Peter Handke - Género: Otros
libro gratis La por del porter davant del penal


Acomiadat de manera imprevista de la feina, l’exporter de futbol Josef Bloch vagareja pels carrers de Viena, va al mercat, al cinema, a l’estadi, i busca una habitació per dormir. Tot l’insatisfà i li resulta aliè. Continua la seva peregrinació fins que troba una dona disposada a estar amb ell. Sense cap motiu, l’assassina. L’angoixa que l’atenalla després de l’homicidi és la mateixa que sentia quan jugava de porter i es disposava a parar un xut. Fuig aleshores cap a la frontera, amb els sentits ben alerta, intentant preveure els moviments de l’adversari…

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Peter Handke

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The Reader's Anxiety At The Nobel Announcement!


Honestly, I don't even know where to start. The Swedish Academy announces about a month or so ago that they are trying to correct their former eurocentrism and male centrism - by choosing another male, white, European writer of questionable dignity and out-of-date ideas on national identity politics?

Is that supposed to be the change? I have better hopes of the female European that was simultaneously awarded the 2018 prize, but I can't really see how this double choice is matching the idea of moving away from a Eurocentric worldview. And DON'T give me the incredibly stupid argument that aesthetic value is the guideline for the Academy, for there are so, so many authors out there that are AT LEAST as aesthetically valuable as this old school author, and they would fit the Nobel idea of being beneficial to mankind in a much more adequate way than the Austrian who held a speech at a mass murderer's funeral out of nostalgia for his own national roots... It is insulting to all African, Asian and American writers to claim that Europeans are picked because they are representing Literature with a capital letter best!

That being said, he is a quite good writer. That's something to be sure!1001-books-to-read-before-you-die nobels peter-handke74 s Ian831 63

I became curious about Austrian author Peter Handke after he was awarded the Nobel Prize a few years ago. I went for this 1970 novel partly because the unusual title caught my attention, and partly because this edition was only 90-odd pages. I tend to think a reader has little to lose in trying such a short book. I would say though that the font size was pretty small. I would imagine other editions have a few more pages.

I read this in English translation, about which I had one reservation, which is that itÂ’s in American English. For me, British English works better for a book set in Europe and written by a European author. The Americanisms I encountered here kept mentally taking me out of Europe and off to California or somewhere. (Just to show IÂ’m not being chauvinist here, I think that American English is more appropriate for books originally in Spanish, Portuguese or French, that are set in North, Central or South America).

In terms of the novel itself, I think I might need to dumb down on my fiction choices. This is the second one in a row where I have been a bit baffled as to whatÂ’s going on. The protagonist here is one Joseph Bloch, described as having once been a well-known goalie. The story is told from his perspective. As set out in the GR blurb, he commits a murder, apparently without motive and certainly without showing any sign of remorse. A sociopath perhaps? After the murder he travels to a small town on AustriaÂ’s southern border, where he contacts an ex-girlfriend. He seems to view women solely as sources of money or sex, again perhaps suggesting a sociopathic personality. Generally he appears detached from everyone else. In the town he wanders around the countryside and moves between cafes and bars. He s to strike up conversations with people but they are fleeting and casual. Throughout the novel he demonstrates what seemed to me obsessive-compulsive behaviours. He obsesses about the meanings and sounds of words, and in one segment spends a day demanding to know the price or cost of every object he sees. ThereÂ’s also a thread running through the book about how he watches things, so that when he sees a hawk hovering over a field, he looks not at the hawk but at the spot in the field where he thinks it will dive. There are several other very similar examples.

So what was the significance of Bloch being a goalkeeper? Was this related to the issue of his detachment? Within the sport of football, goalies perform a highly specialist function, and are set apart from the rest of the team. This issue is explored at the end of the book, as is, again, the idea of “how to watch”. Quite what it all meant…?

ItÂ’s one of those books where the reader is left to interpret the ending.

IÂ’d say this is a challenging book for the average reader myself. I quite enjoyed the process of trying to work it all out, even if I didnÂ’t really succeed in doing so. I think though I have satisfied my curiosity about Peter HandkeÂ’s work.

On a lighter note, I have learned that “the penalty kick” is “Der Elfmeter” in German. Quite a neat term for it, I thought.austria fiction modern-classics55 s12 comments ArturoBelano99 312

Bu kitab? ilk olarak 15 y?l önce okumu?tum, bu gece bir yaz? için bilgisayar?n ba??na geçip ne yapsam da bu i?i ertelesem derken akl?ma dü?tü yeniden. Akl?ma dü?mesi nobel ödülünden çok nobel sonras? hakk?nda ç?kan, ?rkç?, fa?ist s?rp yanl?s? sövgüleri nedeniyleydi. Geçen hafta ona bu övgüleri kazand?ran kitab? okumu? ama fa?istli?ine ikna olmam??t?m. Bu gece kitab? elime al?p 50 sayfa okuyunca sadece bu kitab? yazm?? olmas? bile nobel için yeterli sebep diye dü?ündüm. Gerisi ve politik angajman? beni çok da ba?lam?yor.

90'lar?n o güzel ve art?k tarih olmu? Ayr?nt? yay?nlar? külliyat?nda( evet tarih olan yay?nevi de?il o zamanki yay?n politikas?) Kapanda Üç Kaplan ile birlikte hakk? en çok yenen kitap bu olsa gerek. Nobelin hat?r?na okunur ve yine be?enilmez belki ve ben yine ?a??r?r?m belki;

"Eskiden tan?nm?? bir kaleci olan montör josef bloch'a, ö?le öncesi i?ba?? yapmaya gitti?inde i?ten ç?kar?ld??? bildirildi. En az?ndan, bloch i?çilerin o s?rada mola verdi?i ?antiye binas?n?n kap?s?nda göründü?ünde sadece ustaba??n?n yeme?inden ba??n? kald?rmas?n? böyle bir bildirim olarak yorumlad? ve ?antiyeden ayr?ld?. Caddede elini kald?rd?, ama yan?ndan geçen araba her ne kadar bloch elini taksi durdurmak için kald?rmad?ysa da taksi de?ildi. Sonunda önünde bir fren sesi duyup döndü bloch: arkas?nda bir taksi duruyor, taksi ?oförü k?z?p ba??r?yordu; tekrar geri döndü, bindi, ?oföre naschmarkt'a gitmesini söyledi."

bu paragraf ile aç?lan bir kitab?n be?enilmemesine.

"Olacak i? gibi görünmüyordu gözüne, insan?n konu?maya ba?lay?p cümlesinin sonunda ne söyleyece?ini önceden bilmesi."

Bu duyguyu bir kez bile ya?am?? olanlar, dilin bir ileti?im arac? olmak için yetersizli?ini hissedenler, becket sevenler, wim wenders sevenler, wittgenstien muhipleri, kimselere ili?meyenler; 90 sayfa boyunca bu aynadan hayatlar?na yans?yacak olandan endi?e ede ede bu kitaba ölüp bitecekler.51 s Cody599 209

First 80 pages: hated every word.

(Steps outside and smokes a joint)

Last 50 pages: greatest book ever written.

Take from that what you will—45 s Biron Pa?a144 232

Yabanc?la?ma, toplumdan uzakla?ma, dil ve hakikat ili?kisi, bilinç problemi ve bilinç ak???... Kalecinin Penalt? An?ndaki Endi?esi, modernist, varolu?çu, postmodernist ve hatta günümüz edebiyat?n?n dertlerinin ço?unun büyük bir do?all?kla bu 100 küsur sayfal?k anlat?da birle?mesinden olu?uyor. Neredeyse 20. yüzy?l edebiyat?n?n bir özeti gibi.

Bugüne kadar dil ile ilgili okudu?um romanlar?n içindeki en güçlülerinden biri, belki de en güçlüsü. Dilin eksikli?inden öte, dilin absürtlü?ünü ve hatta dilin gülünçlü?ünü okuyoruz sayfalarca. Ama ayn? zamanda bilincin do?as?na, insan olman?n, insan akl?n?n nas?l çal??t???na dair de bir roman.

Tuhaf bir biçimde anti-kafkaesk, hatta Bartlebyvari karakterimizin alg?s?na giriyor, dünyay? onun gibi görüyoruz romanda. Handke dünyay? o kadar güçlü yaratm?? ki, hem roman?n bu etkiyi 100 küsur sayfada nas?l yaratt???na ?a??r?yorum, çünkü benzer bir etkiyi Ishiguro Avunamayanlar'da 500 küsur sayfada verebilmi?ti, hem de bu roman?n 100 küsur sayfadan daha fazla olsa okur için zevkten çok ac? verece?ini dü?ünüyorum.

Roman her ?eyiyle büyük bir yazar?n elinden ç?kt???n? belli ediyor.20th-century fiction german-literature ...more38 s Evan1,072 824

There are books that are both beyond parody and beyond criticism, and this is one of them.

In the case of parody, I considered writing one but realized that the results would look exactly the book itself, which would serve little purpose other than to hold a mirror to it, when merely quoting extended passages from it (which I won't do) would give the review reader a taste of the style and content along with showing the inherent difficulty of parodying same.

The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick is Handke's most famous novel, and in it he distills to an even finer minimalism the angst of Kafka's The Metamorphosis and Knut Hamsun's Hunger. The book has no plot other than to get inside the head of a murderer on the run as he flounders about in a ratty Austrian border town. All the while I read it I couldn't help but think I might be liking this more if Graham Greene had written it with his sly and humorous ironic touches, lending more than merely confounding ennui to the condition of exile.

But Handke is a glum Austrian and the results are sterile and clinical and fairly humorless. The protagonist of the piece (related in the third person, not the first) is a Mr. Bloch, who was once a soccer goalie and a construction worker. We never are told why he was cast away from either of these avocations, nor are we provided any motivation for the killing that sets him further adrift. We don't really need to know, I suppose; this is a book about modern ennui, and the pleasure to be had in the reading of it--for lack of a better word--is in the evocation of Bloch's claustrophobic inner world and the way he relates his observations of the world around him to that strange inner place. The detailing of Bloch's perceived universe is penny plain, neither truly vivid nor obscure. It's an odd balance between the extremes of Henry James and Hemingway. And it can't be wholly said to be stream-of-consciousness either (in the Joycean sense) because too many of Bloch's inner thoughts have been left out by the omniscient narrator. We're never quite certain, but suspect Bloch may have a bit of amnesia. Or is simply in denial. Or a tad schizo.

That said, I can't say I was enamored of the book, but I can see why it has its admirers.

I saw Wim Wender's 1972 film adaptation about 20 years ago, so my memory of that is a bit vague. I seem to remember the goalie's anxiety being more explicitly depicted in the film as an actual incident in Bloch's life. That is, he is shown failing to deflect a shot on the goal. In the book, there is no such incident depicted (if it did happen, we are not told of it). The only time a goalie's plight is mentioned the goalie succeeds. That might be considered a spoiler, but really it's not--it does not alter the so-called plot one bit.

One never really gets the sense that Bloch is hiding out or caring whether or not he is captured for his crime. It is all an absurd universe, and the point is underlined by the fact that the police are combing the area of the Austrian border town not for him but for a missing local child and his possible killer. Bloch, an oddly oblivious stranger in town, ironically never seems to draw anyone's attention.

Most of the book details Bloch as he arises from bed, watches TV, has bizarre conversations and encounters with the denizens of the inn, drinks and listens to the conversations in a tavern, attends and falls asleep at the movies, tries to pick up girls in the street, walks around the town, kicks a dead weasel, and so on. Oftentimes we get hints of his disordered brain: his tendency to overdefine phenomena around him or to try to find karmic relations between unrelated things.

Every once in awhile, you stumble across a cool sentence such as, "He was talking with the postmistress...in a murmur that sounded to Bloch those passages in foreign films that are left untranslated because they are supposed to be incomprehensible anyway."

It's a sentence that probably well sums up the experience of reading this book.

(kevinR@Ky, with slight amendments in 2016)__in-my-collection _less-than-200-pages 2011-reads ...more34 s Brodolomi246 140

Nisam znao da je ovo toliko duhovito. Mada, kapiram da je i do mene i do mog smisla za humor, pošto sam jedan od onih kome je i Ludvig Vitgenštajn beskrajno vickast sa svojim bogatim crnohumornim paranoi?nim o?ajanjem a „Golmanov strah od penala“ je skoro kao krimi? napisan Vitgenštajnovom rukom. Od prvog pasusa i pokretanje radnje usled interpretacije vi?enog (a nije isklju?eno da je intrepretacija otkaza potpuno pogrešna) Jozef Bloh upada iz situaciju u gde je sve manje-više svakodnevno, ali je predo?eno iz takvog ugla da je sve vrlo, vrlo iš?ašeno pa nekako sve ispripovedano zve?i tu ru ru ru, pa ra ra ra, otkrivaju?i da su jezik, interpretacija, komunikacija, razumevanje vrlo pakleni i nesavršeni izumi. Ništa nije kako treba, a trebalo bi da bude. I tako Bloh ubija i ?kilji sa nepoverenjem u svoju stvarnost, a sa druge strane papira ?italac ubija i ?kilji sa nepoverenjem u zna?enje. Obojica dosta vide, a malo stvari "razumeju". Onda do?e taj kraj - šutnuta lopta završava ravno u golmanovim rukama – jedan od najzadovoljavaju?ih trenutaka u pisanoj literaturi. Koga briga da li je ubica ulovljen kada je harmonija ponovo uspostavljana?mesec-u-skorpiji romani33 s4 comments Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

366. Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter = GoalieÂ’s Anxiety At The Penalty Kick, Peter Handke
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De este libro solo puedo destacar el principio y el final el resto, para mí, ha sido la nada absoluta.
160 páginas interminables con un protagonista medio loco (o loco entero), repulsivo y violento. Entiendo lo que el autor quiere contar en esta novela pero no me gusta nada como lo cuenta, su estilo es demasiado frío y distante, excesivo en descripciones y situaciones que no llevan a ningún sitio.
Comparan este libro con El extranjero de Camus, y aunque ambos libros tratan temas parecidos yo me quedo con El extranjero sin ninguna duda.202034 s Jason28 1 followerRead

I wanted to re-read this book as soon as I finished it. I loved the movement of the whole thing and how it sat in my mind. I couldn't put it into any kind of category or reduce it.
After some pacing and deliberation, I stole this book from the Notre Dame library; they wouldn't let me get a library card and I really wanted to read it. The security guard wasn't at his post. I avoided the exit sensor gates by going out through the entrance. You couldn't open the entrance doors from the inside, so I had to wait for someone to come in and catch the door. My heart was beating a madman. It was fun.
I returned the book a couple months later (after I'd re-read it). 28 s Mary441 886

What a strange and unsettling book!

I have never heard of Handke before but was immediately struck by chords of Kafka and Hesse. The atmosphere of this story reeks with anxiety and a nervous, ominous tension that never lets up.

Early in the book the protagonist murders a woman. He spends the remainder of the time wandering aimlessly, overwhelmed with weird compulsions and distorted observations, slowly but surely losing his grip on reality. This book is one long, dark, brooding nightmare filled with images of cold and grey and dusk. Muffled crowds of people in smoky taverns, strangers on the street, skewed vision, a rapid decent into madness.

It was a delightfully unusual read.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3CHi_...26 s Ratko278 72

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Kaže Handke da ga volimo u Srbiji, ali ga ne ?itamo. Pa hajde to da promenimo, ovaj naslov mi zvu?i interesantno.

Najpre me podsetio na Kafku, a brzo zatim i na Stranca. Pripovedanje skoro bez ikakvih emocija, uz nejasnu motivaciju i apsurdne akcije glavnog lika ("montera Jozefa Bloha, nekada poznatog golmana") i kroz re?enice koje su potpuno ogoljene i pojednostavljene.

"Uve?e iza?e iz hotela i napi se. Kasnije se otreznio i pokušao da telefonira prijateljima; kako su oni mahom stanovali izvan tog grada, a telefonski aparat je samo gutao metalni novac, Bloh ubrzo ostade bez sitnine. Jedan policajac, koga je pozdravio misle?i da ?e ga time navesti da stane, nije mu otpozdravio." itd itd, otpri u takvom stilu.

Nema tu pri?e, ali to sam znao, nisam je ni o?ekivao od Handkea. Najbolji deo je ustvari u drugoj polovini ovog (jako kratkog) romana, kad kre?u igre re?i, disekcija re?enica i zapravo poprili?no zabavna jezi?ka gimnastika...

"Poštanska službenica sad podiže slušalicu i re? po re? izdiktira telegrafsku ?estitku. Na šta je aludirala? Šta se krilo iza re?i 'sve najbolje'? 'Srda?ni pozdravi' - šta je trebalo to da zna?i? Šta su skrivale te puste fraze? Ko se krio iza potpisa 'S ponosom, deda i baka'? Još tog jutra Bloh je, ?im je u novinama video mali oglas 'Zašto ne telefoniraš?' bio uveren da je posredi zamka.

Imao je utisak da je poštaru i službenici sve jasno. 'Službenici i poštaru,' ispravi se. Sad je i njega usred bela dana spopala ta morska bolest - igra re?i. 'Usred bela dana?' Zašto mu je pala na pamet baš ta fraza? ?inilo mu se da je izraz na neprijatan na?in šaljiv. Ali, jesu li ostale re?i u re?enici bile manje neprijatne: Kad ?ovek nekoliko puta ponovi re? 'bolest' na kraju joj se može još samo smejati. 'Spopala me bolest': smešno. 'Razboleo sam se': ništa manje smešno. 'Poštanska službenica i poštar'; "poštar i poštanska službenica': ništa nego vic. '?ovek ima utisak da su to sve samo natpisi,' pomisli Bloh."

Nakon prvog Handkeovog dela, nisam još otkrio zašto je dobio Nobelovu nagradu.european german sfrj23 s Matthew Ted862 849

18th book of 2023.

2.5? The Nobel Prize committee garnered a lot of controversy when they awarded Handke in 2019. Around that time I went online and saw a post saying, 'Have you read any books by Peter Handke?' and someone had commented: 'No, we were busy looking for our families and friends buried in mass graves he denied existed.' I won't go into the politics of the man, but I thought it would be wrong to avoid any mention of this.

And I actually read Handke a while back, a book called Absence, which I did not . This one was better, but frankly, I still don't think he stands as Nobel material (as far as I've seen: but then, I've never been hugely fond of the Nobel or their decisions). This one is essentially a revamped The Stranger/Outsider. There's a murder and some cold, lack of regret from our protagonist, Bloch. It's not that interesting, and fails to reach any philosophical peak Camus's novel. There's a tone that Handke captures that I found good, it does have a fervent and anxious energy, but that's it. Not hard to sustain that for under 100 pages. So, Camus did it better. And Camus was once a goalkeeper. So there. 1001-list-2006-ed 20th-century lit-writ-german ...more25 s Enrique448 226

La primera impresión al comienzo del libro fue que se trataba de un libro mal traducido. No entiendes la coherencia en ocasiones entre una frase y la siguiente, o un párrafo con el anterior.
La solución es que simplemente no hay que esperar tal coherencia, además y con independencia de lo anterior, he manejado una edición antigua de Alfaguara que efectivamente hacía traducción muy deficiente, que no ayuda con un libro tan complejo (ya llevaba buena parte del libro cuando percibí errores de traducción, errores gramaticales..mm..ya mala señal aunque decidí terminarlo).
El autor usa un estilo fragmentado con toda intención, salta de un lado a otro, juega con el lector, a veces suelta un flash, otras veces le da un poco de coherencia en alguna zona. Debe ser el lector el que deba componer este puzle o collage de un personaje con claros signos de ir hacia la locura.
Me ha recordado en cierto aspecto al Ulises y esa descripción de pensamientos, mezclados con lo que perciben los sentidos, o con la realidad inminente, ese baile loco de lo que la cabeza lleva en ocasiones, pero me da la impresión de que con un nivel de Handke no comparable al del maestro Joyce (muy a pesar de que el primero tenga nobel y el segundo no, cada vez tiene menos valor para mí este premio después de los últimos años). Valoro la intención innovadora de Handke, pero no he logrado conectar del todo.  23 s Xenia Germeni317 37

??? ????? ???? ???????? ?? 2018! ?? ??? ???? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ??????, ??? ?? ?????! ?? ????? ?????? ???? Gutenberg ??? ?? ????? Aldina! ? ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ??? ?? ?????????? ?????? ??? ???? ???????? ???????? ??????? ???? ???? ??? Handke. ?????????? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ????????, ???? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ?????. ? Handke ?????? ??????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????, ?? ?????? ????????? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ????????????, ????????, ????????? ????? ??? ????????. ?? ???? ??????? ? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????. ??? ? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ? ?????? ??? ??????? ????????. ? Handke ???????????? ??????? ???????? ?? ????????? ????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????? ? ???????? ????-?????. O Handke ?????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ?????? ???? ???????, ????????, ?????, ???????? ??? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ??? ?????????????? ???? ??? ????. ?? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ???????, ???? ??? ? ??????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ????????????? (https://no14me.blogspot.gr/2016/06/pe...) ??? ? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???????!21 s Steven Godin2,570 2,761

The reader's anxiety at trying to get through this!
Two-thirds of the way in I happily kicked it into touch.

Shouldn't even be mentioned in the same vein as Camus's The Stranger.
That was a masterpiece. This is not far from being a train wreck of a novel.

Won't put me off reading Handke again though, as it can't get as bad as this again surely?
Some of his other stuff has been pretty good, so there is still hope the next time I read him. austria fiction22 s Eylül Görmü?515 2,941

Bu sefer olmad? valla Peter Handke, hiç olmad?. Daha önce Handke'den "Çocu?un Öyküsü"nü okumu? ve çok etkilenmi?tim, biraz daha ha??r ne?ir olal?m dedim ve bu muhte?em isimli kitaba geçtim ancak kitaba dair muhte?em olan tek ?eyin ismi oldu?u kanaatiyle bitirdim. Ve baya da sinirliyim.

"Kalecinin Penalt? An?ndaki Endi?esi"nin arka kapa??nda ?öyle diyor: "'Yaln?zl?k', 'bo?luk', 'ili?kisizlik', 'dilin ili?ki gücü' gibi temalarla örülü, iyi edebiyat?n 'zor' metinlerine ilgi duyan okurlar?n büyük zevk alacaklar? bir ba?yap?t..." Valla edebiyat?n zor metinlerine ilgi duyan biriyim, fena da bir okur olmad???m? dü?ünüyorum ama bu de?il ya, bu da de?il art?k. Ba?lams?z bir iç s?k?nt?s? monolo?u gibi bir metin, ola?anüstü klostrofobik fakat bir yandan o Kafkaesk klostrofobinin zekas? ve lezzetini de bar?nd?rm?yor.

Müthi? dura?an, akmayan bir kitap. "Bo?"lu?un roman?ym??, ya yapmay?n, lütfen yapmay?n. Bazen baz? ?eylere biz anlam yüklüyoruz bence, yazar?n / sanatç?n?n kendisinin akl?ndan geçmeyen türde derinlikler icat edip "ola?anüstü!" filan diyoruz. (Ça?da? sanatla da derdim tam bu mesela.) Kitab? sevenlerin "sen ne anlars?n, çap?n yetmemi?" filan demesini göze alarak ç??l?k ç??l??a "kral ç?plak" diye ba??rmak istiyorum.

Ecnebilerin "pretentious" dedi?i ?ey tam da bu bence. Ba? karakterimiz Bloch sinemaya gidiyor, yola ç?k?yor, pazara gidiyor, otobüse biniyor, otelde kal?yor vs vs. Bütün bu s?radanl?k, ayn? ölçüde s?radan bir anlat?yla taraf?m?za sunuluyor. Ve buradan büyük manalar ç?karmam?z m? isteniyor? Postmodernitenin sanata etti?i en büyük kötülüklerden biri de bu oldu i?te: esteti?in sanatla ili?kisini koparmak. "Dilin bo?lukla ili?kisini anlat?yor"mu?; pekala, bunu estetik biçimde mi yap?yor, bir lezzet, bir yarat?c?l?k var m? bu metinde? Yok. O zaman bunu sanat eseri yapan ?ey nedir? "Öz"ünü yitiren sanat hala sanat m?d?r?

Sevenler sevmeye devam edebilir. Ben bu kadar?na asla yokum ve kabul etmiyorum ya. Gerçek edebiyat bu de?il. Düpedüz yavanl?k bu.19 s A. Raca753 158

"Genelde, ancak top kaleye at?l?rken fark?na var?r insan kalecinin."

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