
Collision de Peter Cawdron

de Peter Cawdron - Género: English
libro gratis Collision


Tunguska, Roswell, the Bermuda Triangle, the Mary Celeste... For hundreds of years, the danger of collision has been ignored as mere crackpot theories, until now, and now it's too late.

Collision is a short story commissioned by Vanquish Motion Pictures for development in film and television, and is the first in a series of character-rich, mystery-driven science fiction grounded in science fact.

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A fascinating and well written novella. Much more reminiscent of the first Cawdron I enjoyed so much - Anomaly

Solid narrator.own1 Courtney Nicole718 17

Not a bad little start to this novella set Don Oberg-Hauser43

I d the story but it was too short. Fortunately, he wrote a couple of additional stories to build on this one. Jason916

Collision is another stunning piece of writing from Cawdron, drawing you into yet another world of beautifully crafted characters that leave you so enraptured, it is hard to disengage and come back to reality.
In this short story (which is only part 1), Cawdron introduces us to Dr Callie, an American medical doctor working in rural China. We also meet Chen, Dr Callie’s best friend.
I do not want to give away any spoilers for this story as with all of Cawdron’s books, his plot is not on clever, but utterly compelling and so astounding that you won’t believe it.
Having said that, the two main characters are in the hospital they work when there is an incident that introduces them to some other characters, and this is when the adventure begins.
You will not believe how this unfolds or what Dr Callie and her friend uncover and what it leads to.
The scope of this story is un anything he has done before, and is exceptionally clever.
Even though this is a short story, Cawdron still manages to build such a remarkable back story, giving us a real feel for the environment that Dr Callie and Chen are working and living in. It is both beautiful and dangerous, and Cawdron describes it with such creative genius. He makes it so easy to read, captivating you and making you feel you are a witness to real life events, not just reading words on a page.
As usual, his characters are the standout, with astonishing depth, managing to make us feel we know the main character Dr Callie, and can feel each event as it is happening we are living through her. He gives you a real sense of the emotions the character is going through, her happiness, joy, amazement and fear. Cawdron writes characters so well that you understand each event as it is happening to the character, this combined with the feel for the environment, engages you in the story so deeply that you really ‘live’ his stories, watching the plot unfold from the main characters eyes you were actually there.
As with all his books, this is a must read, not to be missed. Even more so as this is potentially going to become an adaption for a movie, and as with all adaptions, it is far better to have read it first!! Andy Coleman664 12


This is a fantastic short story! It starts out in a hospital with a discovery, which turns out to be something else entirely. As I was reading it, I had the thought that this would make an awesome episode of a show Fringe (remember Olivia, Walter, and Peter?). In fact, the author states this story was commissioned by a movie company. After the success of turning Story of Your Life into Arrival, I would watch the hell out of this movie! Luis Gallardo36 2

Well this was disappointing. It's not badly written at all, it's just that the premise, or premises, have been done to death. Once I realized what was happening, I only kept reading hoping for an interesting conclusion, there seemed to be enough content left to hope for one, but then it all ends with a "to be continued" and the last 20% or so of the kindle file is promotional material for more of Cawdron's work (which isn't bad, I remember having read at least one other story by him which I enjoyed a lot*).
Then there's that portion dedicated to singing the virtues of American people which apparently are too good to be true for the Chinese secondary character. That was really weird and read one of those borderline scolding talks Kirk gave Spock about the superiority and uniqueness of humans, only here it's about the superiority and uniqueness of Americans.
And then there's the whole thing with the protagonist's ultra convenient parentage, which just feels lazy.
I don't know, as cheap as this episode was, I didn't really felt I got money's worth and I don't think I'll be buying the next one.

*Update: Well, turns out the short story I was thinking about when I wrote that, is actually by another writer. Turns out this is the first work by Cawdron I have ever read, even though I have bought and have loaded on my kindle a couple others I haven't gotten around to. So that's worrying, I may have been buying stuff based on having d something written by someone else.books-i-read-in-2016 Norma3,540 10

"He who cares"
A short but visually vibrant idea packed story from Mr.Cawdron. As always with his books, this first part of an excitingly strange (commisioned) science fiction story is beautifully written and so easy to read it races all-to-quickly to the dramatic conclusion. Yet the author still finds the time to give real life to his main protagonists, in particular to Dr. Callie, a U.S. surgeon working in a hospital in rural China. It is her realisation that one of her patients is not quite what he seems that pulls her, and us, the readers, into a terrifying discovery which will effect the whole world.
My thanks to the author from whom I received a complementary copy in exchange for an honest review. This I have given. I especially commend the Afterward notes which touch on the real life incidents mentioned in the book. Now I wait, with great anticipation, for a continuation of the series. Highly recommended Holly88 2

Love this. Would've had 5 stars except I couldn't get past the fact that a doctor is squeamish at the sight of a bloody burial ritual. Besides that it's a great book. Love this author. Seamus285

Another 'blinder' from Peter & this time the beginning of a possibly very big adventure!

I got to hand it to Peter Cawdron, he's one of a great of elite indie authors who keeps on astonishing me with each new work. Well guess what? Collision is exciting stuff, predominantly based on scientific facts and the first of an all new series!

Colby338 10

A fun science-fiction romp that turns in directions you will never anticipate. Great characters, intense storyline, and just a fantastically well written story. I can't wait for the rest of the story! Cmoore1,876

Another reason to Peter Cawdron! Alternate time lines and it's one of my favorite tropes... Gus Grubba17

Interest concept but main character is as able as an enema for breakfast. Come on Peter, you can do way better than that :P Pete156 1 follower

Loved the first installment of this series (only 48 pages), I hope the author continues the project. Interesting concept. Ralph209 1 follower

Waiting for the sequel . . . Lisa HapneyAuthor 1 book6

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