
Omega in the Light de Perdita, Zoe

de Perdita, Zoe - Género: English
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Overview: Zoe Perdita writes gay shifter romance because the only thing better than one hot shifter dude is two hot shifter dudes making out. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with a fluffy orange cat and a lively roommate. When she's not writing, Zoe likes to travel, read and play video games.

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Okay...this one I read less medicated.

I'm not sure if the first book did this or if it's particular to the characters in the second, but I had a really hard time getting past one annoying little detail. The author uses blinking to show the passage of time, i.e. "Simeon blinked three times then..." and "Simeon blinked twice before he..." over and over, forty-five times if my Kindle count is right. Beyond that and a few grammar annoyances, I enjoyed it, though perhaps not as much as the first ;-P

I loved Simeon. He's Elijah's brother, another omega wolf, and oh so damaged, but boy is he a super bad ass assassin. Even Elijah admits Si's skills surpass his own. Enter Zev, an alpha wolf who's not in the closet Rowan was but might as well be because he's been forced to live a lie for years so he could maintain the right image to lead his pack. We meet Zev because there's a contract out on him and guess who picked it up?

Ding, ding, ding! Simeon. Guess why he has trouble carrying it out? Yup, because they're mates. Now, it's not exactly the same plot as the first book, but it's damn close. Zev and Si play cat and mouse for a bit. At this point, I was about to get upset, thinking I was going to read the same book with different names, but the author switched it up on me. Thank Yue, the moon goddess.

Instead, the author meshes the two plots and has Zev and Si help Elijah and Rowan with the little problem they left unfixed from book 1. I did think this was clever, and I enjoyed the fight scenes here...up to a point. The main fight scene at the end--the Old One is captured and everything is going to shit. Of course we know they're going to get out of it, but this crazy rainbow magic power the Old One uses to make it happen wasn't explained very well, and that's a shame because it's at an integral part of the book.

I do think some things needed more explanation, but there were also hints that perhaps those answers will be given in the next installment. However, after reading the short sample that came at the end, I realize that it's yet another alpha sharing a mate bond with yet another omega, and even though this omega is supposed to have magical powers, I don't think it's a different enough theme for me to continue. Maybe. I don't know. We'll see.

2 s ~nikki the recovering book addict1,243 2

Love the strong omegas!

I’m very pleased to find another shifter series that champions omegas too. I mean, they are strong, if not stronger, than the alphas. The first book with Elijah had me envisioning Adam Rippon as Elijah. Glad to see so much Elijah here as well, except he wasn’t so sassy.

As for the two MCs here, Simeon and Zev were much more flawed and I love flawed characters because it gives them such interesting personalities to read and discover. I think Zoe Perdita invested more time in fleshing out these characters and I love her for it!

While I was a little apprehensive about the roles of Simeon and Zev and how their storyline kind of mimicked Elijah and Rowan, I’m happy to report that it’s not an exact copy/formula as book 1. Sure, Simeon is another omega assassin and Zev is very closely linked with Rowan in a way, and Simeon did have a contract on Zev, it didn’t play out book 1 so I’m happy.

The mission they were supposed to undertake in this book could have gone differently. I mean, for assassins, it seemed sloppy for them to not know what their mark looked . And it’s not no one has ever seen them. Elijah used to work for the guy, he could have described him rather than go in blind and simply kill people they assumed was Butcher. That portion of the story didn’t make sense. But otherwise it was a pretty solid story.

On to book 3!!kindle-unlimited mm-romance supernatural2 s Melissa PolkAuthor 8 books58

First, and most random: Lucky Strikes--what a blast from my past. Wow. Second: Simeon is the best and I love him. All his jagged edges made perfect sense to me and every heartache and uncertainty he felt was physically painful for me. What an amazingly written character. Seriously. I love him. The plot was interesting. Was not expecting what happened.. to.. happen. How's that for non-spoilery and vague? It does leave me wondering what the rest of the series will involve, though.

re-read: Simeon remains my very favorite. I adore him and this entire series.1 Plainbrownwrapper948 72

On the one hand, I d the detached, repressed, OCD, seriously screwed up MC Simeon. OTOH, I never really bought MC Zev's backstory -- I mean, seriously. You're an alpha. Grow a backbone.

Aside from Simeon, the plot and worldbuilding weren't enough to really grab me. I thought the narrative voice was good for the most part -- short sharp sentences that helped me feel Simeon's detachment from his emotions -- but it couldn't get me really excited either.mm1 ZK135 1 follower

abandoned ship at 16%
I'm not feeling the thrill. :/abandoned-ship1 MMCash32 1 follower

Zev est l’alfa de sa meute, chasser de chez lui, éloigner des siens afin de rétablir son honneur il fera une rencontre qui bouleversera son destin. Contraint par son père à se marier à une femme il va enfouir au plus profond de lui ses envies.
Simeon est le frère perdu d’Elijah (héros du T1), il a été embauché afin d’éliminer sa cible qui n’est autre que Zev. Mais à son contact il s’apercevra bien vite qu’il peut lui aussi être vivant, ressentir des émotions.

Pour ma part se fut une histoire brouillonne où je me suis perdue. Je ne savais pas qui était qui et qui faisait quoi avec qui.

Autant j’avais adoré le T1 autant que celui-ci je n’ai pas réussi à entrer dans l’histoire.

Donc pour ne pas pénaliser l’auteure, le roman et la ME, je ne mettrais pas de note.

Car si moi je n’ai pas accroché peut-être que d’autre y arriveront.

Edga1,861 25

I've been a fan of Ms Perdita's for a long time, and her shifter books are one of the few of this trope that I'll read.

This series is well written, with characters of depth who appear across the books. I love that they're grouped together in volumes, this way you don't have to wait impatiently for the next book.

I don't want to give away any details or spoilers, but having read both volumes 1 & 2 of The Lost Wolves, I can highly recommend the series, especially if you shifter stories. They're un other shifter books, in that they're gritty, full of action and mystery. All of the stories flow well, the characters are interesting and have a great connection with one another.

I definitely recommend these to anyone who enjoys MM, with a touch of the supernatural. Try out her other books too. R.M. GauthierAuthor 26 books835

I loved both the MC's in this story.

Two assassins coming together, one sent to kill the other one... sign me up! Face pace action with a mixture of raw animal tension make for another great read.

The men are hot, action great and sex is delicious.reviewed GossamerMyst217


I just did not want to put this book down until I finished it and still I wanted more about Simeon and Zev, these two will really pull you into their story ax they try to figure out a way past the demon that haunt them and the connection they can feel forming between them. I Can't Wait To Read More From This Author!! J441 12

Assassin brothers. Old ones (which is the part I want to understand better). Hebrew dessert wolf. Simeon Kane is an interesting character and would make a good case study. Katie1,291 3

3.5 stars. m-m m-m-shifter Lire-une-passion1,766 43

"?En résumé, c'est un second tome que j’ai autant aimé que le premier. En plus, en me renseignant sur la série, je me suis rendu compte qu'il y en avait 5, ce qui me réjouit et me fait penser que j’ai encore trois tomes avec Zev (en espérant que ce soit lui tout du long). En tout cas, concernant celui-ci, la passion entre Zev et Simeon est belle, quoiqu'un peu des fois explosive et sensuelle. Le chemin vers la liberté et l'acceptation de soi est proche pour Zev et c'est ce qu'on lui souhaite."

Chronique complète: http://lire-une-passion.weebly.com/fa... ElsReader84 2

Un deuxième tome rondement mené qui clôture l'intrigue du premier avec panache...

On y découvre Simeon Kane, le frère de notre fracassant Elijah. Un personnage aussi tourmenté, si ce n'est plus que son frère.... Quand on connaît leur passé, on ne s'étonne pas.

Et de l'autre côté, il y a Zev... Un alpha en disgrâce, qui est prêt a tout pour redorer son honneur... Enfin si l'assassin à sa poursuite lui laisse la vie sauve...

Alors je déplore encore une fois que le résumé nous dévoile tant de choses. Je crois que maintenant, je ne les lirai plus du tout, même plus en diagonale comme c'est souvent le cas.

Sinon, c'est agréable de retrouver également les protagonistes du premier opus. D'une plume et d'un style addictif et rythmé, l'auteure m'a encore une fois embarquée dans son univers. Un récit pimenté de scènes sensuelles où l'action et la découverte des deux personnages se mêlent en harmonie. Rien ne prend le pas sur l'autre. Un bon dosage qui m'a tenue en haleine tout le long. Je n'ai pas eu l'impression de temps mort, même si rien n'est précipité. Une intrigue dans la continuité et le rythme du tome 1.

J'ai résisté au bonus ! Mais je me demande ce qui va se passer dans ce troisième volume et sur qui il sera... Mais je veux la surprise ! Alors je vais être patiente et attendre. Lee Rey839 2

Zev and Simeon meet when Sim, an assassin more deadly than his brother yet not as well known, is hired to kill Zev. Yet something between stops him from committing the job. A growing attraction between them grows and they discover they are true mates, however Zev must overcome his traditions and expectations while he assists Sim in overthrowing a warlord to get a chance of true happiness. And Sim must overcome his past and learn to feel again. Enjee267 16

I thought Elijah was crazy, but his brother Simeon is even worse. Given the parental abuse suffered by the brothers described in the first book, it was to be expected. Si finds his mate Zev, a disgraced Israeli soldier now working as a merc, and is Si's current assassination target.
We learn more about the Old Ones, and the Butcher. We see lots of Elijah and Rowan, since the four of them team up to help save Maxim's kingdom. There is a scene with shackles during sex, and I sincerely hope the author Does Not turn this into a BDSM series, despite the current popularity of that sub genre. That's why I passed on several of this authors books, since I can't stand that BDSM stuff.

Next book in the series is Maxim and his mate. From author's blog:

" Currently: Omega's Destiny (Lost Wolves Book 3)

Tentative Release: December 29, 2014

When the bond to his mate was severed, Maxim never thought he’d see his lover again. Now he has a wife, a kingdom and a mess of responsibilities, but something is happening in his territory. Something holds the Old One’s barrier in place – a barrier that should’ve fallen. That something is his lost mate and his former omega, and the omega needs Maxim’s help."
favorites kindle mm-shifters Tonileg2,243 23

Lots of fantasy in the form on animal shifters, magical 'Old Ones' and mystical fated mating in this M/M Wolfshifter romance.
Although it is not very romantic, because this is the story about two very damaged men, one is a deep in the closet gay Alpha wolf from Isreal and another emotionally numb orphan Omega (small wolf) shifter who find love and their own demented HEA.
There is lots of road tripping and death threats mixed into the killing and violence in this story. Zev was understandable, but Simeon Kane was so damaged that it was hard to read his POV parts in the story. Zev is a simple man that is filled with love for his family and friends, whereas Simeon would have only been a cold hearted killer if he hadn't kept up his relationship with his older brother, Elijah who is in the first book in this series Omega in the Shadows.
This story is for people that fantasy, M/M sexy scenes and violence. I had a hard time with the violence portions because it was bloody with snapping necks and spraying blood.
304 pages and kindle freebie
3 starskindle m-m seriously-damaged-h-h ...more AyoDollFace387 5

Really d this book. I wanted to love it but every single time I read how many times Si blinked I wanted to scratch my eyes out. He blinked twice. He blinked 5 times. He blinked once. Really, did we need to know how many times him blinked every time it happened. I thought maybe there was something I was missing that the author was trying to tell me, that his blinking and how many times he did it kept being forced on me to recognize. I thought he was maybe gonna start having visions or a second sight but no go. He was just freaken blinking...

On another note. Looking forward to Max's book !! Ashley D1,282 10

Zev is running from his past, while trying to make up for a mistake that cost him his previous life. Simeon is hiding from his past, but when their paths cross, they must learn to look beyond their past to fix the their present. Zev is a mercenary and Simeon is an assassin, the story pretty much cares on from the first book and follows the same basic plot. Its a different take on the shifter aspect, with the "Old Ones," protecting the territories of the shifters from humans. Overall not a bad book.19-sh-recs m-m-fiction Denise White1,827

Another winner!!

Another winner...I just love this author's take on the shifters... it's not the "insta love" most paranormal stories and it works!!! I just loved Simeon he was funny in his own way.. and just as vulnerable....Zev was perfect for him and I d how they came to understand and love each other... Great job Zoe!! Off to the 3rd book!! Mary Devereaux124 4

Loved Zev and Si so much more than Elijah and Rowan. In fact, Si is now one of my all time favorite characters.
If you read the first book and are on the fence about buying this one, jump off the fence and do it. You'll be happy you did. Jaime92

Started this right after #1 in the series and this was great too! This story picks up after the last but introduces new characters that the first book had mentioned. I really enjoyed it and moved onto the 3rd. Henna566 32

Assassins. Mercenaries. Impossible mission. Complicated pasts. Steamy romance. Yeah, I got what I came for; this got me nicely out of the 'unable-to-finish-books' slump that I had.

I would recommend to those who enjoy M/M paranormal romance and assassins/mercenaries.adult glbt own-ebook-copy ...more RoseAuthor 27 books41

AWESOME! another good one! I finished it right after the first one and loved every minute of it! I enjoyed getting to see the first couple as well! exciting, thrilling! twists and turns but fun with some angst! can't wait to start the next one! Tammy1,184 29

This is a really good interesting series! Andrea2,785 15

2nd read 1/2017
Quick and enjoyable with great characters Mak728 27

4.3 stars. Sarah524 9

I wasn't sure what to expect with this book, but I definitely got more than I imagined. Great mixture of humor, violence, romance and heroes with haunted pasts.kindle-lendables read-male-male Debby1,002 1 follower

What a fun ride

I loved this book. The characters were a riot, the plot fast paced and exciting. I recommend you read book one first though this book can be read as a stand alone. Katherine350 8

I d this book better than the first one. I need to read book 3.
3.5 stars Ash610 45

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