
Killing Coast de Pauline Rowson

de Pauline Rowson - Género: English
libro gratis Killing Coast


Pauline Rowson Publisher: Ingram Distribution, Year: 2012 ISBN: 9781780102276,9780727881441

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Apologies for taking so long on this different but very intriguing crime thriller. I confess to having poor experience of marine lifestyle. Nevertheless despite the slow start I am very much into this novel and constantly wrestling with my other responsibilities in order to pick up from where I stopped. Loving the scenarios of cop with excessive family responsibility ( Cantelli has FIVE children on a cop's salary! ) and cop with dysfunctional family background (Horton is still searching for answers about the where about of his single mother who vanished without trace several years ago.)
I still have about 40% of the book left but I am recommending this book to you all. It's definitely a winner.
I found the later half of this book extremely thrilling with a strong magnetic pull. Unable to drop it till the very end. Highly recommended. Amanda Davies32

I’m not sure I d this book. I read the large print version so maybe it had been cut to fit in a certain number of pages - but there seemed to be some continuity issues. Plus there was plenty over explaining, constant mention of character traits or full names already.

Though for me the biggest disappointment was the ending - I felt so cheated. Not only could it been resolved better - but the whole story didn’t fit with it. There were no reader clues throughout the narrative to suggest there was more than one suspect, and no reason at all within the narrative to reach the conclusion it did.

The reason why I gave two stars and not one is that I d DC Horton’s backstory and there is a possibility that I read a shorter version of the book - but with such a cheating ending I don’t feel I want to risk another book in the series for fear of disappointment.crime investigation Andrew630 4

Overall I rate this as a good read. It took me a while to cope with the frequent introduction of new characters, but once in to the story, I found I had to keep going.

The main plot developed some interesting twists and turns, with the hint of suspicion moving on throughout. It builds to an interesting dénouement.

What I found more difficult to follow was the sub-plot involving the past of the central detective. Perhaps I have missed out, having not read any other books in this series. However, I will make time in the future to read more books by this author.

library-loan Lindsay Aly4

Listened to this as an audio book on my commute to work. I couldn't wait to finish it. I very quickly got sick of "perhaps he did it because...", "perhaps this was why he was murdered...", "perhaps...[some ridiculously convoluted stab in the dark]. It was so dull. I couldn't have cared less by the end. In fact, as soon as the killer was revealed I ejected the CD and took it back to the library. Didn't bother with the last chapter. Susan Leary56 1 follower

I did not know this was a series till I started it. Usually I read books in order (OCD) but I kept reading and I really d this. I d the inspector very much. I will be reading more of her work, I think. Ray Heaton14 1 follower

This was an entertaining but none too taxing read! Sort of book to read when something rather light is needed. The story/plot was okay, if a little too convenient at times. Trish Feeney86 3

I d it and will try another in this series.
It was a bit confusing at times with references to Andy's past.
All in all a decent read. Suzanne338 3

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