
Enemy of the Crown de Paul J Bennett

de Paul J Bennett - Género: English
libro gratis Enemy of the Crown


What hope have so few against so many?

Halvaria. The very name conjures images of a vast empire, determined to rule the world of Eiddenwerthe.

For over a thousand years, their mighty armies have crushed all who opposed them. Now, it's poised to complete the Great Dream, the conquest of the entire Continent. Their legions stand ready to march, the navy prepared to sweep their enemies from the seas. All that remains is to secure their western border by subjugating an upstart kingdom of mercenaries.

With the threat of Halvaria looming, Merceria is forced to send warriors to their allies, leaving them with little to safeguard their borders. Barely united by a fragile peace, the four kingdoms battle civil unrest that threatens to destroy everything from within, leaving them ripe for invasion.

There is no turning back. The might of the world's greatest empire lies on the cusp of annihilating its newest enemy! Merceria will do everything in...

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Another outstanding chapter in the Crown series! This is a look inside the workings of Halvaria, with intrigue and politics playing key roles in what may or may not happen next. The Halvarian Empire is on the verge of invading Merceria and her allies with an overwhelming army, while Beverly, Aldwin and Aubrey are lost somewhere in the Petty Kingdoms. Arnim and Nikki are being held prisoner by the Empire. And spies are everywhere – but who are they? Can the Mercerians stop the invaders? Will Halvaria attack the Dwarves and force Gerald to commit more troops, thereby weakening any response to protect Merceria? Will the lost trio make it to a welcoming place and find their way home? Will Arnim and Nikki be used as pawns in an internal Halvarian struggle for power? So many questions and more as the tale unfolds. Ray162

This book focused more on a new-to-us nation, Halveria, and people and places there and not so much on Merceria. Mr. Bennett has applied his exceptional world-building talents into creating this new-to-us, huge, powerful nation, bent on world domination. And, it seems they have the resources and chops to get the job done, all very much at the expense of Merceria and her allies. But, wait! It’s not that simple (and what is in a Bennett book?). Wonderfully delicious twists and turns are to be served to the reader and, no doubt, savored by same.

A fast-paced and engaging book and worthy addition to the Crown series.

I did not receive this book for free in order to post a review, good or bad. I paid my own hard earned money for it. Thus, if I hadn’t d it, I would have told you so, without any reservations whatsoever. Ramona Harris373 18

Halvaria is in the process of planning the destruction of Merceria. The Mercerians are in the process of planning to prevent the destruction of their country. The Dwarves of Stonecastle and of Ironcliff are preparing for sieges by the Harvardians. Merceria has sent help to both towns to keep the Halvarians from overrunning them, then laying siege to them, and allowing the rest of their legions to simply bypass the towns and destroy Merceria. Mister Bennett has once again written an excellent book which is well worth reading. If you haven't read the other 10 you should before you read this one, they really make better sense reading them in order. They're all excellently written and well worth the reading... Denzel Struchen 276 4

Paul has written the start of the culmination of the series. When an accident occurs trapping Beverly, Hayley and Aldwyn in the Petty Kingdom's and the truth about the power of Halverians, who stand between them and home, you have a disaster. Now the Halverian's have massed thier Army and Navy to destroy Merceria in an unexpected winter battle, who will win? Paul Bennet's skill at crafting a tale that will keep you engrossed continues to grow, and this one won't let you down.
Book received has an Advanced Reader for editorial review. Barry116 1 follower

Enemy of the Crown, the 12th installment of Paul J. Bennett's Heir to the Crown Series, continues the story of Queen Anna. It is faced paced, action packed, and well written, continuing to slowly meld together his other main series with this one. He uses chance encounters between different series' characters and references to various locales from the other series to bring the whole of Eiddenwerthe into one overarching story. I always look forward to the next installments of each of his series as all are excellent! Kathy Archambeau138

Paul J Bennett is my new favorite author

Another exciting tale in the Enemy of The Crown series, and the adventure just gets Better and more satisfying!
War is coming to Mercería from unknown enemies with magic, mages and Gerald , Anna and the whole nation team up with Orcs, Norlanders and Kurathions to withstand invasions into the lands of the Dwarves.
I couldn't put this book down!
Highly recommend! Barbara Raue147 2

Aubrey, Beverley and her husband Aldwin are transported way past where they had hoped to go. They search for a town or city so that they can figure out where they are in location to their home in Merceria. There is a tournament which could provide some needed cash. Troops are sent from the Queen to help in two different areas that are being attacked by Halvaria. Lots of action from beginning to end. Annemarie 655 12

With so much happening in different locations, will Merceria be able to withstand the invasion from Halvaria? Will this coming invasion be a big enough threat to finally unite the Four Kingdoms and put an end to their petty squabbles?
The suspense is really building up now. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

I received a free Advance Reader Copy of Enemy of the Crown from the author and have chosen to leave a review.fantasy-epic favourite-authors Luc595 1 follower

As everything in life boils down to power, money and the ingrained idea that one must complete or advance his father's agenda, Helvaria's ruler Nevarus is not different but he is also feeding his son and heir's mind with all that misinformation.

Being conquerors, this nation turns its head to a small country called Merceria they must have it.
However the Mercerian army general is currently lost in another part of the Realm and God only knows where they are located .

There is a well hidden power struggle inside the empire where conspirators gather in small cliques in order to promoter their individual agendas with misinformation that the Emperor acts upon.

This author never ceases to use his gift fuelled by strategic moves, no doubt based on his life in the military, to write a great story about war, alliances, power, treachery, discrimination and magic that makes this book a great read, although long. I recommend it and would award it a rating of 5 Stars if there weren't those lengthy sections that the reader (me) skips over as not to lose the unraveling story. michelle jenkins64

You've done it again

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I have lived each and every one of these books, leaving it on an amazing cliffhanger, only to realise that I have to wait till 2025. I better be around to read this or i swear I will come back to haunt you paul. Brilliantly written as always Jill Gauger1,194 11

Amazing as always. Paul has given us a insight to the Halvarian Empire and what drives them. A twist you never saw coming was with Beverly, Aldwin and Aubrey ending up in the Petty Kingdoms after a failed spell by Revi.
The world building is fantastic and the possibilities with crossover characters something I would love to see. Here’s hoping and I can’t wait for the next book. Quilting Tangent399 4

An epic fantasy war series, that is unpredictable and interesting. It is a good story with wonderful characters, that has long drawn out sections. Very complex war plans are discussed and put into motion. Can Merceria and their allies stand against the giant Halvarian Empire? Tina Lincoln207 2

Excitement to the Last Page!
Another wonderful addition to this series!
War of the Lands!
Thank you Paul J Bennett for another great book that you can't put down!
I received a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest review.action action-packed easy-to-read ...more Dennis406 4

Another amazing book in the Heir to the Crown series. As always, a wonderfully told story with all the amazing characters I've grown to love...or love to hate. Looking forward to the next! Helen Schultz27

So many irons in the fire. Suspense builds up for the action you know is coming, and leaves you on the verge of the coming war. Don Hinckley14

Great story. Lots of action and intrigue. I always enjoy the books in this series. Phyllis Yasutake28 1 follower

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