
An Amish Christmas Journey de Patricia Davids

de Patricia Davids - Género: English
libro gratis An Amish Christmas Journey


Their Holiday Adventure
Toby Yoder promised to care for his orphaned little sister the rest of her life. After all, the tragedy that took their parents and left her injured was his fault. Now he must make a three-hundred-mile trip from the hospital to the Amish community where they’ll settle down. But as they share a hired van with pretty Greta Barkman, an Amish woman with a similar harrowing past, Toby can’t bear for the trip to end. Suddenly, there’s joy, a rescued cat named Christmas and hope for their journey to continue together forever.
Brides of Amish Country: Finding true love in the land of the Plain People

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I just can't get behind this book. I think it's horrid. Uncle Morris abused his four nieces. Not only did he beat them, but he destroyed their souls with ugly words and insinuations. He was verbally and physically abusive. Up into their teens! Not only when they were little. They finally escaped to go live with their grandfather.

The whole message of this book is that they have to forgive him and take him into their home and care for him because he is sick.

Fuck this shit. You do not have to care for your abusive relative who beat you and verbally abused you.

But he's family!

How many times have I heard this? Innumerable. And people think it means that they have to be loving and accepting and forgiving to toxic, abusive individuals who are shit. You do not. Do you hear me? You do not. Cut people this out of your life. There's no reason the Barkmans have to accept, welcome and care for this man. Sure, he's too old and frail to whip them anymore, but he still does other things lies about them, shames and humiliates them, etc. etc. This is NOT a turn-the-other-cheek situation. I can't believe the author is saying to take him into their home. One of them is pregnant! Would you allow this man around you, much less CHILDREN?!!

I can't tolerate it. This book is promoting a very dangerous and damaging message. Christianity is one thing, letting Woody Allen in a house with young girls is another. I can't get behind this 'let your abuser back in your life' thing, it's wrong, sick, and very damaging to everyone in the house. Maybe could cause irreparable damage and soul-death.

Amish Romance
Contemporary Romance
Holiday/Christmas Romance
Inspirational Romance
Virgin Hero
Virgin Heroine american-author christian fiction ...more25 s Shirley Chapel644 132

This is not a newly released book . It was written in 2014 by Author Patricia Davids. I’ve been eyeing it for a long time but the timing for me to read it was never the right time until now. Since I’m starting my Christmas reading for this year I choose this book to begin it. I thought the cover was attractive and pictured a peaceful setting. The fact that it’s written by one of my favorite authors was also a definite draw to the book.

I’d say the theme or main point of the book that the Author focused on would be abuse and forgiveness. The main character and the supporting characters all had things in their past that still controlled them. Even the youngest one who at an early age bore the scars of her hurting past. Some of the characters were called on to forgive an abusive member of their family when their past came back to live with them. Sweet Romance came before the characters were ready to embrace it. All in God’s good timing.

The first half of this book deals with making sacrifices to help another family member, although at first they only help because of obligation. Then in the second half of the book the Christmas season comes and with it forgiveness and it’s all tied up in a beautiful ending. I found myself near tears at the books ending. When a book can do this to me it’s because I’m totally into the story and it’s a five star rating. I absolutely loved this book with a strong Spirit of God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas.

I recommend this book to readers of Amish Fiction and for those who enjoy reading Christmas books. It can be read as a stand alone.

I downloaded this book from a digital Library. I have been honest in my comments and feelings about this book and all thoughts and opinions about it are entirely my own.amish-fiction christmas-books18 s Kav3,308 1,738

Best line in the whole book: "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." That's advice Greta is given early on in the book and it sets the tone for this inspiring story. Love the concept of Toby and Greta's Christmas journey. I could see parallels with the Wise Men's journey of old. Both present and past seekers are searching for truth and the peace finding it can bring. Appropriately for both Toby and Greta, that peace comes from finding true forgiveness. Such a powerful story of coming to terms with loss and having the courage to move on from it. The sweet romance adds a deeper dimension to an already moving tale. An Amish Christmas Journey brings the true meaning of Christmas to life. A 'novel' addition to any seasonal reading list -- especially if you are an Amish fan.3 s Shirlene417 Read

Toby Yoder had promised his sister, Marianne, that he would never leave her after their parents died in a house fire. He was taking her to their aunt's house in Pennsylvania to live after she got out of the hospital. She had been burned on her face and neck and suffered from smoke inhalation.
Greta Barkman's uncle was in the same hospital after suffering a heart attack. He was going to his brother's house to live out the last few months of his life. There was nothing more that could be done to save him.
Greta and her sisters had suffered abuse by him after the death of their parents. Greta had been beaten and called 'mouse' by him for years. They had finally been found by their grandfather and taken in. Greta had been chosen to travel to the hospital to get him. She and her uncle shared a van with Toby & his sister and another family.
They stopped to get something to eat and to give her uncle a chance to take a walk when they happened to run across an abandoned cat. The cat was in the engine when the car started and had been hurt. They took him to a vet while the van driver took the other family to their destination. He came back to pick the four up. They had gone into the diner and learned that the lady died who had been caring for the stray cat. The cat had been called Christmas. Christmas needed stitches in her neck and her ear had been cut off a bit. The cat had been known to be able to tell when her owner was having an attack of some sort. He stayed close to Uncle Morris. They noticed that he seemed to be able to make them aware of when Morris was having trouble with his heart.
Toby and Greta stuck to the back of the van and talked. They got to know each other and found themselves attracted to each other. Marianne seemed to Morris although he still belittled Greta. Toby noticed how she was being treated and supported her staying away from him. He tried to boost her spirits and give her strength to tolerate his comments.
They arrived and Greta's home and a snow storm hit. The van was leaving when the cat jumped on the driver and caused him to wreck the van. They all ended up staying at Greta's grandfather's home until they could get the van repaired. It was almost a week before they could get to the car.
On the day before Christmas, Morris had one of his attacks and knocked over a gas lantern. This caused a fire and scared Marianne quite a bit. Toby had wanted to stay with Greta but was afraid to now because of Greta. He felt she needed to be around her family so he took her home after the van was fixed.
He helped get their things out of the house after the fire and the neighboring Amish families came to help rebuild. They stayed in their barn where they housed their sheep while the rebuilding was taking place. Greta cried when he and Marianne left.
It was a short time later when Marianne told Toby that she missed Greta and her family. Toby was thrilled to take her back. Greta was missing him to and didn't think she'd ever see him again when he and Marianne were spotted walking down their driveway.
Greta had talked with Morris who finally admitted that he had lied and told their grandfather that the girls had been left to him by their mother when she had asked him to get them to their grandfather. Morris had at one time been in love with their mother and was jealous of his brother. He abused the girls on the excuse that he was making them stronger individuals. Greta found a way to forgive him for his behavior towards her. Especially after he admitted to lying to their grandfather.
Toby came back and asked Greta to marry him. She told him that she was in love with him too and agreed. She wanted to be a counselor to other Amish women who were being abused and the bishop of their church agreed to help. He thought it was a good idea for the women to learn what abuse was. Many didn't know and kept their treatment to themselves.
Marianne was embarrassed of the scars left from the burns but learned that the other in both her Amish family and Greta's were quick to accept her as she was. She soon became the happy child she was before the fire that took the lives of her parents. 2 s Kristin33

"An Amish Christmas Journey" is literally an incredible journey . A journey of renewal, healing, forgiveness,repentance, faith and love. It is where we encounter characters that we immediately fall in love ( Greta Barkman, Toby Yoder and his sister Marianne) with and another character that we hesitate to at all (Uncle Morris). It is a story where 2 families come together and form a special bond that impacts their lives forever. An unforseen "accident" (in reality more than 1) brings them together.
This story also deals with an extremely sensitive issue. An issue that we tend not to think happens in the Amish community, but actually does. I am not going to spoil the book~~you will have to read it to find out.
Both Greta and Toby are on an emotional journey~~one of healing and redemption. Both characters help each other to overcome deep obstacles that have been placed in their path. Their faith carries them through and makes them realize how important family is and how much they really mean to each other.
I found this story to be so inspiring, uplifting and intriguing. I could hardly put the book down and it certainly was a quick read. I wish to applaud Patricia Davids. I loved this book and would highly recommend it.2 s Marilyn1,088

An Amish Christmas Journey is not your typical Amish romance story. Greta Barkman and her sisters had suffered by the hand and words of their Uncle Morris. Toby Yoder will not leave his younger sister Marianne after the tragedy that took their parents. A van transporting them to their respective communities with unexpected happenings brought forgiveness, healing, new beginnings, renewed faith and romance. This is a wonderful story for the Christmas season with the characters understanding the true meaning of it in their own lives.

I purchased this book from a used store, thus a review was not required. All thoughts expressed are my own.2018 christmas love-inspired-amish1 Pamela Pavkov1,234 14

An Amish Christmas Journey is a wonderful story written by Patricia David's. The characters are life and the journey we are taken on in this story keeps the reader wanting more. I had a hard time putting it down.

When Toby and Greta meet at the hospital for different reasons they become fast friends. As they travel in the same van to their destinations they find they have alot in common. When the van starts having problems, what will that mean for them? Can the problem be corrected and still get them to there destinations on time? What does a yellow tiger kitten have to do with the van breaking down?

There are alot of twist and turns in this story and it creates a wonderful story especially at Christmas. I highly recommend this book to all those who love the Amish genre and romance. Will Toby and Greta find true love or does the distance between them grow?

I was not given a complimentary copy of this book for review. I have rated this book with five stars for a wonderful story. All opinions and statements are strictly my own.

Congratulations to Patricia David's on a great Christmas story. I will be watching for her next release.1 Maryann Skaritka430 5

Greta Barkman is planning to have a wonderful Christmas with her three sisters and her grandparents in Hope Springs. Her world is turned upside down when she is asked to pick up and bring back her sick Uncle Morris from Fort Wayne.

Uncle Morris has physically and verbally abused these four sisters and they have been enjoying peace again until now.

The hired van journey finds Greta meeting Toby Yoder and his young sister Marianne. They are going to Pennsylvania to live with relatives after the tragic death of their parents. A sweet cat aptly named Christmas joins the journey.

Greta learns to be a victor instead of a victim. She learns the power of love and forgiveness.

Toby and Greta discover the true meaning of love, faith and trust. I loved reading how their relationship developed.

Marianne was my favorite character. Your heart broke for her and you feel giving her lots of hugs! She also had a heart for others.

Join this journey and enjoy this sweet holiday story full of love and hope.1 Ellen212

After having fled the home of an abusive uncle and experiencing the loving home of her grandfather, she is sent to bring back the ailing uncle. Why does she have to go? Why can't someone else attend him? Also in the English driven van are a family going partway and a man with his scarred young sister going beyond her stop. And then they rescue an injured cat.
Is the uncle repentant or just as mean and cruel as before? What affect does the cat have on the van riders? Will the girl feel safe to unveil her scars? What happens when she gets home with the uncle? Will she ever see the man and his sister again?
Come along for the ride from near Fort Wayne, IN to the fictional community of Hope Springs outside Millersburg, OH.
Author's quote: Forgiving...can be very difficult....but without finding that strength within ourselves we can remain victims and not victors.finished1 C Janet 408

Beautiful ChristmasStory

Greta Barkman has a long history of abuse from her father. Her and her sisters finally move in with her grand parents and begin to heal. The family gets a call that their Uncle Morris is dying and needs family to take care of him. All are unhappy to be around him again especially at Christmas time. Greta leaves to pick her uncle up and bring him back. While traveling she meets Toby and sister Maryann. Through unusual weather Toby and maryanne have to stay with her family.
Can the girls and their Uncle Morris forgive and love each other. Can Toby and Greta find happiness?amish-fiction1 Carrie SchmidtAuthor 1 book426

Sweet story of finding love in unexpected places and finding forgiveness for unexpected people. Familiar characters from the Brides series make appearances as well as new characters that very much add to the already-established mix. Full of humor, heart, and a little bit of sass, An Amish Christmas Journey will also tug at your emotions in the very best way.

(I checked this book out from my library and as always this is only my honest review.)amish-mennonite christmas-fiction contemporary ...more1 Gineke135

One of my favourite books in the series. It starts with a simple journey, but you quickly realise that the lives of the characters are about to be turned upside down.

As a reader, I had trouble believing this book would be able to have a happy end, especially when glancing at how many pages there were left. But I was surprisingly relieved when matters where resolved, which goes to show how engaging this book is.1 Kate1,650 52

This wasn't the usual boy-meets-girl-falls-in-love-lives-happily-ever-after story. I that it was different, how Greta and Toby met under unusual circumstances, and knew they would have only a short time together. Of course, the story did not end up playing out how it originally looked it would, and there was a lot of room for character growth. (Onkel Morris really surprised me, for one!) All in all, a satisfying read.
3.5 stars1 Brenda905

I culled this book for a bag of donations to read myself before adding it to my LFL's. It's out of my normal genre's but for some reason it called to me. Now I find myself wanting to go back to a simpler time! To be snowed in with loved ones, baking and crafting etc. lol! I'm sure Id only enjoy this fantasy for a couple of days but right about now, in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, it sounds really good ;)20181 Bonnie934 4

I enjoyed reading An Amish Christmas Journey one of the Brides Of Amish Country series by Patricia Davids. Every time I read a Amish book I learn more about their lives. An Amish man raising his three nieces abuses them. There is a lot going on in this book. A must read. I would recommend it. 1 April Suter1,381 11

Greta travels to bring her uncle from Fort Wayne area to their Hope Springs so the family can care for him since he has heart problems. It is hard to do this when he was so unkind and cruel to her and her sisters growing up. The trip becomes bearable with two other travelers: sweet Marianne and her brother, Toby.1 Lynn Grier214 8

An Amish Christmas Journey by Patricia Davids is one of my favorites. Her stories have meaning, happiness and forgiveness rolled all in one. She is one of my favorite authors and look forward to each book. This one has a cat named Christmas which you will enjoy. Thank you Patricia for this wholesome and wonderful book. books-read-in-20151 Aida10 1 follower

It was a good book about forgiving those who have caused deep pain in our lives and how we need to find forgiveness. Even those people have been broken. I enjoyed the love story and how a traumatized little girl managed to find healing. 1 Ruth F. Creamer44 1 follower

An amish Christmas journey

I especially enjoyed this book. Abuse is rarely talked about in families and it is more common than we can imagine. I enjoyed the way the story evolved and ended up in such a wonderful way.1 Diane2,318 18

As another Barkman sister struggles to overcome the trauma of her past as she must come face to face with the perpetrator of her misery and rise above the hate in her heart. Greta is the only Barkman sister who can accompany her dying Uncle Morris back to Hope Springs. I empathized with all four of the fear and pain the siblings suffered at the hands of their uncle and their lesson in forgiveness was especially poignant to me because I struggle with forgiveness myself. Toby and Marianne’s characters are a much needed balm at a chaotic time in Greta’s life and their story is endearing, especially at this time of the year. I enjoyed this Amish Christmas adventure very much. Sandra Berman11

Need an editor

There are so many typos it interrupts the flow of the story- also incorrect names on occasion that you have to stop and think about who’s really talking or who are they really talking about. Otherwise the story is wonderful!

Not my favorite of Davids but I did love Christmas the cat. Rachel371

Easy to read Amish fiction with a happy ending. I enjoyed reading the journey but had a hard time with the uncle. Lindsay328 6

So I received this book as part of the Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange. (In my profile, I had listed a "strange fascination with the Amish" and reading as part of my interests.) I was surprised that my Santa actually picked this out for me, (1) because I'm sure most Redditors are guys and (2) it's not something I would have ever picked up myself. I'm more of "Beverly Lewis and Cindy Woodsmall and that's it" reader of Amish stories, because the rest tend to not be as well-researched or have as good of writing.

That being said, I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It was interesting, with a good story, and it seemed to be well-researched for its setting. It was a little short, but it was a pleasant story overall, with a happy ending. Plus it has a cat named Christmas in it, so who doesn't that?! Darlene TordayAuthor 3 books3

Loved this story. Great pacing of meeting and growing to then love each other. Well written characters and plot make this the kind of story I enjoy reading. I couldn't put it down and wished I had more free time to read. Lorie217 54

I was glued to this book during the journey but after they got home the book took off what seemed to me too fast and I lost interest. Still enjoyed the book.amish-fiction christmas library-e-book Harlequin Books17.2k 2,763 Read

received 4 stars @ RT Book Reviews
Miniseries: Brides of Amish Country2014-17 love_inspired Harlequin Books17.2k 2,763 Read

received 4 stars @ RT Book Reviews
Miniseries: Brides of Amish Country2014-17 largeprint MaryAnna Hunt6

Good writing

I choose a five star rating because I truly enjoyed each characters growth throughout the book. I would recommend it to any Amish fiction reader. Jeanie Harper648 3

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