
World War Mars 2 de Partlow, Rick

de Partlow, Rick - Género: English
libro gratis World War Mars 2


A battle won, a war begun.

General Bradstreet and the American forces on Mars have defeated the incursion by the insectoid Seekers, but at a heavy cost. The Morrigan is nearly out of reaction mass and can’t make it back to Earth, both landers have been destroyed and they have greater than fifty percent casualties. They’re stranded on Mars, saved only by the shelter of the Visitor ship.

Until, miraculously, help arrives in the form of a new alliance with the French Coalition government, which provides a resupply ship filled with food, fuel, and reinforcements…both US Marines and French Special Forces. They’re saved.

Or so they think.

But can the French be trusted or do they have ulterior motives? And can their own people be depended upon to do the job when they ignore the advice of the veterans of this Martian war?

Tom Bradstreet and Marine Sgt. Brent Parker face threats from within and without as they try to decide who their allies really are…and prepare to defend the Visitor ship from the next wave of attacks.

Because the Seekers are still out there, and they still want the Visitor with the fervor of a religious jihad. And the real question is…who’s behind them?

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Well, if you d all the fighting in the first book, you’re going to love this installment. Marine Corps Sgt. Brent Parker has had his hands full with fighting not only the Russians, but also some weird space aliens that showed up through another portal they created near planet Mars. He’s managed to survive, but there have been lots of casualties and he doesn’t see a point where it’s going to stop. Even with the French *Voyageur* ship that came with additional supplies and some much needed combat personnel. Included in that personnel resupply was an entire new company of Marines lead by Major Mack Bailey. Major Bailey turned out to be very full of himself with on actual combat experience to back anything he said up. His first action was to ensure that Captain Amanda Skinner was relieved of whatever was left of her former company. She was told that due to her experience inside the alien medical device, the brass no longer trusted her to command anything. Major Bailey also relieved Master Gunnery Sergeant Ricard Velazquez and himself of their positions and told them they weren’t needed any longer.

So now the Captain, her former 1st Sgt. and Brent had nothing to do. Except they knew there was nothing stopping the aliens from opening a new portal and invading Mars again, only this time they would come in force. They had found out that their normal rifles didn’t do much against the alien’s armor so they were busy trying to adapt captured weapons of the aliens that would put them down. Sgt. Parker also met Sgt. Nicolette (Nico) Morceli of the French Special Forces. They kind of hit it off immediately together and this was to soon pay dividends big time for Sgt. Parker.

Meanwhile other alien forces were at work. There appears to some kind of entity called the Monitors that is advising various factions of aliens all determined to capture the sacred ark or the crashed alien space ship on Mars. They believe it is a very ancient religious artifact in which they are entitled to and not these humans whom they consider barbarians. The first alien attack was part of the “Seeker” contingent. These were truly aliens and had nothing in common with humans. Now there was a second group called the “Blessed” and they were also attempting to obtain the ark (space craft) at all cost. But, their Monitor was advising them to attempt to get the various nations of Earth to fight this battle for them. As such, they began conversations with the French to entice them to gain the spacecraft on Mars and turn it over to the Faithful in exchange for fusion power knowledge.

So, the French were secretly building a new starship using information provided by the Faithful which included a fusion engine. This engine could get the French starship to Mars in two days vice months as other trips had taken. And yes, the French were going to take the alien spaceship away from the Americans by force if necessary. Of course General Bradstreet commanding the *Morrigan* wasn’t about to let that happen, but he certainly didn’t know of these secret French plans. As far as he knew, the French that were now at Mars were allies against the alien attacks. In fact, before this new treachery of the French happened, the aliens opened a portal and attacked again! Fighting against significant odds both in space and on Mars was proving difficult. Yet, the French soldiers also fought along side their American counterparts dying just as badly as the Americans.

So, what’s going to happen when this new French starship shows up. Will there be anything left for the Americans to fight them off with. Will the French troops already on Mars turn against the Americans even though they just fought a bloody battle together? Some interesting questions that will be answered in this story. And as strange as this story twists and turns, it doesn’t end here, the third book, “World War Mars 3”, will be available on 9 July 2024 and is up for pre-order right now. It’s certainly going to be interesting. Fred Barnes136 5


With new alliances made and old alliances broken, can the people and the governments of Earth put their differences and greed aside to survive the aliens that are in the search for control of the galaxy by obtaining the technology of those who created them whom they believe are or were gods and as the children of their gods, they are the rightful heirs to their technology.

World War Mars 2 by Rick Partlow is well written, full of action, and suspense with twists and turns throughout this book. The characters are very well developed and you will find yourself routing for the good guys (mostly Earthlings) and at the destruction or elimination of the bad guys (not always the aliens).

I have really enjoyed this book and series so far and hope you will too. William Zboril72

No shortage of action and a good story

What a series to far. It has action Galore. Helped the long by an incredibly good story. The author describes every situation, sometimes over describes but he's able to put you into the middle of the action that follows. I highly recommend this book, if you action, adventure, and space adventure then this is the story for you. Laura H. Justice38

A hang nail ending!

A good space opera with some different scenes than others. Good characters, good to display of our government and world events in conjunction.. a good fun read. Looking forward to book 3. Phil X. Katz84 2

Another Great Series!

If you enjoyed Mr. Partlow's Drop Trooper series, you're gonna love this one!

Great characters, intense action, plenty of intrigue, and all in Outer Space! What's not to love?

Can't wait until book 3 comes out in July! Rebecca Davenport15

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