
Arion de Paige Michaels

de Paige Michaels - Género: English
libro gratis Arion


Paige Michaels Series: Alpha Daddies 01 Year: 2023

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I am kind of struggling to write this review ..I have not read slot by this author for a couple if reasons .. But this book was written well and held my attention ..apparently this is the start of a new series for this author and she would seem to be off to a good start .. So good stuff first ..
Marion was 17 when he knew his fated mat had been born, he is a elite alpha protector and he had to wait for his chosen one to come of age , so he waited and watched her for 20 years ( and not in a creepy way ) he didnt feel attraction to her till she was 18 or so ..
Jezebel was born known she was a fated mate to a alpha elite , she was kept pure and watched (by the way he was pure too which I find FANTASTIC , for a change the alpha male didnt sleep with everything in sight)
They had their mating ceremony and he took her home where her life was about to change drastically.. Here is were it gets hard for me ..
I read DD/lg books but I am a huge fan of consent and being given choices in that dynamics .. Jezebel was given none of the choices , it was basically, well, I'm your Alpha and your fated mate , oh well deal with it because you have no choice . I do not that to make him happy and to make him feel she is 100 percent committed to her submission she has to use a diaper ..because it makes him happy ..if this is how the marked ones are going to be treated , then they should be brought to the mountains were the elite alphas live and trained and taught about whats going to happen to them and what will be expected of them , instead of going to regular school and taught crap that will never be used by them cause their daddies won't allow them to use it . there things in the book pushed the limits with me also but I don't want to spoil the read for anyone else ..
They are in love and the care deeply for each other so there was that. Little Blue Butterfly461 6

YAY!! I’m so extremely excited about this new series by Paige Michaels
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