
Dear Jon de Otto, Lori L

de Otto, Lori L - Género: English
libro gratis Dear Jon


A summer with his family in Utah is all Jon Scott needs to pull himself together. It's time to focus on his mom's sobriety and the continuing education of his two younger brothers, Will and Max. For once, things seem to be on track with that part of his life. For the first time, he sees real hope for his family.

This family time is a much-needed distraction from the relationship he walked away from in Manhattan. Livvy Holland, the girl he's loved since they were children, has let him down for the last time. He doesn't want to waste his time dwelling on the fight they had, or the shocking incident that happened the next day, after her graduation. It's something he'll never forget, or forgive.

Things never go as Jon plans, though. Despite her actions and a distance of two thousand miles, Livvy has every intention of keeping Jon's attention throughout the summer with a series of 30 letters: three a week for every week he's gone. He doesn't have to read them; there are times when he simply doesn't want to. He has plenty of things keeping him busy: a job that requires long hours, family friends that come over for parties, brothers that ask too many questions, and a girl that's very unlike anyone Jon's dated before.

But there's something about Livvy Holland that keeps drawing him back to her. Reading the letters will either break the ties, or eventually reunite them. His brain wants one thing; his heart wants another.

By the end of the summer, Jon will return to Manhattan. He's come to terms with his past. He has a bright future. Back at Columbia, though, he must accept choices Livvy has made without him that will change his present plans.

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Once again Lori L. Otto delivers a story that reaches into every corner of your heart. The best part about Dear Jon is that we get to spend time in Jon's head, which really, is a great place to be.

Dear Jon follows the fallout from the end of Olivia, but from Jon's point of view. Now, let me just say that I spent a fair amount of time at the end of Olivia and in the beginning of Dear Jon being cross with Jon. That's not to say I dis him, or that I don't understand where he's coming from, but spending so much time with Livvy, I'm very protective of her and in this case I expected more from Jon.

But that's just the point. With Lori Otto's writing we become very invested in each and every character. Their decisions affect us. And in the end, they are just people who also make mistakes. (Well. Maybe not Jacks... ;-)) Livvy and Jon think that Jon is super well adjusted and makes ALL the right choices and is always the responsible adult. We (and Livvy and Jon) forget that Jon is still young and sometimes (not often but sometimes) his youth does show.

I know many readers have been unsure of Jon, but this book will make your minds up once and for all. Jon is a stellar young man, who feels things deeply, and who can make mistakes. And he recognizes this by the end of the book. We can only hope that his actions have not broken him and Livvy for ever.

And that's the other wonderful part of this book. Yes, Livvy is the one who did the bad thing at the end of Olivia. Yes it's her actions that caused this break. But Jon's actions, or reactions, in the end threaten their happy ever after the most, in my opinion. And even though this book is from Jon's point of view, through Livvy's letters we see her struggle with her mistakes, and grow as a person and a young woman through her efforts to rectify those mistakes. Livvy makes the effort and we see this clearly through her letters. Jon sulks, mostly, and by the end of the book I think he comes to the same conclusion the reader (or at least me) does. Livvy has taken an awful moment and used it to examine herself as a person and then grow and move on as a better person. Jon sees this; we see this; and Jon recognizes his own part in all of this as well.

We also get to see some moments and memories that we have not been privy to before, in Livvy's life and in Jon's. And we get to see Jon's family, and how he is with his brothers and with his mother, which is equal parts adorable and heartbreaking. It's not all pretty, but it does all reinforce what a wonderful guy Jon is. And his brother's are going to be just as wonderful because of him. #teamWill

You cannot miss reading this book if you've read the first two books of the Choisie series. Dear Jon is an important piece of the puzzle, and an absolute joy to read.

#teamChex #teamLion #teamJon #teamOtto #teamFollowYourHeart7 s Daniela (Lost in a Book Blog)310 1 follower

Read original review here: http://wp.me/p4agP8-B3

Good books? Yeah, those are not that difficult to find. I’ve read good books, awesome books and then some. But there are some books that are just so goddamn special to me. They’re heart warming books; books that make you think about anything and make you feel everything. And all of Lori’s books are just that. I don’t really know how she does it, the whole creative and writing process, how she manages to create characters that are so unbelievably wonderful. They all are something special, unique and in this book… well, you get that again.

Dear Jon is the story after the mess and the chaos we were left with after Olivia (book 2). For this summer, Jon Scott gets to be the teenage boy who’s just trying to survive his heartache and a time with his family and new people (maybe a new girl?) is just what he needs. Some time apart. Some time to think, to reevaluate everything he’s lived for the last couple of years. It ‘s just that… no matter what, he’s always coming back to that one thing or that one person he doesn’t want to go back to. Olivia Holland.

What would you do when the person you love betrays you? You try to forget. You try to move on. You try to forgive.

From the first book, Jon is presented as the adult, as the kid who had to grow up way too fast. He’s always been so mature, honest and sure of himself but now we actually see the boy, the heartbroken boy, the boy who’s feeling lost and betrayed and wants to just leave everything behind. But he can’t, he knows he can’t. His heart won’t let him and I don’t think even his mind wants to actually do it. He loves Olivia too much.

Being inside Jon’s head has been some kind of a revelation to me, because I got to understand the way he thinks, the way he feels and I specially understood that he’s put up this act in front of everyone around him, Jack, Emi and even Livvy, where he had to be a grown up, he never had the chance to be the boy he really was, so he’d always had to face every situation, problem, etc., in such a way that not every teenage boy would. Sometimes we all need to release our frustration in some way or another and I don’t think Jon ever really could, not until this book. This is his chance to think about what he wants, what he needs, and not only that, but this time apart might help him find himself again. I think he’s been kind of lost for a while, not only since everything went to hell after Livvy’s graduation. They both need to find themselves before they can be together again. But they will be, they have to.

Dear Jon is a story about what it means to grow up, to find out who you are and what you want. It’s also about loss and what it means to feel lost in the world, to feel you’ve lost a huge part of yourself. It’s about patience and what it means to wait for the right moment to do what you need to do, to take a moment to think about everything that’s going on and learn to move on. It’s about forgiveness and everything that comes to it. With forgiveness comes peace, peace of mind and heart. Both, Jon & Livvy, go through a grieving process which teaches them how to deal with each others mistakes.

You know what I absolutely loved? How, even though Livvy wasn’t physically there, she was in her letters. I felt her struggle and I saw her growing up. That’s the beautiful thing about Livvy, she’s always learning, growing up. Yes, she’s made a lot of mistakes, but she’s just living. Can you say you haven’t done some stupid things in your life? I bet you can’t. I certainly can’t. But that’s the thing about life, you have to live it and experience it and make mistakes and learn from them. There’s no other way.

I know this is a long post, but I have a lot in my heart right now. I need to say something else. Will. Will. He now owns a bit of my heart. He is the smartest kid. He still has a lot of growing up to do but he is in such a good path. He’s just his brother. Loyal, honest and caring. He’ll speak the truth, no matter what. I loved him so, so much.

“What is the unknown, but things we don’t yet know? Right?”
I truly believe he’s part of what helped Jon realize what he wants. He is unbelievable. I love him.

I think this is my favorite book of the series so far. I can’t say I don’t love Jon anymore. I used to him but now I love him deeply.

There’s nothing reading a book by your favorite author.

+10000000 stars.

I'll post my review when the book comes out <3 But, all you need to know is, YOU NEED TO READ THIS.

I'll be forever swooning over Jon. made-me-cry real-life-problems romance6 s We it big book blog969 44

Melanie’s 5-BRILLIANT Star Review:

Art could convey such different emotions and varying interpretations from one individual to another. So when they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, it’s really no different from printed text. With a simple picture, one can demonstrate a concept, a setting, and a feeling, something that could truly move a person. So what happens when the beauty of art and the beauty of words crash unto one another?

It is a smorgasbord of brilliancy that is Lori Otto’s Dear Jon.

In my opinion this is Lori Otto’s most creative masterpiece to date. She takes Olivia’s love of art and combines it with the most illuminating words on every single letter Jon holds in his hands. I felt myself stumble; shell shocked at how well Lori was able to show the evolution of Olivia’s maturity in each letter. I found myself gravitating to Olivia so much more than I have in the previous two books. It was as if her words were jumping right out of every letter she so eloquently and sentimentally wrote to Jon. I loved how Lori catapulted me back in time but this go around, with so much more insight to what was truly going on in the inner workings of both Olivia and Jon. How each and every situation had a trigger to what would eventually be; completely prophetic to me because truly, how many of those moments in our lives that we’ve looked back on and pin pointed exactly what lead us to where we are now?

And that was the beautiful thing about this book, it allowed me to empathize for them because what Lori portrays is so realistic. So realistic and relatable in fact, that I was thrown back during my own time of loss. That heart breaking, all-consuming loss of one’s first love. There were too many times in this book that my cheeks were tear stained not only because so much of it was reminiscent but also because I’ve invested so much in Olivia and Jon. Seeing them grow up right in front of my eyes in Contessa and Olivia and to finally see where and how they end up in Dear Jon was emotional.

Looking back in my Contessa review, I quote myself, “There were many moments where I fell in love with him as well. But there was always something that lingered in the back of my head where he fell short. I was unable to completely trust his intentions.” Well, in Dear Jon, I get to see Jon for who really is. Jon Scott is an old soul, too smart for his own good at times. He is proud and at times stoic. But what defines Jon Scott is the insurmountable love that pours out of him. So powerfully evident in his love for his brothers, his unconditional love for his mother, and of course, the love he has for Olivia- the vigorous, frenzied, unadulterated kind that only a soul mate could stir out of a person.

I was never at ease during the course of this book. I was anxious as to what Olivia had to say in her letters and nervous as to how Jon would react to them. Lori did an amazing job touching on each stage of Jon’s and Olivia’s grieving process. Nothing was reactionary, no point was rushed. Everything was thought out and played out with such a natural progression which blew me away. To say that I was left in a state of panic at the end of this book is an understatement. I NEED LIVVY! I NEED this book ASAP because I am left with my imagination and it’s something that will drive me mad. Asylum worthy mad. I need to know what becomes of these two beloved characters and frankly, I cannot wait to see how Lori will reveal the grown up, independent and self-assured version of Olivia Holland. Will Jon be able to keep up? Or will these two finally fall to the pits of permanent despair apart from one another? These questions ladies and gents is what will keep me up for most of the night.

I urge you to read this book and then come back and join me in my temporary state of madness which can only be cured by Lori L. Otto and the final book in the Choisie series.

Lori L. Otto4 s Daiana31

This is the third book of the series and I thought it was great to finally hear Jon's POV. He has shown a lot of maturity and growth in the previous books but he is still a teenage boy so he had his moments when we could see how young he is.

After I've finished Olivia I wasn't sure what I wanted to happen with them, do I want them together or not? It's first love, so is it possible? I love them together and we can clearly see their love but I was waiting to see what the author show us before I decided. So the main question I asked myself, is love enough?

This book confirmed what I always thought about Jon. I always thought he was a great guy and even during his angry and proud feelings, you can feel his love for her. Olivia made a mistake but they were both going through a hard time, we can see more of previous important moments in their relationship and they should probably have been more honest about what they were feeling. He wanted to be in charge of everything he has always been in his life and Olivia was struggling with her sadness so she was fully invested in their love and nothing else. During this time apart, they both realized things they have done wrong besides the obvious mistakes and they grew up a lot.

I can't wait until the last book!!! Lori L. Otto is an amazing author, I have read all her books and she keeps getting better. I'm very excited to find out what happens with Olivia and Jon.4 s Patricia 317 50

This is by far one of the best alternate point of view books I have ever read. Not only did we get to be inside Jon Scott’s head, we got to see the transformation in Livvy through her poignant letters. This was not just a rehashing of the story told previously, but rather it was two separate stories of two lives that are completely intertwined.

As I reminisced with Jon through the words of Livvy’s letters, I had my own emotional experience that ranged from happy to sad and everything in between. At times, I was frustrated with Jon’s indifference. He was so consumed by the hurt of Livvy’s actions that he stubbornly refused to see what Livvy was trying to accomplish with her words. But I empathized with his anger towards her careless behavior and I admired his resolve to walk away.

I was so pleased to see Livvy mature and finally make some decisions with her own wellbeing in mind. I was also pleased to see Jon realize that his life will not be complete without Livvy. I just hope that their growth and maturity will eventually lead them back to one another. For now, they are where they need to be…apart…and learning how to live.

I am so anxious for the conclusion of Livvy’s story and yet I don’t want it to end. It’s been such a wonderful story and this book made me fall so much more in love with these characters. I am so invested in these characters, I don’t ever want their story to end.
4 s Robin677 22

****If you have not read Olivia or the synopsis for Dear Jon, this review will contain spoilers.

While Olivia was in the process of being written and published, I was intrigued to discover Lori Otto had plans to add an additional novel to her Choisie series titled Dear Jon. After reading Olivia – after reading Jon Scott had walked away from his relationship with Olivia Holland – I was immediately eager beyond words to read the coming novel to be written from Jon’s point of view. Two short months later, I am eager to share with readers that Dear Jon was absolutely worth the wait! I am overjoyed by these emotions, thoughts and feelings dancing around in my head! I hope I am able to write a review which will properly convey my thoughts and feelings, a review that is worthy of Dear Jon.

Before discussing the content of this novel, I should mention Dear Jon has a different format from previous novels written by Lori Otto. It consists of a prologue and thirty-one chapters, with each chapter representing a letter written to Jon by Livvy Holland. Each letter begins with the same four words. Each letter ends with the same three-word sentence. And each of the thirty-one letters has its own theme. We are able to enjoy the experience of Jon reading Olivia’s letters, and we know his thoughts, feelings and emotions as he reads each of them! With respect to time, the events of Dear Jon take place over the summer months following Olivia’s high school graduation. Jon spends the summer in Utah with his Aunt Patty, mother and two brothers, Will and Max. While enjoying some quality family time, Jon also gets a much needed break from his relationship with Olivia. But he has plenty of time to reflect on the content of the letters being mailed from Manhattan.

The outpouring of love and emotion Livvy has written in each letter to Jon breaks my heart, while also filling me full of hope. In each letter, Livvy reflects on moments of importance shared between the two them – decisions about their relationship, struggles dealing with family, moments full of love and happiness, and even the low points of their relationship. She shares her private thoughts and feelings with Jon about each of these past experiences, and how they relate to what she is presently feeling. Livvy takes an honest look at her life. She opens up about her own faults, how she wants to change, how she is changing. With each letter, Jon is able to notice a palpable change in Olivia. She is maturing and becoming more selfless. She understands how her actions have affected those that she loves. She continues to mature as an individual, while her doubt about any reconciliation with Jon continues to grow. This made me feel so sad, but in the overall process, Olivia Holland does grow up. She takes responsibility for her actions, becomes more confident in her individuality, and accepts that she may have to move on from her hope for a future with Jon.

For the most part, I was delighted for Jon throughout this novel. Spending the summer in Utah was the very best decision he could have made for himself. He recognizes that he needs quality time with both brothers. Long ago, Jon accepted the responsibility as a role model and father figure to them both. He knows he will not be around for them when he returns to Manhattan for his fall semester at Columbia. Jon discusses some very relevant topics with Will, and impresses upon him the importance of being a positive role model for Max. Jon encourages Will to participate in school, sports and social events for his younger brother. He emphasizes the importance of keeping a watchful eye on their mother, a recovering alcoholic, and to encourage her stay focused on her recovery. Jon gains valuable experience with his summer job, as he assists building new homes. Jon also meets Audrey, and she becomes a very important part of his life. Jon Scott is one of the very best characters I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. Although forced to grow up at a very young age, he stays focused on school and goals, hoping to provide a positive future for his brothers and himself.

Dear Jon was everything I had hoped it would be, but it was so much more! Knowing how heartbroken Olivia was after Jon walked away from their relationship, I was thrilled with the opportunity to read each letter she addressed to Jon. I was captivated by his emotions, thoughts and feelings as he read what was spilling from her heart. Jon was such a pleasant surprise! Jon feels so much, and he loves hard. Olivia and Jon fell in love at such a young age, and we all know it is very hard for first love to last. Lori Otto has a special talent for writing stories that feel authentic. I learned early on that you can never know what future to expect for her characters. Her outcomes are not predictable. Olivia and Jon have grown so much as individuals. Their character growth feels realistic. They have each faced hardships, even though they come from completely different backgrounds. My love for Olivia Holland and Jon Scott has grown exponentially since I first read Contessa. I have no idea what the future may hold for this young couple, but I am excited to find out! I am giving a rare 6-star review to Lori Otto for Dear Jon!

2014-favorites all-time-favorites arc ...more3 s LeAnn127

***** 5 STARS *****

"Because people can make you love in such extraordinary ways that the feelings they evoke in you can last for years... maybe even a lifetime."

So, this is the third Choisie book and it's very different from the other two, made obvious by the fact that it's from Jon's POV. Now, this is where I give major props to Lori Otto. Sure, this isn't a new trend, but the way that she did it is brilliant.

Now usually an author will publish a "sequel" for a book written in the guy's POV, but it's basically the exact same book, only from his perspective. I'm sorry, but I don't waste my time or money reading those books. I think it's pointless. What Lori did with Dear Jon is absolutely unique and complete genius.

This story takes place in Utah, where Jon is visiting with his mother and two younger brothers during summer break. This book is mainly a character study, where we get to know Jon much better. I loved seeing him interact with his brothers, continuing to take on a fatherly role for them- teaching and counseling them. We also get to know his brothers better, especially Will. I loved getting to know Will. He's very smart and curious. I think he'll grow up to be a lot Jon, which is definitely a good thing.

While he's there, he receives letters from Livvy. Now, this is where Lori's brilliance comes in. In these letters, she reminisces about their time together- the good times, and the bad. While we read her words with Jon, we also get to see how he felt during these events, which we never knew before. See? Genius.

Even though this book isn't filled with family drama, Lori is famous for creating, Jon's thoughts and his conversations are still engaging and entertaining. I never felt bored reading this book. I loved getting inside Jon's head and learning about who he is- his values and beliefs. Morals and aspirations. He's brilliant and driven, definitely someone that could catch any girl's attention. Especially Livvy. She's not ready to give up what they have, but is Jon?

I can't wait to read the next book to see what lies ahead for Jon and Olivia.

"I don't feel you're lost to me. I don't think I will until the day one of us dies, even if you never come back to me. It gives me peace to know you're still on the same planet I'm on, doing things that you love, being with people you love."favorites3 s MJLovestoRead2,010 50

What can I say that I haven't already about a Lori Otto book. I have read every single word this incredible author has written and with every new book I fall more in love with her writing.

Dear Jon is her latest. This is part of the Choisie series of books,a spin-off from the Emi: Lost & Found series. And this could quite simply be her best.

Lori Otto has crafted this well written, personal journey of Jon Scott, the longtime boyfriend of Livvy Holland. Together they have been through so much in their young lives but remain true to each other. Except that now, Jon is living in Utah with his family for the summer, while Livvy remains in NYC. After a series of unfortunate events, Jon felt it best that they take some time apart. Figure out what is right for both of them. And what transpires over a summer is nothing I have ever read before.

Through letters to Jon, Livvy tries to explain where she has been in her head of late, why things seemed one way, when really there were another. You get to listen as Livvy bares her heart and soul to this man that has always been her rock. But make no mistake, this is Jon's book, through and through. We get his POV and we get to experience first hand his feelings. His thoughts. His disappointments. The way it is masterfully written, you feel as if you are right there with him, feeling every emotion right when he does.

Reading a Lori Otto book is coming home to me and I told the author just that. Her characters have become family to me and I am more than thrilled that she continues to give us more of the Holland/Scott crew. She pays such attention to detail, you become completely immersed in her words. Yet it never feels overdone or contrived or boring. She could write a 1000 page book and it would feel 200. That is how good she is.

I recommend you start with Contessa and then Olivia before picking up Dear Jon. Although this series is Livvy's, Dear Jon is all about the man who stole her heart. A compelling, beautiful work that is simply brilliant.

A huge 5 stars from me. You will fall in love just I have.2014-books3 s Jo62 4

Absolutely the best yet from Lori L. Otto! This installment of the Choisie Series allows you to see a more indepth view of Jon. Some of those hardened layers are peeled back just a bit. The manner in which this author entwines Livvy's thoughts and feeling into the story is pure genius. For me, "Dear Jon" was the real "Ah Ha" I needed to gain the insight to know Jon, where he came from and where he is headed. Absolute perfection!! Thank You Lori L. Otto!3 s Heidi R.2,149

By far Lori Otto's best writing to date. Dear Jon is book three in the Choisie series and it is an amazing look into Jon's feelings and mindset. 3 s Christi85 2

100+ stars!!!!!!
Lori Otto... I don't know how she does it but every time I finish one of her beautiful stories, I get this overwhelming need for more!
I have fallen in love with her characters, each with their own role to play, but for some reason Jon Scott has taken the top spot in my heart! I got to know him in Contessa when he swept me off my feet right along with Livvy. I had fallen for him then and saw how wise beyond his years he was, although still young. Then came Olivia (book #2) and I thought I already loved Jon, but something happened in this book... This unknown struggle, this overwhelming need Jon & Livvy had for each other, this need Jon had to protect Livvy, to help her find herself again. I fell in love with him even more & at the end of that book I was gutted... I was left wanting and needing more of Jon, of Jon & Livvy.
I read Dear Jon a few weeks ago and Oh my heart, that boy, he's just the sweetest, deeply feeling young man, an old soul. He could have turned out so different given his lot in life but he didn't. He instead chose to change things to better his life. In Dear Jon we get a glimpse inside Jon's head and oh my...all my suspicions of him were spot on, he truly is a genuine sweet soul, who in this book is hurting, struggling to make sense of his loss, struggling to talk himself into moving on. One of my favorite things about Jon is his relationship with his young brothers. In Dear Jon we get to spend so much time with them, their bond is really strong., and I love the way Jon takes care of them.
Will a summer apart give Jon and Livvy the space they didn't know they needed? Will time heal the wounds?
Now I am left wanting & needing MORE!!! Cannot wait for the next book, Livvy.favorites read-20142 s Hope Sheesley66 2

WOW!!! It has been 8 hours since I finished this book and I am still reeling! I'm a complete whirlwind of emotions but the main thing I'm feeling is an immense love and adoration for this amazing author and her beautiful words. I have been a fan of hers since day one and every time I finish one of her books, I am convinced it has been my favorite and this one is no exception.

This is the story from Jon's point of view during the summer after Livvy's graduation. It was really eye opening to get to see what he was thinking and feeling during the time we know Livvy was struggling. There were 30 letters she sent to Jon - three each week from the time he was away. The letters were absolutely beautiful and completely heartfelt - she matured so much and I found myself falling in love with her character even more. My heart completely shattered for Jon. I could feel his sadness and heartbreak coming off the pages. Even though at times he was beyond hurt and frustrated, he never completely lost the love he has for this girl when his brain was telling him to forget about her.

It is hard to put into words the way you feel when a book has touched you so profoundly. This story and these characters will stay with me always. When an author comes out with a new book to a series, I find myself skimming or even re-reading the last book to 'remember' or get back into that world. I have never had to do that with Lori's books - she writes the type of characters and stories that never leave you. Thank you for another amazing book!! Once again, I will be waiting on pins and needles to see what happens next......favorites2 s Tiffany Deblois64 4

I don't know where to begin with this. Let me start by saying that, in my opinion, this is Lori's best work ever. That is saying a lot because I LOVE all of her books.

This is book 3 of the Choisie series. It is told in Jon Scott's point if view, where the first 2 installments were in Livvy Holland's point of view. Jon is spending time with his family in Utah for the summer while nursing a broken heart. He has been betrayed by his girlfriend Livvy and uses his time away from New York to try and work through his heartache. Lori Otto masterfully conveys his emotions through a series of letters, conversations with himself and conversations with his family and new friends. You will see how both Livvy and Jon learn and grow and finally come to terms with where they are in their lives at the end of the book. You'll laugh and cry and fall in love with this story. I cannot wait for the final installment in this series. I love these characters. If you have not read Contessa and Olivia yet, read them immediately! I promise, you will love them! I wish I could give more than 5 stars. 2 s Ilona276 7

Lori Otto did it again. She wrote a book that not only touches your heart but leaves you wanting more. It was amazing writing and full of emotional moments making me question my first impression of Jon.
When I finished Olivia a few months ago, I had mixed feelings about Jon. I wasn't sure if I Jon- I felt for him but I thought Jon was overbearing and too confident towards Olivia's father. I felt he was too smart and cocky for his own good never accepted any of the problems that incurred in the relationship between Olivia and himself.
When I finished Dear Jon, I had a new outlook towards Jon. I really d him and began to understand him in a way I never did before. In Dear Jon, we not only feel his pain but also watched him grow as a man as he teaches his brothers to forgive their painful children memories. Jon was not only the teacher in these lessons but the student as the realization of listening to his own advice.
Great Job Lori! 2 s Luna Sol409 65

5+++++ Choisie stars

I felt this book in my soul. There is no other way to describe it. Beautifully written and presented in a way that really made me be inside Jon's heart and head. All the letters from Olivia were not only presented but we got to see Jon's reactions and thoughts to them. I felt for him, I felt his loss, his pain, his sorrow, his love for his girl, for his brothers, for everything he didn't get to have. I ached for Livvy. I ached for any child in the world that doesn't deserve to grow up without the love and security that parents are supposed to provide them.
There is a lot to learn from this young man. I can't wait to see Jon's actions on following his heart. 2 s Melissa632 2

Oh Jon you break my heart

I have been reading this series with my very good friend and book buddy we waited to read this and I ok was afraid and I was right I'm broken. However how beautiful how mature how sad. This is Jon this is his heart seeing what happened through his eyes gives perspective that you would have missed . Ok I'm still very mad at this book but I loved this book . This was much needed I understand so much more yet I'm so.heartbroken.2 s Stephanie156 Want to read

Can't wait !!!2 s Ally Cakes254 41

5+ stars REVIEW TO COME. 2 s Cori248 1 follower

4-4.5 I loved hearing from Jon's POV stars. 2 s Julie988 6

There is not a thing I can say about Lori Otto that I haven’t said before. She continues to write brilliantly and the depth of her books never let you down. Dear Jon is part of the Choise Series and it’s a must that you read Contessa and Olivia before starting this story. The Choise Series is a spin-off from the Emi Lost and Found Series and I highly recommend reading it before starting this series.

Dear Jon is about Jon Scott, and his emotional journey in dealing with his feelings for Livvy Holland, his longtime girlfriend. They have been through so much in their young lives, and are always there for each other no matter what. Until in book two, that is, when Olivia crushed Jon’s heart with her actions.

Now, Jon has gone to Utah for the summer to see his family and deal with his mom and brothers, Will and Max, who are trying to start a new life away from New York. Livvy is still in New York and Jon knew he had to get away from her in order to sort through the hurt she caused and try to heal.

This summer is certainly one Jon did not expect. He gets a job, sorts through his family issues all the while getting letters from Livvy. While, at times, he doesn’t know if he even wants to read the letters, his heart is telling him otherwise. He knows he needs to read them, no matter how much it hurts him to hear from her. One thing I love about Livvy’s letters is that they are so cryptic by the end and completely confuse Jon, and you can really feel how torn he is. The letters are so sweet and innocent while reminding Jon of the deep feelings he has for Livvy. I really enjoyed getting his point of view and getting into his head and knowing what’s he thinking after reading the first two books. During the summer, he also meets a special girl, but is she good for him? Or will his heart continue to belong to the girl he first chose?

As the summer ends, he returns to New York and college, and you can feel how nervous he is at coming face to face with Livvy. You feel him teetering on what his heart feels and as much as you may pull for them to be together, Livvy throws yet another twist into the story, one that really will leave you wondering, WTH?

There really isn’t much to say except that Lori has done it again!! Her books just get better and better and more in depth. Even though they are not short reads, they really pull you in and are over before you know it. From start to finish, you’ll feel you are a part of the family and are right there with the characters. I have read each of her books and with how thorough and developed they are, never cease to amaze me. As much as I loved getting inside Jon’s head, and feeling how torn he was over Livvy’s endearing letters, this book still made me want a tad more. Still, with that being said, Lori never fails to write a remarkable book.
1 Heather20

To tell you the truth about this book I went into it thinking I was still not going to /love Jon.

Boy did this book change my views on him. I am not into spoilers so I will try my best not to give any.

Dear Jon was absolutely superb. It made me a Jon fan. I am now #TeamJon where before in Contessa and Olivia (the first two books of this series) I was #TeamJack, which is Livvy's father.

I used to think Jon that his motives, were just for his own benefit and wants and needs. Boy was I sadly mistaken. And Dear Jon changed all of those thoughts for me.

Why did this book change my views and opinions of Jon? Because I finally got to see his side of things, his emotions, his thoughts. The agony he was going through, the love, the hate, the core of his soul.

This book to me is the best one yet out of the Choisie Series for me at least. Why?, Because I went from loathing Jon, to totally relating to him and loving him and also feeling every ounce of pain, remorse, anger, and total love and growth he underwent through this book.

As always Lori L. Otto produced another outstanding book that made me cry, scream at the characters, fall in love all over again, and fall in love with Jon period. It made me see him in a totally new light and I finally understood him.

I highly recommend this book and all of Lori L. Otto's other books as well. She writes with such feeling and depth that most books today are lacking. These characters become real to you because of Lori's writing skills and techniques.

I hate when I finish one of her books because all I want is to read more, to see more growth, love, understanding, pain, and everything else Lori L. Otto is able to convey in her books.

In my humble opinion if you have not read any of her books whether it be the Choisie Series or the Emi Lost & Found Series you are truly missing out on a fabulous author, and exceptional storylines, characters, and overall superb writing skills.

With Dear Jon I had my first book hangover, and was devastated when it was over. It took me days to recover from reading it because of all of the emotions I felt and related to.

In my humble opinion, if you have not read any of Lori L. Otto's books I suggest you do. But that is just my opinion.

This book will truly leave you wanting, needing, and craving more.

Thank you for reading my review, and I truly believe that if you let yourself actually immerse yourself into the books that she writes and not just do a fast read, you will come to love them as much as myself and others have also.favorites finished-reading1 Marie S122 8

So Dear Jon is the third book of the Choisie Series and in this book you have the chance to know more about Jon and his family because it's written from Jon's POV and of course Lori did not disappoint, this book was no exception,she developed this story brilliantly.

After everything that happend with Olivia in New York, Jon is broken and in need of some time apart.
When I finished Olivia I had mixed feeling because I wasn't sure of Jon and Livvy relationship, well I was sure but I knew they were going down a path that was not healthy for either one of them and they were in need of some changes for their relationship to make it work. And in Dear Jon this was confirmed.
I loved this book so much, because in the other books Jon shows this portrait of being a mature man, all grown up; he belief that he is a man and by his behavior I believed it too making me forget that he's just a boy. A teenager that had to became a man really early leaving behind his childhood because he had to take charge and be the man of his house to take care of his brothers and himself to provide for them because all the situations that he and his family have passed through. So thats why he's so independent But in this book you realize that he's still a young man trying to find himself while being broken hearted. But spending time with his brothers and trying to know new people it's just what he'll need.
After reading Dear Jon I could understand him more in a way I never did before, a side of him I did not knew and also his relationship and bond with his brothers, and this really filled my heart up.
I just hope the best for him and Livvy, that they can work things out because they are perfect for each other!

Btw, one of the perks of this book is Will, Jon's brother you'll read of him in the other previous books but in this one you will fell in love with this sugar pie lol, believe me he's a sweetheart!

I loved and enjoyed every second of it.So be sure to put this on top of your TBR because it is a MUST READ!

Dear LORI:
I want you to know that I love love loveeeeed Dear John from the bottom of my heart. And I know I always say this about your work but this is brilliance at its best. As always you did not disappoint.
1 Twynnie22

Dear Jon is another heart wrenching installment of the Choisie series by Lori Otto. She has once again pulled at those emotional strings that have become so deeply attached to her characters.

In this book, we hear only from Jon's POV but Lori has this fantastic way of keeping the reader connected to Livvy through her written letters to Jon. While we learn about Livvy's growth in character and the transformation that takes place in her over the summer, we get complete access to Jon's tortured feelings and eventual reconciliation within himself of his past and possible future with Livvy.

At the beginning of the book, it's clear where Jon and Livvy each stand in their desire to continue a relationship. It's clearly on opposite sides. As the book continues, there is a beautiful, but painful transformation in each of them. I won't say what side they're on at the end of the book.

I absolutely loved the way that Livvy wrote her letters. Each had a theme and a memory attached that would stir Jon's heart in to better understanding her.

Secondary characters are given their own depths in this story but only in how Jon related to them. In turn this gave the reader a bigger dive into Jon's personality and exceptional character. He's not without flaw, but for what life has thrown him, he's outstanding. His willingness to rebuild a relationship with his mom on a broken foundation is beautiful. He's even encouraging his brother Will to try. Jon wants a functional family, not for his enjoyment, but for his brothers well-being. I loved the side stories and hope Will gets his HEA.

Jon is indeed selfless in many ways but pride is a problem he struggles with and will push him to the brink of truly losing Olivia. We will just have to wait for Livvy to come out to find out the ending to this poetic story.

This series is a gem from Lori Otto. It will make you FEEL so many emotions. I guess I should expect nothing less from her. My expectations are so high for the final book and I'm certain she will deliver. Sure wish it would be tomorrow though!!

Bravo x 6!1 Dany536 6

I have truly falling in love with this series. I never once had any doubts that Dear Jon wasn't going to be a 5 star book. If you haven't read anything my Lori you are truly missing out on a fabulous author. Many authors write books about young adult people and get it wrong but Lori knocks it out of the park. With each book in this series she has had Jon and Livvy heck even Will have grown. She doesn't keep them stuck acting the same way in each book. True at times they act their age but she has them learn from mistakes and move forward.

In Dear Jon we get see how Jon is taking his breakup with Livvy and spending time with his family in Utah. During the summer Livvy takes the time out to write Jon to try and show and prove to him that she does love him and to also help him remember that he loves her as well. The letters were not all easy to read Livvy puts her heart and soul into each letter and your heart just breaks for her. You found yourself waiting for everything just go back the way it was between Livvy and Jon but you know in your heart it is not going to be that easy.

While Jon is trying to get over a broken heart he is also trying to find a new relationship with his mother that he hasn't had in a long time. Will turns to out to really be a voice of reason and he is a great secondary character. If you have read the 2nd book in the series you already know how Dear Jon ends but it didn't make it any less painfully. No matter how badly I wanted things to turn out I knew that it was best that it ended the way it did it just had to.

I don't think I can express how ready and excited I am about the next book in this series. If I could just get a preview just a small one or a big one I would be so delighted.There are still unanswered question about the relationship between Jon and Livvy. I even wonder what would come of Jon's family and also Livvy's.1 Chantell Melgarejo14 16

Can't eat, Can't sleep, Brilliant book. Review to come shortly!


So my head is finally somewhat clear after the roller coaster I was taken on last week from finishing Emi Lost and Found and Contessa and Olivia.

I'd to begin saying that though I always d Jon I never LOVED him in Contessa and Olivia. This book was it for me. In Contessa and Olivia, Jon is her constant. Her rock. Always there for her, self less and loving. That is just who he is. Needing to become an adult when he was just a child, he has assumed this role of care giver. In Dear Jon, we see him as the hurt child that he never had the chance to be. Heartbroken from Livvy's betrayal, we are allowed completely into his head and I loved every minute of it, no matter how many times I wanted to scream at him that it was a mistake THE kiss! He is no longer the certain confident mature adult we have known him to be. Throughout his story we feel his pain as if it were our own.

What truly made this spectacular was his relationship with Will. From this point on I absolutely LOVE Will. He takes all of Jon's advice and uses it on him which I loved. Towards the end we get a glimpse of the young man Will is destined to become because of Jon's influence.

All in all I believe this is Lori's best work and cannot wait to read the final piece to Jon and Livvy's epic love story.

A few of my favorite quotes:

" I wonder if she can feel me in the mornings when the sun rises… because I’m always watching, looking back east, thinking about her. "

" Because people can make you love in such extraordinary ways that the feelings they evoke in you can last for years… maybe even a lifetime. After wading through the pain, if the love was pure and good, that will be the thing you remember most. "

favorites1 Shamika301 7

"My happily-ever-after kissed another guy. My happily-ever-after obliterated my heart and my ability to love another woman."

Lori Otto I'm speechless! For real I am. Just wow. This was perfect. Jon's POV is so deep and eye opening. It's raw, angry at times and honest. Initially I didn't really understand the depths of Jon's anger toward Olivia. Yes she kissed another guy which was awful and such a betrayal to Jon. But now I get it. Dear Jon portrays such an array of feelings, all the ups and downs and simply the hurt felt by Jon. But that's not it. The letters written by Olivia to Jon were so incredibly moving and shows overtime how she's grown and matured into a young woman. With each letter, we see Jon's reactions and his emotions.

Dear Jon is not a retelling of the story at all. We get Jon's insights, his thoughts and opinions that carry him through the summer after Livvy's graduation. This book allows you to see Jon and Olivia from such a different perspective. Jon and his justifications and Olivia literally pouring her heart out. I've always d Jon, but this story made me really love him. Dear Jon also made feel a sense of pride for Olivia through the words in her letters (mainly toward the end).

It was such an enjoyable read. The writing is INCREDIBLE. I never get tired of reading about these characters.arc1 Kristine GPI Bookblog379 24

Dear Jon by Lori L Otto takes us back over the summer after Jon walked away from Olivia. It's told through Jon's eyes and in letters Olivia sends him.

Dear Jon is refreshing, after spending so much time in the heads of first Emi in the Lost and Found Series and then Olivia in the Choisie series - we, as the reader finally get to hear Jon's thoughts, we get to relive aspects of their relationship, in flashbacks and memories. We see how deeply affected Jon is by their relationship, we see so clearly his struggles, how every decision he's made has shaped his life.

This was a coming of age story for me, we've seen Olivia grow up but a part of me always felt as though Olivia was more invested in this relationship than Jon was, there's that theory that one person is always more in love than the other, but seeing through Jon's eyes, I can feel the deep love he felt, still feels for her.

Dear Jon doesn't take you any further into their story, it's a companion piece of sorts, I've felt in the past that companion books when not written well can take away from the original but I was so invested in finally being given the chance to crawl inside Jon's mind that not only did it not detract from the original but it enhanced it.

For lovers of this series, of Lori Otto's work, Dear Jon was a beautiful read, it left me feeling light and hopeful for their future. arc-read glass-paper-ink-bookblog-review1 Karen15

Dear Lori Otto, Thank You for Dear Jon!

In the third book of Lori Otto's Choisie series, we get the pleasure of being inside Jon Scott's head, while still listening to Livvy Holland through the letters she sends him over the course of their first summer apart.

This book is special - there is no doubt - perhaps the best of the series. Throughout Dear Jon, we get incredible insight into these two young characters' love, heartbreak, flaws and personal growth, and we feel an even deeper connection to them than before. We also get to understand Jon's family dynamic and watch him forge closer relationships with his brothers and mother during their time together.

Lori's writing continues to be outstanding. Her ability to tell the parallel story of Jon's summer experience interspersed with Olivia's letters works perfectly. For the first time in the series, I was and still am mad at Jon - and that's a good thing - because it means Lori worked her magic, again and affected me as much as her female characters usually do!

You must read Contessa (Book 1) and Olivia (Book 2) before Dear Jon to have the full context and appreciation of this book. Here's a hint: Re-read the ending to Olivia immediately before you read Dear Jon. You'll be glad you did!
1 Sadie510

4-4.5 stars! Lori Otto is a gifted storyteller. Her writing is up there with the most popular authors in the genre and it's only a matter of time before she's "discovered" by the masses.

Dear Jon is getting wonderful and I can see why. The story shares Jon's POV on the highs and lows of his relationship with Livvy and it also moves the plot forward a bit in that we get to experience his life in the summer after Livvy's graduation. It's an emotional journey and I d the way Lori structured the chapters with the weekly letters. Jon is a great guy and easy to fall for but he is also real and imperfect. I also d being able to understand Olivia's POV a little more via the letters.

Can't wait for "Livvy!"1 Babyrn9971 21

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