
Kill Me Once de Osborne, Jon

de Osborne, Jon - Género: English
libro gratis Kill Me Once


Nathan Stiedowe is seeking perfection -- and he has been learning from the best. Recreating some of the most sickening murders in history, his objective appears chillingly simple, but his true motive remains unclear.On the trail of this sadistic monster is FBI Special Agent Dana Whitestone. Driven by the brutal childhood slaying of her parents, Dana's relentless pursuit of the most evil and twisted criminals has seen her profile many violent cases. But never has she encountered a maniac as demented as Stiedowe, or a mind as horrifyingly disturbed...

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Ok, so let me start off by saying that this is not the type of book that I usually go for at all. The only reason I bought the copy was because I was in Tesco (for people that don't live in England, Tesco is a big supermarket Walmart of Carrefour); and there was an offer on books (it was 3 books for £5 - which isn't bad), and i needed a third book. The cover caught my eye and I picked it up and looked for any age restrictions on the book and there wasn't any so I went and paid for it. I have to say though, that this book is NOT appropriate for people under the age of 16 - it's not just because of the amount of swear words in it coz they're just words; but some of the scenes in the book shouldn't be displayed to younger minds. Now that's said, I can actually tell you what I thought of the book!!

So on the first page, there is a quote from the Night Stalker (aka, Richard Ramirez, who murdered at least 13 people between 1984 and 1985); and he's talking about how much he loves watching people die and s seeing all the blood. As soon as I read it I was "whoa! what kinda sicko thinks that?" But it got me interested as to what this book was going to be .

Then on page 6 (or something), there was a lot of antifeminism going on. It said "Over the past couple of days an Indian summer had slapped LA around a husband would a mouthy wife, taking her by the throat and throttling hard." Do we not live in the 21st centuary?

I think my favourite part in the book; must have bben when Dana has one of her memories in chapter 12. Baisically, Dana is 4 years old again and it's the 4th of July so her and her parents are having a BBQ. They've all just sat down ready to eat when Dana's dad (James) asks where Dana's imaginary friend, Mr. Sunday, is. Dana replies by saying that Mr. Sunday couldn't make the BBQ because he was working. Then when James asks what line of work Mr. Sunday's in, Dana says "He's a filthy prostitute"! When I read that line, I giggled - nothing is funnier that a 4 year old swearing - even if they shouldn't!! It turns out that DAna had picked up the words from one of James's late night movies!!!

Anyway, this book was amazing; and i loved it apart from the sometimes excruciating detail put into certain scenes! You must read it if you haven't yet!!!!!!!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewi-didn-t-expect-that-at-all individual-books4 s Emma6 1 follower

So many twists and turns in this book but couldn't put it down....nearly missed my stop on the train a few times as I was that engrossed!
Recommend it to any crime fan!3 s Natalie Mackay137

A solid 3.52 s Anna97 4

I read the book in German so there's a German version of my review below.

English version

It's a rather strange book. It's supposed to be a crime thriller, but sometimes it feels a collection of anecdotes and trivia about criminalistics and serial killers of the United States.

Dana Whitestone, an FBI-agent trying to figure out the murders of five little girls in the beginning, is on one hand an absolute perfectionist, doing everything ecaxtly the way it's supposed to be done. One hundred percent. On the other hand, she's thinking about her biological clock and that she'd to have kids - while questioning a witness. The other half of the book she is drunk. She lacks depth, I couldn't create an image of her while reading, or feel with her.

Her enemy Nathan Stiedowe is a serial killer. And not only that - he strives to be the very best serial killer of all times. He reenacts crimes of famous serial killers and never loses track of his final goal: to kill Dana. Of both protagonists, Nathan is definetely more interesting, he's got more of a character, even if he is extremely pervert.

The plot is built around informations about US-serial killers. The backstory is interesting, but the murder investigations are taking a back seat behind Nathans audiobooks about serial killers and Danas self pity because she has no life.

After reading the blurb I had expected much, much more of this book. Sadly there is little tension, the style (either the writing style or the style of the translator) is clumsy and I'm quite glad I'm done with it.

German version

Ein etwas seltsames Buch. An und für sich soll es ein Krimi sein, es liest sich aber zum Teil wie eine Anekdotensammlung über Kriminalistik und Serienmörder der Vereinigten Staaten.

Dana Whitestone, eine FBI-Agentin, die zu Beginn die Mordfälle an kleinen Mädchen aufklären soll, ist einerseits unglaublich perfektionistisch, macht alles nach Handbuch. Andererseits denkt sie während einer Zeugenbefragung über ihre biologische Uhr nach, darüber, dass sie gerne Kinder hätte. Die andere Hälfte des Buches über ist sie betrunken. Ihr fehlt Tiefe, ich hatte beim Lesen kein Bild vor Augen und konnte mich auch nicht in sie hineinversetzen.

Ihr Gegenspieler Nathan Stiedowe ist Serienmörder. Und nicht nur das - er will der beste Serienmörder aller Zeiten sein. Er stellt die Verbrechen von mehreren berühmten Serienmördern nach, und sein Ziel hat er dabei stets vor Augen: er will Dana töten. Nathan ist von beiden Hauptcharakteren definitiv die interessantere Person, er besitzt mehr Charakter, wenn auch von der extrem perversen Sorte.

Der Plot ist, wie schon gesagt, um Vermittlung von Informationen über US-Serienkiller herumgebaut. Die Hintergrundgeschichte ist interessant, die Mordermittlungen geraten irgendwie in den Hintergrund nach Nathans Serienkiller-Hörbüchern und Danas Selbstmitleid, weil sie kein Leben hat.

Nach dem Klappentext hatte ich mir von diesem Buch viel, viel mehr erhofft. Leider kommt kaum Spannung auf, der Schreibstil ist plump und ich bin ganz froh, dass es jetzt vorbei ist. 1 idkaaw4

First decided to read the book because Karin Slaughter, another mystery/thriller author, was quoted at the back, praising the book.
Kill Me Once wasn't disappointing, as even though we already know who the killer is, I was still second-guessing the actual identity of the killer. Some of the downside was that the clues of what relationship the killer had with the detective was quickly given out from the beginning of the book, but as you read on, you'd find actual reason for his hatred. To me, it had added value as the killer revisited the crimes of serial killers of the past. It was a good book with interesting crimes by a serial murderer. 2 s Sue Caldwell57

Very good, serial killer who becomes obsessed with maintianig perfection in his life and re creating a number of murders in history. The FBI are finding it difficult to understand what the serial killer true motive is, but it becomes apparent to FBI Special Agent Dana Whitestone that is very personal. The killer is a very clever but also very dangerous. Not for the faint hearted.2 s Rob71

I am the demographic for this book. I love true crime, thrillers, and horror - and this book has all of them, woven together in a unique and original cop vs. killer story. In my opinion, this is better than anything James Patterson has written in the past 5 or 6 years. Looking forward to this authors next effort.2 s Yvi228 1 follower

Wirklich ein guter Thriller. An manchen Stellen was für die 'Blutdürstigen' unter den Thrillerfans, andererseits auch für die, die mehr auf die psychologische Folter Wert legen. ;)
Ales in allem sehr lesenswert und 4 Sterne von mir...my-books2 s Patsy456 21

enjpyed this, will definately read more from this author.2 s Thomas86 1 follower

Der Plot ist zwar ein bisschen konstruiert. Macht aber nichts, hochspannend ist das Buch allemal und sicherlich nichts für zartbesaitete Gemüter.
2 s David1,767 2

Quite good, a new author to me. I believe this is his first book and a new one is due out now so will try to get that one.2 s Claire Pettifer2

brilliant book, was hooked from start to finish.2 s Karsyn 2,330 40

was looking for something similar to Chris Carter. This wasn't on that par, but was really enjoyable!2 s Kabardey3 51

I just loved it! nuff said2 s Kim1 reviewRead

Just stared loving it 2 s Ex_Libris_J159

Ein sehr spannendes Hörbuch! Nicole Engeln spricht so toll und erweckt die Charaktere quasi richtig zum Leben ??
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