
Changing Our World de Osborne, Erin

de Osborne, Erin - Género: English
libro gratis Changing Our World


Osborne, Erin Year: 2023

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Holy smokes I couldn't put this book down. Bella is a true survivor and I pray those boys change their time before it's to late. Bella has suffered more than an child or teenager should. It broke my heart at the way she was shunned and treated by not only her mother, grandparents, other adults and the young boys who once cared for her. This was hard to read at times because I was crying through most of of it. However I can't wait to see what happens next. Heather Arbuckle471 1 follower

This was the first of what I hope and pray is a long series! I enjoyed the story and learning about each of the main characters and what their life is . The story was filled with friendship, bullying, social classes, high school, along with many twists and turns! Seems someone is trying to pull all the strings and I can't wait to see how they fight back! Carol Roll1,562 2


Talk about a horrible life the main characters have to go through. Just breaks your heart. Looking forward to more of this series and what happens next. Talk about someone having to be strong, just can't understand how some people are. Bobbijo venegas12

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