
Control de Omar Tyree

de Omar Tyree - Género: English
libro gratis Control


Six talented but dangerously toxic personalities in the entertainment hotbed of Atlanta push their psychologist to her own vulnerable limits – and maybe beyond – in this enthralling, knife-edged thriller from NAACP Image Award-winning author Omar Tyree.
Dr. Victoria Benning knows it's unethical to discuss the therapy sessions of her clients, but the drama of their unpredictable lives tests her professional role like never before.
First, she counsels Mrs. Melody, a brutally honest, gorgeous rap artist who relies on sexual leverage with men to elevate her music career. Then there's Charles Clay, a hot young film director and master manipulator with a fetish for opportunistic women. Tyrell Hodge is a frustrated screenwriter, part-time driver, and full-time complainer who desperately needs a break. Dark & Moody is a music producer who prays for a blood sacrifice in order to succeed. Joseph Drake, a venture capitalist from a powerful,...

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I was a fan of Omar Tyree's earlier works so when I saw he had something new out and it was categorized as a psychological thriller I was excited to read it. Unfortunately this missed the mark for me. It starts off with Dr. Victoria Benning counseling these six individuals in the entertainment industry who are all struggling with or obsessed with control in their specific fields. Each chapter is supposed to be a reflection of her sessions with one of these six people; however, at points there are things going on with the person and she is not even mentioned in the chapter so it lost that flow to me. Additionally, when she has the idea to get everyone together to help solve their issues it was she became more of their friend and less of their psychologist. There was not much mystery or thriller aspects mentioned in many of the chapters so the whole thriller idea was lost to me. The ending seemed rushed and while there was a twist I felt it was a little lackluster and not the big shock factor I look for in a thriller or psychological thriller. I am happy that he is back and I will read more from him but this book was just okay and didn't really do it for me. Thank you to the publisher Kensington Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.9 s1 comment Tamisha booklovertamisha 233 7

So…I was really excited about this book. I’ve been an Omar Tyree fan for years! This book started off interesting but around the 40% mark it went off the rails. Dr. Benning was too unprofessional and she came across as very young.

The characters had interesting back stories, but there was too much going on. Each chapter started getting further away from the plot. I kinda figured out the big twist (it was obvious after awhile). The ending didn’t really make sense to me.

I think this book just wasn’t for me. I’m older now and this book felt a little too silly and convoluted. Fans of Omar Tyree might be interested, but I was disappointed!
Thank you NetGalley for my ARC.5 s S467 10

Omar Tyree is one of the authors I fell in love with as a young girl. All of these years later I am still a huge fan of his books. I was so happy to learn that he has a new book that I had to read it. I’m so happy that I did. The drama in this book, I was there for it. Another highly recommended book by one of my favorites.

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for gifting me this book in exchange for my honest review.2024 kindle-books3 s TellsOfABibliophile277 7

I was super excited to read something new from Omar Tyree. A psychotic thriller sign me up lol.

This story started off strong but then it started to derail. I feel I got more interested when I was 60% in. This book shows how it don’t matter how rich or poor you is we all got problems and if you don’t have control in your life it will sparel out of control. The plot twist of this was so off guard & I didn’t expect it. I do feel the story was kinda all over the place so at some points I had a hard time staying focused. This was a ok read and I will give it 3 stars.

Thank you Kensington Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with this digital advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.2 s Courtney12

When I tell you I did not expect that ending at all you know the book was good. The twist and turns were written so well. It did become very fast paced at the end which made me not want to stop reading so I could find out what happened next.
It did take me a little bit to get all of the different people straight in the beginning but I d how all the characters had different aspects to them.
Once again this author did not disappoint.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read this book before it comes outnet-galley-arcs2 s Gemini1,054

Boy, Bye!

Man, I should’ve known better, but I went in with an open mind. I haven’t read anything from this author in ages. This might be my last book from him. I absolutely cannot figure out what he was trying to do with this storyline. It was so nonsensical. The psychologist recruiting her clients to make a movie (with a lame plot) wasn’t believable at all. Their individual storylines were all ridiculous. I got so tired of Dr. Benning mentioning that she was from Camden, NJ over and over again. She had no substance to her personality outside of that. The plot twist at the end was some soap opera nonsense. Thankfully, I got this from the library. Otherwise, I’d be demanding a refund. 1 Jeanelle Gill5

I am soooo glad I chosed to use my credit and listen to this book! First of all, I enjoyed Staci Mitchell’s narration. Secondly, if I had of read the physical copy of this book I would have THROWN it across the room when I was finished cause what in the schizophrenia hell?! That was a crazy ending.

This book is categorized as a thriller and honestly, it’s hardly that. The most thrilling character of this book I can say is Destiny Flowers and she was more of a mystery. The thrills didn't kick in until the last few chapters. Dr. Victoria Benning is definitely one messed up psychologist. Again, I am glad I listened to it. I’m going to give it 4 stars cause the characters were all good and entertaining to me and I enjoyed getting to know them and their “stories”. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Kia K75 6

Enjoyed the story! 1 Monica B136 18

Maybe I expected too much from an established writer… this was a 3 on a good day! Sometimes this book was all over the place. The ending seemed rushed and made little sense. 1 Barbara TsipourasAuthor 1 book34

Who is controlling whom in this well-written novel? There's an interesting twist at the end where nothing is as it seems. The characters come to life and the movie industry is probably as bad as depicted.psychological-novel1 CharBearReads88 4

"Control" by Omar Tyree is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of power dynamics and personal relationships. Tyree's writing is both engaging and insightful, capturing the essence of his characters with depth and authenticity. The plot is well-crafted, with twists and turns that keep the reader hooked from beginning to end. One of the standout elements of the book is the character development. Each character is vividly portrayed, making it easy to empathize with their struggles and triumphs. Tyree skillfully explores themes of ambition, love, and betrayal, all while maintaining a realistic and relatable narrative. The pacing of the story is well-balanced, allowing for moments of reflection and intense action. However, there are parts where the narrative could benefit from tighter editing, as some scenes feel slightly drawn out. Despite this minor flaw, the overall impact of the story remains strong. Tyree's ability to address important social issues within the context of an entertaining story is commendable. "Control" is a testament to his talent as a storyteller and his keen understanding of human nature. This book is a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction who appreciate a good blend of drama and introspection. In summary, "Control" is a powerful novel that offers a rich reading experience. While not without its minor imperfections, it is a testament to Omar Tyree's skill as a writer and his ability to captivate his audience.

Thank you to Omar Tyree, The Publishers, and NetGalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.arc1 Ash60 3

I am a huge fan of Omar Tyree & was excited to see him returning with a new book, especially because I have been reading his books since I was a teenager. I seen that this book was a psychological thriller and I became even more excited because that is my favorite genre & he normally writes a different genre. Unfortunately I just thought this book was okay even though it had potential & had a good start. There was a lot going on with Dr. Benning & her six clients so you don’t get bored with each chapter. Yet I figured out the plot twist and it didn’t tie together smoothly in my opinion at the end. Each character is very flawed and has issues with control in their lives and it all comes around full circle. I enjoy Mr. Tyrees’ work and I will continue to read any other future books he puts out. Grateful for this complimentary copy of the book for an exchange of my honest review.
Shay54 3

I was excited to see Omar Tyree back in the writing game. This psychological thriller isn’t his usual style. The book was a bit all over the place and seemed it was geared towards the younger crowd. Very slow in some areas and I found myself a bit disengaged at times. Dr. Bennington was interesting to say the least, but at times I forgot she was even a doctor with the way she spoke & the lines she crossed.. I wasn’t surprised at the ending.
Overall it’s an okay read, I know the author can do much better since this is a new writing style for him. So i would read another attempt at his thrillers.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher & of course the author for gifting me this ARC in exchange for my honest review.netgalley Toni H 531 2

The story focuses on a psychologist who is treating 6 patients who all have ties to the entertainment business in Atlanta. The patients all seem to possess some form of obsessive disorder. Since they are all in the entertainment field she decides to work on a screenplay and have them all participate from the writer to the financial person to the soundtrack. Each person has their job and she’s relying on the to bring the project together. At the same time there is a mysterious woman calling for help but also playing games with the psychologist. The story was a bit confusing and didn’t really bring everything together or answer the most important questions of the storyline. Ladiami15

I've been a fan of Omar Tyree since my middle school days, so when I discovered his latest release, I was eager to dive in. From the very start, I was hooked by the gripping narrative that kept me guessing until the final pages. The characters' reflections on real-life issues and different perspectives on the desire for control added layers of complexity to the story. This was a fast-paced, engaging read that I thoroughly enjoyed. A big kudos to Mr. Tyree for this captivating tale. Many thanks to Kensington and Dafina for the ARC and the chance to share my thoughts in this honest review. Vnunez-Ms_luv2read881 28

I have been an Omar Tyree fan since “Fly Girl”. I was very excited to see he has a new book coming out. I read this book and yes there are quite a few characters in the book but it is still an awesome read. The ending will blow you out the water! Yes, he is back! Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the ARC of this book in return for my honest review. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on my thoughts on this book. D. Dame17

I wanted to love this book because Omar Tyree, duh! However I figured the book out by the description, cover, and title. I was hoping I would be wrong but I was not. The book just lacked something. It didn't keep me very interested, nor did I get the psychological thriller or much thriller in it at all. It was just ok.
Thank you Netgalley for allowing me the opportunity to review this book for my honest opinion. Renee13 1 follower

I was excited to see another book by Omar Tyree! I thought the book was entertaining in the beginning as we learned about the 6 patients of Dr. Victoria Benning. I did find myself becoming disinterested as the story went on. Others may enjoy this one though!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for allowing me to read this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Jo279 15

I didn't it. It took well over a hundred pages for any real action occur. We keep meeting different characters and their story always felt very surface level. Was there a twist at the end? Yea. But by then, I was forcing myself through the story. Farrin45

Omar Tyree is one of my childhood favorites, and his character development is always a pleasure to read. The author delves into the importance of therapy and the elements of control as we grow into adulthood. It was refreshing to revisit an old favorite. Candy8

For me, this was not one of his better books.. Julie420 2

I thought this was a mess of a book. I couldn't grab a hold of any part of it to follow through. I skimmed to the end and figured out the why, but it still just was too confusing, messy, blurry. Danneika295 7

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