
The Weejee Man de NP Cunniffe

de NP Cunniffe - Género: English
libro gratis The Weejee Man


Forced by his publisher to deliver a fresh manuscript by the end of the year, author Rick Rooney retreats to a secluded cottage in the West of Ireland in search of inspiration.After a night of dabbling with a spirit board at the local pub, strange events begin to unfold at the cottage, while a menacing figure lurks in the trees outside.When Rick digs deeper into the area’s dark history, he makes a chilling discovery about a local family, a devastating fire, and a centuries-old curse. Has Rick disturbed an ancient evil, and who, or what, is stalking him now?Some souls should never be summoned...M.F

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Atmospheric and creepy!

An author, suffering from writer's block, decides to take a sabbatical in rural Ireland, near the village in which he grew up. He rents a remote and isolated cottage in an attempt to stimulate his creative skills. On the first night of his sojourn he walks to the nearest pub for refreshment and is persuaded by three locals to join them in a "game" of ouija action. From that night onwards he is plagued by terrifying visions and ghostly apparitions. He still managers to complete his manuscript, although it now resembles the ramblings of someone in the throes of a mental breakdown. This story is a dark thriller, a mixture of Irish folklore, fairies, historical curses and suicide. Well worth a read!67 s2 comments Horror Reads366 130

This is an absolute creep fest of a book set in a small Irish village. When an author rents a small cabin by a lake for a vacation of sorts he's going to be forced into a supernatural nightmare that he might never recover from.

Rick, our protagonist, goes to a pub and meets some locals. The men decide to play around with an old antique ouija board after a few drinks and what they unleash is horrific.

This book combines some great folk horror with Irish legends concerning fairie children and the local lore of a man who supposedly haunts the town. A man who burned his home with himself and his family trapped inside in the 30s.

When Rick starts seeing a terrifying man everywhere and children playing who seem to ignore him, he slowly starts unraveling. And what he discovers are things that cannot be.

But of course there are more secrets to uncover about Rick. And those revelations near the end are heart breaking and terrible.

This is an emotional, frightening, and mystery fueled horror story and I highly recommend it.8 s Matthew97 3

Note: I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.

The Weejee Man is a novella that delivers a terrifying dose of Irish horror. The story follows Rick Rooney, a struggling author who rents a cottage in the countryside to work on his next book. However, he soon finds himself in a nightmare of supernatural events, haunted by a mysterious figure and a dark curse.

Cunniffe creates a gripping atmosphere of dread and suspense, using vivid descriptions and realistic dialogue. The setting of rural Ireland is well-researched and adds to the authenticity and creepiness of the story. The characters are well-developed and relatable, especially Rick, who is a sympathetic protagonist with a flawed but likable personality.

The plot is fast-paced and engaging, with plenty of twists and turns. The horror elements are original and effective, blending folklore, history, and occultism. The ending is satisfying and left me with a lasting impression.

The Weejee Man is highly recommended to fans of horror, especially those who enjoy stories with a strong sense of place and a touch of the paranormal. It is a short but very enjoyable read that really didn't disappoint.

4? Recommended.8 s Jasmine50

Read this in under 24 hours
A great little spooky read
I love anything to do with ouija boards as they fascinate me. So this book was ideal, perfect amount of horror, creepiness and lots of tension building.
I loved how it was from the MC POV throughout and d how the author incorporated the emails so it was as if we were reading what Ricks publisher was reading.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.7 s ??NataliLit ?????|Reading Horror Lit???25 20

It's a fast-paced book that reads quickly, thanks to the short chapters and mixed media (narrative/letters/phone calls/emails).

My main beef with the text is that it contains too many tropes that don't work well/combine in such a short story. From spirits summoned by Ouija boards to ghosts, fairy folk, curses, and an unreliable narrator, there's a glimpse of everything, but it doesn't feel very deep.

Overall, I really enjoyed the read. While the book may not be a breakthrough in literature, it stands as a solid horror story worth checking out.

P.S - it's definitely not an Irish Blair witch though! It's a disservice for the book to market it this.5 s Jen542 19

A creepy, atmospheric, fast-paced read. I zipped through this short book/novella as the plot intrigued me.3 s Paul ChambersAuthor 1 book34

Disclosure: I read an electronic copy of this through NetGalley

I do love a book that keeps you guessing and hits you with unexpected twists. This was very much the case with The Weejee Man.

It's thriller/horror/folklore and mystery all rolled into one. The protagonist is an author up against a deadline that he cannot be bothered to meet. He heads back to his hometown in Ireland to write in solitude and then things begin to unravel after he gets embroiled in an Ouija session in the local pub..

There are fairies, Ouija boards, mysterious deaths, intruders and a scary burnt ghost. Honestly a veritable smorgasbord of ghouls, genres and subjects and in no when messy when reading it.

We feel for and relate to the main character throughout - and with the clever use of emails from the publisher combined with the whole experience of the main character being relayed through his journals - it unfolds before us very fluidly. Therefore, it's kind of a found footage book.

Really enjoyable, fast paced and as I said, some great twistts and reveals at the end. Nicely played, NP Cunnife!3 s Clarke264 3

The Weejee man follows Rick on a secluded writers retreat in Ireland. He uses a Ouija board with locals at the pub, and soon things escalate. He researches the history of the area to discover what darkness he has unleashed.

Unfortunately, I think I'm in the minority here as I didn't really enjoy the book. Whilst the premise was promising, and I generally the use of emails and other media to make the story more immersive and realistic, I found it very difficult to 'get into' the book, stay interested or invested. I found the writing style a bit odd and unrealistic for emails, and the 'notes to editor' felt really distracting as the majority of the book is Rick's thoughts/experience in first person. I also felt it was quite reductive to repeatedly discuss different spellings/pronunciation of ouija, and it got annoying fast. It was a quick read and set up a good unreliable/questioning atmosphere. I think this was one of those books that just wasn't for me. Thank you to netgalley for the arc.3 s Bob97


Very creepy book, good twists,and aspects of Irish folklore. Very good characters, natural or otherwise. Engaging from the beginning. Appropriate format.2 s Abi McManigan608 4

I can tell the author worked really hard on this book and at times it's very well written and I wanted to get to the bottom of this Irish mystery but at times I became very confused. I was disappointed that there were no true scares at all except for the last few pages but the mystery kept me going. The letters sent in the 30s were my absolute favourite thing and I think this book could have been better if it was longer and as a book sold as an Irish folk horror: contain more lore.2 s A.L. Collins7 1 follower

If you're looking for a creepy ghost story, I would highly recommend this!

A London-based writer goes on a digital detox and goes home to rural Ireland in hopes of reviving his will to write. On his first night there he plays with a Ouija board with some locals. Unnerved from the experience he tries to convince himself that everything will be fine...but who's following him?

This book was very creepy and atmospheric. Cunniffe did an excellent job creating tension filled scenes and juxtaposing those with the light of day, making our main character question everything he's experiencing.

I really d the writing style. The story is written by our main character but is being read and commented on by his agent (the comments appearing as emails). I thought it was an interesting idea and way to frame the story.

My only complaint was the ending, which I found to be a little lack-lustre (more of a personal thing rather than a writing criticism). I don't want to say too much because it's hard to explain without spoilers, but I generally the idea of the ending and how it was presented, I was just looking for a little more! I actually want to go back and reread this to see if I can piece together more on a second read through.

I would definitely read more from NP Cunniffe based on this! kindle-unlimited1 Abbie Mearns39 1 follower

Meh, it was ok. The horror doesn’t really seem to have much of a foundation. Dude plays with a Ouija board one time and then immediately is terrified he’s haunted by the Devil? It just seemed the author rushed to get to the scary bits, and in doing so made the lead up to the scary bits seem unrealistic. The way it was written was also a bit off. It’s supposed to be kind of a posthumous manuscript deal, published after the author has died and with editorial notes. But again, it seems the author kind of forgot that during the main story action and only added a few editorial bits at the beginning and end. The purported work emails are just action with an email address and signature framing device - no one puts lines of dialogue and exposition in an email to their boss. I feel the mismanaged email correspondences are a missed opportunity for the author to ‘show instead of tell’ the plot progression and the scary, supernatural things that were happening. Good concept, just a little rushed and execution is unpolished. 1 Shannon | Sp00ky B00ks40 7

The Weejee Man | NP Cunniffe

Horror, Folk Horror
246 Pages
December 9, 2024 - ScaryBooks

The Weejee Man is a great blend of modern life and folklore. As someone who has spent time in Ireland, I was eager to see where this story would take me.

The detailed descriptions of the setting really pull you into rural Ireland, and extensive backstory adds depth. It also helps explain the superstitions. I multi media in stories, I'm sure that's not the correct term but the included letters and emails added some flair. There were some great buildups and tense moments as well.

Some of the letters were a bit long and I did skim through to find the important info. Wish we had a bit more info about Rachel and Rick's parents.

This book is a must-read for anyone who enjoys folk horror and I can't wait to see where this author goes in future.

Read if you :
- folk horror
- Short, fast paced stories
- Ouija Boards
- Suspense
sp00kyb00ks-library1 L.B. StimsonAuthor 9 books44

A Folklore Tale of Sheer Madness & Despair with a Modern Retelling

I was intrigued with this book from the first time I read the author’s summary and it didn’t disappoint. It’s been a while since I read a book that I had to set aside while reading because the imagery brought on a couple of nightmares.

Cunniffe’s writing creatively blends the genres of Gothic Horror, Psychological Terror, and raw Paranormal Horror into this short novel. The Weejee Man will take readers on a journey with the characters as they find themselves tossed into a world of unbelievable madness and despair I’ve not encountered since reading Paver’s Dark Matter.

I look forward to reading more books by NP Cunniffe.1 Spooky Little Book Nerd97 31

Irish folklore, ghosts, and fairies make up the perfect combination for a horror book. It is so atmospheric and would actually be a great fall or winter read if you’re a mood reader. It’s chilly, foggy, and just moody. I loved seeing fairies in a more sinister light too!

I may be in the minority but I found the setting to be more cozy than spooky. I didn’t find this to be overly scary but I really enjoyed the story. The pacing was perfect and the story kept me guessing until the very end.

Overall I thought this book was well-written with excellent character development. I would definitely read more from this author!1 Keith CARTER377 10

A brilliant mix of folklore and horror. I simply could not put this book down until it was finished. Nerve-shredding and atmospheric, chock full of ghosts and fae folk. Buy it and love it.1 ???Heather Mc Erlean???163 34

NP Cunniffe's book, "The Weejee Man" is atmospheric and haunting. It is uncommon for me to find books on fairies that portray them as sinister, as in this book. I was immensely pleased with the story and how the portrayal of the fairies.

My favorite books are of the horror genre, and this did not disappoint. As an author who has suffered from writer's block, I can sympathize with the character's need to get into an inspirational setting and start working on a book. Cunniffe brought the local lore to life (or death) in this book. The Descriptors made it easy to see everything in my mind's eye. The pacing was perfect, and the characters were genuine. The letter writing (email or otherwise) was an added touch that brought the book together nicely.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves horror novels. "The Weejee Man" is also brilliant if you love myths, legends/lore, or fairies.1 Kevin494 10

A middling folk/gothic tale takes a ridiculous turn with its unnecessary framing device.1 Mary Corcoran12 1 follower

Very good take on a local legend.1 Sharon Barker6 1 follower

Very enjoyable read

A great read, loved the folklore, well worth a read, excellent
Characters were great and there was a twist in the tale, will be following this author and await his next publishing

1 Hope 34 3

My 3 star rating is simply because I felt the book should have been longer. I enjoyed this book so much, but I was left feeling unsatisfied. It was eating an appetizer so delicious that you're starving for the main course, yet it never arrives. Cunniffe is a good author, I just wish the book had had more umph.1 Karen Dandurant143 13

I was unfamiliar with the author, but I am glad I checked it out. This is a ghost story, and a good one, well written and grabs you from the start. And it has a good surprise ending I didn't expect. 2 s3 comments Chloe Bruce17 3

Nothing scares me but the first 70% of this book made me nervous. Good plot, interesting characters and the twists and turns were great. For me, Ricks ending felt a disservice. I was so invested in his story and his experience, it was a lil disappointing to wrap it all up in a page or two, but that isn’t a deal-breaker and the overall ending of the book was fab. It was a good read and I would recommend to any fans of the supernatural.

Thanks to NetGalley for the early copy.1 David Slater76

The Weejee Man by NP Cunliffe


I picked up this book as I'm deadly afraid of the idea of using a oujia board and contacting an evil spirit. That being said, I had hoped that more of the story would centre around this rather than it being more of a device to set up the story.

There's lots to enjoy in this story and it's certainly well written. It just wasn't quite as spooky as I'd hoped. Admittedly I am difficult to spook though.1 JanaSt. 118 4

Awesome! It was nearly 3 stars but last 10% made it 4*. Spooky & entertaining ??1 Caroline Shanahan2

Genuinely creepy, a good read 1 Elaine523 40

The premise of this book really grabbed me as I have been reading more and more horror lately. However, this book failed to capture my imagination at all. An author, suffering writer's block, comes back to Ireland to his home village to try and restart his career. He is a strange individual, with a cranky persona and a girlfriend called Rachel to whom he is neither pleasant nor agreeable. The story meanders along with us having no idea why he is in his home village, why he is doing a ditigal detox and honestly I wasn't really interested in finding out. Rick (the writer) has his first night having a pint in the Village pub and 3 locals then practically bully him into partaking in a session with a ouija board??! It was too random.

There was so many descriptive paragraphs about the village, the smells, the lake, I began to skim read over these paragraphs just to get to the storyline again. I am Irish, and I am aware of the old beliefs of fairies, etc. but this really wasn't enough to keep me invested in the story. Too rambling, not enough actual story or back story, too slow and vague about what was actually going on, I gave up at 55%.1 Michelle Herbert51

Creepy where it needs to be1 Sass57 1 follower

Just the most amazing ghost story I have read in a long time. Really reels you in and the pace , so swift, so easy to keep going. Great ending.1 Rainy-Night-Reads301

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