
The Sandler Inquiry de Noel Hynd

de Noel Hynd - Género: English
libro gratis The Sandler Inquiry


It started as a simple case of arson. But the charred timber and wet ashes that has once been Thomas Daniels' midtown Manhattan office concealed the key to a concspiracy that would soon destroy financial empires and take countless lives. For the young attorney, it ws the first step into a dark labyrinth of death and terror where his survival depended on discovering the secret to a plot so briliant no governement had yet been capable of stopping it.
The master plan was so ingeniously simple that is would not die. The architect: Albert Sandler, American millionaire, master forger and devious spy. Hilter had used his plan hoping to destroy England. Russia had salvaged it to use in their own war against the West. Even now it was too good to abandon--any amount of bloodshed was worth saving it. For Thomas Daniels there were too many questions and too little time to find answers. Even now it might be too late to save the free world from ruin because the countdown to international disaster had already begun!..M.F