
Círculo de amigas de Noble, Elizabeth

de Noble, Elizabeth - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Círculo de amigas


Cuatro mujeres -Freddie, Tamsin, Reagan y Sarah- se conocen en la Universidad de Oxford, en los años ochenta, y rápidamente se hacen amigas. Así, fruto de interminables noches de charla, se fragua un auténtico círculo de amigas sometido a la promesa de nunca fallarse las unas a las otras. Veinte años después, sus vidas han seguido muy distintos derroteros, pero las cuatro siguen unidas incluso cuando se tienen que enfrentar a la muerte, el desamor y la incertidumbre.

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No doubt that Noble can write! While she could easily succumb to the chick lit phenom and write half-baked, "Sex and the City"-type book. But instead, she gives real thought to the characters, their own backstories, and how they interact. The main three characters are complete, with issues and problems of their own.

The complaints I have are:
1. Things wrapped up a bit too neatly. I would have d to see a little more change and friction instead of a "they all lived happily ever after" end.

2. Freddie is supposed to be American, but she uses turns of phrases that NO American would use. Same for some of the dialog when the story moves to Massachusetts. Noble should have had an American editor read through for these slips that really distracted me.

3. With all the talk about "The Friendship Test," I think they would have applied the test to all the women in the book they encountered -- including Rebecca and Grace. I was very interested to see how they stacked up.

Still, a great book that was a fun read.
4 s Julia Batt8 1 follower

I loved this book. It's exactly the sort of easy reading I enjoy.

To begin you're introduced to the four main characters of the story and the logic behind the title.

The rest of the book is spent enjoying these characters mature through life.

There's the one that's a bit of a moody git - Reagan, whose issues never get completely resolved.

Then there's the one that's cool but has issues - Freddie, whom we see mature and move into a settled phase in life; and finally my favourite, the stalwart of all chick lits (imho), the 'earth mother'. Friend to all, wise and caring, Tamsin.

I want to be that woman!

You'll have to read the book to discover what happens with the fourth character, Sarah. I daren't include too many spoilers!

Most of all though, I want to read a sequel... how do their lives and relationships continue to develop?

I loved this book. A fabulous post Christmas treat that had me laughing in places and then genuinely concerned for the characters in others.

I look forward to future reads by this author (especially a sequel!)chick-lit easy-read3 s Julie Tombs352

Easy read about four women who meet at University and their lifelong friendship. They are all very different women but even 20 years later are still supporting each other through difficult times. Nothing very thought provoking in this book but a pleasant enough read. Fairly typical Elizabeth Noble book but not her best. 2 s Karen Meier26

A very strong 4. I quite got into it and was always anxious to read more. I wasnÂ’t sure how IÂ’d the back and forth between England and the U.S., but that was seamless. Maybe a little too neat and tidy with some things, but I can let that go. The big things were my overall enjoyment and wish to keep reading, and both were high. 1 Gwyneth493

I picked this up at a book sale and did not it, should have stopped reading part way through but the Cape Cod piece kept me going. Not recommended.1 Rhonda79

Really enjoyed this feel good book.1 RoxAnne232 2

This is a good summer read, but nothing exceptional. There is a lot of British references and slang that were foreign to me so some things were lost. But, nothing that mattered that much. ThereÂ’s a lot going on in the relationships and everything seemed to get resolved much too neatly with still a lot of questions and unresolved issues.1 Alice845 47

Elizabeth Noble has come a long way in a short time, as a writer. I say that because, having read her later books first, this one does not stack up nearly as well. Had I read this book first, I probably would not have kept seeking out Noble's books.

The core of the book is about Freddie, who's stuck in an unhappy marriage to a selfish prick. Supposedly, the book is about a foursome's friendship through the years, but the bulk of the book focuses on Freddie finding love with a near and dear friend.

I had a really hard time keeping everyone apart in my mind. They all sounded the same in dialogue (and there are pages and pages of expositionary dialogue), and the perspectives shifted almost constantly, usually without warning. A passage would start out from Freddie's perspective, shift to Tamsin's, then wind up in Matt's head. It was discombobulating, which, while fun to say, is not a selling point in a novel.

Part of the book was set on Cape Cod, which I am resolved to not hold against Noble. I grew up on the Cape, you see, and I experienced a very different Cape Cod than what Noble writes about. But then, I experienced a very different Cape Cod from that of my current friends and neighbors here in upstate NY when they visit. Still, there were some details that struck me as rather odd. I enjoyed the book a lot more when I pretended the book was set in an alternative universe where Cape Cod has no wind in the fall, and no one walks the beaches at sunset.

On top of all that, the narrative was choppy and uneven, the romance too dramatic (and they hopped into bed together way too quick - I wanted more romantic tension), and the one character who most interested me is shuffled off to the side. I really, really wanted to get into Reagan's head, to explore what was missing in her life to make her so prickly and quick to lie to, then dismiss her lovers. I wanted there to be something she could find that was wanting, and patch that up. Instead, as near as I can tell, she fixes it with antidepressants. *sigh*

It's a decent enough story, and there's the framework of something really good here. You can see the beginning seeds of what I about the later Noble books I've read.

So, if you read this and were disappointed, I would recommend picking up her later books. This is not the best book Noble has written; far from it. She's shown a vast improvement since this book came out.2011 library literary1 Meghan689

Dear authors of England and surrounding parts:

When writing an American character, please note bloody, gobsmack, bugger, even brilliant are not used the same way in American lingo. Should an American start using those words in the British manner, said American's friends would immediately call him/her pretentious and mock him/her mercilessly, calling him/her Madonna/Gwenyth. And no one under 40 would use the term "bee's knees".

As to the story itself, not Noble's best work. I'd recommend The Reading Group over this one. The story in this book is disjointed, covering far too long a time frame, so that by the end I simply didn't care what happened to any of the characters, I just wanted the story to end. And oddly enough, for as long as this book was, the time in which certain events took place seemed ridiculously short (really Freddie and Matthew--you'd hook up and go straight into deciding it's okay to have a baby in less than a month?!).

If you Noble or looking for a beach read, this may be okay to pick up. I would recommend getting it at the library though. Spend your money on better works, my favorite Noble book, Things I Want My Daughters to Know.american brit-lit british ...more1 Emily231 14

In the same afternoon Freddie finds out her husband is planning on leaving her, she is informed that her father just died, and she just had to dropper her son off at boarding school (a place he and she both hate, but her husband insists on). The book then follows how Freddie deals with all of this over the next few months and the discovery of other family secrets with the friends of her closest friends is what the book is around. The Girls in the book Tamsin, Freddie, Reagan, and Sarah, a close group since college they are very connect in their lives, or at least as close as Reagan will let anyone get. The book moves back and forth between America and England and characters every few chapters and paragraphs at times, the book still keeps a good steady even flow.

I read The Reading Group by this author before I read this one and if I remember it right I don't know why I read this one. That one was so so. This one was quite a bit better. Though I did with the last one and I though I would when I started this one I didn't have trouble keeping the characters straight. Though the story wasn't deep it was an enjoyable read, another if you don't want to think good thing to read.chick-lit reviewed1 Noel848 38

More than chick lit and less than literature, poorly edited, lame storyline, lots of characters - so why did I read all 400 plus pages? Somehow it drew me in and it was a quick, easy read. It's the story of 4 women who become friends in college, 3 go on to get married and one dies unexpectedly. The other 3 remain close despite the many ups and downs of friendships. Reagan, is smart, educated and flighty - seems to be fighting with herself all the time; Tamsin is the mother hen, lots of kids, a good marriage and very good advice, Freddie is the main character, she learns early on of her father's death, and learns too late that he has taken many questions to the grave and that her unresolved issues with him will never be resolved.

That aspect of the book resonated with me, but I found it treated superficially. Not that I expected more, Nobel is not a Stegner or a Steinbeck, but I still found the book lacking in that respect.women-s-lit1 Mei94 51

I got a copy as a gift from one of my close friends when I turned thirteen I'm writing this as a twenty year old right now. Definitely not my type, but I was so touched that they thought of me and went - You know what, my friend loves reading more than anything in this world, so why not give her a book this year. Needless to say, I loved the book. It's been years, so I don't remember much about it, but I know I loved it. It was different from the usual stuffs I read and I think I really needed something slow and comforting that time. The sad part is that I'm not in contact with the one who gave the book to me, but if she ever finds this review, I hope she knows that I'm thankful for all the years we spent loving each other.2014-reads 4-stars1 Lisa62 1 follower

The Friendship Test is a little longer than the average chick-lit novel and there is a little more depth to the book. About four college friends and their lives 15 years after college, Noble writes interesting female characters and the men surrounding them. There are a few too many issues and it does go on a little too long for this ADD reader...but it's a quick read, even at 400+ pages.

Great for a plane, a beach or a pool!1 Amy96

This was the second Elizabeth Noble book i have read, as I wanted to see if it was better than the previous one I had tried, but I just don't think her characters (especially the men) are believeable. The dialogue is all a bit a Friends/Cold feet episode and grated on me after a while.1 Rebecca Shields236

I didn't expect to enjoy this novel as much as I did. But I did!1 Angie5

Gave up after about 30 pages in. It was going nowhere and I didn't want to waste anymore time than I already did.1 Novelle Novels1,471 43

4 out of 5 stars
This is one of those books where the ending has actually rescued it and stopped it from being 3 and half stars. Friendship is the heart of the story which I did really love. Four friends met at college and stayed friends. 20 years later those very different ladies have stayed close but when tragedy plays its hand they have to remember how important friendship is.
To me the story wasnÂ’t really about that friendship in general but about one of the girls Freddie. I thought the other ladies stories could have been developed more to give it a better grounding. I did think Freddie was a good leading lady and I loved Matthew it just wasnÂ’t enough for me. I could pick this up and put it down too easily which meant it wasnÂ’t gripping enough. However I said the ending was amazing and there were no loose ends which I loved. Leighann Garber66 5

Good book for what it is. Not the best book I've ever read, but it helped me get into reading again... This is the first book I read in 2022!

I'm a bit jealous of the friendships described. I had close friends in high school, but we've all drifted apart and now we're friends on Facebook but don't often meet.

The mother/child relationships speak to me. I've raised a 21 year old and now raising 3 kids under 5. I also have lost my own mom after an estrangement period, and my partner recently gained her mother back after an estrangement of her own.

The descriptions of gay people are dated and Matthew's reaction to being near a gay man for 5 minutes is painful to read. But it tracks for a mainstream book published in 2004.

I did enjoy the way the author fluidly goes from one character's stream of consciousness to the next. That's hard to do well, and I think it worked. Elaiza Ayap63 1 follower

I d the story-telling and how the author was really able to set the main characters apart from each other. The flashbacks and the different settings of the story did not confuse me while reading.

However, although I would admit that the part where Freddie's father fell in love with her mother's mother first before they met was kind of shocking a plot twist to me, the other plot lines were sort of already a cliché to me. I don't know if this is because this was published way way back or even way way back this can already be considered cliché. But at present, I stand by my rating.

Overall, it was a page-turner and a light read and I felt it still deserved 4 stars as I was still able to finish it easily, without having to force myself. I am planning to read The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble as well once I get myself a copy.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Louisa563 7

Neither a great read nor a terrible one, The Friendship Test takes the reader into a group of thirty-something people who have been close friends since university days, presenting relationships and self-doubts that are mostly on target. One couple is facing a ly divorce, another is having their fourth baby, one woman is not yet married, and one has died, but her husband continues his membership in the friendship without her. Every one of the major characters is gobsmacked by some event or epiphany that forces a deep assessment of what she (or he) really wants out of life and gauges how much effort she is willing to exert to get satisfaction. I picked this up at a used book sale for 50 cents and enjoyed it, but plan to recycle the book. Susan Jones210 3

Goodreads can we have “gave up/abandoned” option please along with the “Read” option. Only gave it 1 star as can’t leave zero stars! I think it started promising enough then another name appears and then another. Gave up after a few pages. Where is the story? It’s not gripping. I’d only given up on on her other book “The Reading Group” as absolutely nothing going on and this was on the book shelf and I thought try this?

I’m not sure but - does any one know? - did she write this and The Reading Group before the publication of The Jane Austin Book Club? (can’t recall author and only seen film of that). If it WAS AFTER then is she trying to “copy” that type of book? and I don’t mean plagiarise it completely but just use a similar idea. Bianca Duthie736 8

I really d the idea of this story, friends growing up together and facing the trials and tribulations of life, relationships, careers and mental health but I just didnt think it was very well written which surprised me as I have read 2 other novels by the same author which I loved. This just didn't flow and felt hashed in many places. Bits didn't make sense and I had to go back and re-read to make sure it wasn't just me that was getting confused. It took me a while to get into it and the 2nd half held my attention a lot better than the 1st but I think if this was the first time I read something by Elizabeth I wouldn't have rushed out to read anything else. Renee Crook262 3

This was a wonderful book that pulled me in right away. As I was reading this, I felt it was the grown-up version of "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." This was fun and I loved how the different relationships among the four women changed and grew throughout the years. This was a great reminder of why women need their girlfriends to help get through the bad and the good times.

Quote I d:
"The speaker had given an analogy for marriage...a point where two river converged. At the place they met you could still see their two distinct colors, and after they merged, the colors stayed separate until, further up, they became a new color." (p. 269) NataLand265 4

Empecé con este libro casi por casualidad y ha sido un grandísimo descubrimiento.

La autora me ha conquistado con la historia de estas 4 amigas, sus idas y venidas, sus alegrías y sus penas, amores y desamores y, sobretodo, su amistad.

Se lee casi del tirón, prácticamente me enganché desde la primera palabra y ha sido una lectura deliciosa, ya están en mi lista de pendientes el resto de libros de Elizabeth Wilma Murray148

This could’ve had four stars for readability because it’s fun and captivating but I resist giving lightweight books much more than three stars on principle, since it’s a mostly forgettable plot and characters aren’t particularly deep. That said, it’s the proverbial great beach read, a story of a quartet of women who met and connected in college and how, years later, their lives and friendships change. Simple and enjoyable. Dina MitchellAuthor 1 book3

It kept me interested to get to the end, but just seemed a little far fetched with the Rebecca storyline and Freddie's dad marrying the daughter of the woman he loved. And this woman doesn't even remember him. I d the layers of the various female friendships. The love story of Matt and Freddie also didn't totally fit and her son Harry has no sadness that his dad and mom are divorcing, and happy it's Matt. But it's fiction and it doesn't have to be realistic. It was a light beach type read. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Claudia261 2

I don't remember when or where I purchased this book--it has been on my bookshelf for some time. At any rate, it was a good read that kept my attention, although it does not really unfold as the back cover depicts. As far as I can see, there is no big test among these friends--?? The story jumps around at first, but then centers on really just one of the main characters. I enjoyed the book, but it wasn't a great book. Addie BookCrazyBlogger1,307 44

So emotions are really weird things to me and this book was testing me. When your husband has an affair and your response is to say nothing but then have sex with him? I dunno man. Kinda weird. A little bit too much of a “everyone goes home happy even if it’s super cheesy and totally implausible based on past character history” vibe to it. Glenys355 3

Having met at University these friends bonded and helped each other through lifes struggles with laughs and love along the way. Dealing with unfaithfulness, abandonment issues from childhood, mental anguish and death of a loved one they were always there for each other. Great to see the character development as you read this book and solutions to real life problems any of us could face. Rachel153 1 follower

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