
El metge de Noah Gordon

de Noah Gordon - Género: Histórico
libro gratis El metge


Rob J. Cole, un jove londinenc del segle XI que pertany a una família de fusters, queda orfe als nou anys i amb la responsabilitat de tenir cura dels seus quatre germans petits, als quals va trobant famílies adoptives. Un cop sol, coincideix amb Henry Croft, un barber cirurgià que recorre Anglaterra muntant espectacles i dedicant-se a fer de curandero per vendre un ungüent miraculós, i se'n converteix en aprenent. Amb Henry Croft comparteix viatge, cartell i beneficis fins que el mestre mor. I és llavors quan coneix Benjamin Merlin, un metge jueu que l'encoratja a superar-se i fer realitat el seu somni, i que li parlarà del metge més eminent de la remota Pèrsia: Ibn Sina o Avicenna. Rob, endut per la seva passió per guarir i alleujar el dolor, arriba a Orient on es farà passar per jueu i adoptarà el nom de Jesse ben Benjamin, per tal de no destacar com a europeu i poder fer realitat el seu somni: estudiar medicina a la madrassa d'Ispahan.

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This is one of the most satisfying novels I've read in a long time. One of my rare six-star selections. There's a consistency of quality from cover to cover, owing to the perfect marriage of fine writing and graceful editing.

Rob J. Cole is a man who feels called to be a healer. He stays true to that calling, even when surrounded by other physicians who are motivated by greed and glory. He risks and sacrifices all for the chance to study in Persia with Ibn Sina, the greatest physician of the 11th century.

The story is especially fulfilling because it comes full circle. Rob returns to London after many years in foreign lands. Through comparison with those who have never left home, he realizes how he has grown in compassion, tolerance, and critical thinking. He's so far ahead of the doctors around him that he doesn't fit in, but he does finally find a place where he can put down roots and be surrounded by a loving family and community. This is a sweet relief for him after having been an orphan and an outsider since the age of nine.

I read the final paragraph of the book three times in a row with tears in my eyes. There are no spoilers in it, so here is that paragraph:

"As the seasons slipped by, only one thing was constant. The extra sense, the healer's sensitivity, never abandoned him. Whether he was called lonely in the night to a bedside or hurried of a morning into the crowded dispensary, he could always feel their pain. Hastening to struggle with it, he never failed to know--as he had known from the first day in the maristan--a rush of wondering gratitude that he was chosen, that it was he whom God's hand had reached out and touched, and that such an opportunity to minister and serve should have been given to Barber's boy."

That sense of duty, of being one chosen to ease suffering, has completely disappeared from the practice of modern medicine. That is a tragedy beyond reckoning. all-fiction europe-and-british-isles five-star-fiction ...more166 s Ahmad Sharabiani9,564 148

The Physician (Cole Family Trilogy #1), Noah Gordon

The Physician is a novel by Noah Gordon. It is about the life of a Christian English boy in the 11th century who journeys across Europe in order to study medicine among the Persians.

Part One: Barber's Boy: It is the year 1020. Rob Cole is the eldest of many children. His father is a Joiner in the Guild of Carpenters in London. His mother, Agnes Cole, is his father's wife. Robert has a particular Gift: he can sense when someone is going to die. When his mother and father both die, the Cole household is parceled out to various neighbors and friends. The Cole children are parceled out wise. ...

Part Two: The Long Journey: Rob travels, as a Christian, from London throughout Europe to Constantinople. Here he becomes Jewish in appearance, and travels eastwards with a group of Jewish merchants, learning their ways as best he can. ...

Part Three: Isfahan Rob arrives in the city of Isfahan, in the heart of the Abbasid Caliphate (in present-day Iran), and tries to enter into the school of physicians there. He is not allowed access. He struggles to survive in the city, homeless, while searching for a way to enter the school.

Part Four: The Maristan: A chance encounter with the Shah of Persia opens for Rob the door to the school of physicians (Bimaristan). Here he begins the study of medicine—the first formal study he has ever had in his life. At the same time he immerses himself in the life of a Persian Jew.

Part Five: The War Surgeon: Comparable to a surgical residency or similar term of practicum, Rob goes to a war-torn (and plague-torn) land to practice his medical knowledge. His journeys with the Shah's armies take him as far as India, where he encounters elephants, spices, and Wootz steel. He makes friends among the Muslim students of the school. ...

Part Six: Hakim: He is passed as a physician and helps to instruct new physicians in the school. Rob and Mary's son is named Robert James Cole. She, at one point, is visited by Ibn Sina, who tells her that the Shah requested her presence, otherwise he'd kill Rob. Mary understood that it meant that the Shah intended to have sex with her, and goes to him. After having sex with Shah, she gets pregnant. When the child, named Thomas Scott, is born, the Shah sends him a rug, and Rob realizes that Thomas is not his son. Mary, however, tells him that she kept them both alive, and leaves his bedroom. However, when Mary beats him for thinking that he had been with prostitutes, the two are able to tell the truth and reconcile themselves.

Part Seven: The Returned: Rob struggles to locate his lost brothers and sisters, wise to make his place amongst the terribly ignorant physicians of London. Despairing, he returns with his wife and family to Scotland, where he acts as physician to his wife's people high in the hills.

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