
Les ànimes mortes de Nikolái Gógol

de Nikolái Gógol - Género: Drama
libro gratis Les ànimes mortes


Es diu que Gógol va treure del seu amic Puixkin l’argument de Les ànimes mortes, que no és altre que el d’una estafa d’allò més curiosa en els primers dies del capitalisme a Rússia. Sota la disfressa de la ironia, Gógol pretenia oferir un retrat sense concessions del país i fins de la natura humana en general, per després projectar-ne la reforma i la salvació a la manera de Dant. De manera simptomàtica, però, només la primera part (o l’Infern gogolià) va arribar a veure la llum; de l’esborrany de la segona (o el Purgatori) únicament n’han arribat alguns fragments, car Gógol va llençar-lo al foc de la seva estufa poc abans de morir.

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Hidden behind the nickname of Panko, The Red Beekeeper, Nicolas Gogol gives us some novels here under the title "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka." It was a successful bet for this young man of barely twenty-two years old. His short stories, inspired by legends he heard as a child, tell the story of Ukraine. And, through it, many colorful characters, each as picturesque as the next. We find cantankerous mothers-in-law, young men in love, wicked witches, proud and terrible Cossacks, poor superstitious peasants, greedy and abused Jews, lazy people, and pranksters. Small people, who could come from any hamlet, hid in remote places and were found in fairs and markets. Despite their apparent characteristics, they are not one-dimensional characters. They have their motivations and manage to move us and even surprise us. They give us a part of this Ukrainian people that of these highly folkloric regions still a little wild, always captivating. Indeed, if Gogol makes us believe his characters, he also successfully portrays the Ukraine of the time. This country of green steppes is on both sides of the majestic Dniepr River. This country has joyful and burning days and starry and enchanting nights. This country that we must sometimes - often, even - dispute with the devil. For many, life is a constant battle against the evil one searching for souls. In short, in a realistic and poetic setting, we find the comic mixed with the nostalgic and the fantastic. Quite a knack! "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" can only constitute a tasty little gem that almost makes you want to experience rural life under the Russian Empire.2021-readings e-5 fantasy ...more57 s Sawsan1,000

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