
Halfway There de Nikki Godwin

de Nikki Godwin - Género: English
libro gratis Halfway There


Ridge McCoy can count on one hand how many times he's seen his boyfriend Micah since summer ended. Determined to get some quality time in before his last semester of high school, Ridge heads back to Bear Creek for a few days. But a few quiet days in Bear Creek is the last thing Micah has planned for them.

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No spoilers; just the German review:
Vorneweg: ich war bereits vom ersten Teil nicht besonders begeistert. Diese Kurzgeschichte bewegt sich etwas auf demselben Niveau – wer Teil eins also wirklich mochte & ein großer Fan der beiden Jungs ist, sollte sich nicht unbedingt von mir abschrecken lassen.

Im Großen und Ganzen ist es eine süße Geschichte für Zwischendurch – zum Beispiel die Frühstücks- oder Kaffeepause. Es gibt Fans einen kleinen Einblick in Ridges und Micahs Beziehung sechs Monate nach »Falling From The Sky« während man sie über die Neujahrs Feiertage begleitet.
Ich stehe Kurzgeschichten zu Büchern/Serien eher kritisch gegenüber. Scheinbar beherrschen nur sehr wenige Autoren die Kunst, sie gut umzusetzen und noch weniger schaffen es, ihnen wirklich Bedeutung zu geben. Einfach nur Zucker reicht mir persönlich nicht – es muss auch einen Sinn dahinter geben. Dieser fehlt der Geschichte bis zum letzten Absatz vollkommen – und das, was der Leser dort präsentiert kriegt, wird er zu Beginn von Band zwei ohnehin erfahren, so dass diese Kurzgeschichte quasi vollkommen bedeutungslos wird.
Für den Preis von 0,99 € würde ich dieses Buch definitiv nicht weiter empfehlen.

Endgültige Wertung: ??,5

First and foremost: I wasn’t exactly a huge fan of part one. This novella is on the same level as the first book (concerning writing style, characters and ideas), so if you REALLY d the first book and are a huge fan of the boys then you might still come to enjoy it.

All in all this is a very sweet story if you’re looking for something to read in your ten minute coffee break. Fans of Ridge and Micahh get a glimpse into their relationship six months after the events of book one. During the 29 pages the reader experiences the New Year’s holidays together with them.
I’m already very critical of short stories that add to books. A lot of authors seem to be clueless about writing short stories and even more of them can’t understand that a good short story should still add something to the book they relate to and have some sort of...well...sense. Lots of sugar and sweetness are – in my opinion – not enough to justify its existence, especially when it’s 29 pages in exchange for a dollar.
Wouldn’t recommend unless you're a huge fan.

Overall rating: ??,5
2016 lgbt short-stories2 s maha400 11

201703302017-book-challenge ebooks reg ...more1 Pau9

5683!!!!! I love it!! It is short and sweet. It gave me a taste on what their relationship is after FFTS. They are still the adorable OTP I love. I also love the crossovers in this short story. I'm looking forward to meet them again soon. 1 Scarlett286 2

Beautiful!4-5-out-of-51 Chris81 10

I fell in love with Micah and Ridge over two years ago when I read Falling From the Sky. I'm so happy that I get to continue reading about them and their love story. contemporary kindle-books lgbtquia ...more1 Turtlefrog240 33

Cute little snippet to get us excited for the second book. nook novella B. Jean1,336 24

Sweet little short story about New Years. I really want to read the sequel. cheap-amazon-books fiction lgbt ...more Ailla Magcamit237 44

Read full review HERE! :)

I initially planned to post this review during the release date of this short story (after receiving an advanced copy from the awesome Nikki Godwin herself! *squeee*) However, life happened and I failed to do so. Nonetheless, it's better late than never eh? :)

The short story is simply a sweet read that I greatly enjoyed! It had lots of cutesy scenes between the two and it was fun seeing a new side of Micah who's usually the ball of energy but turns out to be a bit scaredy-cat too. However, the story still showcased how his heart is soft. I d Micah and Ridge's date and the part when Micah wore Ridge's sweater! I always found scenes that cute :3

Lastly, THAT ending!!!

I can now say that Nikki Godwin really knows how to give a splashing ending* to her works! That last scene was all kinds of adorable! Ahhh so much hearts! Perfect!

*a splashing ending AND gorgeous covers, if I may say ;) love love LOVE Halfway There's cover! (although Falling From The Sky's cover is still my favorite haha!) Chiara891 237

Cuties, as always.lgbtqia lgbtqia-bisexual read-own-ebook ...more Sasha29

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