
Mortal Showdown de Nik Krasno

de Nik Krasno - Género: English
libro gratis Mortal Showdown


Mikhail's worth billions, but his brother's kidnappers are not after the money. They need him.
Making things even worse - among his numerous adversaries is one of Russia's most influential strongmen.
To have the slightest chance in a face-off with his prime nemesis, Mikhail needs to attack head on, undertaking the greatest risk of his entire life. Unfortunately, the dangerous mission goes wrong from the very beginning.
Does he stand a chance when in order to survive he needs to prevail?#StandAlone #Action #Thriller #Noir #BigBiz #BigBalls...M.F

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This was really good with all the tension going on between Russia and Ukraine. I also felt that the author showed us most of what's happening in today's war and a little of everything of what's taking place behind the scene in International waters that we as readers do not know is going though -- nice storytelling and also good writing. Included in this plot twist is the KGB and many different international infighting and with a lot of intense action. Recommended!45 s Dianne6,791 588

He awoke from a bullet-induced coma to find his world in chaos and his life still up for grabs from the sharpest shooter. Mikhail’s fall from grace and financial power is a freefall from the top of the Empire State Building and now is his time to play catch up and to plan his retaliation, one brutal step at a time. In his world, Mikhail is used to powerful enemies, but nothing prepared him to have to take down a powerful Russian strongman with little to no backing. The life’s breath of his beloved Ukraine hangs in the balance, as does the life of Mikhail’s empire and his kidnapped brother. The Puppet Master seems to be pulling all of the strings, will Mikhail be able to strike faster enough to cut them without becoming another statistic in the battle for power, control and untold wealth?

Once again, politics, greed and the quest for absolute control devalue human life and take us to the seedier side of life.

Mortal Showdown by Nik Krasno continues Misha’s tale with more grit, more danger and more cold-hearted machinations. Mr. Krasno knows how to weave a tale filled with high tension and evil intent. Once again, the lines are blurred between good and evil as flawed characters fight to divide and conquer or to survive and regroup as old politics attempt to overpower the new warriors in industry in a small country still adjusting to its freedom.

I received this copy from Nik Krasno in exchange for my honest review.

Publication Date: June 1, 2015
Publisher: Nik Krasno
Genre: Mystery | Thriller
Print Length: 254 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

adult-fiction author-requested-review mystery ...more10 s Scout220 43

Imagine that you're a forties-ish man. What would you dream of having? A private jet, a yacht, private security, a wife and children, a sports team, a helicopter, successful international businesses, and loyal friends? The protagonist of this novel, Michael (Misha) has all of these. The only problem is that he's been targeted for his political beliefs, and a powerful man is trying his best to kill him. He's also betrayed by close associates. I'd describe Michael as a man's man - think Hemingway and his protagonists. He doesn't always play by the rules, but then the rules are always changing. Expect some violence, some language, and some sexual situations. All in all, this is an interesting novel that reveals some of the inner workings and politics of Ukraine and Russia. And there's humor here. When Michael visits Kazakhstan, he asks his host, "How about we see Borat's monument on the way, Oleg, I want to see this fabulous Kazakh." Yeah, right:-) It's a good read.7 s T. C.27 8

This book was fun to read and had a faster pace than most stories, which kept every situation fresh and exciting. I particularly d how the author was able to maintain character development throughout the quick pace of the storyline, making the book feel complete and making the plot strong. The story itself was also very interesting and had plenty of twists, making every page suspenseful at times. The author tied each character and situation together smoothly which delivered an excellent conclusion. Overall, if you are a fan of action and great story telling, this is a solid pick to read.

T.C.7 s J C SteelAuthor 7 books185

Mortal Showdown follows the continuing story of Ukrainian politician and businessman Mikhail Leonidovich Vorotavich, newly awakened from a bullet-induced coma and rapidly becoming aware that a Russian-backed sniper was only the start of his problems. With his brother in Russian hands as a hostage for his cooperation, his lines of information inextricably tangled by a month of his being out of touch, and his security force stretched thin, Mikhail is facing a series of unpleasant choices, any or all of which could mean his head. Entangled in intrigue stretching from the Kremlin to the Caymans to Kazakhstan, Mikhail’s choice of priorities is narrowing down to one: survival, personal and financial.

Nik Krasno’s gritty, action-packed and intrigue-fuelled story-telling makes for a great read, set with characters you’ll love to hate. Mortal Showdown offers confrontations where you can smell the stale vodka and cigarette smoke, view the international subterfuge, and experience the touch of the sticky fingers of the international financial markets, punctuated by drugs, women, and private jets. The contrast between the public, optimistic hopes of the Ukrainian people and the corruption-laced negotiations happening behind the scenes leaves a pithy comment on the realities of modern society, and whether Kazakh flame-eaters, Thai orgies, or black ops in darkened alleys is your thing, there’s a little something for every thriller reader in this novel.5 s Alex213 37

Mr. Krasno knows how to write macho antiheroes in over-the-top thrillers, which would be quite well-paced as well if only his antihero didn't suddenly slam on the brakes for one of his all-too-frequent and therefore distracting sexual escapades or an economic-philosophical rant to rival Hamlet's soliloquy.

Knowing that the author was a 17-year-old Ukranian who saw the former Soviet empire crumble around him and an Israeli-educated lawyer who worked on business projects in the Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union, one would assume that Mr. Krasno must surely know the ins and outs of oligarchs and their wheeling and dealing. Obviously, he can't name names in a fictionalized account of obviously fictional business dealings, but we shouldn't be surprised to one day discover that his real name isn't Nik Krasno.thriller6 s Ian MillerAuthor 16 books95

This book is what I would call an entertainment and it has to be considered in that light. The main character, Misha, is a hedonistic philandering Ukrainian oligarch worth many many billions. For some unspecified reason he has generated serious enmity from Koroblyov, a Russian who has an unspecified but very senior position within Russia, and he can wield all sorts of power. Early on, he arranges for Sasha, Misha's brother, to be kidnapped in broad daylight, his bodyguards "neutralized" and Sasha taken to Moscow. To me, there was a certain lack of reality in scenes this; there is a sort of ho hum, so what attitude from all the authorities in various countries, so do not take this story too seriously and don't spend time thinking about what would not work. Don't stop and think! There are also moments where we get political philosophy, which are Krasno's opinions. Misha is on a rollercoaster ride that pauses only for booze and women while there are a number of Ukrainian oligarchs who want Misha's assets, and are prepared to do all sorts of sneaky things. Cause for revenge. Whatever else Misha is, a fine upstanding citizen he is not.
I was hoping to get some idea of how Misha's oligarch qualities, but there are no business deals in the book, and Misha seems somewhat uninterested in anything related to money. He is also extremely careless, so my feeling here was that Misha's character, while rather well drawn in a way, was not really fit for purpose. Someone that would never get rich or stay alive, although I suppose the story does involve his efforts to stay alive, and where his chances are minute, other than that he has the writer on his side. The last action scene is very well written, and although the chances of it actually leading to the desired ending is minute, while reading, you do not think about that, which is a tribute to Krasno's writing. A good entertaining read, and one that also paints a rather deplorable picture of Ukraine. Is Ukraine really as bad as that? Quite possibly.
4 s Trang Tran 284 144

The story is about Misha, an Ukranian who once had great political power, becomes the most wanted and is trying to escape from the mutiple attack orchestrated by the Puppet Master. This book mentioned a lot of places, political name, and sometimes I was confused and even lost. I don't have a background in historical events about URSS or the places involved in those events, so sometimes I didn't really get the big picture This novel is an action-packed, no doubt about it. But confusing feeling while reading an action-packed novel is not good for the reader, for it can easily bore and annoy me. The writing style seems stale and monotonous sometimes even though the characters describe some powerful and traumatic experience. I just didn't feel the emotion from them.
Overall, it was good but definitely some elements need to be working on.

Thank you for the author to give me a free e-book in exchange for an honest review.

Trang - Book Blogger
http://bookidote.wordpress.com4 s Seraphina (Seraphina's world Book Blog)49 3

"I received digital copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review"

I've read this book a couple of months ago but haven't written a review till now. Before this book I've read Nesbo's Bat and told to myself that I need to read something lighter after that book. So logically I picked this book up. Especially when you're living in Croatia you can relate to story about politics, corruption and greed.
Mortal Showdown follows a story about Mikhail Leonidovich Vorotavich Ukrainian politician and businessman. Although I haven't read a previous story I didn't have any problems with this so called sequel. This was a intriguing fast paced read which is something you expect from an action filled thriller. I d the writing style although sometimes was a bit monotonous. Due to the history of my country I know quit a lot about old Soviet Union but I think this book could be a bit problematic for western readers. Characters are portrayed very well. Villains are villains and you'll love to hate them but the main character Misha is still a mystery for me. There was a time in the book when I was cheering for him and other (mostly) parts I was yelling at him that he is an idiot, that he has a great wife and family and he cheats on her. All in all Misha is a typical mafia billionaire that although he misses his family and love them money and power is his greatest love.

I loved this book, I loved the fast pace but still something is missing. Something is bugging me and I cannot give 5 stars but only 4. 2 s Todd Simpson759 34

Thoroughly Entertaining. Nik Krasno really has written a great Action Thriller, which not only has a great story line, but also has some history for that part of the world incorporated into it. For me this always makes a book much more interesting. Being a billionaire would sound such a dream for many, but for Misha it’s becoming quite a headache. There are those in the Soviet Union that want him dead, and they certainly been trying to do just that. Somehow he survived them blowing up his building. However they aren’t content with just going after him, but decide to target his brother as well, by kidnapping him. This takes Misha to Kazakhstan, to appeal to the prime minister there for help. He’s just unlucky that one of the most ruthless men from Russia, the Puppet Master – Alexander Korablyov, and other powerful men want him dead. There is allot happening in this story, but in a good way. It moves along at a good pace, and Misha is such a great character, and so easy to . I look forward to more from this Author in the future.

3 s Kent BabinAuthor 2 books12

This book picks up right where the first one leaves off. What follows is fast-paced action with a setting of the table for the 3rd novel.

The style shifts from alternating present-flashback to only present. This was expected, however I found myself missing the breaks and background that the flashbacks provided. There was also a marked shift from multiple POVs in the first book to only Misha's in this one. I think it would've been helpful to get other perspectives as a way of understanding the depth of Misha's predicament.

There were some interesting scenes, especially the one with Kazakh president mediating between Misha and the Puppet Master. But there were also some scenes that seemed to on too long, particularly Misha's trip to Thailand.

I d how the author integrated historical events to show how they impacted both Ukraine and Misha.

Overall, an entertaining read.3 s Tony Parsons4,156 87

The Puppet Master had a hit out on Mikhail Leonidovich Vorotavich (Misha, Michael, Ukrainian oligarch, former professor, Kiev University, KGB).

The bombing at his Moscow headquarters had destroyed the building, 5 staff were dead & 17 injured.
Boris (Mikhail’s friend/associate), & David (Mikhail’s friend/associate) were putting leads together.
Alexander Vorotavich (Mikhail’s brother, Sasha) had been kidnapped & was being held hostage in a secret undisclosed location in Moscow.
Mikhail had notified Arthur (chief of security).
Mikhail, Oleg Talalayev (Mikhail’s BMF, aka Zeus), President Zhanbolat Tirsynbekov, Genera Alexander Korablyov, (retired, former Colonel, chief of Soviet Intelligence, Havana) & Kazakh Aqsaqal mediator), had a very important meeting.

What would the outcome of this meeting be?

Why were Special Agent Milton Stewart (M15), & Special Agent Jason Brown (M15), talking with Mikhail?

Who is the Yanochka?
Who is the Puppet Master? Will he/she succeed in their mission?

Warning: This book is for adults only & contains extreme violence, adult content or expletive language &/or sexually explicit scenarios. It may be offensive to some readers.

I did not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing this book. While I receive free books from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review. Only an honest one.

A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A very well written Russian thriller book. It was very easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of very unique/colorful characters to keep track of. This could also make another Great Russian thriller movie, or mini TV series. There is no doubt in my mind this is a very easy rating of 5 stars.

Thank you for the free Goodreads; Author; PDF book
Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)
2 s E.P.Author 23 books112

"Mortal Showdown" continues the story of Misha Vorotavich, self-made Ukrainian billionaire and aspiring politician. The action begins just after Misha has woken up from the bullet-induced coma he spent most of the previous book in, and we follow Misha as he attempts to pull his financial empire back together, get his revenge on those who've attacked him, and deal with Ukraine's implosion following the Maidan protests and resulting civil war.

This book has a lot going for it, especially for aficionados of East European fiction and those interested in the current situation in Ukraine. There are some fun absurd moments that will tickle the fancy of those who've spent time in the post-Soviet world, as when Misha has to arrange an overnight delivery of a prize Andalusian stud horse to Kazakhstan as a bribe. And as with the previous book, we see the problems that Ukraine faces, so that Misha, who by Western standards is one of the "good guys," repeatedly finds himself engaging in corruption and violence, and eventually ends up basically funding his own army and becoming a semi-warlord of one of the embattled provinces in Ukraine--something that, according to the news coming out of Ukraine, is not too far from actuality.

Unsurprisingly, Misha is not an especially nice person or even a "good Ukrainian," despite his professions of patriotism and his occasional moments of doubt and remorse over his actions. His relationships with women are unly to endear him to female readers in particular, but that, too, is one of the problems that the post-Soviet countries have to deal with. Readers looking for a fast-paced action thriller set during some of the most explosive events in present-day Eastern Europe, or wanting to revel in the absurdity that is business in post-Soviet space, will find a lot to enjoy.2 s SamanthaReads17

The first sentence in the synopsis for this book sums everything up perfectly: “Mortal Showdown is an action packed thriller sending the reader on a kaleidoscopic race through violence, sex, scamming and anti-scamming, political upheaval and murder.” So then, what’s a U.S.A. girl me doing in a place this? Short answer: “It’s an action packed thriller sending the reader on a kaleidoscopic race….”

I enjoy thrillers and Russian history, and Mortal Showdown delivers! Ukrainian author Nik Krasno is a “to the point” writer, with a unique direct writing style. Combine that with his background and you’ll discover an entertaining, and well crafted story that could only be written by someone from Ukraine.

Mortal Showdown is fiction, but the story line is current. It’s a thought provoking tale about what’s going on in the world today. Michael (Misha), a Ukrainian oligarch, is the anti-hero in the book. I found myself wanting to him, in spite of his devious actions, because of the love he has for his country. Throughout this book it’s apparent that, despite Michael’s harsh side, he wants to see his country stand on its own, independent from Moscow’s wishes for another Soviet empire. Love is a powerful reason to fight for your country.

This book is well written and edited. The pace is perfect; it starts off on an even keel and then turns swiftly and packs a violent punch. Therefore, I was quite surprised to find humorous sections when I least expected it. No spoiler here, but there is one chapter that literally has one of the most cleverly written scenes regarding an “undercover” person that I have ever read. It’s that well done! Mortal Showdown, a standalone book, is the second book in this oligarch series. You will not be disappointed!
2 s Ashley M. NestlerAuthor 6 books96 Read

Mortal Showdown is a thriller that has no filter. Throughout the novel, the reader is presented with violence, sex, murder, etc., but Nik Krasno does so in such an elegant way that the reader can’t turn away. Usually it takes me a while to get into thrillers, but from the first page I could see how talented Krasno is. He has a way of being crass in a way that isn’t demeaning and doesn’t cross a line. Even though there were derogatory comments made towards women and other characters in the novel, it was clear that this was just an element of the setting of the story, and I didn’t find it insulting.

It was clear to me that Nik Krasno knows people, how they act and why they act the way that they do. His writing was so clear that I could see clearly the events that he was describing. Even though I don’t know very much about politics in Russia and Ukraine, Krasno had such a grip on both countries that the reader wasn’t required to have this knowledge in order to enjoy the novel. All of the events that occurred in the novel were more than enough to keep the reader captivated, and I was captivated by the fact that everything seemed to be going wrong. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

Political thrillers can be very hard to pull off at times, but Krasno goes above and beyond. His writing deserves more than a 5/5 rating, and I highly recommend it. It helped me to gain a big appreciation for thrillers that I did not have before reading this novel. I hope that he continues to write more, because if he does, I know that he will be very successful.

2 s Laura Ruetz1,303 71

Have not read the first book so was worried I would be lost, this was not the case. There is a prologue that fills in any blanks for new readers of the series. While this is the second book in a series, it worked well for me as a stand-alone book as well.

The books gets off to a quick start, after a quick catch up prologue and the action never lets up after the point. This is a great thriller, following Misha, a businessman and politician. I’ve always loved books that feature flawed characters, and Misha makes for a great anti-hero in this book. While the book does delve into some politics and historical events dealing with USSR and Ukraine , it never becomes preachy or boring and it all blends and enhances the plot. The writing is solid, with dialogue that reads naturally and never feels stilted. The narrative voice matches the way the character feels, so it really engrosses you into the character of Misha and the action. The author has a great grasp of pacing, setting and characterization and makes great use for this thriller. I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
2 s RakhiAuthor 2 books97

Rating 3.5

This is an out and out boy’s book. As the blurb says, it’s an action packed thriller explaining the Geopolitical insights of Ukrainian Civics in a fictitious background. The storyline is strong, with a chance of evoking a political storm. The first and foremost thing that struck my mind is the disclaimer in the beginning, for the under-aged. The book is well edited. The language is crisp and tight. For the lovers of the underworld drama with violence, sex, scams, politics, and murder, this is a perfect book and worth the money.


A Major drawback of the book is portraying women as a fun material. Being a woman, this really disturbed me. Michael shows concern about his wife but the feeling of love and passion towards his wife was missing. In an unending tendency to portray the protagonist as a larger than life human being, the story became unnecessarily violent.thriller2 s Stephanie70 11

Nik Krasno's novel, Mortal Showdown, is a thriller of international proportions. Our main protagonist, Misha, has awoken from a coma as a result of an attempted assassination and is thrown into an adventure full of political upheaval and a fight for power. Krasno does not waste any time getting into the meat of the story and has created a fast paced thriller. A bit jumpy at times, the story redeems itself with the fantastical James Bond-esque action sequences.
The characters are well developed and every character introduced plays an important role in the story's plot. The action is non-stop and makes for a page turning story. This is an easy and fun read for mature audiences. Krasno does not skimp on the action, sex, betrayal, and power hungry characters. Mortal Showdown is perfect read for this summer for fans looking for action and adventure with political undertones.

http://novelidea.blogspot.com/...2 s Al "Tank"370 55

Our favorite anti-hero, Misha, is out to even the score with his enemies. But first he has to find them.

Following his trials and tribulations, I'm beginning to the crooked beggar. The tension rarely lets up, but in this book I see a softer side of Misha. He's becoming, almost, likable and I found myself rooting for him.

He's still a greedy egomaniac, but I'm beginning to care that he succeeds.

For those who want stories where all the threads are tied up at the end, this story should satisfy, but there's an obvious "here comes more" ending to it, but no real cliff-hanger. 2 s Alexander HolbrookAuthor 3 books6

A tactile and very much unromantic Eastern European political thriller, where espionage, revolution and even war is merely an ideological smokescreen behind which competing oligarchal dynasties vie for supremacy. There is no glory in this universe and within this book there isn't even an anti-hero, thank goodness, so praise be to Krasno for breaking this particularly irritating mould in current literature in itself. Be warned - the potency of what is on offer is not to be underestimated.2 s Charles RayAuthor 406 books145

A will-written thriller that has an protagonist who is an anti-hero. Shows how love of country can overcome evil.2 s PhilipAuthor 17 books52

I waited until I completed the first 3 books before reviewing. IMHO of course. This book 3 star, series 4 star

Politics and background - eerily predictive of the current Ukraine troubles including Russian attacks on Eastern Ukraine. The background of corruption starting in the first book is deeply depressing but gives context to how various Oligarchs got their money. It's also an example of why the West has now sanctioned these individuals - long overdue

Storytelling - this is where I disd the series. None of the characters are able or have any redeeming qualities. What could be described as a roguish MC is just as bad as all his enemies. Too much Tell not Show with speeches as dialogue. The jokes (and there are some) don't do enough to turn it into a black comedy. I really wanted to this all but in the end I can't say I enjoyed the book although I did the concept and the background.

Overall - Worthy knowledge on a current crisis raises the series scorethriller3 s Ronald Keeler846 35

Who is the readership for this book? What is the target audience for this piece of juvenile fantasy? If a reader is from Russia, the former USSR, or Russia, maybe the evocation of familiar place names and historical events will trigger a trip down some nostalgic lane. For a reader without such a background but nevertheless spurred by current news events to understand some of the vitriol displayed on news channels; this book is useless.

When I first began teaching English, a common activity was to have students describe what they would do if they had unlimited amounts of money. This book looks it was written by someone who wanted to answer that question.

Central character Misha always travels by private plane, or helicopter, or limo, or whatever. While flying to a meeting where he will meet the his arch-rival, the Puppet Master, and a powerful person he hopes will help to form a truce with his old enemy, he recalls he forgot to buy a gift for the proposed intermediary official. No problem. Knowing that the intermediary s thoroughbred horses, Misha calls one of his trusted assistants, has a horse found, purchased, and delivered before he (Misha) lands. Sounds one of my normal days.

Misha has many personal assistants, but feels he should personally deal with senior members of the CIA, MI5, and KGB. He has no trouble doing this, as he has instant access to all of them. He does go through David for the Mossad; maybe it is a language problem.

Misha rewards his loyal lavishly with chunks of money in 10 000 USD increments. He plans horrible sanctions for those who cross him. There is Boris. For Boris Misha offers a friendly game of Russian roulette. When Boris clicks on an empty chamber, Misha helpfully fires the round in the next chamber into an office wall. Just kidding Boris and, by the way, all is forgiven now for your admitted thefts by skimming money from deals over the past couple of decades. What a forgiving person!!

But Misha is taken seriously by one and all. Why else would the Russians dedicate a submarine and torpedo to sink Misha’s yacht? An important person indeed.

What a waste of time!!
reviewed1 Whispering Stories2,930 2,609

This book continues the story of Mikhail Voratavich who we first met in Rise of an Oligarch, The Way It Is: Book One. I loved that book and in my review I gave it five stars and a hearty recommendation.

This sequel has all the elements of that first book; scheming, manipulation, sex and violence; all set against recent events in Ukraine. In its own right this is not a bad book but for me it fails to match the high standards of the first book because the story lacks authenticity and the writing quality has deteriorated.

In particular I felt that Mikhail did not have the depth of character that he had in the previous book. Yes, that character was corrupt, ruthless and at times used violence but at the same time I found that I admired his success and the way that he cared as best as he could for friends, family and the ordinary people of Ukraine. He had his own moral code which seems lacking in Mortal Showdown where he is portrayed as a brutal thug.

It seems to me that Nik has tried to spice up his writing with more sex, violence and bad language. This may appeal to many readers although personally I felt much of it was unnecessary. I do not know what language Nik writes in and it could be possible that there are translation issues, but I found many incorrectly placed apostrophes and some terms that were clearly not ‘English’ English as I know it.

For example a football club has a Chairman not a President, he will have box not a lodge and he will speak from a lectern or a podium, not from a tribune.

I am sorry if this comes over a little harsh because Mortal Showdown is a decent adventure story and it will be loved by readers who enjoy an action tale. The book ends with a hint that there will be third volume and my hope is that Nik can continue his story with the style and quality of Rise of an Oligarch.

If you have read Rise of an Oligarch you will want to read Mortal Showdown and I hope I have not put you off. I am not able to repeat the five star rating I gave to the first book but I am pleased to give Mortal Showdown four stars.

Reviewed by Clive at www.whisperingstories.com1 Alone24 3

Review from read that also

Set in Ukraine, this James bond meets Godfather kind of novel tells the tale of Mikhail Vorotavich , and contains politics and sex and espionage and violence and all what is required of an out and out thriller. Krasno puts more focus on unraveling the plot and let his characters set the atmosphere through their actions rather than go into tedious descriptions. This has made entire book crisp and give it a to the point feel.

Book also is a testimony to the volatile relation between Russia and USA, which I feel have taken a back seat in the political thriller genre, losing out to the chaos in middle east.

To be honest, the first person narration can be a bit distracting from time to time. i would have also preferred more tighter grip in dialogues, sometimes the tone becomes just too artificial. However this also doubles up as a charm for the novel, giving it a different style from what is the normal fare. I also wish there were a couple of strong female characters in this novel that screams of testosterone.1 Amber Ballard452 15

Mortal Showdown by Nic Krasno. I have to say this book was action filled but I honestly had no clue what it was talking about. I think this book will only be popular around Russia where the people there might know what the heck was going on. As it was if this book was based around the US and been in terms that I could have understood better I would have absolutely loved it, not get me wrong what I did understand I really d but I had no clue about the lingo or places it was talking about. All in all it was still a great read even though I had to look up places and words to help understand it! 1 R.S. AnthonyAuthor 2 books77

To be honest, I wasn't too keen on reading this book when I first saw the cover. Or when I read the synopsis. It was a free review copy so I gave it a try in the end. This is not an overly political / espionage type of story as I initially suspected although it obviously revolves around communism. I think the writer intentionally added money and sex into the mix to make it more exciting - for the most part, it worked. The writing was smooth and the story engaging. And the book comes with warning - contains profanity, violence and sexual content.
Pick this if you're looking for an enjoyable and fun read.2 s Aly1,865 60

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