
Embers de Nicole Fanning

de Nicole Fanning - Género: English
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Nicole Fanning Series: Heart of the Inferno 04 Year: 2023

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Nicole once again proves she is the queen of Mafia Romance in Embers. Bring your tissues because you will go through a roller coaster of emotions. Even though it's the 4th book in the series she knows how to keep the plot twists fresh, and keep you wanting to know what happens next in the journey until the very end. Thank you Nicole4 s Michelle R46

Every now and again an author comes along and destroys you in all the best ways and leaves you wanting them to do it again, Nicole Fanning is one such author! This book was sad, loving, heart warming, makes you giggle, breaks you and builds you up and even gets your engine revving up. All with a few amazing twists along the way. Those characters we’ve come to love and love to hate over the previous books live up to epic standards of good and bad and some dance well on the thin line between those two worlds, in the land of morally grey so many of us love. The end of these books have me just saying this…… Thank you Ms. Fanning 2 s Kimberly MarraffinoAuthor 5 books46

I know this was a favorite for a lot of people, but unfortunately for me, that wasn't the case. Please don't hate me. However, I did enjoy some aspects of it and would still recommend this series to others.

First, let's start with the pros:
~ I absolutely adore Jaxon and Natalie. I have grown to really love not only their relationship but the way they complement each other. I also really loved how Natalie really stepped into her role as Regina Vestra. By the end of this, she was fierce, cunning, and held her ground.

~ I also really enjoyed the audiobook. Grayson Owens and Maxine Mitchell did a wonderful job bringing this book to life. And I will say this again, Maxine's male voice is sexy as hell.

~ I was very satisfied with how the overall story ended. The semi-HEA was definitely what I needed to wrap up this story.

~ I will also say this, too, there were definitely a lot less errors in this one, but I still feel another few set of eyes could've caught some of the errors still present.

Now, the cons:
~ I didn't enjoy this one as much as the others because I found myself bored during some of it. It really felt certain aspects were just being repeated from the previous books. And I found the whole plotline surrounding the Italian mafia confusing and almost an afterthought. I don't feel it played a significant part in the whole story.

~ Okay, I'm going to be very honest here, so please don't hate me...but I found myself skipping or skimming all the sex scenes. They felt very out of place or unnatural in the moment. Now, again, this is just me. But they just weren't captivating or original anymore and they really felt they were added just to provide spice to the story for the most part.

~ The constant inner monologue of the following became so repetitive that it pulled me from the story every single time: Oh my ... Oh fuck ... Holy shit ... Oh wow ...
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I have rarely said any of those thinks internally and definitely never that often. And it was done by both Natalie and Jaxon, which really took away from the authenticity of each character, and with that, I was reminded over and over again I was reading a book and hearing the "author's voice" and not the character's. I hope that makes sense.

~And finally, I'm not sure why the death at the end was even necessary. I mean, even though it made me emotional to say goodbye to this character, the manner in which this person died made no sense to me. Maybe if they would've dead when all the action was taking place, sure...but the way in which it happened made me think it was added just for an emotional shock factor.

Overall, I still enjoyed parts of this book, and the last 20% or so was action-packed and really had me glued to the book. I just wasn't a big of a fan as I was with the others.adult audiobook contemporary-romance ...more2 s Amy Shaw13

I've got the lowdown on "The Heart of Inferno" series that'll make you laugh, cry, and everything in between!

Picture this: it's hopping on a rollercoaster through suspense, romance, drama, betrayal, and yeah, you guessed it, even more romance.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into:

*Lies in the Dark (which is the rebel of the gang, standing alone but totally worth it to meet Rachel)
*And then there's Embers, which will hit you right in the feels.

And hey, if you're thinking about going the audiobook route, do it! The narrators are legit awesome.

Overall, I'm giving this series a solid 4 stars with a spicy 3.5 for good measure. So grab your snacks, err... I mean your books, and let the adventure begin!
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