
All In de Nicole Edwards

de Nicole Edwards - Género: English
libro gratis All In


Brantley Walker has dedicated his life to fighting for his country. Having given seventeen years to the US Navy, the last ten as a SEAL, the mission was the only thing he knew, the only thing that mattered. He never even considered what life would look like after the mission was over.

Until he's forced to.

After spending months recovering from career-ending injuries, Brantley finds himself back in his hometown of Coyote Ridge, Texas. Now a permanent resident once again, with the full support of his family and friends, he sets forth to start over, forced to figure out what to do with the rest of his life, which, as it turns out, is far easier said than done.

Then the unthinkable happens.

When his cousin Travis's daughter is kidnapped, Brantley puts himself right back in the action, partnering up with Reese Tavoularis to find the little girl and bring her back home where she belongs.

Along the way, Brantley and Reese end up immersed in another mission. Only this one results in a journey that takes them in a direction neither of them expected to go.

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Watch this. Please. It will explain perfectly the quality of porn erotica here, it's a porn trailer parody.


Ode to Kaleb's hard on

Thou art magnificent in all your glory!
I bask in your constant presence
and your ability to never...

You react to a whisper
You react to a sigh
You react to a look
You react to a touch
you react to a woman
You react to a man
You react to a woman with a man
You react to a woman with two men
You basically react to every kind of sex possible!
You react to nothing at all
And you react to absolutely everything!

You stick it here
You stick it there
You stick that hard on everywhere!
Are you in one hole
Or are you in the other
You just really don't care!

I am undeserving with my poor skill
this ode really sucks
but, my dear hard on
you will have your moment of glory
with all the quotes below...

Kaleb's hard on really deserves to have an ode, because it's mentioned in the book constantly. I've selected some quotes about it, and these are just a VERY SMALL portion of all the mentioning, I left out the sex scenes (and those are 2/3 of the book).

A sexy little grin tugged at the corners of Zoey’s mouth and just every time he was around her, Kaleb felt a throb begin between his legs.
...the throb that had started between his legs had turned into a full blown ache, and he damn sure wasn’t going to be able to sit there much longer with a hard on.
That single touch had his c*ck raring to go, harder than granite and throbbing a mother f*cker.
The image of being buried inside of her, both of them naked and sweating flashed through his brain and his d*ck throbbed behind the irritating zipper of his jeans.
Kaleb’s d*ck throbbed yet again.
Just the thought of her had his c*ck throbbing in eager anticipation.
Thinking about the amount of pleasure had from that one encounter and how Zoey was a more than willing participant, still made his c*ck throb.
Kaleb wanted to deny it, but the proof was throbbing between his legs.
...because the vibration of her moans lit him up from inside, his c*ck throbbing and threatening to explode.
Just the thought of seeing Zoey again had his c*ck hard and in desperate need of release, but again, he didn’t have time.
Zoey whimpered, and Kaleb’s c*ck swelled even more, which he wouldn’t have thought possible.
His c*ck was rock hard and standing at full attention.
Those f*ck me boots had his d*ck stirring in his slacks.
Kaleb was able to see in her eyes and the hunger he glimpsed there had his d*ck pulsing.
His d*ck was harder than granite, and his jeans had just become painfully tight.
Zoey was wearing a tight blue jean skirt, short enough to make his eyes wander and his d*ck to rise to the occasion.
When her eyes darted downward, his d*ck pulsed and jumped as though begging for her attention.
The incessant pounding in his d*ck was the first telltale sign.
Gage greeted Zoey and Kaleb’s d*ck suddenly went rock f*cking hard.
His d*ck was in a constant state of awareness whenever he thought about her, so being around her was ly going to push his limits.
Ok, so his d*ck knew exactly what to do with that thought, unfortunately, now was not the time, and this was certainly not the place.
And to this day, he’d never so much as kissed her, and his d*ck knew it all too well.
He had asked Zoey to go for a walk with him, only now he had a f*cking hard on that was making it damned difficult to stand, much less move.
He tried not to dwell on how responsive she’d been to him by the truck because the all too familiar hard on she inspired was not appropriate with all these people around.
First of all, he was doing his damnedest to hide the hard on he was sporting.

And I said, there are at least three times as much quotes about his hard on in the book :DDDDD

Now let me tell you something about the book...

The story is NON EXISTENT.

There are the H/h who are friends and now they suddenly can't keep their hands off one another. The story is about them having as much kinky sex as they can.

The whole Walker family

This just sounds a set-up for a cheesy porn. You know, seven hot brothers who all to have sex with each other (with a female in between, let's stress that), threesomes, foursomes with their brothers and friends, kinky sex and who knows what, opening an exclusive sex club!!

Bring on the porn music and bad actors! Sold as a porn movie script!

The main characters are just... undeveloped. We know there's a he and a she and they do it and fall in love and all that sh*t, but damn. Could have been better. The beginning with them had potential, but it just got lost.
For one, she doesn't pass as a woman who's been married and divorced.
Just the thing about her marriage is one more that doesn't make any sense, but OK.
Kaleb... I don't really know much about him, except that he has dark desires and s kinky sex, and manages to somehow be shocked and unable to understand what's happening at every other chapter beginning. Oh well.

The sex is the only thing worth reading here, it's pretty hot I have to admit, but it still lacked something, I don't know what. Maybe it was the fact that every time they do it, after a few thrusts he orders her: "COME FOR ME!" and she screams her lungs off. If it wasn't for the screaming, I wouldn't have known she enjoyed it, or the fact that every single time she came, he ordered her to it before she did.
Still. Pretty hot, in a bad porn movie kind of way :DDDD

The writing is pretty damn horrible! I was rolling my eyes all the freaking time, some of the lines are just terribly cheesy, some unbelievable, and some so sweet I wanted to puke my guts out!!

It is VERY REPETITIVE and dramatic! Some expressions were repeated over and over and over again. Hello! Use a dictionary and throw in something different now and then! And the drama here is beyond high.

Here are some examples:

Truer words had never been spoken because as Zoey turned to walk out of the bar with Kaleb, she was hammered with a sudden, overwhelming urge to... kiss him.

The sudden desire to wish he were telling the truth was overwhelming as was the increasing awareness of him as way more than just her buddy.

Zoey was pretty sure Kaleb continued to speak because she saw his lips move, but she was suddenly flooded with a wave of desire so strong the roaring in her ears drowned him out.

She was suddenly enveloped in strong, muscled arms and overwhelmed by the all too familiar, highly intoxicating scent of the one man she wished hadn't just heard that comment.

That insanely delicious scent of him overwhelmed her senses and nearly made her eyes cross.

Maybe it was the distinct scent of Kaleb that overwhelmed her senses...

Maybe it was possessiveness, an overwhelming urge to protect her, but he was swamped with emotion.

She knew how he felt because she’d been overwhelmed by a number of emotions since the first time he kissed her just the day before.

Her eyes darkened with the same overwhelming desire he felt every time he looked at her.

Zoey was startled back from the overwhelming intensity when Kaleb began carrying her through the living room to her bedroom.

I think this book should get the "How many times can you write the word 'overwhelmed' in a book" award!!!

And just a few more quotes for the end :D

And no matter what she thought she knew about him, Kaleb knew she didn’t understand the beast that prowled beneath his skin. The one that wanted more than her innocence could possibly fathom.

There was a dark hunger that lived just beneath the surface and Zoey pushed every ounce of his control.
OMG! Those dark hungers are driving me insane! Just say you kinky and be done with it!!!

His touch was the warm and brilliant light of the sun, infusing her while chasing away all shadows of doubt that had plagued her the second her feet touched the floor.

Reaching out, he took her hand, and it was then and there that Kaleb knew exactly what was going on between them. When she flinched she had been burned, he was pretty damned sure she felt it, too. That spark of electricity that had nothing to do with static, and everything to do with something much more intimate.

They were best friends for years, and only NOW do they realise the burning electricity between them?

“Zoey...” He growled, “woman, you don’t know what you do to me

When their eyes met, she felt the heat from the flame she saw burning there.

He moved quickly to her side, pulling her into his arms and he was once again flooded by the emotions this one woman evoked in him. So many emotions, he didn’t know how to deal with them, and he couldn’t name each of them either.

“I’m coming!”
And as she did, her body propelled itself into the ether, every nerve ending ablaze with the ferocity of the way he used her body.

And the ending is absolutely shocking!


It has a cliff! I simply MUST know what happens!


*buddy read with Glass, Miss, Iva, cupava.mala and Karen*

2-stars-for-enjoyment read-2013 read-contemp-modern-erotica ...more269 s Baba 859 3,961

DNF at 51%

The beginning of Kaleb was pretty good and I d it, but unfortunately the story took a serious turn into Sapsville sooner than later. Kaleb reminds me of an old Harlequin novel and I have to be honest, those stories do not appeal to me anymore.

The writing of Kaleb is too cheesy and the more I read I felt that my interest just petered out. The only difference between Kaleb and the Harlequin novels of the 80s is the amount of sex. In fact, Kaleb features plenty of sex and it was not even well-written sex. And of course the storyline lacked in depth. Don't get me wrong. I my smexy times every other reader, however if the sex is boring the hell out of me then I think it's better to call it quits. I even skimmed a few pages. Also, the character development is very, very thin and the plot twist/conflict with the land is utterly predictable as well as lame. Furthermore, we have the ever present lack of communication or miscommunication. What always annoys me is:

a) there is a conflict; woman is angry, man is confused and there are mutual allegations.
b) woman and man have sex instead of addressing the issue.
c) woman storms off after having sex with man and is sulking around coz she does not want to talk about it.
d) man follows woman--in this case into the shower--they have sex again.

I mean what's the point? Is that a resolution? We're talking about adults who display a behavior offended school kids.

Oh, let's not forget the threesome. Excuse me but WTF? It came out of the blue, "wham" let's do it right now.

This was the side of himself that he worried Zoey wouldn't be able to deal with; the beast that lurked just beneath the surface, the one that was interested in pleasure for the sake of it and nothing more.

Duh? *insert major eye roll moment*

It was fucking hot! NOT!!

In conclusion, my time is too precious to waste it by reading an unappealing and boring book. Onto the next one...
books-everyone-loved-but-baba bored-out-of-my-mind coup-de-grâce ...more86 s Akanksha? Søren?654 2,658

This book was asdfghjkl.ly hot, steamy and sexy.
You seriously need to keep a set of spare dry panties while reading this book


My poor panties, they literally melted off because of the intensity of the heat, chemistry, sizzle in this book!


I loveddddddd how the author has written this book, its not only about sex.. It has a wonderful story to it too and an amazing group of 7 brothers who are all sexy hunks *swoons* Boy does the Walker family have some seriously sexy genes!
This book was seriously hot, the kissing, the sex, the flirting, the everything.. just plain HOT!

This book had chemistry oozing, it was HOT HOT HOT!! All the characters were amazing.
Book had MF and MFM! ;) Totally love a book with menage!
Each brother had his own distinctive personality which was amazing, Can't wait for the next two books in the line up, Zane's and Travis'!!
[Travis, Sawyer, Kaleb, Braydon, Brendon, Ethan and Zane]
They are seriously kinky hot ;)

I think this series is a spin off of the author's previous series.. because some of those characters are shown in one scene this book and they looked pretty interesting!!series-continuation55 s ~ Becs ~708 2,217

Kaleb is the first book in the new Alluring Indulgence series and I just want to say – why the HECK haven’t I been reading Nicole Edwards before? Loved it! So Sexy!

I had to stifle a little giggle as we’re first introduced to Kaleb Walker and his brothers. There are 7 of them and this is obviously going to be an on-going series and I was instantly thinking 7 brides for 7 brothers but, as the brothers’ penchant for sharing their women became apparent, I realised there’s absolutely NO telling just how many brides there are ly to be!!

At first, I felt this had a bit of a Kristen Ashley vibe going on but I soon lost that feeling when I began to realise that we were headed along the down and dirty yet very delicious ménage route!!

So, we have Kaleb and Zoey, best friends their whole lives, finally succumbing to the simmering sexual attraction that has long been repressed between them because they fear the damage they could do to their friendship. I really do love friends to lovers stories – there’s no need for them to get to know each other, just the overwhelming urge to get naked and sweaty together. And, oh boy, do they ever get naked and sweaty together!! Rawr!!

This is a super steamy erotic romance and, when Kaleb’s best friend Gage comes back to town, they decide that they’d nothing more than to share Zoey and she’s completely up for it. Cue several very steamy ménage scenes and Nicole Edwards really does write these well with huge amounts of shimmering sexual energy. If sharing and caring is your idea of a good erotic romance, this one’s definitely for you!

There’s a whole lot of scene setting in this one with the Walkers Brothers company setting out to buy Zoey’s Father’s land in order to build Alluring Indulgence, a ‘private resort’ which promises to provide book after book of very steamy action. We get to know all the brothers too with a doozy of a cliffhanger at the end to set up Zane’s story in the next book. I’m also looking forward to all their stories – Travis, the grouch, Sawyer, Braydon & Brendon the wicked twins, Ethan and Zane. They’re all growly protective and very sex alphas and with the addition of their friends and cousins, looks we’re going to be enjoying these boys for a while yet!!

We’re introduced to other characters which are obviously from another Nicole Edwards series and a little investigation revealed them to be from her Club Destiny series which I’m going to have to discover for myself as they all positively intrigued me.

4 stars erotic romance

Series Reading Order (so far anyway)

1. Kaleb
2. Zane
3. Travis
4. Sawyer
5. Braydon
6. Ethan
7. Brendon

For more , please visit Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews or visit us on Facebook.alpha-hero erotic-romance friends-to-lovers ...more47 s Mo1,382 2

The first part of this book was not too bad. I am usually a sucker for the “friends to lovers” book. But then about halfway in we just had sex, sex and more sex. I love reading about sex, but sometimes it is just too much… Sex in the kitchen, sex in the bedroom, sex in the hot tub, sex in the truck, sex in the living room …. And it wasn’t just the two of them, throw in the Best Friend and lets do it all over again. Jeez Louise, how the poor girl survived all those throbbing members is beyond me.


Can authors be a bit more original?

I see I have the next in the series and I have been told that the books do get better but think I will give something else a try first.36 s • Lisa •559 1,567


"It felt as though Kaleb had been waiting his entire life for this moment. For the chance to feel her, to touch, taste, explore every glorious inch of Zoey's sweet smelling skin."

And that my friends is why I Lisa Jayne always fall for a friends to lovers story ... And this novel is probably THE hottest in that genre that I've ever read. If your looking for a sweet romance your unly to find your fix with this book, this story is pure filth.

Here's what it's all about, Kaleb Walker is at a cross roads in his relatuonship with Zoey Stranford his closest female friend that he has always wanted, but never had. How long will it take for the lid to pop off the lust-a-thon that kaleb has been harbouring for his long term friend?

Zoey Stranford is an Attractive, fun loving, take no prisoners kind of woman. She had her fair share of heartache recovering from a divorce, and for the first time zoey decides that she is not going to take a back seat, she was going to go after what she had wanted for years. What she wants is Kaleb Walker.

This story is a huge, crazy lust fest. Complete with an army of hot as anything brothers, best friends and enough chemistry to fill a science lesson. This short, sexy novel is raunchy and beyond lascivious. Expect erotic cravings on a large scale.

I enjoyed this book for what it was, a short, sexy novel that unfortunately lacks some story and plot. It's an easy to read, overly sexy erotic fix.

Why not a higher rating?
Well, I a good connection as much as the next reader. For me I didn't know enough about the characters before they got down to the business. I would have d to have known more of their story, so that I was able to enjoy the Chemistry more. The book deserved more plot and storyline.

With that being said I know this will appeal to most readers who enjoy a friends-to-lovers romance with plenty of spice.

3 Kaleb stars.34 s Exina1,241 402

Wow, that was hot! It is a great erotic fiction, with steamy and playful erotic scenes, and a nicely developed relationship. It's a friends-to-lovers story, and I d both Kaleb and Zoey. Their feelings, emotions, doubts, and uncertainties are nicely drawn, overwritten even. They both have difficulties dealing with their overwhelming emotions, and whether or not the other would accept them as they are.

The secondary characters are flat, but I guess they all will get their characterization in their own stories. There are seven Walker brothers, Travis, Sawyer, Kaleb, Braydon and Brendon, Ethan and Zane, and all of them seem very promising.

The plot is a small-town-drama, but at least it is not exaggerated, and considering it is an erotic romance, it’s enough. Though sometimes the ease and effortlessness of the erotic scenes are a bit hard to believe, they are delicious, and Kaleb and Zoey's first kiss is just so... WOW!

Overall, it is a hot, enjoyable read, and that's all I expect from an erotic romance. A promising start to the Alluring Indulgence series.
bdsm-light-bdsm-d-s best-first-kiss erotica ...more31 s La-Lionne484 812

My one star is only for the cover, which is king of cool.

Could not finish this book, gave up at 70%.


- Cover.


- Hero. Alpha male wanna-be. Irrational. His actions did not made sense. One minute his is sweet and lovy-dovy and the next goes bat-shit-crazy on her ass without much of an explanation.

- Heroine. If it walks a whore and quacks a whore, it is a whore! I didn't buy her good girl image.

She is in love with him, but fantasizes about his brother too. I still don't understand how that threesome happened. I reread the scene few times and it still made no sense. All I got from it it was: Oh, I'm stumbling over my feet, I'm falling. How did those two penises got into my mouth? Hmm... whip cream... chocolate sous...
When he asked her if he needed to use protection she said no! WTF? The whole town knows about his and his brothers sexcapades and she says "I'm on a pill. It's ok." How about STD, you stupid?!!! If you dumb enough to do it anyway, ask him to put not one but two condoms on and a medical glove just in case.

- Romance. Not believeble. I mean, all of their right parts were tingling, but them having serious feeling for each other... I didn't buy it.

- Writing. Not only the sex scenes were lame and over-described (apparently there is such thing as too much sex in erotica) but there wasn't much of a story in-between. Author was way to focused on technicalities. It wasn't enough to pull the pants down, he needed to step out of them, if not he would stumble and would fall forward. She had her body bend in a awkward angle, so If he lost his balance and bumped into her she would stumble forward and would fall on her head. What-the-f@ck-ever! Maybe that would have been for the best :). A lot of descriptions did not made any sense and were completely unnecessary.

There wasn't anything even a little bit interesting in the story. Moving on.

alpha-male-wannabe badly-written could-not-finish ...more31 s Pam1,093 1,045

3.5 stars
For twenty years, he’d been her friend. He had stood beside her, both of them listening when the other needed someone to, hanging out so they wouldn’t be alone, and just having a good time in between. But, this. This was more. And Kaleb wanted more. Hell, he wanted everything with Zoey.

Zoey and Kaleb have been best friends for years, even throughout the years they may have drifted apart when they were in relationships, their bond never suffered. Being able to pick up to where they left of years ago but never letting on their secret love for one another, too scared to make it something more than friendship. But fate finds a way and their attraction to each other is harder and harder to ignore.
“It seems I’ve waited my whole life for you to do that.” Zoey whispered.
With Zoey trying to make it on her own and building a life for herself she didn’t have room for a new relationship but that doesn’t mean she can’t have a little fun and what better fun to have than with Kaleb Walker, it's time to see if all those rumors are true. Kaleb is willing to be the man to please her in ways she's never been pleased before, but he is scared of what Zoey will think of him once she finds out all the wicked naughty things he wants to do to her. Little does he know she has her own little secret fantasies as well
She didn’t want control. She wanted to be controlled. Dominated. Taken with the lust and hunger she felt pulsing just beneath his warm skin.

Zoey’s father holds the key to the future of Allure Indulgence the new private resort that the Walker brothers want to build. Zoey is torn between losing her home or drowning in debt, she knows it would be stupid to deny the Walker’s offer but there has to be a way to make it work for everyone involved.

I enjoyed the read, there really wasn’t much going on, it was setting up the stories for the rest of the series. Kaleb and Zoey were cute and sweet as a couple, and it didn't hurt that they shared the same kinks and desires as each other. They were a perfect match that was always meant to be but had to wait for the right time to come together. This is another series that I will gladly sprinkle in throughout my other books. One thing is for sure I can’t wait for Travis’s book that man has crawled under my skin ever since I met him in Club Destiny. 3 doms-n-kink erotica23 s Crystal~BIG book addict~279 215

This book was

So you may be asking, why did she only give it three stars? Well, here's why. Kaleb and Zoey together was off the charts...here comes the but....but there wasn't enough of a storyline. It was interesting enough to keep me going, but I really wish there had been more going on besides them tearing up the sheets.

Kaleb and Zoey have been best friends since they were kids. They have always been there for one another but never crossed the line between friend and lover nor had they ever talked about it, though they both thought about it plenty, especially Kaleb. He has been in love with Zoey forever, even when she was married to another man. After her divorce, she moved back with her father to help take care of him as he has Alzheimer's. Zoey doesn't realize the financial trouble that they are in.

Kaleb and his brothers want to buy some of their land that they are planning to put a resort on, Alluring Indulgence. Kaleb decides enough is enough and it is time to cross that line, but he doesn't want Zoey to think he is using sex to try to convince her to sell the land to them. Can they get past this little bump in the road and be more than friends with benefits?

While this book fell a little short for me, I have heard that the books get better and better with each Walker brother so now it is time for Zane .ebooks21 s Snow2,255 694

3 stars

ah well, not so impressed right now, since i have jumped in blind by reading book 3 -Travis first, i actually needed to meet one of the brothers that was featured in this book, Kaleb

And what i found missing in book 3, it happened here as well, i felt no "connection", other than the obvious physical one...and apparently, it just wasnt thrilling enough of a reasoning for the characters to engage the threesome!
I mean, despite from the obvious reasons, duh! I kinda searched for more...and it either wasnt described well or i just didnt see it...since for me, it sounded so "empty" and "impersonal"...

Considering Kaleb was pining for Zoey for 20 years, being her friend (yet i havent quite "felt" it either) and when they finally acknowledge the piled up tension and lust between them, they not only set themselves loose to the "alluring indulgences" but Kaleb's friend Gage comes back to town, out of the blue, and they conviniently start the threesome, just because it happens, Kaleb and Gage had already done it before!

So, i guess, why the hell not! It s all part of the general idea, no?!

And i guess that kinda felt stretched to me as an instant deal of letting go, when Zoey had never done anything that before in her life.

Then the plot kinda wharps it all up, which didnt excite me at all, for the sake of the storyline.

But if we just look at the sex presented in this book, well than actually, both of the books, i have read, can easily go onto the "sex education and thriving to obtain" book shelf.

So, did i gain satisfaction from this book?
Pffft...really?! You wanna go there?

Did the book accomplish more than just a sex drive overload, for me?
Unofurtunately, no.

It wasnt a bad story, i just found there wasn't enough of the story in its core to keep me occupied on higher level other than just keeping me stimulated.
erotica friends-to-lovers m-f-m ...more19 s DKristin494 225

I'm going to keep this short and sweet. It was good to me and these are the reasons why:




Now, it's time to move on to Zane!own-a-copy18 s Ella FoxAuthor 57 books5,407

Real rating: 4.75 Stars

She did it again!

Nicole's stories just keep getting better and better. I absolutely loved Kaleb and Zoey. These two had chemistry for days. I very much enjoyed that they had an established relationship that became more. Soooooo much more!

I can't wait to find out what happened with Zane and I have to say that I am particularly dying to find out Travis' deal is.

Good job tying Club Destiny and Alluring Indulgence together! Loved that.18 s * Meli Mel *856 675

??? 3 'Hot As Hell' Stars ???

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

'It felt as though Kaleb had been waiting his entire life for this moment. For the chance to feel her, to touch, taste, explore every glorious inch of Zoey's sweet smelling skin.'

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

I realized that it had been a long, and I mean LONG, time since I read something purely smutty. This series has been recommended to me time and time again for it's hotness, and it surely didn't disappoint in that area. At. All.

I am a sucker for 'friends to lovers' type of books. So, I was really excited to read this one. Kaleb Walker and Zoey Stranford have been best friends for years. It seems they both have shared a mutual attraction for one another but never said a word. Now, it seems they can longer keep it to themselves. What they didn't expect was that the other felt the exact same way.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

'She didn’t want control. She wanted to be controlled. Dominated. Taken with the lust and hunger she felt pulsing just beneath his warm skin.'

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

The first part of the book was probably the part I enjoyed the most, just because I loved seeing these two come together as a couple. I loved the way Kaleb was with Zoey and how he took care of her. I loved that Zoey was a hardworking woman, and independent. Together they were quite sweet and endearing.

Very soon the book changes direction into a very hot zone. This book was crazy panty melting hot. This author sure knows how to write a sex scene, that's for sure. It's pretty perfect that they both were into the same kinky things, or else it would have not worked out. Keleb was very domineering and I loved that. I had no idea from first meeting Zoey that she would be as uninhibited as she was. And Gage...he was freaking smoking as well.

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

‘Two bodies, two souls, two hearts, coming together as one. And that’s how Kaleb felt when he was with Zoey. For him, there was no better place to be.’

?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

I really did enjoy all the steam in this book. A lot!! But...yes there is a but, the sex seemed to take up most of the book. This caused me not to really get to know both main characters very well. I would have d to learn a little bit more of each one and have more on their stories. I also think Zoey was a little too blasé in certain situation for being a total newbie to certain acts. So, while the steam in this book was off the charts, I would have d a bit more of a story line to keep me more interested.

Overall, a scorching read! And I will definitely be checking out more books in this series because the Walker men have totally intrigued me. Plus, I hear it only gets better. Can't wait!

dual-pov friends-to-lovers hells-yeah-alphas ...more17 s JaHy?Hold the Fairy Dust345 618

Cage and Kaleb take the phrase bosom buddies to a whole new level my friends!!!!!! I LOVE THEM. Now, Zoey you Wanton Hussy (WTF does that mean anyway?) I had a love hate relationship with her.

There were parts in the story where I was annoyed and I found myself ---->

That being said there were plenty of scenes that had me saying----->

My ménage cherry had been previously popped but I swear it grew back, as I felt it pop again.

All in all I WOULD suggest this book for someone looking to experience something new between friends.
pop-pornhub17 s Sarah347 132

Sometimes we just need a break from books that make us want to;

Too much angst......

Too much sexual tension......

Books that make you feel an emotional pong pong ball.....

I'll admit I was a bit nervous to start this book as part of a buddy read because I read some really mixed but I was actually pleasantly surprised.

Ok so if you're reading it expecting a hard hitting, angst filed, emotional romance then STOP RIGHT NOW AND STEP AWAY FROM THIS BOOK....because you will be disappointed.

If however, me, you've had a run of highly emotional, angst laden books that just ooze sexual tension, and you just want something that's an easy read, full of steamy sex scenes that get you hot under the collar, a storyline that is enjoyable to read yet won't have you biting your nails in anticipation, then this IS the book for you.

It's a friends to lovers book that's on fast forward because you don't have to wait a century for them to get it on....

This is the story of the developing relationship between Kaleb and Zoey, their long term friendship which turns into a whole lot more. It gives a dual POV of both Kaleb and Zoey and gives the reader some pretty steamy sex scenes (sometimes with more than one person).

Overall 3.5 stars for what, for once, lives up to its authors warning.

Thanks to my fellow buddy readers; Em & Mara.....loves ya Hotties ;)
16 s Jen1,655 1,111

This was an attempt at giving myself a break from my run with "EIT"! I had decided that I needed a book with lots of sex in it!LOL Well, I most definitely got that! In fact, I didn't realize there would be a menage in this one; and there was hot menage action thrown into this story as well! This was a sexy read, as well as the beginning of what promises to be a steamy series. If you are not into threesome action in your books, then this is not the series for you.

We are introduced to seven brothers who own "Walker Demolition" and who are known for their enjoyment of sharing their woman. (not necessarily with each other..well..there are the twins who do to share together!)Of course, the Walker brothers are hot, studly, and have woman falling at their feet! This is Kaleb's story, and he is the third oldest in his clan. He has been friends with Zoey for years, but has always loved her from afar. He has some dark tastes when it comes to sex; but feels that Zoey is too good for that, so he settles for just friendship from her. Zoey runs her own cleaning business, and wouldn't you know it...she has been attracted to Kaleb for years! She was married to an "AssHat" for five years, and has moved on to become an independanat woman. When her and Kaleb finally give in to their desires, they realize they have an explosive chemistry that will be hard to ever let go. Of course, there are some road blocks. The main one being that the Walker men would to gain access to 100acres of land that is owned by Zoey's father. What is this land for? A sex club..of course..! Will they be able to talk Zoey and her father into it? Is Kaleb using Zoey to gain access to her land? You will have to read to find out!

This was my first Nicole Edwards book, and I must say that I wasn't disappointed. It was neat that she included a scene with her Club Destiny characters. (which is another series I want to read!)I look forward to discovering what makes the other Walker men tick. Next up is Zane, and of course there was a little bit of a cliff hanger regarding him at the end of this book! The good news is that Zane is already out, and it will be a book that I check out in the near future! ( Right after I go back to my Dex and Perry..as I'm not afraid to admit that I'm missing them! LOL!)july-reads kindle-own13 s Scarlet507 208

For everyone's sake it´s better that I don´t write this review.

adult annoying-main-character girls-reading-together ...more13 s Smitten's Book Blog337 317

Deliciously smut-tastic!!


I'm late to the party with these. This was my first Nicole Edwards experience. Lots of you have recommended I try her books, and after some of these books were nominated for the Smitten's Book Blog 2013 Book Awards categories, I thought it was about time I gave the Alluring Indulgence series a shot.

The series follows a group of seven brothers! Seven hot, muscled, sexy, cowboy brothers. Great start, right? Each brother has their own book and obviously, as the title suggests, we begin with Kaleb.

Kaleb Walker is the third oldest of the Walker boys. The story runs along the lines of something to do with buying land and building a new resort called Alluring Indulgence. Twenty-nine year old Zoey Stranford and thirty-three (I think) year old Kaleb Walker have been crushing on each other forever, always been friends, never wanted to admit their feelings, yada yada yada.

"It seems I've waited my whole life for you to do that."

It's okay, it's not ground breaking... However, let's be totally honest right now. I wasn't reading this for the intricate plot, was I?! ;) Nope, I'm not proid. I'm happy to admit, I was reading this for the sex. And oh my Christ.

"Would you let us fuck you Zoey? Both of us? Right now?"

I have to say, M/F/M scenes are my little guilty pleasure. I mean, one hot guy is great. Two? Yes purlease. Nicole Edwards, where have you been all of my life?? The sex scenes were off the charts smokin'!!

"Kiss her, Gage"

Don't get me wrong, the plot is solid. It's obviously a storyline that transfers and carries through as we go through each of the brothers' books, which I . But this book hasn't set out to break your heart and make you re-evaluate your life (other than perhaps your sex-life). It's fairly light hearted, easy read with a whole lot of super steamy bedroom scenes... and lounge scenes; and truck scenes; and shower scenes. And oh god, the kitchen scene! Who doesn't love an ice cream sundae? No no, not that kinda ice cream sundae. *wink wink* Yes! That kinda ice cream sundae! Or two to be more precise! Yeh, exactly! *fans self* And just when you think it can't get any hotter...

"Can I play with her?" Gage asked Kaleb as if Zoey had no say in the matter.

Zoey was ok. She pissed me off at times. But that's ok, because she pissed Kaleb off too, and don't worry. He dealt with her pissy moods and her stroppy tantrums every smutty Alpha book hero should. With a good and proper 'bend-over-and-hold-your-ankles' spanking!
Zoey had her good moments, but she over-reacted quite a bit and the whole 'I can't be in a relationship' bullshit wound me up a bit. But on the whole she is tolerable and able enough. And the boys totally make up for her downfalls.

Speaking of boys. Or men. Kaleb. Mmmmm mmmmm!!! 6ft 4" hunk of Texan muscle. With a penchant for threesomes with his equally delicious BFF, Gage. *puts hand up* Pick meeee!! Need I say more? Do you really wanna know more about Kaleb's characterisation...? He's hot. He didn't piss me off. I want myself a Kaleb Walker. That's about all you need to know, I think.

The man had somehow figured out how to rock her world in every way imaginable, all the while, Zoey knew she was falling way too fast for this man.
Way too fast.

Kaleb and Zoey's story does get it's happy ending. Nothing between these two is left unfinished. However, the epilogue does leave on a cliffhanger that will make you want to start Zane's book. As I said, the storyline carries on throughout the books and the epilogue gave you some clues as to what will happen next and makes sure you aren't sitting back and thinking everything is hunky dory in the Walker world. It wasn't too much, it won't break your heart, but it is just enough to stir your intrigue for Zane.

This book really did hit the spot for me. No pun intended. I needed something sexy. Something that wasn't going to take me too much brain power. Something that would give my emotions time to breathe after reading a few heavy emotional reads and that would be light-hearted. Kaleb really gave me that, with a cute shmushy happy ending to boot.

"I've always loved you, baby, Since the first day I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have you. I settled on friends because I wouldn't done just about anything to keep you in my life. But, Zoey, I do love you. And I want more from you than just friendship."

I'm off to read Zane right now, because I hear that's even hotter! *grins* Somebody stand by with the fire extinguisher.

Have you read it? below and tell us what you thought?

'Kaleb' Statistics
• Steam Rating (out of 5): ?????
• Ending: Happy ending w/ lead into next book
• Length: 290 pages
• POV: Alternates between Zoey and Kaleb's POV.
• Narrative: Third person. Past tense.
• Series: Yes
• Reading Order:
- Book #1 - Kaleb (Alluring Indulgence #1)
- Book #2 - Zane (Alluring Indulgence #2)
- Book #3 - Travis (Alluring Indulgence #3)
- Book #3.5 - Holidays with the Walker Brothers (Alluring Indulgence, #3.5)
- Book #4 - Ethan (Alluring Indulgence, #4)
- Book #5 - Braydon (Alluring Indulgence, #5)
- Book #6 - Sawyer (Alluring Indulgence, #6)
- Book #7 - Brendon (Alluring Indulgence, #7)
• Can this be read as a standalone? Yes
• WARNING. This book includes...
Graphic sexual content. M/F/M.
• Writing: Amazing!

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Hmm...Where to start with this one? I listened to the audiobook version and again, found myself blushing and a little put-off by the voices of the narrators as they talked incredibly dirty to me in traffic. For such tame cover art, this book was filled with steamy sex and kinky threesomes. I didn't see that coming!

Aside from the hot sex scenes, the storyline was pretty middle-of-the-road in my opinion. Childhood friends that secretly pined for each other, but never acted on it. Fast-forward to adulthood and they both have awful exes, are hesitant to get hurt or lose their friendship but can no longer deny their feelings. Throw in another hot guy friend and you've got a party. Yep, they share! Imagine a predictable, sweet, love story, throw in a little three way fun, and you've got the gist of it.

This wasn't a favorite of mine, but I've definitely read worse. The sex scenes were hot, if gratuitous. The characters were nice and not too over the top. I might have d it more if I had read the book vs. listening to the audio version. Having a narrator do too much dirty talk definitely creeps me out some, but it is what it is. d it, but didn't love it. I may continue the series at some point, but I won't be rushing out to get my hands on the next one.childhood-loves listened-to-audio-version12 s Cory 728 85

This was HOT! So hot that I immediately had to move on to the next brother. There are a lot of brothers. This makes me happy.mf-2015-challenge12 s Alex is The Romance Fox1,461 1,185

This was such an awful read for me...I was really looking forward to this author's new series...i really d her Club Destiny Series....but Kaleb....i really wanted to his story...but I just did not.

The characters, and not just the two mc's were so uninteresting and I felt no connection with any of them.

The whole misunderstanding and angst and yes and no.....too much for me. And then..out of the blue...a threesome!!!!! Now I enjoy that genre but a good story has to have the three persons totally involved with each other...but here it was ...hey...wanna do it with me and my best friend????
Oooh and the heroine suddenly thinks she might not be good at threesomes and her hero will not her anymore!!!!!!

Skim page, skip next page...no this is pure torture!! Why am I not giving up now? Hey, it might get better!!
But no my friends....it did not!!!!

I think I may just give up reading the next books in this series...the brothers don't sound that interesting!!!!!authors-a-h erotic-romance romance ...more11 s Donna ~ The Romance Cover2,817 320

Loved it, a great romantic read with some very hot hot hot scenes I think this is going to be one smoking hot series!!

4 stars!!

This series starts hot and I hope to hell that it continues, after all there are 7 brothers in this book…so I am looking forward to 7 books of Nicole Edward’s magic… My first Nicole books were Club Destiny and I absolutely adore that series, the magic of this is that there is a cross over between the two series…so not only do we have 7 hot Walker brothers, we also have the gang over at Club Destiny too…how many hot bods can you fit into a series…. A LOT!!

Zoey and Kaleb have been best friends for years and years..I love it when friends become lovers…you do not have to go through all that “I need to know you” phase, they just jump straight in and get on with it…and that makes for some sizzling scenes, as we all know Nicole writes those very well indeed! Zoey had been married before, unbeknown to her the Walker brothers had ran her ex out of town..he had been cheating on her for years, sleeping with all and sundry and they couldn’t stand back and see it continue. Zoey goes and lives with her dad who is elderly and needs help. He has a lot of land and it is land that the Walker brothers want to build their new resort “Alluring Indulgence” Zoey’s dad is extremely stubborn and will not sell despite the Walker brothers continuous requests.

If possible things get even steamier when Kaleb’s best friend comes to town…Gage….menage a trois scenes which Nicole excels at..I must admit I was surprised at Zoey’s willingness with this as I did not have her pegged as that type of girl but what happens between the three of them is seriously hot, seriously smoking and the sexual chemistry is way up there.

During the book there is a lot of background information revealed about the brothers and their potential new club. Travis, he is the head of them, he is extremely moody, quite quiet and extremely intimidating, Zane, Ethan, Sawyer and then the twins Braydon and Brendon. That is a lot of Walker brothers!!

Zoey’s dad pulls a fast one and transfers the land into Zoey’s name so then it is up to her to barter with the Walker brothers for what both she and they want which is not necessarily one of the same..will this put pressure on Kaleb and Zoey’s relationship and friendships??

It was fab to see all the Club Destiny characters in this book, it is a touch of genius on Nicole’s part and I cannot wait to see where this series is going…eagerly waiting in anticipation….

10 s Dora SkyAuthor 6 books125

Oh my God...

What did I just read...

5 amazing sensual stars for this amazing book. It blew me away. I loved it from the beginning until the end. I loved Kaleb, I loved Zoey, and I loved Gage. These three know how to make your blood go on fire in an instant. The chemistry between them was, let me say it again, AMAZINGLY HOT.

I am going to keep an eye on the Walker brothers.
I simply can't get enough of them.

Nicole Edwards, I,
10 s HeatherTX712 101

DAYUM!!!! Do yourselves a favor ladies, read this book! Smokin' a$$ hot, tons of raw passion & alpha males to galore, if Ms. Edwards writes a book for only half of the male characters in "Kaleb" we are in for helluva ride and I'm buying my ticket now! Absolutely loved this book! character-construction_contractor character-cowboys genre-erotica-erotic ...more10 s Ena May - Swoon Worthy Books/Enticing Journey Book Promotions313 220

Warning: Contains bad naughty language, if you are easily offended please don’t read!!

~~4.5 Erotic Hot Steamy make you grin stars~~

“I’ve waited too damn long to have you. I’ve kept my distance, kept my hands to myself, but I can’t any longer.”

HOLY CANNOLI!!! Where do I begin? Not sure if I should begin with hot steamy sexy as hell Kaleb Walker or strong willed, open minded, sassy Zoey Stranford?

Kaleb Walker – you can’t go wrong starting with him. He is every woman’s fantasy. Strong, sexy, determined, sweet, kind hearted, straight to the point, no bullshit country boy and he had me saying yeehaw from the start. Kaleb and Zoey have been best friends since they could remember but neither has crossed that line into anything more. Kaleb has always loved Zoey and has wanted to experience her in the bedroom since he was a young teenage boy with hormones raging but didn’t want to risk losing his best friend to please his boy downstairs. (wink wink) Until now…..

Zoey Stranford – Sexy, feisty, strong willed young woman who is moving on after her ex-husband runs out on her and skips town leaving her a 29 year old divorced woman living back at home taking care of her aging father and his financial worries. Zoey has always loved Kaleb; he was her best friend, her rock the one person she could count on with anything. Having her own little fantasy of what it would be to kiss Kaleb but never acting on it because she didn’t think he saw her as anything other than a “friend”. As time goes on she starts needing, wanting, and craving more from Kaleb than friendship. She wants to feel him, she wants to know what it would be to be possessed by him, but will she risk losing her best friend to sex? Only one way to find out! (droooooool)

Kaleb had me drooling from the very beginning. He is sweet, kindhearted, take home to meet your momma kind of man. “I’m right here, baby. Always here.” But watch out because he was also a dominate alpha male and told you exactly what he wanted you to do and what he was going to do unless you stopped him. “I’ve waited too damn long to have you. I’ve kept my distance, kept my hands to myself, but I can’t any longer.” He is the total package wrapped up into one fine piece of man that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off!!

I loved Zoey from her sweet southern girl style to her take no bullshit feisty attitude. In the beginning she was a little shy and didn’t voice how she felt or what she wanted but after spending just a little time with Kaleb she didn’t feel wrong or slutty voicing what she wanted but she realized even if she did, fuck it, she was a grown ass women and she was going to tell you exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. “Not slow, Kaleb. Hard. Fast. Fuck me.”

I knew going into this book that it was going to be considered erotica and boy I was not let down at all. “Does he eat your pussy until you scream his name? Have you ever paid attention to how intense it is to watch him as he devours you?”

Nicole Edwards is one steamy erotic writer and I loved this book from beginning to end. Some of the scenes (ménages) in this book, well all of them really, were the BEST I have ever read. Not in the cheesy, that would NEVER happen kind of way either. They were very detailed to almost where you could close your eyes and see yourself in the story (wonderful thing to see by the way). I devoured this book just I really really wanted to devour Kaleb!

This is my first Nicole Edwards book that I have read and I am an instant fan. I am jumping on the Edward train and I will ride it until the end. This is the 1st in the Alluring Series and I am hoping the 2nd book releases VERY VERY soon to crave my naughty side! After I finished this book I instantly purchased the Club Destiny Series as I have heard those are just as sinfully delicious. I can’t wait to start those, because who doesn’t love reading about sexy men and what they to do to us woman! Sign me up!! naughty-nicole9 s Swoon Worthy131 91

Warning: Contains bad naughty language, if you are easily offended please don’t read!!

~~4.5 Erotic Hot Steamy make you grin stars~~

“I’ve waited too damn long to have you. I’ve kept my distance, kept my hands to myself, but I can’t any longer.??

HOLY CANNOLI!!! Where do I begin? Not sure if I should begin with hot steamy sexy as hell Kaleb Walker or strong willed, open minded, sassy Zoey Stranford?

Kaleb Walker – you can’t go wrong starting with him. He is every woman’s fantasy. Strong, sexy, determined, sweet, kind hearted, straight to the point, no bullshit country boy and he had me saying yeehaw from the start. Kaleb and Zoey have been best friends since they could remember but neither has crossed that line into anything more. Kaleb has always loved Zoey and has wanted to experience her in the bedroom since he was a young teenage boy with hormones raging but didn’t want to risk losing his best friend to please his boy downstairs. (wink wink) Until now…..

Zoey Stranford – Sexy, feisty, strong willed young woman who is moving on after her ex-husband runs out on her and skips town leaving her a 29 year old divorced woman living back at home taking care of her aging father and his financial worries. Zoey has always loved Kaleb; he was her best friend, her rock the one person she could count on with anything. Having her own little fantasy of what it would be to kiss Kaleb but never acting on it because she didn’t think he saw her as anything other than a “friend”. As time goes on she starts needing, wanting, and craving more from Kaleb than friendship. She wants to feel him, she wants to know what it would be to be possessed by him, but will she risk losing her best friend to sex? Only one way to find out! (droooooool)

Kaleb had me drooling from the very beginning. He is sweet, kindhearted, take home to meet your momma kind of man. “I’m right here, baby. Always here.” But watch out because he was also a dominate alpha male and told you exactly what he wanted you to do and what he was going to do unless you stopped him. “I’ve waited too damn long to have you. I’ve kept my distance, kept my hands to myself, but I can’t any longer.” He is the total package wrapped up into one fine piece of man that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off!!

I loved Zoey from her sweet southern girl style to her take no bullshit feisty attitude. In the beginning she was a little shy and didn’t voice how she felt or what she wanted but after spending just a little time with Kaleb she didn’t feel wrong or slutty voicing what she wanted but she realized even if she did, fuck it, she was a grown ass women and she was going to tell you exactly what she wanted and how she wanted it. “Not slow, Kaleb. Hard. Fast. Fuck me.”

I knew going into this book that it was going to be considered erotica and boy I was not let down at all. “Does he eat your pussy until you scream his name? Have you ever paid attention to how intense it is to watch him as he devours you?”

Nicole Edwards is one steamy erotic writer and I loved this book from beginning to end. Some of the scenes (ménages) in this book, well all of them really, were the BEST I have ever read. Not in the cheesy, that would NEVER happen kind of way either. They were very detailed to almost where you could close your eyes and see yourself in the story (wonderful thing to see by the way). I devoured this book just I really really wanted to devour Kaleb!

This is my first Nicole Edwards book that I have read and I am an instant fan. I am jumping on the Edward train and I will ride it until the end. This is the 1st in the Alluring Series and I am hoping the 2nd book releases VERY VERY soon to crave my naughty side! After I finished this book I instantly purchased the Club Destiny Series as I have heard those are just as sinfully delicious. I can’t wait to start those, because who doesn’t love reading about sexy men and what they to do to us woman! Sign me up!!
8 s ?? ?aisy ? ?? 493 275

Holy Hotness Batman!

Kaleb, an adorable alpha male, Zoey, an innocent, or is she, female and throw in Gage, a recipe for fireworks.

The intense passion between Kaleb and Zoey kept me on the edge of my seat and introducing Gage to the deal...well sparks certainly flew! Really enjoyed enjoyed the book and read it very easily and quickly!
A perfect Saturday read!

Kaleb and Gage definitely made my Saturday hotter.

"So, tell me more about this kissing fantasy of yours"
"Trust me baby. I have waited my whole life for that"
"I want to be with you tonight"
"Kiss her, Gage"

8 s Catarina896 2,215

3.5 “sandwich” stars!

Well, when I started reading this book I knew that would be some steam. But boy, I didn’t expect that much steam.
Seriously, they were having sex basically all the time.

So, this was the story of Zoey and well… Kaleb. They were best friends for years and always had a “thing” for each without the other even imagine (Don’t they always?), but were always able to ignore said feelings and stay only friends.
One day, without notice those feelings start to change and suddenly their relationship takes a huge turn.
Well, there are a lot of others things happening, including a shitty ex-husband and a shittier ex-girlfriend, but the main line is basically that.
And there was a lot of sex. And kinky one, too.

I was in the mood for something light, sweet, with some steam and fast to read. And this book is exactly that. If you want to read one of those books who will remain in your head for weeks and full of angst… well, not this one.
But if you want something fast, funny, sexy (a lot!) and entertaining… this is basically perfect and has an attractive writing style and able characters.
Give it a try! ;) is-getting-hot-in-here9 s Mindy Lou's Book Review2,792 729

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