
The Mercy of the Mako Shark de Nicole Castle

de Nicole Castle - Género: English
libro gratis The Mercy of the Mako Shark


Nicole Castle Year: 2017

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I really enjoyed this series and thought this was a fitting end. My one complaint (on all 3 books) is the damn flashbacks.

Every time the timing changed I was just thrown out of the book and found it really easy to put down. assassins dark k-u ...more3 s The Novel Approach3,095 138

Miko, the hapless assassin who emerged from the Chance Assassin series to take on a life of his own, is un any character I’ve ever fallen madly in adoring, worshipful love with before. His child nature runs so very contrary to his desire to be a killer-for-hire, and his sanity—or lack thereof—makes his choice of professions both fitting and questionable. Miko fanboys over Frank and Bella, refers to Vincent as the Blond Maniac (it’s true, and hilarious because: see sanity), and is deeply and desperately in love with a man, Toby, who is sickened by violence (see: comic irony). Much Miko is sickened by the sight of blood ( … ). Basically, I want to bubble wrap him and be his caretaker (see: savior complex).

The arc of Miko’s own series dovetails with the Chance Assassin series in the murder of Miko’s best friend, Ophelia, an actress who was desperate to escape the limelight. Maybe not badly enough to wish for death, but her friendship with Miko wasn’t at all good for her continued, long-term existence. Where this book and the final book in Frank and V’s series converge is with Miko’s handler, Simon, and a hit that has more layers to it than one of Toby’s wedding cakes.

I have no small amount of regard for an author who begins writing a novel, only to have what may have begun as a minor character suddenly emerge as a voice that refuses to be relegated to the supporting cast. I can see how that character would be Miko the Mako Shark. When reading this spinoff series, I found myself, on multiple occasions, far more fascinated by the characters and their psyches (see: armchair psychologist) than I was by the machinations and manipulations and murders that were being committed, and sometimes thwarted. Things are strained between Miko and Toby, as one would expect when trying to balance the violence and murder and mental health with the maintaining of a well-balanced relationship that both Miko and Toby want to last until death does them part.

What Castle does so well is introduce all these fabulous little quirks and details that snuck up on me and left me either laughing or a little heartbroken, or maybe a little of both at times. Miko’s backstory explains why he is the way he is—psychologically fragile and prone to sequestering himself in kitchen cabinetry—and how Hector, his adoptive father, went a long way towards steering Miko on his present course. And, while Toby could be labeled slightly saner than his beloved, there is still something left of center enough for him to accept Miko just the way he is. Or, at least he tries.

Perhaps that’s just the definition of true love.

I’m such a smitten kitten over these characters and the circumstances they find themselves in. They wend their way around and through myriad complications, but there is never a doubt that when one is in danger, another will have their six. They are, in every way, a family. I don’t know how Nicole Castle came up with this wacky and wonderous cast, nor how she came up with some of the scenarios (I’ll never see flowers or cinnamon candies again without thinking of these characters), but I’m so darn grateful for her imagination.

If you’re looking for something just a bit different, romantic in an untraditional way and filled with funny murder stuff, I can state, unequivocally, this is the series you’re looking for.

Reviewed by Lisa for The Novel Approachassassins contemporary3 s Denise White1,866

Truly enjoyed this series

I can't say it too many times!! I love Miko and Toby was perfect for him even tho he was annoying at times... Nasir was awesome as well and I hate to see this series end..I also loved the humor...I LOL at the things Mijo would say and his inner dialog......hats off to Nicole I am a fan for life ;-) 3 s Jackie Berkel157


So worth the wait. I laughed a lot and fell more in love with Miko , and that felt impossible.
It was perfect in all ways. And can't imagine ever getting enough of this series.
Love it to bits, actually read all the others again before diving into this one. It's that good.2 s S. HartAuthor 9 books49

Not too long after we met, Miss Castle brought up an idea for a new story with another assassin. Sadly no matter how she described it, the story sounded looney tunes, so I just asked her to send me what she had. The first few chapters were so strange that I immediately understood why explaining it was difficult, but they were freakishly endearing. The first reaction I had to Miko was confused interest. That’s still the reaction I have to Miko.

Now, I adored the Chance Assassin Series, and I still do. But Miko struck a chord in me that I had never found in a fictional character before, where I could relate to his disorganized thoughts and his wild imagination and most of all, the fact that he screws everything up. It’s the more he tries the worse it gets and that’s pretty much where I always stand. I read this character with a look of growing concern, and at the end of the first book I think I finally realized that Miko may be my spirit animal. Not fully – I have yet to kill anybody, least of all with a fork. Still, I see from all of the other that this character feels very close to quite a few readers, he’s yours to keep.

The Miko stories are so fluid that it’s actually quite difficult to remember which book certain scenes happen in, especially when you have all three and can just binge them. I mean the first one is such a fast read, one might as well just have a chapter or two of the second book, and then you can’t leave the story off there, so maybe a few more chapters. Then suddenly it’s 8am and you haven’t slept but that’s fine. cake. One more slice. I mean the series is complete as of this book, it's a perfect serving size.

After checking, I can confirm that this book is the one that contains, without a doubt, my absolute favorite scene in all of written history. The setup was done masterfully and the execution… I just went and read it again and cackled a witch at it again. It’s a climactic and plot related scene that takes place in a bathroom, you’ll know it when you find it. This is the series that I geek out over, and I do not usually fangirl. I know that people will think that I only endorse these books because I made friends with the author, but I would endorse these books even if Nicole Castle PUT A DAMN SPIDER IN A BOX AND TRIED TO GIVE IT TO ME AS A GIFT! NICOLE!

The Miko series is, as I’ve said before, not for everyone. Although I think Miss Castle did an amazing job balancing murder and humor and sex appeal, there are of course still scenes involving murder. Not everyone is going to that.

If you can handle it, this series is worth the price. I’ve only ever reread less than twenty books in my life for fun. These books are three of them.
awesome-title esl-character favorites ...more1 Cat LeFey348 6

It took me forever to finish this one, and it's because I didn't want it to end. Miko is one of my favorite characters of all time. I can't say I really enjoyed the ending but it's only because no ending would have been satisfying because I never wanted it to end. Everything was wrapped up nicely though, I wasn't disappointed. The plot got a bit complicated there, and combined with the time jumps and switched perspectives, I had an embarrassingly hard time following along at times and had to go back to re-read parts. This is probably because of my reluctance to finish and just how busy I have been the past week. I will no doubt end up re-reading the entire trilogy at some point because it was just that good. action disabled-nd-character LivreLover49 1 follower

I’ll miss them

I’m out of words about how happy these books made me both with Miko and Vincent and everyone. Thank you for writing them :) DittoDitte185 20

3.5 smol fishling ?????????????219

?? ?? Miko + Toby ??
??????adventure dark-?-twisted favs-?-yay ...more Bornali25 5

Dear Miko, you're officially my favorite(for the lack of any better word) psychopath. You and Toby make the sweetest couple:)

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the series. Greatly recommended to anyone looking for a book with a serial killer with a loyal heart, and great humor. Because, what can be a better combination? E.Reads (previously Emilie)338 9

Great ending to the series.
I had a bit of a hard time getting into it, but the 2nd half was so damn good, it more than made up for it. I wish I had re-read the other two books just before though because everything comes to a conclusion and it would have been good to have some details fresh in mind.

Highly recomment the series, but I would suggest reading it all at once. The jumping back and forth in the timeline is a bit confusing at first, but it makes sense as the book progresses. Now, I just want to re-read it all to pick all the clues the author put along the way.read-in-2018 ttg448 159

An enjoyable end to Miko's trilogy (a companion trilogy to Castle's other assassin series.)

My favorite parts were of Miko and Toby interacting. Their times together always felt a respite for both of them, in between all the tension and uncertainty around them. J. Taylor1,482 29

4.5100-top-fave-list characters-i-love murder-mayhem-love ...more Gillian952 24

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