
And They All Bow Down: A Viking Arranged Marriage Romance de Nicki Chapelway

de Nicki Chapelway - Género: English
libro gratis And They All Bow Down: A Viking Arranged Marriage Romance


Nicki Chapelway Publisher: Dragonflight Press, Year: 2023

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I've always been obsessed by Vikings, and so I wrote this story for everyone who has been fascinated by all things Vikings, the Roman Empire, and dragons.5 s R.M. ArcherAuthor 4 books145

3.5 stars

Love the concept, enjoyed the characters, but the whole thing felt condensed. I would have d to see the story drawn out longer to make space for the relationship between Laduga and Marcello to really develop more deeply.fantasy indie-books to-buy3 s Summie Bookstagram37 4

ARC review on And They All Bow Down by Nicki Chapelway -

Nicki Chapelway is a goddamn good writer when it comes to writing this fantasy novel and the springling of romance in her book. This book caught my eye once she announced it on her Instagram page, and when I read the blurb, it got me even more excited to request an advance reader copy.

The plot of the story from the start of the first page hooks you from the very beginning and makes you want to continue reading the following chapters to dive into her world-building. I'd have to say that Nicki does a great job by introducing the main character Laduga in the first chapter, and by the end of chapter 1, I got so intrigued that I had to read the following one to see how the story was going to pan out. Her writing is so easy to get through, and the way she writes makes you feel as though you are part of her story, and it's you're actually seeing all the scenes play out in front of you.

Additionally, she then introduces you to Marcello, who at first is a mystery person, but throughout the story, I would have to say that I had a connection and felt for him. Both Laduga and Marcello at first had a tough exterior when it came to their characters; however, I would say that as the story continued to develop, as a reader, you'd understand the way they are shaped and how they would react to situations. On the whole, I can wholeheartedly say that Marcello and Laduga developed throughout the course of the story.

Moreover, during the story, there was the romantic aspect, which I really enjoyed getting into as you'd slowly start to see the characters grow that sense of love for each other. The way that Nicki portrayed this in her writing and developed it throughout her story was incredibly well done.

In the end, I would to see more of Marcello and Laduga's story, maybe down the line, as the way the book ended left me as a reader wanting more. Plus, I would also say that exploring more of the world created by Nicki would be an enjoyable read. Thank you, Nicki, for providing me with an e-ARC of your book for review purposes!
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