
A Time for Heroes: A World War 3 Techno-Thriller Action Event de Nick Ryan

de Nick Ryan - Género: English
libro gratis A Time for Heroes: A World War 3 Techno-Thriller Action Event


"Nick Ryan knows his craft, and his topic. His World War 3 stories are tightly-written, fast-moving, with great characters."
Co-author of Tom Clancy's 'Red Storm Rising' and New York Times bestselling author of 'Red Phoenix'

Close to the border with Poland, a small German town conceals a powerful Russian electronic warfare system (EWS) that might influence the fate of an Allied armored attack designed to push the Russians back across the Oder River.
Thrown together by circumstance, a Company of US soldiers and a Company of German Bundeswehr begin a deadly hunt for the enemy EWS, battling a deadline and impossible odds.
The search to locate the enemy system puts every soldier’s life in danger and leads them on a perilous journey behind Russian lines; the consequences of failure too dreadful to contemplate.
At stake are the lives of thousands of allied soldiers and a combined force of almost one hundred Abrams and Leopard tanks that are racing towards the battlefront on a collision course with a phalanx of Russian T-90s defending the enemy’s brittle northern flank…

From the book…
The Russians broke from cover and began to withdraw east along the road. Elway was consumed by the red mist of a warrior’s rage. The days of tension and anxiety, the hardship and deprivations, the nerve-shredding constant apprehension exploded from him in a savage roar. “Kill the bastards!”
He dropped to his knee and fired at a Russian soldier who had just emerged from the dark shadows of a doorway. The retreating figure was lit up in the viewfinder of Elway’s goggles, but even without the high-tech optical aids, there was enough ambient light from the surrounding burning buildings to throw the man’s figure into stark relief. Elway fired twice, missing with his first bullet and hitting the man in the knee with his second. The Russian went sprawling to the ground, the AK-74 in his hands flying from his grip and skidding across the blood-soaked cobblestones. Elway sprang to his feet, bounded forward, and shot the man from close range, then turned, wild-eyed, looking for another target. He could hear screams and shouts. He saw Bell fire three times at a fleering figure, but he had no idea whether she hit her man.

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What if...

I stepped off a C-141 in W.Germany for my 1st tour in Oct 1983. I had just turned 18. I recall peering thru binos across the 1k-zone at Soviet soldiers looking back at me through theirs. Wondering when, not if, they'd come storming past those little white-n-black markers... We trained non-stop for that day to come. I returned in 1988, saw the Wall come down, watched the flood of E. German Trabants flow thru the Fulda Gap from a Humvee on a hilltop overlooking the battleground NATO soldiers had prepared to defend for decades. Came back for a 3rd tour in 1997 and experienced a reunited Germany and the dramatically reduced THREATCON.

This book is an intense, non-stop, alternative history describing in stunning detail "What if..." Cold War-era warriors will instantly find themselves transported back in time to that "What if..." scenario we relentlessly prepared for and fervently hoped would never happen...

For non-veterans, sit back and experience a glimpse into the fury of combat on a visceral level...

Well done Mr. Ryan! Steven L Lepper58 2

Excellent series.

This series continues to get better. Follow a group of US and German troops as they hunt for Russian electronic signal jammers, the difference makers in the pending Russian invasion. This novel is short on character development but long on action. You already know that Ryan's a master of describing the chaos of the battlefield, the massive tank battle at the end is a perfect example. These are standalone novels so jump in anywhere. Well done Mr. Ryan. Brian Q9 2

I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. The author has done his research on military tactics and terminology. More so doesn't overwhelm the reader with military jargon. The only negative point I would say about this book, it was hard to take the Russians seriously more so seeing how they're acting in Ukraine currently. If Ukraine was going against the Russians predicted in this book that current conflict would have a different outcome. Thankfully this is not the case. Ajitabh Pandey746 46

The latest adventure in the fast paced series on world war 3. The action takes place in German where in an American infantry company fights the Russian along with a German company.
This book all other previous books in the series can be read independently.action ebook fiction ...more Mark Baller578 2

Pretty good world war 2 Style Novel

The story is pretty interesting lot of very determined people trying to kill each other tanks infantry aircraft it's pretty exciting I think it's worth giving a read. Jim Gutzwiller105 3


A glimpse of what a third world war could be . Or what it is currently on every battlefield currently.
The Ukraine comes to mind and any of the 'stans being prosecuted.
No one is ever ready . no one comes back without changes
S.David Long115 6

None Better

Ryan continues his action packed series. The action is non stop and his characters reflect to highs and lows of modern combat and the way they deal with it. Modern warfare depection at it's best. MARTIN WITHERS211 1 follower

War is well, this book is proof.

A savage war novel, the battles are bloody and stomach turning. This is an excellent book with incredible vivid descriptions of modern combat and suffering on both sides. Highly recommended. Bozhidar2

Great book. Highly recommend.

Great book. Highly recommend.
I hope this series to continue with new great stories. I will be interested to see what happens in the south European front. Richard A Lambing157 1 follower

Good series. Trina765 7


War is in Europe. Read about the devastation a war. Civil or soldier it makes no difference. Read how USA and German soldiers unite to take on the Russian forces Sam Evans5

Not a bad read!

Mr. Ryan has a really good story line. Enjoyed the whole story line. On to the next book in the series brenda104 5


Written to keep you Spell bound From beginning to end Couldn't Put the book down it was that Intense. Great work of writing. dan81

A great story.

A great story well told and realistic. The characters are real people I could relate to.You should read this and the rest of the series. Mike595 3

Very fast-paced military thriller. This one highlights infantry. Plenty of action! Bill Baker30

time for heroes

Good read. Ups and downs of war, and the “good guys” win out in end. (Kinda Russia and Ukraine
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