
Realmente amore de Nichole Chase

de Nichole Chase - Género: Italian
libro gratis Realmente amore


Samantha Rousseau sa bene che cosa vuol dire lavorare sodo. Si sta impegnando al massimo per ottenere la sua laurea in Scienze naturali e si prende cura di suo padre, ammalato da anni. Non ha tempo per gossip, vestiti costosi o vacanze di lusso. Così, quando riceve un invito a cena da parte di una duchessa nel piccolo regno di Lilaria, non può credere ai suoi occhi. Possibile che sia rimasta colpita dal suo programma di ricerca e voglia fare una donazione all'università? La verità va oltre ogni immaginazione ed è destinata a sconvolgere per sempre la vita di Samantha. Alex D'Lynsal sta cercando di ripulire la sua reputazione. Il suo ruolo di erede al trono di Lilaria, infatti, gli impone di mettere la testa a posto una volta per tutte. Ma per uno come Alex non è semplice rinunciare al fascino di una bella donna. Specialmente una come Samantha... Nichole Chase è un'autrice bestseller di New York Times e USA Today ed è anche una divoratrice seriale di libri. Ama sognare a occhi aperti, scrivere e dipingere. Vive nel sud della Georgia con il marito, la figlia, un cane e due gatti.

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I loved this book. Do you hear me???


Where do I even begin?

I don’t even… How do I…

Phew! Okay, I’m calm.

So, I started reading this after DNFing a “highly anticipated” novel by one of the “most successful authors of our time”. I stumbled across it on a whim, saw it was 99 cents on B&N and thought “What the hell?”

Best. Move. EVER.

I needed this book. It came along just when I was beginning to become truly cynical. It took me completely by surprise, slapped me in the face and reminded me why I LOVE reading.

Okay, brief synopsis: Samantha is an American grad student who finds out she’s the long lost heir to a duchy in (fictional) Lilaria, a small principality similar to Monaco that also has some similarities to both the UK and France. One of the kingdom’s duchesses and the heir to the throne come to fetch her.

Enter the leading man: His Royal Highness Alexander Patrick Fitzwilliam, the Duke of D’Lynsal and heir to the crown of Lilaria. What a mouthful huh? (heh heh)

He’s one of the most attractive leading men that I’ve come across in a long, LONG time. He’s charming. He’s suave. He’s caring, devoted and gawgeous. He’s chivalrous without being overbearing or an “alpha”.

Oh, and he’s a frigging PRINCE. Need I say more?

He and Sam have this electric chemistry from the onset that literally had me chewing at the bit for them to hook up. I don’t know how many times I selfishly thought “Just hump already!!!”.

And when they do finally get together?

Sam is easily one of my favorite main characters of the year. No joke. She says things “Meh” and “Eat-shit-and-die”. Her favorite genre to read is paranormal romance (STFU, me too! Besties!), she’s not a Mary Sue and she isn’t an emotional mess. She was so able that I have pages of reading notes about the funny things she said and did. We have a total bromance going on. But for girls. Homance? Nope, bad connontations. Hermance? Hmmm… I’ll work on it.

She was totally believable in her role as a surprised, semi-reluctant duchess. Not only was she believable but the logistics that it took to set her up in that role were too. I feel Chase put a lot of effort into making the transition from average American college student to European nobility as accurate as possible and I really commend her for the sheer amount of stuff she managed to cram in without making it seem an overload of information.

She also shows a lot of the downside to being a royal, complete with fortune hunters, awkward public appearances and crazy photogs. You hear things about how celebrities are hounded by paparazzi but I don’t think it really sinks in just what they’ll try to do for a picture. This novel makes you sympathize with the people that have finally lost it and punched a pap in the face.

Best part about this book?


I was nervous the whole time I was reading it because I thought there was no way in hell I’d be able to make it through a contemporary, fairy tale-ish romance without some stupid misunderstandings on the part of the main characters or at least some self destructive behavior. I’m here to tell you, worry not! Neither of the characters are emotionally crippled, neither are crazy jealous, neither need constant reassurance from the other…they just…I mean. GAH!

This book was one part The Princess Diaries, one part gigglefest, one part tear jerker and a whole bunch of schmexy. Oh, and the ending left me this:

Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterestadorable-mc contemporary-romance lmfao ...more146 s Haley 274 689 Shelved as 'to-read-i-own'


GIMMEGIMMEGIMMEGIMME41 s Catarina896 2,209

4 Charming Stars

Samantha Rousseau is a normal girl with a normal life. She is trying to get to the end of her degree in wildlife biology and trying to help her father get better from his disease.
But her life changes in a second.

In one day she is a normal girl… in the next one she is the heir of several lands in Lilaria (an European country that she never heard of) and not only that but she is a Duchess. Yes, she is royal family.
Trying to help her deal with all this new life is Alex. The heir prince to the crown of Lilaria…. And playboy per excellence, Alex swore woman of his life after a very public sex-scandal. But when he meets Samantha all his previous decisions are immediately forgotten.

But between adapting to a new life, get used to be in public-eye and trying to deal with everything that his happening to her… the last things Sam wants or need is to be another of Alex public scandals. And she is afraid of what he can meant to her.
So Samantha will have to find how much of herself and what she wants will she be willing to lose… in order to win something she never thought she had in the first place.

Okay, for those of you who loved the Princess Diaries in your teen years (Guilty! Guilty!), you will definitely love this book. It follows the same story line but with an adult twist… yes, is way steamier.
I hesitated before reading it because all I could think was that this a book written for 16 years old girls. But, oh well, it was a pretty sweet book, greatly written and grabbed me from the first page. (Which is more than I can say of some of the last books I’ve read that were meant from adult audiences!).
I will definitely follow this series! ;) cat-heart-these-books cotton-candy-romance new-adult36 s Stacia (the 2010 club)1,045 4,037

Welcome to The Princess Diaries : adult edition

There's the classification. I wrote it, even though I really want to pretend that I didn't, so I'm able to shelve this as YA.

It's the cover! That adorable, sweet, pretty pink cover with the cute (and very young looking) girl winking. I love it - absolutely love it! But does that cover scream royals be gettin' it on!!!? I didn't think so.

Nevertheless, I still love this cover even though I can't see a woman in grad school, even when I squint. And I d this book because it wasn't trying too hard to impress. None of the characters really pushed my buttons and it was a cute little romp overall. I never read The Princess Diaries and I'm sure the books are quite different from the movies, but a few scenes from Suddenly Royal reminded me of the movies with a little bit of adult sizzle thrown in.

I'd say you can't go wrong tossing this in the beach bag or airplane carry-on for an easy escape read which is perfect for summer.

Buddy read w/Dija, Sarah, Litchick, etc. over at Dija's pad review. Sorry I sort of slacked on discussing!

adult contemporary-romance33 s Dija413 226

Dropped at: 56%


1. I couldn't care less where the story is headed.
2. I couldn't identify with, or even , Sam.
3. I feel I'm reading a slightly older version of Princess Diaries, with a few alterations here and there. Too few to make it stand out, however.
4. This reads completely a YA, when I was expecting something far more mature and steamy and sexy. Or really, anything but this washed-out, plain story.
5. I only mildly d Alex. Combined with reasons #1-4, this made for a HUGE disappointment.

I'm so sorry, Cory. I know how much you wanted us to this. I tried, I honestly did, but no more. Sorry.


Summer 2013 Readalong!

After being convinced by Cory's review, Sarah and I are planning to buddy read this on June 14. If any of you want to join in, you're more than welcome to (leave a comment to let us know you're taking part). Current participants (click on the names to see their respective ):

1. Moi
2. Sarah
3. Aly
4. Cory
5. Stacia
6. PJ
7. Anzu
8. Angela
9. Laura
10. Miranda
11. Alexis
12. Jenny
13. Maru
14. Aure
15. Jgilles
16. Lyndi

Whoever's participating in the fun is ordered requested to edit their review so we can spread the word and make this a readalong of momentous proportions!apr-2013 cotton-candy-fluff could-have-been-sooo-much-better ...more31 s Ellis443 231

Warning: sexual innuendos ahead. This review is also quite long because I had to pull out that's what she said geographical data and the to make a point.

The actual rating is 3.5 stars.

If you're still on the fence whether to read this book or not, this review will make you a lot more excited than the blurb ever could. It's the review that started a massive readalong and it definitely convinced me.

So, what's this about? In short: American girl Samantha Rousseau discovers she's a noble from a small European country, Lilaria. The royals from said country try to convince her to reclaim her duchy. One of those royals is the ever-so-delicious crown prince Alex. Major attraction between these two players ensues. Samantha decides to test this new life path and then a whole thing with birds that was so weird and confusing and probably a metaphor or euphemism or something.

Let's talk blurb and cover for a second. The former should be rewritten, whereas the latter completely embodies what this is about. This is a cover that actually fits the story. It's the scene when Samantha has to pose for her "official" photos as a member of Lilarian royalty. In this particular picture, she squints because she knows Alex is there but can't really see him and he reacts with something in the vein of: "Well, that's not very royally."

So the first part of the tagline - a reluctant royal - is spot on. Samantha is very hesitant when the Queen's sister - Duchess Sophie - invites her to dinner and tells Samantha that she is in fact a Duchess of Lilaria. Crown prince Alex accompanies her, which brings me to the second phrase - a playboy prince. This is an exaggeration in my opinion.

The problem is that it gives many people the idea that Suddenly Royal is a mash-up of The Princess Diaries and "The Prince & Me". It's not. Sure, some elements are the same. I've read The Calypso Chronicles and The Princess Diaries and have seen "The Princess Diaries" and "The Prince & Me". I definitely spotted parallels between the stories, but let's be honest here, there's only so much you can do with this kind of set-up. It's similar to the marketing of The Hunger Games as the next big thing for Twilight fans, a comparison that was mainly drawn on (to be generated) hype.

Alex is not the player that Edward from "The Prince & Me" is. From the beginning, he's interested in Samantha and Samantha only. However, this brings me to the first issue I had with the book. From the moment Samantha walks into that restaurant, he's completely enthralled with her. For the next couple of days, he constantly accompanies her/follows her around. He says it's because he's protective. I'm sorry, but I really don't see a reason to be "protective" of a girl you've just met, no matter how hot you think she is. The other thing is that no female seems to be able to control her ovaries in his presence, which annoys Samantha to no end. When she brings this up (jokingly) he goes on a soliloquy to say how the other girl/woman can never live up to the smart-/amazing-/beautiful-/funny-/whathaveyouness that is Samantha Rousseau. Grrr.

The other thing that bothered me is the world-building. I don't mind horrible world-building when the story and characters pull me in (Delirium, anyone?), and overall I d Samantha, Alex and the story enough to forgive most of it. However, Lilaria is a small monarchy where the official language isn't English. I live in a small monarchy where the official language isn't English. My first point has to with its geography. I'll give you some numbers.

Belgium: an area of 30,528 square km or 11,787 square miles

Monaco: an area of 2.02 square km or 0.78 square miles
(This is so small! I never realised how laughably small Monaco was.)

Liechtenstein: an area of 160 square km or 61 square miles.

I think Lilaria's size is closest to that of Liechtenstein. Since the surnames of the nobility are French, I'm going to assume that this fictional country is located between either France and Switzerland, France and Spain, or France and Italy. I personally think France and Spain because of the name Lilaria. (In French it would have been Lilarie.) However, this is not my problem. A few times it is mentioned that they need to drive an hour or two to the next duchy. I honestly doubt that. Belgium is 20 times as big as Liechtenstein and you know where you are when you ride for 2 hours in Belgium?

In the motherfucking North Sea.

Or in France. Or in the Netherlands. Or in Germany. Or in England (by train).

So unless, they go at 2 miles/hour, I'm just not buying it.

Another aspect that was funny to me was the fact that they think the nobility is so important. I'm going to be honest here, the Belgian monarchy is a fucking joke. They barely have any influence and the "nobility" has next to none. You could say this is the case because Belgium is an "artificial" and not a "historical" country, but so is Lilaria. Honestly, in this day and age, barons, dukes and kings just aren't that important.

Usually it bothers me when everyone speaks English in a country that is explicitly non-English. I call it:

There's no need to invent a thing such as Lilarian when you're not going to use it. As far as languages go, there's no such thing as Belgian, or Luxembourgian, or Monacian, or Liechtensteinish. I can forgive this to a certain extent because of my own situation. Belgium is a trilingual country (French - Dutch - German) and the Flemish are taught French as early as the age of ten, and vice versa. However, there is a lot of laziness when it comes to acceptable bilingualism (let alone trilingualism), so when it's obvious that a conversation in either Dutch or French isn't getting anywhere, English comes to the rescue. ALL HAIL ENGLIIIIIIISSSHH. Another factor is that there's such a constant influx of different cultures here (which I love!) that English has become a necesarry lingua franca.

Look at me, using big words and geographical data. I'm so accomplished.

So I can forgive this.

/ rant over.

I was pleasantly surprised by the maturity of this novel, both in its non-drama and the development of the Sam/Alex relationship. While the first half drags quite a bit in my opinion, the second half more than makes up for this. Sam and Alex are without a doubt victims of the instalust/-attraction monster, but there's one thing I'd to point out here. At a certain moment (I'm not telling you when exactly) THEY HAVE SEX.

Shocking, right?

While it's pretty hot except for the evil trope of consistently simultaneous orgasms. Grrr. it's only after sex that Samantha starts thinking of their coming together (heh) as more than a flirt. I love that. I'm glad that sex is used as part of a beginning and still uncertain relationship. It's acknowledged there is a possibility it could be more, but no magical genitalia that put an ULTIMATE LOVE spell on the couple after their first shared orgasm here. Instalust is not equated with love. While their relationship moves still too fast for my taste, they're so cute together that I ain't even mad.

To finish (heh): what made me so happy is the lack of drama. Other women are not villains-at-first-sight. The other royals aren't bitchy when Samantha arrives. Alex and Samantha aren't trying to make each other jealous. No evil ex-girl/boyfriends. No mathematical shapes of love/lust/angst. No assholery. Only this:

"Hold on to your tiara, Duchess."

This definitely is a beach read and it was perfect for me to unwind a bit during exams. All my gratitude goes to Cory for bringing this fluff-fest to my attention and here's a little present for all the geography nerds among us:

adult buddy-read-readalong fluff-fest ...more23 s M.446 43

Humm, not a very original plot. It sounds a mesh between Princess Diaries and the Prince & Me. We'll wait for first.

Review with Spoilers

So my earlier assessment about the plot was spot on. Suddenly Royal is the blend of Princess Diaries and the Prince and Me. I could have ignored the extremely unoriginal plot if at least Chase had knocked it out of the park with an amazing story. But alas, Suddenly Royal couldn't be more bland if it tried.

The story reads more a diary of a very boring person. You would think that discovering that you are 'suddenly royal' would bring a myriad of interesting situations and a lot of angst. Especially when you are being pursued by the freaking yummy prince. But no, there is no real angst. The only thing there is, is the MC whining about how the papparazzi won't leave her alone, and how she can't be with the prince because he needs to marry a royal girl? WTF? First of all, Sam is royal, and second of all, who cares if she wasn't. Duh, didn't Prince William marry a commoner? And that is the freaking Great Britain Monarchy, the most traditional one of all.

There is also the problem that Sam's stepfather is sick, but he urges her go to Lilaria anyways and keep from her that his cancer is terminal. That causes Sam to have bursts of guilt here and there but the whole thing was so predictable that it failed to have an effect on me. Plus, I don't understand the emphasis on the stepfather bit. Sam called him dad, but the royals made sure to point out that he was her stepfather. I thought that her real dad would make an appearance, maybe he would be a douche after her money. But no, Sam didn't know who her biological father was and she didn't really care. And he was never mentioned later. That is all fine and good, but it made the whole stepfather bit pointless. He could have easily be her biological father and it wouldn't make a difference to the story.

Now, let's talk about the Prince. Oh.my.God. Could he be anymore stereotypical? He was the human version of Prince Charming. He was perfect. He was hot, he was a gentleman, he fell head over heels in love with Sam. Seriously, the guy had no flaws. And that made him a complete flat character, without any depth. He needed to be more Darcy, a little bit arrogant but with a good heart. That would contrast really well with Sam's feisty personality (although, she was only feisty in the beginning, later she just became as flat as her prince).

The ending was your typical vanilla, fairy tale ending. After Sam and Alex have been dating for a what, a few months? He proposes. Whatever.

Overall, Suddenly Royal has a very weak plot, the writing isn't that impressive either (kind of lazy with lots of repetition), and it doesn't have any real drama. The side characters were all the same, extremely nice and friendly, and I wouldn't be able to tell them apart if their names had been omitted. The characters that were sleazy all sounded the same too, but they weren't even remotely explored. I don't think I can recommend this book to anyone. I honestly have read better romance novels that I bought at the newsstand. You know, the ones with the cheesy covers.
benefit-of-the-doubt insta-love meh-characters ...more21 s Tiff594 555

Samantha, a snarky wildlife biology grad student, is thrown for a major loop when visiting royals comes to tell her that she's actually a wealthy heiress and a duchess in the tiny country of Lilaria. One of the visiting royals is Prince Alex, an amazingly hot dude who instantly takes to her. She's thrown for a loop because Alex and his aunt want to take her back to Lilaria to see her lands and officially accept her title, but she doesn't want to leave her ailing father or her studies. After a lot of consideration (and some steamy kissing from Alex), she decides to go back, but warns Alex that they can only be friends as she's overwhelmed by her new status and scared of getting her heart broken.

First of all, I have no idea how I found this book, but it's been on my Kindle wishlist for awhile. When I saw it for $1.99, I went for it...and I'm really glad I did. Guys, I had SO much fun reading this book - I stayed up way too late two nights in a row because I just wanted to sink into the book. This is the kind of book you read when when things aren't going so great in your life, and you really need a fairytale. Everything is fast-paced, and the dialogue just whips out zingers at you.

Samantha is smart, sassy, pretty hilarious, and definitely a heroine you can root for. My favourite part about her is that you really believe that she doesn't care about being royal. She hates dressing up, and REALLY hates the media attention that she gets from deciding to take up her title. What she does care about is her family, her studies, and her heritage, and it's awesome to see how deeply ingrained those facets are in her.

The other thing I really d about the book was how much emphasis there was on the insane media/paparazzi, and the honest portrayal of the "job" of a royal. Samantha's title includes land holdings, but also a sort of caretaker status for the village around her. And because she's also a royal, she does a lot of media appearances, which she finds boring at first, but slowly comes to realize the importance of her standing and how her influence can be used for good. I felt the author did an amazing job of explaining her roles and Sam's frustrations and determinations.

Speaking of her frustrations, if there's one criticism I have of the book, it's the reasoning behind Sam not wanting to get together with Alex. Her issues are that he's a royal and she's not, and eventually, he's going to leave her for someone else so he can take on the crown. But the thing is, Sam *is* royalty, even if she doesn't believe it herself. That said, Sam is definitely scared of being heart-broken, and it's obvious that the conflict runs deeper than that. The problem was that the author had made her so brave about everything else that I felt that conflict was a bit manufactured. I would have preferred to stick with the secondary conflict of Sam adjusting to her new life.

Read the rest of this review on Mostly YA Litcontemps new-adult romance14 s Sarah3,342 1,237

Sam is a grad student who is working hard to get her masters degree in wildlife biology, she specialises in birds of prey and she loves her studies and her job working with rescued birds at her university. When she is invited to dinner with a Duchess from Lilaria she assumes it is something to do with the program she helps run and hopes to secure a donation. The last thing she expects is to find out that her family not only came from Lilaria but that she is the heir to a title and the queen wants her to return and take up her inheritance. The one thing that tempts her to visit is the fact that they have superior medical treatment that could offer a cure for her sick father but it also has the advantage of allowing her to spend time with the gorgeous prince yummy. Alex is the crown prince of Lilaria and has had his heart broken too many times by women who are only interested in his title and his money. He is trying to keep his head down and stay out of the limelight for a change and the last thing he wants is to get entangled with a woman that the press is desperate to get a glimpse of. That was before he met Sam though, she isn't most of the women he knows, she doesn't care about money or the latest fashions and is reluctant to accept her own title let alone start dating a prince. He promises to be by her side every step of the way if she returns to Lilaria with him but can he win her heart and get her to stay there with him?

My friend loved this book so much that she convinced pretty much everyone she knows to join in a massive group read of it (there were 16 of us in total!). She had told us that Suddenly Royal was a fun, light hearted read with a Princess Diaries feel to it and no unnecessary relationship angst and I couldn't agree more with that assessment. I picked this up when I was in the mood for something light, something that would make me laugh out loud and leave me smiling and that's exactly what I got. In fact I think the smile was pretty much glued to my face the whole time I was reading. Yes, I'll admit that the story was a little predictable in places but how many romances have you read that aren't? I for one would be most disappointed if I picked up a romance and didn't get a happy ever after (or at least a happy for now) at the end of it! I started the story planning on reading a couple of chapters but before I knew it I was over 200 pages in and that to me is a sign of a good story.

Sam was a able heroine, a normal every day girl and the kind of person any of us would be friends with. She had good friends, a loving father and she cared about people and animals. She was thrown into the public spotlight when she found out about her title and inheritance in Lilaria but she never let it go to her head, in fact she tried really hard to carry on with her life as normal. Not that she had much of a chance at doing that when she was being hounded by the press every five minutes and couldn't even open her front door without having her picture taken by photographers but she didn't let that stop her carrying on with her everyday routine at college. Her life does change rather dramatically when she agrees to visit Lilaria but rather than sit around complaining she does her best to get on with things. I loved the fact that her reaction to everything going on around her was so normal, her behaviour felt realistic and that just made me her even more.

Alex was a fabulous hero, he was cool, confident, compassionate and caring. He went out of his way to make things as easy for Sam as possible and he respected her opinion on things. He never once tried to force her into anything she wasn't comfortable with and he took the time to make sure she was OK with everything that was happening. It didn't hurt that he was sexy as hell and happened to be a prince too - don't all little girls have a prince charming fantasy at some point in their lives? I know I did! Sam is determined to resist Alex's advances because she doesn't think she could possibly be a queen and she assumes he is only interested in a temporary affair. She knows it would be too easy to get her heart broken if she gave in to temptation but she can't deny the chemistry between them forever, especially as Alex keeps proving to her over and over again that he will always be there for her.

Suddenly Royal is such a fun book to read with a fantastic couple at the centre and some wonderful side characters who never failed to entertain me. If you're in the mood for something light and fluffy then you can't go far wrong with this and I'm definitely going to be on the look out for more from Nichole Chase in the future - especially now I've found out this is going to be the first book in a series!

Summer Read Along - 14th June 2013

After reading Cory's fab review this ended up turning into a massive group read. Links to the of other participants are listed below:

1. Me
2. Dee
3. Cory (Her review kicked the group read off in the first place and she decided to re-read along with us)
4. Aly
5. Stacia
6. PJ
7. Anzu
8. Angela
9. Laura
10. Miranda
11. Alexis
12. Jenny
13. Maru
14. Aure
15. Jgilles
16. Lyndibooks-i-own-kindle read-in-201312 s Marulett731 109

I really, really, really LOVED this book!!!! I couldn´t put it down, I was hooked right from the start, even though it had it´s chessy moments...I just LOVED it!!!

Prince Yummy, was swoon worthy...

halfway through the book I was

Really peeps, pick up this book, you WILL NOT REGRET IT!! I hope you love it as much as I did.

Summer 2013 Read Along

After reading Cory's fab review Dee and I have decided to buddy read this one on the 14th of June. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome to (leave a comment to let us know you're taking part).

Come on it's currently only 0.99$ to buy in the kindle store and on barnes and noble - how can you resist that bargain??

Current Participants:
3.Cory (she's decided to re-read with us)

If you decide to join us please help spread the word so we can get as many people taking part as possible!11 s Rachel (APCB Reviews)333 1,314

I loved the premise of this book, and it was lots of fun in places. The writing made me cringe so much though, and some of the things that happened were even more unrealistic than the plot in the first part. The adorable romance kept me reading though! fast-read11 s Angela3,199 385

**ETA a star rating, which would probably help :P

I went into this expecting a light, fun, sweet read. I definitely got that and I got something more, too. I really quite enjoyed this book.

Samantha was a heroine I loved. She's smart, not afraid to stand up for herself or her friends, and just a little bit insecure. She's more than a bit cautious, and loves so incredibly deeply. Plus she's responsible. We're shown these things. Not told them. I love that. Sam's a grad-student in Minnesota studying raptors (the birds, not the dinosaurs), when her life is suddenly turned upside down and she's informed she's the heir to a duchy in Lilaria (fictional country that carries some similarities with France, UK, and Monaco).

Prince Alexander Patrick Fitzwilliam, the Duke of D’Lynsal and heir to the crown of Lilaria, is the other main-character in this story. What a refreshing hero. He's not over-bearing, not an ass, not stalkerish. Instead he's supportive, kind, funny, caring, loyal, devoted and incredibly attractive. Again, we're shown; not told. I can't tell you how sick I am of "heroes" that stalk the heroine, abuse her (emotionally and mentally if not necessarily physically) and we're supposed to fall head-over-heels for them. Give me a break. Luckily, for me, that's exactly what Alex did. I loved him more and more as the book went on.

The scenes between them were really the highlight of this book. They have a chemistry that's easy to see from the very beginning. The joking and conversations they have had me grinning and chuckling more than once. And when they finally did give in to their feelings - Damn, so incredibly smexy!!

There's no drama in this book, no real obstacles, no unnecessary angst. They talked, respected each other, and cared for each other. This book was just so refreshing. I know I said that before, but I'm still seriously amazed at how much it did *not* include and, consequently, how much better the romance was than a lot of other stories I've read.

There was one moment in the book that seriously made me tear up, nearish the end, and the emotional depth of that was kind of quickly dealt with, I thought. Although, I thought the entire ending was a bit rushed. Of course, I didn't realize this was a trilogy until I came here to review it, so I'm probably going to get more of what I'm looking for in the next books. I hope. *ETA* Or not. The next book is about Cathy...Which is great, but it does leave me feeling that the ending of this one was rushed.

I'd definitely recommend this to anyone that enjoys sweet, fairy-tale romances and is sick of the manufactured drama, characters that are idiots or assholes (and sometimes both), and some great secondary characters that aren't there for their "mean" factor.

Go, read, and enjoy!

Well, hell. For $0.99, and Cory's awesome review, I couldn't pass this up.

Okay, so apparently there's this epic, group-read going on with this book. I'm adding the information here - Join us!! :)

We read this: June 14th 2013

Participants (that I'm aware of...)

Phew! Definitely an epic read.2013-read contemporary favorites ...more10 s Jen146 54

Judging this book by its cover, I expected a fair amount of whimsy, humor, and charm. What I got were nonstop sexual innuendos, lewd winks, and wiggling eyebrows. There was nothing charming about this book, especially not the prince. Giving him dimples did not make up for the fact that he was a complete sleaze. Take this passage for example:

He leaned forward and pointed at the menu. “This is the word for stuffed. What do you think would be good stuffed?” His eyes twinkled at me in the candlelight. I could think of something I’d to stuff, all right. And who I’d to do the stuffing.
“Chicken? Lamb? Some kind of pasta?” I ignored the innuendo, though it was hard to do.

Did I mention that his sister is having dinner with them? And this dude is joking about stuffing his penis into the vagina of the woman to her right. Oh, but it’s cool because his eyes are twinkling. CREEEEEEP! How does that song go? Someday my prince will come. Someday my prince will come. And by God, he will be CHARMING, dammit!

Lilaria Lalaland is very poorly drawn and I just couldn’t take it or its royalty (dukes named Barney and Kyle?) seriously. I’ve read other referencing The Prince and Me or The Princess Diaries but Suddenly Royal reminded me a lot of the Princess and the Pea story, actually. It’s Sam’s obsession with raptors is some sort of signifier of her blue-bloodedness (as the queen’s sister tells her: “Raptors are incredibly important in our country.”). What the fuck EVER. She and the prince just rattle off random bird trivia together, smug little assholes.

“Who can define a bird?”
A young undergrad’s hand shot into the air. I couldn’t remember her name, but I tended to refer to her as Hermione in my head. I nodded at her. “An animal whose body is covered in feathers and forelimbs that modified into wings.” She smiled proudly.
“Yes, but that isn’t all that defines a bird. Anyone else?”
… One of the male students raised his hand and I pointed in his direction. “They all have scaly legs, a beak with no teeth, and bear their young in a hard-shelled egg.”
“Good.” I jumped up and scribbled the definition on the board. “Does anyone have any idea how many types of birds there are in the world?”
… “Over ten thousand, four hundred.” Alex’s voice easily filled the room...Some of the students turned around to look at him, the sound of his accent drawing their attention.

I love how “Hermione” is super proud to know something that my 6 year old could recite in his sleep. This…is a college class? And check out Alex with his not-quite British accent (the description of the accent and the language is LILARIOUS). Again, you need more than dimples and sparkling eyes and an accent to be Prince Charming, mmkay? Nice try, though.

What else? Ah yes: Chadwick, the stereotypical gay character who knows a fuckton about fashion, and the dying stepfather, an obvious ploy to pull at those old heartstrings.

In conclusion, no bueno. DNF.

ebook everyone-loved-but-me hated-the-hero ...more9 s Brandi329 820

I go between 'meh, it's ok', to 'I d it', so I compromised and will give it a 2.5 rating.

This is a fast, easy, and fun read about an American grad student who finds out that she's distantly related to royalty in a foreign country. She is asked to come back and claim her title as Duchess and in the process she finds love. With the Prince of course.

Now, this isn't a bad story at all, but I had a few problems with it. There were a lot of errors that I think should have been corrected before publishing (not super gigantic ones, but ones that I definitely noticed), and I got really sick of Sam as the story went on.

Samantha, our protagonist, was initially really great, and just my type: sarcastic, not a teenager (sometimes I need a break from that age), hard working, modest, and funny. As the book progressed though she wore on my nerves with her constant "Alex has to be with a ROYAL", she wasn't fully aware that she was a royal! That got supremely annoying after the 2,986,623,876,438th time she whined about it.

There was more that rubbed my nerves, but I think that this book could be great for someone who wanted a light, fluffy, fast read, or who needed a filler book. I think that Nichole Chase did a good job with showing how hectic it could be to be in the life Sam found herself in, and she made the characters very relatable.

**Edited to add**Some things I had forgotten to mention were how all the men in this story, except for three, were sleazy. I didn't buy how over the top it was. The three who were not horny assholes were: Alex, the token gay friend/assistant, and her dad. Her assistant was not all that believable to me either, and considering he was Lilarian I didn't buy how he acted around her (not fully).

Also, what was with the book titles/author name dropping?! It was weird. I keep meaning to check and see if they're real books, but even if they aren't it's still odd in my opinion.

At one point Sam is being driven around after some event she attended, and a photog rams their car forcing them to stop so they can get pictures. She's all shaken up after that, but decided to go to a book store, without security, and couldn't understand why her security guard was annoyed with her. It was she had forgotten what had just happened, or forgotten that she'd been bitching about photographers for the entire novel.

I would recommend checking out Litchick's review to see what she thought, as she loved it, and made a great case for this book.

10 s Sab299 97

More on Sab The Book Eater!

I was pretty iffy about this book at first because it sounded a lot The Princess Diaries and The Prince & Me but a few chapters into the book I found myself insanely engrossed that I forgot all about my doubts. Simply put, this book was amazing. It was cute and really engaging!

The thing that really captured my interest was Sam herself. She's really an interesting, well-rounded character and she was written so well that I felt that she was real. It wasn't hard to her. Her experiences made her strong and she's definitely one tough cookie. I that despite Alex's past and the many women he was linked to, Sam didn't let her jealousy get in the way. She didn't even say how jealous she was. She just thought about it and let it go - and that just shows how confident she is.

I especially loved the romance between her and Alex a.k.a Prince Yummy. This is probably the thing that kept me reading so fast! He was just. So. Swoon worthy!!! I loved the banters between Sam and Alex and I loved how it wasn't insta love. Sure, the initial physical attraction was there but Alex waited till Sam was completely ready to give in (and boy did she). And when Sam did give in, it was hot and sweet all at the same time. I couldn't get enough of them, they were so good together!

The secondary characters were also very enjoyable. They weren't just characters delivering lines, they really added to the story! I enjoyed Sam and Jess' friendship, Sam's dynamics with Chadwick and her relationship with her father. It was refreshing to read something that didn't simply focus on the main character and her love interest. All of the characters in the book felt alive.

Lastly, I d that this is a New Adult novel mainly because I belong to that age group. Ha! Seriously though, I d seeing the story through Sam's eyes who had tons of responsibilities at home (graduate studies, her dad) but chose to live in Lilaria and take up more responsibilties. It isn't just light and fluffy because Sam's older (20-ish) than the usual female protagonists in a princess story. I felt that there was more depth to it.

If you're looking for a fun and insanely swoon worthy read, go for Suddenly Royal. You'll be grinning crazy from start to finish ( me. Heh!). ;-)

I received an Advance Reading Copy of this book for review
This review is based solely on my opinion.10 s AnHeC the Paperback Obliterator98 54

Word count: about 100 000
Rating: Boy, that escalated quickly


*I’d to point out that what you’ve read before affects your perception of the book to fallow. After finishing something awesome, this, especially the beginning, falls short. I’m not a giving person. I’m not your momma, I won’t cut you any slack. Slack has to be earned, ergo my ruthless review. Yes, I’m a judgemental bitch with a heart of stone. Additionally this was so not my cup of tea (or vodka for that matter), which didn’t help with my rating (but could do wonders for my ranting, if the time is right)

Here’s the link to an enthusiastic review that highlights all the awesomeness of that book much better than me: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/...

Ok, so.
At first I was :

At about 40% :

And the rest of it was:

At first I considered for a brief moment giving it two stars. I’m not even joking. In the end I did (kind of). I guess that for me there is no getting over certain things. But *** is well deserved. As the rating states “I d it”. I d the second half and CAN'T GET OVER MY ISSUES. 40% of pretty bad is A LOT. I feel my head is going to burst. On one hand ** feels low, but *** is too damn high with all the problems. But their relationship in the second half of the book was so fun!

Firstly, about half of this book sucks hairy balls. Until she gets on a plane, writing and story are all over the place ( kids on speed that forget to mention things and just roll with whatever comes to their heads next. Therefore there will be both a rant and a prize and a reference to other review)

It started bad. It does steadily get better, but you accept their relationship only because you repress the knowledge of the first 100 pages or so (they were excruciating). But does a nice ending erase all that happened earlier? Not for me. It matters, it was there, I saw it, I remember and can’t ignore. WILL NOT IGNORE IT! Time to get my stick out and poke at things.

The premise itself. Nope. I’m not getting over that any time soon. I can accept people coming into money by getting an inheritance, or marriage, or business plan, or even winning a lottery. But I hate, HATE a half assed job of inventing a country, just so you can have a REAL prince. Because usually world-building in those books sucks and Suddenly Royal is a good example of it. It royally sucks at it (he he, I guess I to insert a bad title-related joke into a review.) I don’t know why but books with that premise are usually poorly executed.

- The MC. Eh, I don’t her. There’s no hate, but sometimes she’s unbelievably annoying/whiny/naive/childish, pick your epithet.

Example :

“Oh, do media check the facts before they run the story?” What are you, 5? That’s not cute, that is a step back on an evolutionary ladder.

“If I just act nothing is different, they’ll surely live me alone” How can you be THAT stupid and still manage to simultaneously breath and walk/stand/peel a banana. Do you live under a rock? You’ve seen how much media coverage the duchess and the prince got. You’re a fresh meat. Figure it out.

“In all this time, I haven’t asked Alex much about himself.” (she felt guilty about it) Well, you knew him for TWO DAYS. So what ‘all time’ are you speaking of? A few hours that you’ve spent digesting the shocking news of your lineage? Yes, the whole world has shifted beneath your feet and you haven’t asked the sexy prince about his favourite ice cream flavour. How could that be!

You can’t be a confident, strong woman, that won’t be pushed around AND a gullible blushing cretin. You just can’t. Now, such discrepancies happen mainly at the beginning (she walks into the restaurant, kicks ass, and than... Argh!) Later it’s not that bad, she’s just nervous or tired, not naive or downright dumb.

I also have no very little respect for her. It’s one thing to drool over a hot guy, which is normal, healthy reaction. But she has no self-control. “He sat down on the other end of the sofa and my body automatically tilted toward him. It was being caught in a gravitational pull. ”. Now, that is a reaction that would be understandable after knowing someone for a while, or just having contact (you know, seeing them often, spending time together and letting the fascination obsession grow) over time. But it’s a SECOND day she knows him. I understand the urge, but a little self-control would be welcome. There is seemingly no buffer between her emotions and actions. Brain filters, amazing thing, the glorious result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution; act it, damn it!

She took on all those duties but then kept on whining (it gets better, she has her moments, but sometimes I just want to throw a shark at her and listen to soothing screams to follow)

Something positive? YES!

I d that despite sex deprivation she didn’t jump his bones immediately. So in the end there was some semblance of control left.

She also makes a distinction between love and fascination. She knows it’s just her ovaries speaking.

She takes no bullshit from anyone, will snap and tell you what she thinks. No man will push around this woman!

She’s down to earth, practical, doesn’t sparkly things, and recognizes her own shortcomings.

Her relationship with a prince isn’t teenage drama. In fact, there was very little angst involved. That was awesome!

She has the right priorities. Her family (father) is what matters. That was good. People we love should mean more than public opinion, money and fancy titles.

Speaking of titles, title of a ‘prince’ makes panties drop, but not in this case. Here we have a protagonist that is reluctant BEAUSE it’s a prince, and she can see downsides.

- Is having an annoying friend some kind of a requirement for heroines these days? Jess was responsible for the fucking ‘Prince Yummy’ nickname. Argh! She’s also a selfish, obnoxious bitch. When they went shopping for clothes for Sam, she didn’t immediately bring the right dress to her. Let me remind you, Sam had NO TIME, she was rushing to make everything work out, and in that situation Jess has the audacity to do something that?! Just so she can act smug when she finally brings the right dress? Even though she knew Samantha hated shopping, was tired and stressed out? That is not a friend. Fuck her!

- Alex get’s called ‘the most eligible bachelor in the world. Not a cute exaggeration. Prince of some small nation in times, when royalty doesn’t have any real power. Riiiiiight. I’ll take a soldier or even a good, normal police officer over a ‘prince’ on any given day.

Beside sending her an article about freaking HOMEOPATHY, ( WTF?! How THICK do you have to be to believe in it? How about Santa? Or Lemuria?) He was great.

I d him . He was charming, sweet and a flirt. (With real laugh lines! Now how often authors think to include a nice detail that!). His behaviour was sexy as hell. I didn’t immediately him, but then I’ve come to realise it was SAMANTHA I had a problem with. Not him. He rocked. Additionally to being a ‘panty-combusting hot-stuff’ he’s capable, responsible, caring, and compassionate. The more you know him, the more you him. Oh, and he's no 'alfa asshole'!

The relationship - RUSHED

I kind of hate the author for what she has done. If the whole thing was better executed, it would’ve been swell. But it wasn’t. They almost kiss after their first meeting (no, not my problem), but there was no chemistry between them during the dinner with the duchess. NONE. Finding someone sexy is not the same as a spark of interest and fascination. And what he says to her during their second meeting? “I your company”. You’ve barely experienced her company! Go fuck yourself! I would assume that if the dinner was better executed, we would understand why Alex is intrigued with Samantha (because what we’ve been shown is very unsatisfying, she acts a dimwit.) But we aren’t.

Day two, love lust in full boom. A kiss! A mad kiss at that!

In other words it’s too much and too little at the same time. We don’t see them really connect at the beginning, so being forcefully fed the ‘oh, I’m so intrigued’ bullshit is tedious.

It does get better (as everything in that book does). At no point was it all unbearable, but I need to subtract some points for how it starts. AND IN THE END ITS GREAT!

The world-building That was my biggest issue here.

Now, the world set up. I hate it. The concept itself was not perfect; the literal take on a ‘prince’ doesn’t typically do it for me. It would have to be amazingly well executed to win me over. What annoyed me? The lack of believability. I didn’t expect stark realism, but I when things make sense. Is that too much to ask? Dear author, you need to tell me things. If the world you’ve created is different to the one I know, I must be informed. Otherwise all those discrepancies annoy the living daylights out of me.

The Lilaria itself and the black gold portrayed as the source of wealth are the problem. Now, everybody expects me to pat the author on the head and give her a cookie for being so thoughtful, right? WRONG! The country has a European/western culture feel AND oil wells. Now, oil can be drilled at the sea or on land. Any person/company could own an oil well (in the story), but it wouldn’t be where they live (same way people draw profits from diamond mines in Africa). The places that have oil are pretty hot (Middle East, Venezuela, Africa kind of hot). But there’s an effin snow in Lilaria! Ergo that doesn’t ‘compute’ in my head. The only thing that vaguely fits is Canada (and northern Russia, but I don’t see Mother Russia giving up any land, so freaking Lilaria can come to be. The behemoth is out of question.) “Oh, you’re such a party-pooper. Stop nitpicking! It’s not SO bad!” Yes it is. If you’re changing the world as we know it, go all the way. If it’s European put it there, but do it properly, so that things make sense. But where? Well, let’s pick a place that had a lot of different strains of aristocracy and was ridiculously divided. “*gasp* is that even possible?” I believe so, look at Lichtenstein, Germany, Holland... Let’s imagine one of the small territories gets emancipated. Now for the money we can give them, oh, I don’t know; a patent for medicine that prolongs live? Or maybe they have figured out some kind of safe nuclear fusion, but are keeping the secret to themselves while building and operating safe nuclear energy plants all over the world and getting profits. Or at the very least we can be told that in that and that century oil has been discovered here and there. Was it so hard to make it at least a bit logical? No. So can I cut the author some slack? No way, not even in the world of dancing elves.

The author didn’t give it more thought, which means she’s either inept, lazy, or doesn’t care. I could understand lack of skill when you give your utmost best; however, the frustrating thing is she seems capable of doing better. Which means she’s either too lazy (in which case someone should give her a good kick in the ass) or she doesn’t care (and that’s just unforgivable).

We aren’t told ANYTHING! If the history had been re-written, we MUST be told! (At least I must, because I KNOW THINGS about history and shit, so I notice, and it gets to me) But it’s actually worse. Author tells us NOTHING about the world. The sad scraps of info have to be hunted down with a magnifying glass. You stop paying attention for a while and you miss the only spot where something gets mentioned. the whereabouts of Lilaria. I was really annoyed with that one. And then we find out. How? The plane lands in Ireland! That’s it! In the middle of a book we get the ONLY mentioning of it. WTF?! Or where does Samantha live and study? What city? I did figure it out (we are told it’s cold, she has to wear a thick coat, so it’s north. And then somewhere in the middle of the book we find out it was Minnesota. But that’s IT. ) Name of the university? Nada. Zilch. Zip. Basically we get NO details whatsoever. It’s incredibly frustrating (for mental bitches me).

In other words – world building is virtually nonexistent. We suspect that the author made changes to something in the human history /the reality; because things DON’T MAKE SENSE. It wouldn’t take much to fix it. JUST TELL ME, DAMN IT! Tell me there is oil someplace (when I know it to be false) and I’ll roll with you (happy a pig in a mud). But everything was fuzzy. My sub-consciousness has been frantic, constantly on a look out for details that will bring the image into focus. I was edgy, and I didn’t even know why, until the realisation hit me. Something was missing. Things whether Sam lives in a flat or a detached house kind of go unmentioned, until they do appear, and you go “Oh, that’s why it all felt wrong”.

THE FUCKING ENGLISH IN LILARIA: That one got to me. Again, easy to counter (which is exactly why I feel scratching my eyes out), Lilaria could’ve been an old part of the British Empire or sth... There. Done. Let’s move along. But no. They speak Lilarian. If so, then tell me WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYONE FLUENT IN ENGISH to the point of using obscure silly colloquial idioms? Why does a prince give a speech in English (to the people gathered there, just normal citizens)? If he doesn’t, how does Sam understand it? And how come there were books written in English in a store? I live in Poland, I know how hard it is to come by books in English. They’re there. Just not an amazing selection. And certainly not in some obscure little store selling used books. NO. ” i will forgive but i won't forget and i hope you know you've lost my respect Nichole Chase.

The writing

If everything in that book was better thought out, it would be good.

Sounds pretty horrible so far, right? Well, let’s get to the GOOD PART

I d the practical problems Sam has with running things. How much to pay stuff? What are her responsibilities? How does she even go about hiring a security for her father? It’s nice that a ‘fairy tale’ is a serious commitment and comes with a price. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I loved that.

Sam hesitates before she lives for Lilaria. It is so awesome; she didn’t just mindlessly jump on it. She recognizes that that her life, the one she built with so much effort, the one she loves, has to be left behind, that there will be no going back. She is searching for reasons to go to Lilaria, to live her comfort zone. I mean, why live a good life, friends, a promising academic career just to face problems, expectations, and craziness connected with being the duchess. I loved the emphasis on what she would have to give up all she knew. It takes a lot of courage to be that vulnerable.

In fact once she gets to Lilaria and tries to settle in, it is fun! The second part of the book was a real treat, and yes, getting to it was worth suffering through those 40% (only about first 80 pages were cringingly bad). Her relationship with Alex gets better and better by the minute. And then it’s really hot and awesome! And then it’s dramatic and awesome! And then it’s sweet and awesome! The part where she meets the queen, the other aristocrats, gets a really fun secretary (kind off, it’s a guy that manages her life and they are so much fun together!); gets to see her estate, meet people that manage it, goes to public functions... All of that was fantastic. The world development debacle is all but in the past and we can sit back and enjoy the ride by that point. And the story is no longer all over the place. Things connect and flow.


*The sex scene. Mechanics of it got on my nerves. He is significantly taller than her, yet when she bends over the kitchen counter he manages to take her from behind. Height difference is the biggest hassle when you do it standing (trust me, I know, I’m only 5’2). Especially legs are longer, ergo, it’s really hard to do it. Doable sex scenes are just one of my pet peeves, I guess. It was not horrible. Apart from that little bit that didn’t make sense the scene was amazing.

*Author is an idiot that believes in homoeopathy. Title of the chapter nine : Lilarian Healthcare Makes Headway with Homoeopathic Medicine . *sarcasm ahead* Water has an infinite memory of a single drop of a herbal essence but forgets all the shit that was in it, apparently. What a theory!

*I HATE the name Lilaria; sounds sickeningly sweet and silly, it came from a children’s fairytale. Blah!

Did I hate it? No. Did I love it? Not as a whole, but kept on greening an idiot throughout the second half. Picking up a book after reading something amazing is always a challenge. And now that I’m done with the exams my standards went up. If I’ve just read a tone of crap it would be breath of fresh air. In the end it wasn’t horrible (can’t forgive the first half, the other part was giggly and fun). Perfect for a day on the beach or a long train ride. Or, naturally, for the fans of that kind of stories (which I’m so not). A piece of mindless fun, no depth here (which is not a criticism, just an observation; that is not a fault). Also no heavy drama, no emo shit, no dark secrets, no tormented pasts. Just normal reasonable (on the most part) people having a normal (apart from the ‘royalty’ part) relationship. Fun, I tell you!
gallimaufry instant-lust-attraction loaded-guy ...more9 s Lynsey212 190

Raise your right hand if you loved The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot? Now raise your hand if you’d to read a New Adult contemporary book along similar lines? *Puts hand up enthusiastically*. That’s what you get when you read Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase. I will admit to LOVING stories involving a prince and I will also admit that I was feeling a little bereft after finishing The Elite by Kiera Cass recently, so Suddenly Royal looked PERFECT for me and I’m pleased to say that it was.

Suddenly Royal tells the story of Sam who is a wildlife biologist at the local university and in her spare time; she takes care of her sick father. One day, some European royals come to town and Sam finds out that she is a descendant from a long lost ROYAL family and they have come to welcome her home. What’s that you say? Unimaginable wealth, royal lineage, property and a title back in Lilaria? ‘WHEN CAN WE LEAVE?’ would be my comment. Now add on to that the mutual attraction between Sam and the utterly gorgeous Crown Prince and Jesus, why isn’t this girl leaving on the next available flight?! I guess it has come as a huge shock to her – there’s her father to think of as well as the degree she’s been working toward for years – BUT STILL!!!! Thankfully, Sam decides to take a chance on a new life but will she take a chance with her heart? Is she fit to be queen some day?

Oh my goodness, I did love this book and much more than I thought I would. Yes, it had the usual albeit occasional grammar mistakes (which I could have fixed in a heartbeat and this is why I need to be a copy editor) but the story is strong enough for you to look past that and just enjoy it. I actually stayed in bed until 1pm today as I could not stop reading!

What I d about Suddenly Royal is that it’s un any other New Adult book I’ve read in that Sam is thrust into this new life and is struggling to deal with it – this could apply to leaving home and going to college or just adapting to life as an adult and by the way, the object of her affection just happens to be a prince. I d that Sam wasn’t weak, she was loyal to her friends and family and she wasn’t afraid to speak up when it was needed. I did the fact that she spoke her mind and was able to put certain people in their place when the situation arose (the sign of a queen, perhaps?)

I need to talk about the romance between Sam and Alex AKA Prince Yummy LOL. They had great chemistry, hot banter and for those of you that don’t love triangles or instalove, there was NONE of that here. Instant attraction yes but love took its time to blossom. Alex was definitely swoonworthy, so polite and charming with undertones of naughtiness but what I loved most about their relationship was that they made each other feel normal human beings and that was very sweet to see. Don’t get me wrong though, their relationship wasn’t all smooth sailing and Sam resisted for as long as she could – I mean, she was just so overwhelmed with everything and going out with the prince comes with certain paparazzi annoyances, that is to say even more attention than she was already receiving and there are certain pressures associated with dating the prince which you'll see when you read.

I have to give a little shout out to some of the secondary characters, namely Sam’s best friend and roommate Jess *high fives for coming up with the name Prince Yummy* and also Chadwick, Sam’s assistant come butler come surrogate father who was an amazing guy and friend to Sam.

Suddenly Royal was a totally fun read and I couldn’t stop smiling throughout.
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