
Purrfect Comics (The Mysteries of Max Book 84) de Nic Saint

de Nic Saint - Género: English
libro gratis Purrfect Comics (The Mysteries of Max Book 84)


Nic Saint Publisher: Puss in Books, Year: 2024

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

As with every book in the series -- fantastic!

This one had me on the edge of my seat for Dooley! So glad he's ok! But of course we knew he would be. This was an interesting and incredible storyline. Max was right beside Dooley all the way being the great friend he is. Loved this Max mystery! Mary Baker539 2

Artificial intelligence comes to Hampton Cove

People are passing out after reading a book on their phones. A comic strip writer is retiring from the strip and his successor is murdered. These cases have Max and the police in a quandry. stephanie huntington2,682 8

Entertaining and interesting Karin Tillotson1,148 5

Chase and Max both figure things out, don't they??? Who is using the AI??? I enjoyed this story and recommended the book. Sherrel206 1 follower

Purrfect Comics

Another visit with Max, Dooley, Harriet and Brutus!
This adventure explores AI, Romeo & Juliet and cult bases—how does that tie to Comics?? Read on and find out!! Lauren Heiy137

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