
The Come Up de Nia Forrester

de Nia Forrester - Género: English
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Nia Forrester Publisher: Nia Forrester, Year: 2015

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I discovered Nia Forrester this past August via an online book club. The members always mentioned her and her books and so I had to go and see what the fuss was about. The first book I read was Wife. I believe it may have been on a Tuesday-- by that Sunday I'd read , seven books by her, including the entire Commitment, Afterburn and Mistress series. Yes, I read kinda fast but mostly, I just absolutely fell in love with her writing.

Which leads me to The Come Up. We first met Jamal in Afterburn--- the jovial, cool, womanizing righthand man of Chris Scaife and the office bestie of Chris' love interest Robyn. In The Come Up, we get to delve into Jamal's story, just as he's on the cusp of making some major life changes both in his career and personal life. He's right at that point that we all hit-- where it's time to put away old things in favor of something new, even if we don't quite know what the "new" is. Enter Makayla Hughes, who initially is supposed to simply help Jamal turn the corner in his career, but becomes more important to him than he ever could fathom.

The Come Up is an instant favorite for me because in my opinion, the book encompasses all of the things that Nia does better than 99 percent of the authors that I've read.... a layered plot that doesn't rely on traditional plot devices to spring the book forward, a strong narrative voice that's never lost or compromised during storytelling, fantastic secondary characters that add depth to the MCs and to the overall story, and lastly, what is to me, her absolute best strength as a writer-- the thing that separates her from most-- her ability to draw well-crafted, immensely complicated, breathtakingly real characters.

Nia's characters come off the page and live with you. I don't know that I've read an author whose characters have resonated with me the way Nia's characters do-- even those who are not my favorite still live and breathe in my mind. Jamal and Makayla are no exception, and in fact, have earned a place among my absolute favorite characters Nia has crafted.

• Jamal's voice was authentic and real. He was charming, sweet but forceful when necessary, and so solid--even when he was confused about what he needed or what he thought he should want. His voice really propelled this story. As a reader, I related to him and rooted for him to find/recognize what he needed... I loved his honesty and bluntness, because it was never malicious. He's a great, great character. I'd previously dubbed Jayson (of the Mistress series) as my favorite male of Nia's and while he still is, Jamal is running a close second running neck and neck with Brendan from Unsuitable Men/Maybe Never.

• Makayla. She was so relatable and honest and LOYAL, and just adorable. Women, I find, tend to not enjoy the heroines in romance novels but Makayla is my favorite female character that Nia has drawn thus far (aside from Keyshia of the Mistress series). I loved how her wisdom interacted with her naivety and the way she related to Jamal was just so, so sweet. The only gripe I had was that I felt she could've demonstrated just a bit more backbone toward the end of the novel, but I understand and even agree with her behavior and receptiveness given her character/situation (trying not to give spoilers here). Loved her.

•The secondary characters. Devin is a very layered character... so much so that a follow-up novel with him would be completely appropriate if Nia choses to go there.

• The authenticity of the music business. I love how throughout this series, Nia knows what she's talking about as it pertains to the industry. I haven't had any eye-rolling moments at all-- from the way contracts are handled, PR, marketing, talent scouting, recording, touring schedules, etc. the portrayal is so on point. Nothing is ever done for the sake of being sexy, nor are industry behaviors/obligations, etc. glamorized.

• The overall world building is just fantastic. Again, you live in this book. I had to blink my way back to reality more than a few times while immersed in this story.

Overall, The Come Up is a really satisfying read with heart and soul. Even if you don't read romance, this is a story that should resonate regardless, as with all of Nia's books.he-s-doing-too-much-but-it-s-okay i-love-this-book love-the-dialogue ...more15 s Jan968 208

4.5 stars. Wow. I really d this one. On reading it for the first time in 2017, it took me by surprise at how good it is. First book I read in the Commitment/Afterwards series, and it made me go back and read all of them. What a fantastic series of CRs set in the world of the US music/hip hop industry.

I found the characters and their relationships highly convincing, and I loved both Jamal, the cool music exec, and Makayla, his talented young employee. The world it's set in isn't one I would have thought I would enjoy reading about, but it's so well written that you just get hooked in. I enjoyed the reread just as much.
age-gap american boss ...more12 s Kas-C M24 1 follower

The Come Up

Wow I loved this book! Jamal was everything! Kayla was beautiful smart and relatable! This is definitely a must read and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone. Nia Forrester has done it again! 6 s Shan147 40

One word. Amazing! This book was soooo good! It is my favorite one to date by my favorite author. I absolutely loved me some Jamal. When you open the pages of one of Nia Forrester's book you know you are going to get a good read. She really outdid herself with this one. I literally cried reading the last few pages and the end..whew-PERFECT.

I can't wait to see who story she tells next. Madison, Devin, Dejuan, Candace...who will it be?favorites pageturners5 s Mel101

**Updated Review 2017**
Before diving into the sequel, I decided to re-read this to reacquaint myself with Jamal and Makayla. All the love I had for this book previously has intensified tenfold. Now, on to The Takedown.

**Initial Review 2015**
Every time I read a Nia Forrester book, I feel I never want it to end. This one was no exception.african-american-romance all-time-favs read-2015 ...more5 s Michelle [Helen Geek]1,772 409

07/11/2015 -- $2 on Amazon today.


06/15/2015 --

I really enjoy this author. Her characters have such depth, such heart. Jamal has been a character in earlier books. I wasn't terribly sure how I'd his story. I shouldn't have worried. I enjoyed him. He is an attractive, intelligent, driven man. He has goals, but knows how to have fun. A very well rounded character. I was a bit puzzled by his attraction to Makayla, but she grows on you.

What stood out for me in this one?
1 -- Jamal. I mentioned before, he is a driven man. He has charm and intelligence. He wants to be COO of Scaife Enterprises. He's worked his butt off and knows he's a contender. One thing that struck me about him is his fairness. He deals with his staff fairly. He's the kind of boss you'd want to have. He starts out avoiding his attraction for Makayla. He talks himself out of it many times before he succumbs. He has a gentleness about himself. He cares for Makayla and the people she cares about -- because he's decent and because he cares for her.

2 -- The backstory. I enjoyed the business side of the music industry. The details and hard work to make a star shine. We seem to have a bit more daily grit with this one but it never seemed tedious. Nia does a really good job of pulling the reader into the world she's in. "The Come Up" is no exception.

3 -- We've met many of these characters before. I enjoyed seeing them again and hearing about what has happened in their lives since the last time we read about them; Shawn's retirement, Chris's family focus, Tracy and Brendan. I really enjoy this group of people.

4 -- I love, LOVE the title of this book.

Now, a few things that didn't work so well for me:
1 -- Makayla isn't my favorite heroine Nia's written. Not sure why, but she just seemed too "common." Rylie had talent, drive and was a bit quirky. Tracy was just downright crazy. Robyn had former relationship issues that she was determined not to have happen again and was driven to succeed in her career. Makayla's drive and loyalty just didn't seem to ring with the the same magnitude of character. She was good, but not what I've come to expect from this author.

2 -- I thought the romance took too long to happen. I understand this is how the story was planned to unfold. I get it. But, I didn't enjoy the Makayla enough. She needed Jamal to make her more interesting for me. I needed to see them together more. Have them interact more.

So, saying what I have about Makayla -- I d her with Devin. I admired her loyalty. She loved Devin. Understood, better than anyone else anyway, this damaged man. She didn't compromise her friendship with him for any reason -- regardless of how easy it would have made life for her. I admired this about her.

3 -- Not crazy about the cover. If I didn't know Nia and her writing .. the cover wouldn't have pulled me at all.

I said before, I love this author. I re-read the whole series so I could read this book and the one before it without missing anything in-between. I had a long business trip and knew I'd have the time to focus. This series provided a nice, relaxing backdrop to a hectic travel schedule.

I'll read anything Nia writes. May take me a while to get to it, but they'll be read. Why does it take a while to get to them? Because I KNOW they'll be good. They are something I save when I can't find anything else to read. They are my backup with stuff goes bad. Look no further. She is a "go to" for me.

Happy Reading!!

Overall Rating = 4 Stars
Book Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 2 / 4 / 5 = 3.5 Stars
Writer’s Voice = 4 Stars
Character / Secondary Character Development = 4 / 4 = 4 Stars
“Did I ” Hero / Heroine = 4.5 / 3 = 3.5 Stars
Story / Background Story Development = 4 / 4 = 4 Stars
“Did I the Damned Thing” = 4 Stars
Ending = 4 Stars
Worth the Chili = 4 Stars -- [$3.99 on Amazon]
Smexy [HEAT] Rating = Mild to Steamy
341 pages

First sentence: He was getting way to old for this.

Last sentence: "What'd I say?" Jamal said, one of his cocky smiles crossing his lips. "I got you."

4-star aa-gtr-than-3-dollars aa-out-apr-jun2015 ...more4 s Shanie B.310 13


I absolutely LOVED this story. You know it's bad when I could read a book in one day, but purposefully extended the time so it wouldn't end. Once I made it to 99% I was mad, because I wanted more. The book was well written and everything I wanted and more. Jamal Turner was that man, and I think him and Makayla just triumphed Robyn and Chris as my favorite Nia Forrester Couple. Keep them coming. I'm anxious for another one of your books. 4 s Malaika865 4

Jamal finally met his match!

Jamal by far is one of my favorite characters from the Afterwards series and to know he was finally getting his own story, I was so excited to read. Who knew that a young girl would be the one to stop him in his tracks. Makayla was so layered but at her core a pure heart. She was Jamal’s one. This was a story I never saw coming but definitely was a masterpiece to read.4 s Jackie94 18

Another wonderful book by Nia Forrester. It was well worth the all-nighter.kindle real-love shining-stars4 s KBeautiful1675 63

Fireeeeeeee Pure Fireeeeeeee!!!!! You know Chris Scaife used to be my favorite but he has dropped down to #2 and Jamal Turner is my #1 Babbyyyyyyy!!!

Whew, Jamal Turner, Is on the cusp of becoming COO of SE Corporation. He is phenomenal at discovering artists and turning them into Superstars. Chris Scaife is his boss and he is practically second in command already but this next artist may prove to be even too much for Jamal until he enlists the help of the artist best friend.

Makayla Hughes is a woman on a mission, to help her Nana the woman who raised her, to complete her Masters Degree, to help her best friend Devin become the superstar artist that she knows he can become and learn the music business, so with her degree once completed in Marketing, she is looking to become a publicist. Makayla is enlisted by her boss Jamal to help him secure her best friend.

All seems to be going well, Makayla is now working a dream position being exposed to the industry, traveling around the country and being mentored by Jamal. Makayla is the one that helps keep Devin in line because he is not the easiest artist, he is very temperamental and only seems to calm down when Makayla gets a hold of him. And in the middle of that something is beginning to brew between Jamal and Makayla, Makayla is attracted to him but keeps the line incredibly profession and in her mind her private fantasies about her boss are her own. Jamal is blown away by the fresh air that is Makayla, she is everything whimsical and bohemian, intelligent and sharp witted.

Jamal and Makayla on the outside appears to be so different but their backgrounds are the same but that's not what draws Jamal to Makayla a moth to a flame, its who she is and that is a woman who is not caught up or jaded about life, although she has had some tough breaks, it has not broken her. Jamal is jaded with the women he has dated, dates, fools around with because although they have different faces and races, the end result is always the same, so he makes no qualms about it never going into a relationship.

Jamal for the first time has his world knocked off of its axis and Makayla has had her breath stolen from her. The chemistry that these two generates in their story is phenomenal, the emotional fire storm sweeps you up and you become invested in them, rooting for them, crying for them, laughing with them and hurting with them.

When the Heart meets the road and it wants what it wants, The Come Up for Jamal and Makayla is the ride you will enjoy taking with them.

Author Nia Forrester did the damn thing with this story. Another stellar book in "The Commitment Series" and will definitely be a reread for me. They have taken a place in my top 20 of book relationships.

Well Until My Next Review...Ciao Bellas!3 s Nikita Isaac353 21

This is my first book by Nia Forrester. I loved the chemistry between Jamal and Makayla. I couldn't stop reading. I will be reading more by this author.3 s Sophie Sealy379 19


So glad to finally get the story of Mr. Jamal Turner. His swagger in ‘Afterwards’ and ‘Afterburn’ just screamed for his story to be told, and I’m glad that Ms. Forrester obliged us (I seem to recall quite a bit of begging for this book on Facebook, and I’m not ashamed to say that I was in that number).

It appears that all is not as it seems with our Mr. Jamal and he’s not exactly who I thought he was. Don’t get me wrong, he was a player, but he wasn’t as heartless as I thought, and he wasn’t jumping from bed to bed as much as I thought he was. He was so kind, and I loved how he looked out for Makayla. And the way he was with her grandmother? Priceless.

I didn’t care at all for Madison, but I could see his dilemma where she was concerned: she looked good, both physically and on paper, and would have been asset to him in so many ways. But he would have been more stressed and out of balance than Chris used to be. Makayla is just what he needs, though, as she will keep him grounded and make sure that he has a life outside of running Scaife Enterprises.

Madison and Makayla wanted the same thing, a commitment from Jamal, but they went about getting it in drastically different ways. Madison started asking outright, after only a few months of dating, which was…dumb. Makayla, who was too shy to even initiate sex, would never dream of asking, but she was too naïve to hide her feelings for him, which drew him to her a moth to a flame.

The relationship between Devin and Makayla was something really special, but the whole Devin situation totally threw me for a loop. I couldn’t figure out what his deal was, but when it was all revealed, my heart ached for him.

I loved moody, hard-working Chris, but grown man Chris? I LOVE him! Robyn has done wonders for that man. He seems so grounded and level-headed, which, of course, just increases his sex appeal (for me, at least). As another reviewer said, it’s wonderful that in addition to mentoring Jamal professionally, he’s also mentoring him personally. He’s so awesome! *dreamy sigh*. Glad to see Chris, Robyn, Riley, KSmooth, Tracy, and, of course, my man Brendan! I love that crew!

I typically don’t read the that others have posted before I post my own, but I couldn’t help it this time. I was on such a high after finishing the book, that I had to see what everybody else thought. I LOVE how Nia has made us so greedy for her characters. We can’t get enough of ANY of them! I’m used to Nia kind of leaving us hanging at the end of a book, but this time, I thought she tied everything up quite nicely – and folks are still begging for more, LOL! Sorry, Nia, but you can’t blame anybody but yourself, because these characters that you create are so REAL! You are truly a gifted storyteller and I am happy and grateful that you have chosen to share your gift with us.

Can’t wait for whatever is next!
2 s Lily JavaAuthor 7 books38

This was a tightly woven, exceptionally sexy piece written by the incomparable Nia Forrester. For me, The Come Up achieved a top third favorite, quite possibly, second favorite status, of all the six (?) books inspired by Ms. Forrester’s Commitment series. Here sweeping change is afoot not just because so many of the covertly alpha men of this series are “settling down” but also because others’ stars are rising. There is a nice brevity to the triptych of Jamal, Makayla, and Devin, which is -- at times heady, intimate, and understated; occasionally it’s also sad, turbulent, and emotional, but it’s always, ALWAYS a page turner.

Ms. Forrester also brings the heat in this novel. All I heard about before I read this book was the shower scene. Well let me enlighten you, the kitchen scene was no slouch in the sensual department either. In fact this whole book I often felt the same deer in headlights wonderment that Makayla felt whenever Jamal entered her field of vision.

Surprisingly some of my favorite parts were the quiet times when we could delve deep into the characters, i.e., when it became apparent that Jamal’s back story was instinctively parallel to the much younger, more inexperienced woman he could easily dominate -- if he weren’t tied up in knots over her. However, it was only at the end of The Come Up -- the very last line in fact -- that I finally realized as a reader what I should always know diving into a Nia Forrester book. I’d been in very good hands from the beginning.
2 s Deloris951 37


When I see that Nia Forrester published a new book I purchase it right away, I get really excited about and then I freeze. Now I freeze because I know the story will be good , and I also know how unpredictable her books are so I wait a day before I read them. I feel as if the characters write their own story and Jamal is a man I really enjoyed in the previous novels in the "Commitment Series " but I was not sure about him.I loved the man I was introduced to in this book yes he's complicated but so is Makayla, their story was exciting to read , it is sexy , and emotional their story made sense, I understood why they were drawn to each other. Maykayla was an intelligent woman and I loved her hair, every time she touched it, Jamal and I loved it. She is her own women, independent and smart, as I read her I said," okay she hang out with Riley ." I was so happy to see my family members from the other books in the series, yes they are my family ,I care about these people . When an author makes you see the people you are reading about, makes you feel you can walk up to them any day they are doing the right thing, Nia's characters are that , this book is that.I often re-read her books because they are just that good and the story of Jamal and Makayla are in my re-read pile. 2 s Metris410

This was an absolutely amazing Story... I laughed, I cried, I was nervous.... I was drawn in by all the different relationships and interactions between the characters in this books.
Jamal & MaKayla from 2 different worlds but not really from 2 different worlds.

Jamal has always been on the COME UP every since he connected with Chris Scaife to be the next COO of Chris's company by any means necessary but his final task to make it to the very top could be the most challenging ONE! Makayla has landed a nice position at Scaife Enterprises; a hard working young women determined to BETTER herself, her family and her best friend but will she have to make crucial sacrifices to get BETTER?
Makayla and her best friend Devin's relationship was so amazing to me the bond they shared... LOVED IT!!

I am so glad Nia wrote Jamal's story because he's always just been an average character throughout the Commitment Series and to my surprise he is way above your AVERAGE GUY!!!!! FACT or FICTION????

Well written STORYLINE... Kudos Nia2015-to-read2 s Lindaisa516 57

Rating: 3.75

It was hard for me to get through this one. Something about it just wasn't clicking for me and I found it hard to get into it, stay into it and just get it done.

Jamal and Makaylas relationship was just meh for me. I enjoyed their moments together, but never did I have a feeling of actually wanting them to be together. I honestly would have been OK if whether they did or didn't end up with each other. And i dont think that was the intention here.

It was an enjoyable read for me, but definitely my least favorite in this series this far.

I did enjoy getting to see the other characters we have grown to know and love in this series thus far.

The next book in this series is going to be about Rileys radical feminist mother. THAT should be pretty damn interesting to read.2 s Bonita104 9

OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS BOOK! I fell completely in love with Jamal Turner. I really, really hope to read more about him and Makayla's journey. Nia Forrester can't write a sorry book if she tried. She knocks them out of the park each and every time. LOVE THIS!!!finished-reading2 s --karen Green-berry558 14


To say I absolutely love Makayla Hughes and Jamal Turner's story would be an understatement. I love how the story is portrayed of two people who came from similar backgrounds, and who strived for better things; got what they wanted.

2 s DeNae Sheree1,104 17

Great story

I wondered who the author would come up with to match Jamal, I’m pleasantly surprised with Kayla. I love how they met and the chemistry they had together. Makayla had me worried that she was going to let Devin ruin her relationship. I’m glad they were able to compromise. My heart hurts for Devin, I hope he finds his way. Great story and I can’t wait to see what’s next with this couple.1 Deedee Henson696 36

This book was everything! I didn't want it to end. I love me some Jamal1 Sophie Sealy379 19

OMG I love this story still, 2nd time around and it reads fresh off the press1 Vondetta Carter787 8

Yes, Yes, Yes...the player has finally met his match. Jamal is portrayed as the super fine, smooth player. It was funny that someone from his old side of the street was what he wanted for forever. Makayla was the young woman with an in to the newest talent Jamal wanted for SE.

It was good to catch up on some old friends from previous books from the other Scaiff Enterprises stories.

In pursuit of the "next best thing", Jamal finds a talent similar to no other, but he has challenges. Makayla is the key to possibly landing the goldmine in this talent. However, Jamal decides to mentor Kay in the business. She is sharp, bright, smart an kind. She knows she is attracted to Jamal and she knows his rep. Robyn(Jamal's friend & Chris's wife) tries to set him up with her friend Madison. Jamal s Madison but something just doesn't click for him.

Jamal is torn in so many ways, and drawn to Maykayla even if she is 9 years younger and not as established as he is. He realizes that she is special to him even if he doesn't want her to be. Will they survive? Will he choose the comfortable over the one that tempts him and challenges him to be better?

I loved this book..however, Ms Forrester don't leave us hanging..keep the family coming and let us see the new Mogul shine..Deuce and the babies need to live out the legacy left by their father...Will Madison fine her knight?1 Anita1,810 27

So this book gave me quite the book hangover. Ms. Forrester is one of those authors who can give you such utterly relatable characters - Jamal, Makayla and Devin. We all know people just them. So well written, such depth, character driven and some of the best lines - this was my favorite and it's under a spoiler tag because it's said by Chris rather late in the book but just made me love this author's books that much more We can't help you get where you want to be if you're going to be sneaking out at night to fuck dudes in New York City's parks and under it's boardwalks, Devin. You feel me? That's incompatible with our marketing strategy. Just hysterical. And we get glimpses of all of our favorite characters - Robyn, of course, Brendan, Shawn, Riley, etc. Hope we get more of Makayla and Jamal. Just wonderful!aa-romance1 Tina Young376 5

Dayum, Dayum, Dayum!!! That's all I can say once I finish reading one of Nia Forrester's books. The stories are always so true to form. From the first to the last page, I felt a character in the story watching every action unfold. Who can truly say that they could or would pass up on a chance to "Come Up"? Isn't that what we're all waiting on? I have to admit that I was pulling for Jamal and MaKayla from their first scene on. I'm not going to sit here and tell the story because I don't do spoilers, but if you love to read or you are about destined love, don't sleep on this Beautiful yet Intriguing story about real life happenings. Yeah, you may come away a little teary eyed, but you will not regret One Clicking this book. I also love that Nia never fails to share with her readers what is going on in the lives of characters from previous books within the series.
1 she_ill_22239 23

It's a come up for many reasons...

Of course, the first thing I love about this story is Makayla with her locs! Thank you Nia Forrester for adding that character detail along with the use of the term "locs" instead of the dreadful moniker. I love that Jamal s non-traditional and appreciates beauty beyond the surface. I love Makayla's intelligence; it's so reminiscent of Riley. I also love her loyalty and commitment. I love Jamal; very reminiscent of Chris, but his own man with his own convictions. I love the slow building of romance and love that intensifies over time. I love the passion of a couple and this story met my expectations. I finished in a day because I couldn't put it down"!1 Jos-Renee73 13

I was excited to hear Jamal was going to finally get his story and I wasn't disappointed. Nia Forrester earned her five stars from me with her great writing style and ability to draw me into the story. I loved the journey Makayla & Jamal took together along with new cast of characters, It's always great to see old characters make an appearance without clouding the story with old information but just enough to bring back that familiarity. The Come Up is an awesome read that will have you entranced from beginning to end!1 Rena39 2

Great story! I have loved every book in the Afterwards series! I definitely saw the author's growth as a writer in this book. If you realistic relationship issues, you'll love this book. I literally just finished it and I want to read it again. Kudos to to Ms. Forrester on another winner!The Come UpNia Forrester1 Robin Stark53

Mykayla and Jamal forever.

Nia, what can I say you did it again. How do you keep making fictional character seem so real. Jamal and mykayla just came to life for me. Afterwards to me is still my favorite, but this book is giving it a run for its money. Mykayla just snuck up on Jamal, and he didn't see it coming until he was already caught lol. There's so much more I want to say about this book, but I don't want to give anything away. You'll just have to read it. You won't be disappointed.1 Victoria399 52 Read

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