
Yes, My Accent Is Real: And Some Other Things I Haven't Told You de Nayyar, Kunal

de Nayyar, Kunal - Género: English
libro gratis Yes, My Accent Is Real: And Some Other Things I Haven't Told You


In the spirit of Mindy Kaling’s bestseller Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, a collection of humorous, autobiographical essays from Kunal Nayyar, best known as Raj on CBS’s #1 hit comedy The Big Bang Theory.
Of all the charming misfits on television, there’s no doubt Raj from The Big Bang Theory—the sincere yet incurably geeky Indian-American astrophysicist—ranks among the misfittingest. Now, we meet the actor who is every bit as loveable as the character he plays on TV. In this revealing collection of essays written in his irreverent, hilarious, and self-deprecating voice, Kunal Nayyar traces his journey from a little boy in New Delhi who mistakes an awkward first kiss for a sacred commitment, gets nosebleeds chugging Coca-Cola to impress other students, and excels in the sport of badminton, to the confident, successful actor on the set of TV’s most-watched sitcom since Friends.

Going behind the scenes...

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I really d this book. I have to say I d this book a lot more than I thought I would. I don't know if it was Kunal writing in Raj's voice, or Raj was the character Kunal's life experiences had completely prepared him to play.

Kunal's self humour of himself and his culture is tongue in cheek funny. With everyone becoming more and more politically correct. This makes a great change of place. Even though Kunal is a very funny fellow, there is a genuinity about him that makes him really able.

The book starts from Kunal's early life, growing up in India, coming to America, his work and sacrifice till he got his big break, to meeting the love of his life. The book is full of great advice given to Kunal, which he wishes to pass on. This is a great book for anyone who is a fan of Big Bang Theory, Raj, or Kunal.153 s Natalie Monroe605 3,725

"Sometimes people ask me, 'Why are you writing a memoir? You're only thirty-four.'

This is not a memoir. I'm not a president, or an astronaut, or a Kardashian.

This is a collection of stories from my life."

An accurate depiction of the inner mechanisms of my mind while reading:

I LOVE The Big Bang Theory. It has its flaws, but the writing's sharp and witty and I ship Shamy mad.

Yes, My Accent Is Real is pretty chronological. It starts when Kunal's in India, then his college years in America, how he landed the part of Raj, and ending with his marriage to Neha, Miss India.

Oh, and he talks about his Big Bang audition. IN-DEPTH.

Even if I weren't a giant fangirl, I would've given it five stars. The writing's solid and Kunal has this dry wit that positively springs off the page.

"The truth is I wasn't great at understanding sarcasm, which seemed to be the root of all their jokes, so I ended up laughing constantly at things I had no idea about. And because I was not standing directly in front of them or in the circle of people surrounding them, I now realize I just looked a guy who enjoyed laughing at walls."

He's so appreciative of his life and fans, I can't help but want to reach through the page and ask for a hug. And an autograph. And a selfie.

celebrity classics fabulous-five-stars ...more80 s Heather K (dentist in my spare time)3,965 6,010

I'm going to be perfectly honest here, folks.

Yes, I am a BIG fan of The Big Bang Theory.
Yes, Kunal Nayyar is a very charming and sweet guy who comes across your dorky, awkward brother in this book.


This book is nowhere near the level of Bossypants or Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?.
It simply isn't. It isn't nearly as funny (while I sort of grinned internally at parts, I never came close to laughing out loud), and it feels more choppy and less memorable.

Kunal Nayyar brings readers many, many stories from his past. Most have to do with his childhood in India, and a huge portion have to do with his misadventures in dating. Some of the stories are as short as a page or two, others are longer and more detailed, the one where he meets his wife. Kunal appears to readers as he probably is in real life; a nice, easygoing guy who is fun to be around.

Though most of the book is pleasant reading, none of it is really, really good stuff. His little quips are mildly amusing but they stop short of being something I'll smile at while thinking on the book later. Also, if you are reading this book hoping to get lots of insider stories about The Big Bang Theory, you might be disappointed. He doesn't go into too much detail about the show or his fellow cast members.

Overall, this was an easy, enjoyable read, and if you are a big fan of Kunal's I'm sure you will enjoy learning a little more about him.

**Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review** actor-celebrity little-to-no-sex-content memoir ...more54 s Reading_ Tamishly4,802 2,954

If you are a fan of The Big Bang Theory, you know Raj (Rajesh Koothrapalli) and the rest of the nerds
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