
Helix: Episode 7 (Purity) de Nathan M Farrugia

de Nathan M Farrugia - Género: English
libro gratis Helix: Episode 7 (Purity)


Nathan M Farrugia Publisher: Anomaly Press, Year: 2020

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The plan to infiltrate Purity Headquarters was a dangerous one; Jay was determined to succeed. He knew Oleysa, Sophia and Aviary’s teams had his back, but who would have their backs? With the virus ready to go, Jay had only one chance. Meanwhile the teams outside had struck trouble with more Purity soldiers than the three teams had envisioned. With the fighting inside headquarters, as well as outside, was that the end of their plan? Had they failed?

Wow! Action aplenty is all the way through the latest in Aussie author Nathan Farrugia’s Helix #7 Purity. Fast paced adventure; the huge group called Purity who control Europe; highly trained operatives on both sides – adrenalin pumping (both the characters’ and the reader’s!) What a ride! But now we need #8 very quickly with an ending that Mr Farrugia! Highly recommended.

With thanks to the author for my digital ARC to read in exchange for an honest review.
2020-release adventure arc ...more20 s Dianne6,791 590

Non-stop action from start to finish! Hang on tight because Nathan M. Farrugia is back with another episode of his Helix series, PURITY and readers will be riding the edge of their seats! This time out, Jay must plant a computer virus into the heart of Purity’s headquarters, but can he get out alive? As Purity attempts to fix elections, it’s up to the good guys to make this mission successful at any cost and who doesn't love over-the-top heroes in an impossible situation?

Take a deep breath before plunging in, because once again, the non-stop action, the garrote-tight tension and all that is at stake is mind boggling. Once again, Nathan M. Farrugia knows how to build each moment to the pinnacle of crisis and then leave us free-falling into the abyss of yet another daring cliff hanger!

I love this series, the characters, their interactions and their determination to win against the odds.

I received a complimentary copy from Nathan M. Farrugia! This is my honest and voluntary review.

Publisher: Anomaly Press (May 31, 2020)
Publication Date: May 31, 2020
Genre: Techno-thriller | Sci-fi
Print Length: 174 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
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author-review x20-6-read11 s Jason1,259 124

Another cracking installment in this series. The last 30 pages or so I was literally bouncing up and down on the edge of my chair cheering on the guys.

The bad guys, Purity, are rigging elections to their advantage and it is down to Sophia and Oleysa's teams to put a stop to it. The two teams are very slowly starting to gel and the battle scenes here show that. Jay is still my favourite, a proper brawler he is and always has some proper good wit ready for any situation.

The book ends on it's traditional cliffhanger leaving you frustrated and wanting more.

Farrugia is one of the best action writers I've found and his faultless writing is a joy to read. Bring on Episode 8!

Blog Review: https://felcherman.wordpress.com/2017...read-in-20204 s Pam Whetton69 3

Great characters and interesting installment in this series.

The bad guys, Purity, are rigging elections to their advantage and it is down to Sophia and Oleysa's teams to put a stop to it. The two teams are very slowly starting to gel and the battle scenes here show that. Jay is still my favourite, a proper brawler he is and always has some proper good wit ready for any situation.od storyline now looking forward to the next one in this series another good book Nathan :)1 Todd Simpson759 34

This is a fabulous series. I love the plot, but it’s the characters that really impress me, especially with some of the things they can do. The fight scenes are intense, and I especially that I can never guess what’s going to happen next. Wonderful entertainment.
It’s quite a concern to the team when they hear about Purity’s drone fleet in Lithuania, and their plans to launch them any day now. Olesya, Jay and the rest of the team can only imagine what Purity have planned, and they will need to come up with a plan to stop them. The last thing they want is for Purity to gain any more control in Europe, and Germany looks it could be their next target. Purity isn’t about to go down without a fight, and they have the manpower on their side. Hands down this is a story worth reading. 5/5 Star Rating.

Verified Purchase - Amazon Australia dennis barron1,475 20

Helix: Episode 7 Purity. Nathan M. Farrugia

An organization or call it a massive group called Purity control Europe. Olesya's group of highly trained operatives appear to be the only people who stand in Purity's way of total dominance. A Desperate situation calls for desperate measures. Everyone on her team is at risk. This is an extremely fast paced action thriller set in the future with an unlimited array of techno weapons, obstacles. A willingness to succeed in their mission , risking death at every turn results in numerous are of bravery and defiance. Failure will result in a world dominated by Purity, which is unacceptable. Another excellent and amazing read in this series. Enjoyed immensely!!! Iah448 1 follower

Gripping and fast paced what great addition to the Helix story. I was so excited to get my copy the story has taken me on a wild ride and is definitely heading towards a thrilling end 8, and the final book 9 are due soon so if you haven't started helix do it now better still start at chimera vector although not necessary it's great for story history PJ287 13

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