
Helix: Episode 6 (Exclave) de Nathan M Farrugia

de Nathan M Farrugia - Género: English
libro gratis Helix: Episode 6 (Exclave)


Nathan M Farrugia Publisher: Anomaly Press, Year: 2018

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The attack was devastating – the aftermath surprising. With Sophia and her team in the hands of Olesya who was currently in charge, the interrogations didn’t feel too bad. The two teams were depleted but could definitely help one another against Purity. But could Olesya trust Sophia – could Sophia trust Olesya? And with Val missing, Ark was agitated and tense…

It was when Jay, with none of his natural-born abilities to help him, followed an intruder across the border and into enemy territory that Sophia and Olesya had to really join forces – they needed to get Jay back. But was there a traitor in their midst? Would they retrieve Jay before it was too late?

Helix: Episode 6 (Exclave) by Aussie author Nathan Farrugia is another fast-paced and intense, action packed adventure thriller which kept me on the edge of my seat. The story is short – a novella – but catching up again with the main characters was great. I’m looking forward to Episode 7 very much, and highly recommend this series (though you must read from the beginning)

With thanks to the author for my digital copy to read and review.
2017-release aussie-authors gift-from-author ...more20 s ?? Sarah ?? (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)2,427 7,749

Okay so I...err...well...you know...kinda sorta finished this one and it kinda sorta ends in a kinda sorta cliffhanger and I was kinda sorta wondering...err...well...you know...WHERE THE FISHING HELL OF THE STINKING SHRIMP IS BOOK 7?!

Damn, looks not even Clarkie Himself and in the Flesh (CHaitF™) can find the bloody book. I think I'm doomed and stuff.

· Book 1: Helix ????
· Book 2: Exile ????
· Book 3: Interceptor ?????
· Book 4: Anomaly ????
· Book 5: Inversion ?????2019 blood-and-gore-and-violence-oh-my mysteries-thrillers-suspense ...more17 s Dianne6,791 590

In a world of deceit and the war to possess the key to the perfect fighting machine, and the ultimate power, where a small faction fights to stop evil from dominating, the death toll rises as the trust quotient diminishes rapidly. Tentative alliances must be made, but can they withstand the threat of betrayal and conspiracy?

When one of their own goes on a personal mission to capture a mysterious infiltrator, his deactivated powers leave him with only his wits to protect him. For Jay, the call of alcohol and an opportunity to regain what he has lost could cost him his life, alone in Purity territory and an offer he must not accept, but will he find his personal desires powerful enough to make him a traitor to his friends?

Human frailties, emotions and doubts play a huge part of HELIX: EPISODE 6 (EXCLAVE) by Nathan M. Farrugia. Once again, the tension is razor taut, the action non-stop and the feeling of being there reigns supreme as Russian hunters and former Fifth Column operatives, once again fight what appears to be a never-ending battle of good versus the evil juggernaut that is relentless in their quest to squash all who oppose them.

Complex, magnetic and intriguing, Nathan M. Farrugia once again plays fast and furious with our senses and has us panting for more! A purely addictive series!

I received this copy from Nathan M. Farrugia in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Helix - Episode 6 (Exclave)
Publisher: Anomaly Press (August 13, 2017)
Publication Date: August 13, 2017
Genre: Techno-thriller
Print Length: 178 pages
Available from: Amazon |  Barnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com
action-and-adventure author-requested-review dark-edgy ...more14 s Todd Simpson759 34

Another Brilliant story in this fabulous series. I’ve really enjoyed all 6 books, and the hours of entertainment it’s provided me. Besides the great characters, I that I can’t guess what’s going to happen from one moment to the next. Nathan Farrugia is certainly a talented Author.
Sophia and her team still have the Fifth Column and Purity to deal with. Both organisations would love to get hold of Sophia and her friends. There’s plenty to worry about with rumours that Purity has a whole fleet of drones at their disposal, and of course the kill switch is an even bigger worry that some of them may have that inside them. Never knowing if the Fifth Column would decide to eliminate some of them by the activating the kill switch would play on anyone’s mind, if you could suddenly drop dead. Nasira is worried about Jay running around by himself chasing what he believes is a Crispy Assassin. Olesya knows who he is chasing, but she’s keeping that to herself. Jays got himself involved with the Purity meeting, and he’s being offered the chance to get his abilities back. He just has to do one simple little thing in return. Without a doubt this is a series that is well worth a read. Easily worth the 5/5 Star Ratting.4 s PJ287 13

I am loving this series! I'm never really sure who's a good guy and who's a bad guy. Nathan will keep you wondering. Yes, you eventually find out but I'm always wondering.

I still think all of the genetic enhancements could be for real one day. I just recently saw something on gene editing. It's coming.0-all3 0-kindle 1-conspiracy-military ...more3 s WayneM0349 33

5 stars

I'm a big fan of this authors work and as usual this didn't disappoint.

The setting was good again and you really get drawn into the world with the characters. I also that for a fairly short novel there are so many different locations. I really the variation in locations and how it matches the non stop action. I particularly d the snow covered settings in this one and could hear the crunch of boots in snow as I read. That's great when you get so immersed in a story that.

The characters are excellent as usual although this one focuses more on Oleysa and Sophia than the others have. That's fine by me as I really both of them. Theres an excellent build up to how they interact together too which is great. The other characters are there to though and do add to the story.

The plot is fast paced and there is plenty of drama and suspense. The action scenes are well described and the fight scenes as always are so compelling. There's also a good dose of humour which always mixes well with the storyline.

Another great addition to this series and as always leaves me wanting more. If you haven't started this series yet do so and you won't be disappointed.2 s Jason1,259 124

Episode 6 of the Helix series is a much calmer, more grown up book than it's predecessors. The insane amount of action in the previous book is gone, it feels the characters needed a breather to come to terms with had gone down. That being said it is far from boring, it looks Nathan is bringing a number of plots together for one hell of a showdown.

The writing is top notch as it always is, with so much happening it has been edited really well, no chance of spotting any plot holes. A large amount of the book follows one of my favourite characters, Jay, great to see him getting so many pages. There is a lot of science in this one, loads of genetics being explained, I'm no expert but it all made sense to me.

Another entertaining addition to the series that seriously needs to be picked up by Netflix, I reckon they have what it takes to do the books justice.read-in-20171 Katherine2,734 9

Sophia and Oleysa's team have finally been thrown together and while they need each other for what they are yet to face, trust is not an easy thing to find among operatives.

In the aftermath of the attack of the last book, and an opener of an attack against Sophia's team, everyone is back at base with Olesya. Now with a mix of the hunters, Intron, and ex-fifth column, there is plenty of tension as each person tries to figure out how far trust can lie and how they can work together. Add in past interactions and slights and everything is just as ly to blow up in their faces as it is to create a lasting team.

Much of this book is about trying to figure out that trust and how to work together. In a way, the fact that so many of them did once work together almost makes it worse. When they slip into operative mode it is almost they are back again as Firebird squadron, but that memory then makes it so much harder that everything changed int he years they were apart. They want to trust each other, but all of teh changes and their slightly different goals make it difficult. As Olesya spends time interrogating each of them about their alliances, she herself has secrets she is withholding. While Helio wants to help with the kill switch, he also has his own goals for the gene research from Intron. Jay still wants his abilities back, as he continues to feel a burden to the team with only human abilities on board. And all the while the threat of internal spies persists.

Even as things begin to coalesce for the team, these secrets and personal desires hint to further troubles down the road. With Purity amping up and the Fifth column silent at the moment the team will need every bit of trust moving forward, but who's to say if it will ever be well placed? Another excellent installment to the series, the action doesn't let up and your favourite characters continue to live their lives at risk as they try to save the world and themselves. Vicky118 9

Nathan M. Farrugia is very talented in writing great action sequences and his techno-thriller series, Helix, has been non-stop action. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get to know the characters when they are in the midst of a shootout or zipping down an alleyway and up to this point that has been true with this series. A number of the characters are from the previous Fifth Column series, and unless you have read it, you will be left somewhat in the dark on who is who and who does what. However, I am glad to say that Exclave has mellowed somewhat on the action, and we get to see a bit more on what makes some of the characters tick.

This is a complicated series, so to give a simple summary of what has been happening is difficult. So read the series before starting Exclave. Though I can’t do justice to describe the series, I can at least say that the series, in general, involves genetically altered warriors who have become rogue and are now fighting the establishment that help create them. There are two factions of these rogue warriors and they seem to be coming together in Exclave to cooperate for the common good at least on the surface; though we find that not everyone can be trusted.

On the technical side, a new form of DNA has been introduced in Exclave. From a biochemist’s point of view, I can say that this form of DNA couldn’t possibly exist, at least not in this universe. Nonetheless, it is all in good fun.

I think Exclave is a worthy addition to the series, and I am looking forward to reading more.

If you are interested in learning more about the Helix Series check it out on my blog A-Thrill-A-Week nathan-farrugia Carolyn Walkden69

Russian hunters, whose numbers are dwindling, and ex Fifth Column operatives are working together to fight against Purity and search for the truth about the kill switch. But not everyone can be trusted.

The thrilling action continues as together they track down Purity who have now swept into Latvia and taken control. Here they discover the identity of the cloaked operative and more questions arise.

I enjoy following the characters’ escapades and Helix just gets better and better. Nathan cleverly writes this series with a plot that makes the mind boggle with its complexity.

How do I sum up Helix? Exciting, intriguing, ingenious and full of action that leaves the reader wanting more.
Sam3,300 251

It may have been a few months since the last episode but it was so worth the wait. This episode is absolutely packed with action as Sophia and Olesya's teams dwindle thanks to Purity's attacks, picking up from the end of episode 5 when Sophia team found themselves trapped after barely escaping Purity's hunters in Eastern Europe. Best of all we get me insight into the abilities that the Fifth Column developed in their agents and how Purity plans to use these to their own advantage, even how these abilities can be turned against the very agents who have them. This series just gets better and better and i can't wait to see how it develops.adventure e-books science-fiction ...more Elisa3,445 31

Olesya and Sophia working together... what could possibly be better? Well... not having to worry about the health of the rest of their teams, and that is clearly not going to happen. From beginning to end, the action kept surprising me and at some points I yelled out loud. I try not to get attached to anyone in this series but... anyway... Purity is still a growing threat and we get to actually see them a little closer. We also have ghosts from the past. I don't want to give anything away. It's a quick read so anyone who loves thrillers should really get on it. Shubhra109 13

After the occurrences and planned confusion in the previous books, things start dovetailing quite nicely in this book, as alliances, motives and objectives become clearer in Exclave. Also, dealings by two entities become clearer in this book. That too while keeping the thrill and action from the previous books!

A good addition to the Helix family.

Hope, the next book - Purity - and remaining books in this series continue this welcome trend, to lead to a great conclusion. dennis barron1,475 20

Helix Episode 6 Exclave

The fifth column has led a devastating attack. Enemies in the past, Olesya and Sophia must stand together or face annihilation. There's a traitor amongst them. Who can they trust in order to survive? This is another fantastic thriller! I can't wait for Episode 7! I highly recommend! Pam Whetton69 3

Nathan you have done it again with another great storyline and strong characters that just keeps you turning the pages and before you know you are at the end and wanting more. I am eager and waiting to start the next book in this great series. Wendy16

Loved this episode of Helix. Finally Sofia and Olesya are teaming up (or are they?). The various situations and parallel plots in this series are coming together, yay! Jay keeps me on the edge of my seat and biting my nails worrying what he will do next. Can't wait for episode 7! Judee297 4

I know that it has been a while since I read the last installment of the Helix series, but I had no trouble picking up where I left off. The action is non-stop and I can barely imagine how I am going to have to wait until the next book comes out to see how things end up. Jim Kratzok1,070 2


Could things get any more tense? Maybe, but it would take a lot of plot twists to get there. I'm still having trouble tracking who is doing what to whom but at this point I'll just go with the flow. Good story. Looking forward to reading the next book the series. Tony Fecteau1,274 5

I love the characters. I was shaking my head at Jay's antics. The action was good and I cannot wait until the next episode. Iah448 1 follower

I loved this book! It's not a huge surprise as I'm a big fan of Nathan's work but this is a great episode and has great action but also tells the story really well. There is a lot going on and each thread reveals something more about the bigger picture.
Helix is without doubt the best techno thriller series ever, so much action with a real story engaging and exciting. What's not to love!favourite Craig339

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