
Helix: Episode 5 (Inversion) de Nathan M Farrugia

de Nathan M Farrugia - Género: English
libro gratis Helix: Episode 5 (Inversion)


Nathan M Farrugia Publisher: Anomaly Press, Year: 2018

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Actual rating: 4.5 stars.

Well that was most deliciously exhausting and stuff.

Yeah, pretty much.

Now let's see if I manage to survive the next one. Keep your pincers crossed for me, Little Barnacles. Thank thee kindly and stuff.

· Book 1: Helix ????
· Book 2: Exile ????
· Book 3: Interceptor ?????
· Book 4: Anomaly ????
· Book 6: Exclave ????2019 blood-and-gore-and-violence-oh-my mysteries-thrillers-suspense ...more18 s Brenda4,467 2,855

Sophia and her team decided to join with Olesya and her team to thwart the terrorist attack which was set to destroy and kill thousands. But Olesya didn’t want Sophia’s help – a bitterness had surrounded the two covert operators for years; trust was no longer shared between them. But reluctantly Olesya agreed to the joint operation. Finding the bad guys among the huge crowd of Purity Party supporters was intense, but with their skills combined, they kept one step ahead.

The horror when they discovered the real threat was some distance away in Wroclaw had the operatives scrambling to reach the site before it was too late. The weapon they discovered would kill everyone within the vicinity – decimate the country for miles around. Could Olesya and Sophia, along with Aviary, Damien, Jay and the rest of the two teams stop what was certain to happen before it was too late? Before they all died a terrible and gruesome death…

Helix Episode #5 – Inversion by Aussie author Nathan Farrugia is the best so far in this series in my opinion. Absolutely electrifying; the pace was flat out, the plot brilliant, the book unputdownable! A fabulous speculative fiction thriller which I highly recommend.

With thanks to the author for this digital copy to read in exchange for my honest review.
2016-release aussie-authors gift-from-author ...more12 s Dianne6,791 590

The battle rages on, becoming more divisive, more unstable and much, much more deadly. She must call on the last person she wants to ask for help. Olesya and her team are about to be blamed for the murder of millions, IF she cannot stop the event first. A powerful Russian weapon is poised to incinerate Wroclaw and the clock is ticking and ticking toward zero hour and only with Sophia’s help, can the countdown be halted. Twenty-five minutes remain on the clock and the world is unknowingly waiting for two women to work together and trust one another…and the clock is still running…

Nathan Farrugia has got to be the crown prince of action, espionage and techno-thrillers as he serves up another pulse-pounding episode of Helix: Episode 5: Inversion Forget the edge of your seat…there will be no place to rest and take a breather in the most current non-stop tale from this talented author! Mixing different factions in a dog eat dog world where death is the only way out, Nathan Farrugia powers through another over-the-top read as death squads, the Purity Party, former Fifth Column Operatives with their advanced capabilities, the Russian Hunters and more play the game of death where passing "go" alive is almost miraculous.

Deserving of Prime Time Television, this Techno-Thriller series is off the charts brilliant with kudos to author Nathan Farrugia for bringing each scene, each character and every chaotic conflict to life. Not sure you are into this type of episodic read? Trust me, it is worth stepping out of your comfort zone to run on the wild side!

I received this copy from Nathan Farrugia in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Helix - Episode 5
Publisher: Pronoun (November 13, 2016)
Publication Date: November 13, 2016
Genre: SCIFI | Techno-thriller
Print Length: 196 pages
Available from: Amazon |  Barnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

action-and-adventure great-dialogue own ...more9 s Todd Simpson759 34

Brilliant - Action Techno Thriller. As with every book in this series, book 5 continues with a great plot, outstanding characters, and plenty of twists and turns. Plus action galore. Nathan Farrugia has a definite skill in writing these fast paced and often tense Thrillers. I especially enjoy the advanced abilities of the former Fifth Column Operatives. The Russian Hunters aren’t keen to team up with Sophia and her friends, and there’s definitely trust issues between the two groups. However with the Purity Party gaining strength around the world, the last thing they all need is for Purity to gain further support from a major attack that is planned against them. The Purity party are going to conduct a victory march in Wroclaw in Poland, and there is plans by a kill squad to massacre as many of them as they can. Problem for Olesya’s Russian Hunters is that the kill squad are going to make it look they were responsible for the deaths of so many. Then the Purity Party will gain sympathy and further strengthen their party. Sophia, Olesya and the rest of the team are going to need to find the Proxies’ before they can begin the slaughter. Sophia tells Olesya about the kill switch which has been implanted into the DNA, in a lot of the Fifth Column operators. The Purity Zealots probably shouldn’t have chosen Nasira to attack, and they certainly come off second best to her. Olesya is quite surprised how fast the HAC Operative is when they come face to face, and it’s quite a battle while they try to kill each other. Then the unexpected happens and soldiers start to die by an unseen force. They think it must be a clocked operative with adaptive camouflage, which they definitely weren’t expecting. Now one of the soldiers alters Damien that there is a train full of explosives, and the Solider definitely thinks that there are plans for something terrible to happen. A lot of people could end up dead, unless the team can find the train and stop it. This could be one hell of a terrorist attack. Once again the Author has done an incredible job in creating this special book. Easily worth the 5 star rating.7 s Sam3,300 251

Okay, despite the fact that this is twice as long as the earlier episodes I still managed to read this in one evening (and I didn't even notice it was longer either) as the story just exploded into out and out action. It picks up with Sophia and Olesya eventually joining forces to try and stop the Purity movement taking hold of Poland. It is slow to start but this just sets up the rest of the episode superbly as it all kicks off and every member of both teams are brought to the edge of destruction as they take on the newest offerings from the Fifth Column and Purity. And just when you think its all over, Farrugia throws in a massive curveball and an even bigger cliff hanger (I actually mentally screamed nooooooo when I realised how he left it.).adventure e-books science-fiction ...more4 s WayneM0349 33

Another non stop thrill a minute installment in the Helix series.

There are thrills, spills, twists, turns and enthralling drama all rolled up into one. You just won't be able to put it down.

The characters as always are brilliant. Aviary as a character is a real star and I just love the way her character is developing.

This is however all about Olesya and Sophia (and don't call her Soph). Not that it hasn't been so far but this time they are actually working together. It works perfectly just as I'm sure every one who is reading this series hoped for. They just go so well together (both as part of the story and as major plot points )

The world building is also so vivid and sharp and really drags the reader into that world. Every cityscape, every exploding car (or other methods of transportation) really does make it seem you are right there as it happens.

Another irresistible part of this series and one that just raises an already high bar even higher. If you are not onto this series yet do yourself a favour and get it. You will not be disappointed.techno-thriller1 Steve22

Very fast paced and lots of action. Another good piece in the overall story arc. Makes you wonder what's next for our team and how much more punishment can they take? Can't wait for the next one!1 Jason1,259 124

I'm completely blown away by this book, one of the most amazing action stories I've read. The book is one long scene, that episodes 1 to 4 had been building up to, basically it is stop some terrorists from killing many people whilst the authorities are after you because they think you're the terrorists.

The writing is perfect, with so much going on it would be easy to end up with plot holes and inconsistencies but whilst reading the book I kept one eye on any issues and came across none. The plot is at an incredible pace, it's one of those books that leaves you out of breath trying to keep up.

In this series of books Jay and Damien have always been my favourite characters, but now Aviary's performance has pushed her to the front and is easily now my favourite.

I've always compared Farrugia to Matthew Reilly, but now he has surpassed Reilly and the next Reilly book will have to be compared to Farrugia's writing. read-in-20162 s Craig339

This episode in the Helix series was pretty close to perfect. The action sequences were great. The reader was pulled through the story effortlessly at a breakneck pace. Un a previous episode this one did not confuse me with sections that had no real impact on the story that I could tell.

I truly cannot wait until the next episode is released so that I can continue reading the storyline.

2017 Ananthatejas Raghavan119 4

Till now my main complaint had been that the episodes got over too fast. This fixed it and kept the whole breathtaking action to a new level. Though the rebels somehow managed to win the fight, the war still is a long way from done. Fifth column still looks too powerful and Purity has been relentless in hunting people with the abilities.
The wait continues.... Jim Kratzok1,070 2


OK, this was quite a story! Multiple teams working together to try to avert a terrorist attack of unimaginable proportion. I have no idea how these people can keep fighting with the injuries they sustain. It's a good thing they do, though. Judee297 4

The story just keeps getting more action-packed with each new installment. I can't wait for the next book. Courtney Giraldo158 2

Purity is quickly gaining momentum in Eastern Europe as the new political super power and our favorite genetically enhanced assassin, Olesya has formed a tentative truce with Sophia. Sophia and her crew are reunited with Nasira, Damien, Jay, and Aviary, together going on the hunt for a famed genetic engineer to help them find a way to dismantle the "kill-switch" embedded within the genes of all the ex-Fifth Column operatives. Olesya meets a friend from her past who warns her of a catastrophically deadly terrorist attack to take place in Poland in just under 30 hours. Sophia and Olesyas respective teams form a tenuous alliance as they race the clock to thwart what could possibly be the biggest terror attack in history.
Once again, Farrugia delivers an action packed continuation of the complex and interconnected world of subterfuge and espionage. With fight scenes to rival any Mission Impossible movie, there really isn't a dull moment. Finally ( seriously ladies, you're fighting the same battle here), Olesya and Sophia aren't trying to shoot each others brains out, and they make a pretty bad ass team once they started to work together. I enjoyed the twists and turns the story took as we were clued more into the terrorist plot, and talk about 9 lives! These characters escape more unlucky and death defying scenarios than is fathomable. Not everyone makes it out unscathed, or alive for that matter (my fingernails sure didn't). Don't get too comfortable reading this series, just when you think everyone is in the clear, a wrench is thrown into the mix. Inversion ended on a major cliffhanger (as seems his style), how much more can one bookworm take?!

Pardon me while I take an antacid and have a lie down after that heart pounding marathon read. Katherine2,734 9

I received this book/episode as an ARC from the author.

This was an excellent episode in the series as the two teams we have been following finally work together towards a common goal. Not to say that this means things are easy; these are two groups of people that have been possibly at odds at times and are now expected to trust each other with their lives and work together. It is only the common, and nearly impossible, goal that keeps them together at first.

It was interesting reading how these people learn to mesh together especially as it really go into them as people. There are plenty of emotions that build up as they mix and as they go into a more tense situation than ever before. The Fifth Column continues to seem to be three steps ahead and it takes everything they have just to stay alive, let alone stop them. Yet, even with this tense atmosphere and the risk for life that all of them face, Farrugia writes with plenty of humour and heart. I felt for each of the characters and I laughed out loud at some of the little comments and situations. This is an impossible task and these people are doing the best they can with it, and you can't help but love them for it.

With an explosive ending leading towards, I'm sure, even bigger things to come, this series keeps things moving and I eagerly anticipate the next installment! Elisa3,445 31

I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, Nathan M Farrugia!
My eye is still twitching and I'm exhausted from the non-stop action. At last! My two favorite teams of Fifth-Column's arch-nemeses are fighting together. I knew it was eventually going to happen but I didn't know it was going to be this awesome. As always, the ladies kick everybody's butts, but it is Aviary who gets to shine. She may not be as physically strong as the rest of her teammates but who needs muscles when you have a brain. And if the threats our heroes have encountered in the past are bad, wait till you read what happens next. I loved the interactions between the characters, especially with the new team-members who had not interacted before. This is pure, escapist fun. Isabelle71 11

This is SPEED, but instead of Jack Traven we have Neo - a whole squad of Neo - with the dazzling toys and the hyper-speed and impossible combat moves. This is not so much an adrenaline rush as it as an adrenaline *depleter*. It is relentless, with sequences that play in your mind's eye at par with the best CGI in Hollywood; the more impressive because it is accomplished purely with words. Olesya's team has no choice but to work with Sophia's rogues, and that means more split scenes, a hell of a lot more action, and a stunning finale that made me look up if nuclear warheads detonate on impact (they don't). As always, Nathan M. Farrugia finishes with a cliffhanger that ensures you won't forget this series any time soon. Shubhra109 13

Satisfyingly Good. That's what I thought when I read this installment of the Helix series. Once one reads the Fifth Column series and the previous novellas of the Helix series, one wants a joining up of forces, of the good people coming together and start to gain an upper hand. And this book is probable where it begins.

Without spoiling what's in the book, good to see Sophia and Olesya interacting, Aviary coming on her own and a good fightback by the good guys against one of the biggest plots of the bad guys. Now, only if Jay regains his powers...

Awaiting the next! Iah448 1 follower

this is a very exciting episode of Helix not only is there a huge amount of action some serious fighting in buildings and on trains, we see the Hunters and the ex-operative group come together to try and foil the plans of the fifth column and purity.
there is some sadness and we are left wondering what Olesya will tell Ark meanwhile something odd is happening with Sophia she's not had any more cupcake offers but something weird is happening. hopefully we will find out more soon in the next thrilling episode of helix! favourite Carolyn Walkden69

Inversion is another great instalment from Nathan Farrugia in his techno thriller series, Helix. Old adversaries join forces in this fast and furious episode and they become a formidable force against extreme odds.

Nathan writes at such a pace, there are times when I feel exhausted, never mind how Sophia and Olesya must feel. Throughly enjoyable and I am keen to have the cloaked operative revealed in the future. (I hope that is not a spoiler.) dennis barron1,475 20

Inversion Nathan Farrugia

Episode 5 in the battle against the Fifth Column, who pretty much control most of the world. Most all of the combatants, or operatives are genetically enhanced. Enter into the fray Purity, who are directly opposed. This is a magnificent techno action thriller, non stop action with believable scenarios. An American force has joined forces with a Russian contingency with an uneasy alliance. This is a fantastic read!!! My highest recommendation! JB2,121 7

Heart pounding action, from start to beginning. Two of the teams have mostly teamed up, with some optional crew from 2 others. Now if they can just solve all their problems before the problems end things for them. Stay tuned for the next installment to find out the conclusion. Enjoy! This book has been provided by the author with no expectations and that in no way influences my review. Jim12

Be sure to set aside some time for this one because you're going for an action-packed ride! The teams are joining forces, so you can expect a double dose of action...and Nathan delivers in this episode. Noah49

With the stakes rising with each iteration, Farrugia keeps his rogue band in constant movement.

This episode features a good bit of focus on Aviary (who's a personal favorite), so tech-lovers will be pleased.read-in-2016 sci-fi Pam Whetton69 3

The last page came way to soon another great book from Nathan PJ287 13

Wow! This episode has everything from a string of nuclear bombs to a cloaked figure. I can't wait for the next episode.0-all3 0-kindle 1-adventure-action ...more Katrina Rae37 2

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