
Helix: Episode 4 (Anomaly) de Nathan M Farrugia

de Nathan M Farrugia - Género: English
libro gratis Helix: Episode 4 (Anomaly)


Nathan M Farrugia Publisher: Anomaly Press, Year: 2018

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Why it took me such a bloody fishing long time to pick this series up again is and forever shall be one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Because Helix is most definitely Slightly Very Good (SVG™) and stuff.

To think the poor thing has been laying, abandoned, lonely and on the brink of suicide, in the unfathomable depths of my Kindle Nefarious Reading Apparatus for the last three years. While I was mostly reading Super Extra Crappy Stuff (SECS™) Not So Wondrous Stuff (NSWS™).

Now I understand why my murderous kids have been a teensy little bit concerned as shrimp about my mental health of late, and sporting Most Befuddled Looks (MBL™) on their cute little homicidal faces. I mean, look at my dizygotic twins, Bertie and Gustav here. It’s going to take years of physiotherapy for them to recover from their beloved daddy’s spectacular uncharacteristic lack of judgment when it comes to reading material, if you ask me.

Poor babies.

P.S. Yes, I shall write a proper review for this Moderately Entertaining Book (MEB™) in the not so near future. Possibly. Maybe. (You might perhaps want to give this series a try while waiting for my fascinating review to magically pop up in your feed and stuff.)

· Book 1: Helix ????
· Book 2: Exile ????
· Book 3: Interceptor ?????
· Book 5: Inversion ?????
· Book 6: Exclave ????2019 blood-and-gore-and-violence-oh-my mysteries-thrillers-suspense ...more21 s Brenda4,467 2,855

Aussie author Nathan Farrugia’s fourth episode in the Helix series, Anomaly, is filled with intense and full on action along with adrenaline spiced pace. The fighting against a super power called Purity seems one-sided, but Sophia and her team only fight to win. And when Marina joins Olesya the race against time is crucial.

Power, kill-switches, enhanced abilities among the team members; Purity zealots, fifth column operatives, Project GATE and Intron – Helix: Episode 4 Anomaly is a fast paced paranormal thriller which will leave the reader breathless! It’s a series which is highly addictive and definitely recommended.

With thanks to the author for this copy to read in exchange for my honest review.
2016-release arc gift-from-author ...more21 s Dianne6,791 590

Immersed in high-powered action, Nathan Farrugia’s 4th addition to the Helix series of novellas reveals hidden truths for the genetically enhanced warriors who work within the shadows doing what must be done. Anomaly lays bare the decit and lies the Project Gate creators have kept hidden in their quest for god- control. Marina failed to make the grade as a Project GATE warrior and only the rise of a rebellion saves her from death. Purity wants an end to those Marina, but clearly there is more to their cause, as she discovers.

Sophia has intel that will rock the rebellions to the ground as they learn that their lives could be forfeit at any time, as the clock ticks down and the enemies are coming at them for all directions.

Nathan Farrugia keeps the pace running hot, and never lets up as conspiracies, intrigue and espionage and the hidden world of techno war rages on. Mr. Farrugia’s attention to a military type atmosphere is brilliant as he takes us through the dark and twisted world of spy versus spy, warrior versus warrior and the war to reveal truths rages on.

Simply fabulous and hardcore reading that puts the reader in the moment page after page, after page!

I received this copy from Nathan Farrugia in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Helix - Novella 4
Publisher: Pronoun (September 29, 2016)
Publication Date: September 29, 2016
Genre: Action & Adventure | Espionage | Techno Thriller
Print Length: 117 pages
Available from: Amazon |  Barnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

action-and-adventure author-requested-review own ...more5 s Krissys1,424 89

Helix: Episode 4 - Anomaly (Helix #4) by Nathan M. Farrugia  
After Marina washes out of training, she’s sent for termination. But when a rebellion rises, she escapes to join Olesya on the icy coast of the Baltic Sea.
Here, she finds the popularity and power of a violent anti-genetics movement spreading wildfire. They’re called Purity, and they want people Marina to burn.While Marina and Olesya are ensnared in a battle against Purity zealots, another rebel, Sophia, discovers more about Project GATE than she bargained for: every recruit carries a genetic kill switch, and someone is planning to use it.Now it’s a race against time. Marina and Olesya must overcome impossible odds and Sophia must fight to save her fellow operatives from their own bodies. Success is everything, failure is death.

Power and corruption rule. Gate sends this installment careening over a cliff into maximum over drive.
Again we have a lot to deal with for Sophia and Marina both personally for them, socially, politically.. Everything comes to a head.
Multiple issues arise to the surface with the viral, switch and the soldiers and their enemies.
But just when you think you know what's going to happen there's a new twist around the corner.
Question everything! All is not what it seems! Neither are those you call ally or enemy!


Nathan M. Farrugia








Krissy's Bookshelf Reviews received a digital copy. All thoughts, comments and ratings are my own.

Krissy's Bookshelf Reviews received a digital copy in exchange for an honest review via the author.

If any of Krissy's Bookshelf Reviews has been helpful please stop by to my post or leave a comment to let me know what you think. I love hearing from !
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 3 s Jason1,259 124

This series is all coming together nicely. Episode 4 feels the grown up book in the series, previously there have been car chases, outlandish fighting in totally mad situations, shooting and explosions. Episode 4 takes a darker, edgier route, it's all close quarter fighting, knives, bars and fists and the fighting is in normal places, the streets, stairwells and the roof of a bus. It gives it a real slick feel, I spent a lot of my time on the edge of my seat as the long fight scenes go on and on, these characters have such stamina!

The writing is great, the plot is tight and you can start to see where things are heading as all the groups are becoming more visible to the reader. The scariest thing about this book is that the world could easily go the way of the Purity party.

read-in-20163 s Todd Simpson759 34

Simply Fabulous. I really enjoy Nathan Farrugia’s writing style, it’s skilled and captivating. The fight scenes are fast and intense, and I found myself reading faster and faster. This is always a great sign of how deeply the Author has pulled me into the story, and I found myself lost in the pages for many enjoyable hours. Purity was becoming a major headache for Sophia, Marina and the rest of the Hunters. They hated anything that had been genetically modified, from food to humans, especially humans. Problem was as a group Purity were gaining ground and major support around the world, in their eyes everything had to be pure. They had the backing of the US President, and had also just won the Polish Presidency. However, it wasn’t just Purity that the Hunters had to contend with, it was also the Fifth Column as well. Sophia may be hell bent on reprogramming as many of their operators as she could get her hands on, but the Fifth Column were awake to this and were making enhancements that would make this near on impossible to achieve. Project Gate was a whole separate issue, with them conducting tests on its operators that failed to make the grade. The Hunters all learnt of a startling revelation recently that could spell their death warrants. It was believed that the Fifth Column placed a virus in all of its operators, and when activated could wipe all of them out. This was called a Termord Kill Switch, and the Hunters needed to find out a way to reverse or turn it off, before it could be activated. Helio is going to help them find a virologist in Budapest called Doctor Meresz that he worked with, as she may be able to help them. Some of their enhancements will help them along the way, with Marian’s Infrared ability, and Sofia being able to read people’s emotions. However, with the Hunters being labelled terrorists and a lot of people wanting them dead or captured, they’re going to have to work extremely hard to stay undetected. Then Olesya is advised that the Fifth Column is planning its biggest operation yet. There is a lot happening in this story, but definitely in a good way. What makes this a stand out book is the characters. You have the Hunters with their enhanced abilities, the Purity Zealots, and a Psychopath that s to make cupcakes. This really has been a great series and you can tell it is building into something quite unique and very special. 2 s Sam3,300 251

Oooo things are starting to get really complicated now. Sophia and Olesya are battling each other and fighting against the Fifth Column and the Purity Movement together (sort of) while trying to figure out who they can and can't trust. Add to that the fact that there seems to be an aweful lot of ways that operatives and ex-operatives can obtain and lose their abilities, things are starting to get really really really tense. Even those you think are good might not be...and where do Helios and his friends from Interon stand in all of this?adventure e-books science-fiction ...more1 Shubhra109 13

If you have read The Fifth Column Series + Books 1-3 of Helix Series, you can make out that things are heating up.

Marina and Olesya interaction is well-sketched, while Sofia, Damien et al. are up to their interesting antics. Just please give Jay his powers back - he's one of the coolest central characters, and this current helplessness of his is grating.

Looking forward to the next few books where the gambit pile-up happens, and our protagonists on both sides of the former Iron Curtain receive some well-deserved karmic rewards. They have been in the cold far too long. JB2,121 7

Part 4 of the series and things are really heating up. The operatives are starting to narrow down terrorist groups; Intron, Purity, Fifth Column. Sixth Column seems to be pretty quite right now, but with the big bang coming up very soon in the next book, I don't see them remaining quiet for much longer. Sophia has almost convinced Olesya that they need to band together, but not quite. there is still a lot of mistrust there. Stay tuned, things are coming to a head! Enjoy! This book has been provided by the author with no expectations and that in no way influences my review. Jim Kratzok1,070 2

Another good story.

This series is consistently solid. The action is non stop and bloody. The Purity party is taking over the world, country by country and are determined to wipe out those with gene mods. Since nearly every other character has them, there is plenty of potential for conflict. Time to start the next book in the series. Jess523

As always, the cover is amazing and the story within is even more incredible. Each time I pick up the next installment Mr. Farrugia raises the bar. There's more action (if that's even possible!), more suspense, and more drama to poke a stick at! Everything feels it's coming to a head and some of the characters are finally forced together. No one is sure who to trust but they need each other to survive. I love the locations, the attention to detail and the fight scenes. There are still so many questions and I just have to know the answers! Some heart stopping moments will have you gripping your seat and your fingers frantically turning the pages. Mr. Farrugia has done a super job with this series and I eagerly await the next episode. Ananthatejas Raghavan119 4

The stakes are getting higher and the Fifth Column more dangerous. The Purity is also growing stronger by the day and our protagonists are just scraping through. Unless they join forces, Fifth Column will win. The struggle was captured very well in this episode along with all the deception going on. I didn't even realize I had approached the end of this. Nathan's writing with the action just makes you read it faster and faster.
The wait continues for the next episode. PJ287 13

It's action-packed with a story line that keeps you wondering what's next. Great series.0-all3 1-adventure-action 1-conspiracy-military ...more Courtney Giraldo158 2

Purity is quickly gaining momentum in Eastern Europe as the new political super power and our favorite genetically enhanced assassin, Olesya has formed a tentative truce with Sophia. Sophia and her crew are reunited with Nasira, Damien, Jay, and Aviary, together going on the hunt for a famed genetic engineer to help them find a way to dismantle the "kill-switch" embedded within the genes of all the ex-Fifth Column operatives. Olesya meets a friend from her past who warns her of a catastrophically deadly terrorist attack to take place in Poland in just under 30 hours. Sophia and Olesyas respective teams form a tenuous alliance as they race the clock to thwart what could possibly be the biggest terror attack in history.
Once again, Farrugia delivers an action packed continuation of the complex and interconnected world of subterfuge and espionage. With fight scenes to rival any Mission Impossible movie, there really isn't a dull moment. Finally ( seriously ladies, you're fighting the same battle here), Olesya and Sophia aren't trying to shoot each others brains out, and they make a pretty bad ass team once they started to work together. I enjoyed the twists and turns the story took as we were clued more into the terrorist plot, and talk about 9 lives! These characters escape more unlucky and death defying scenarios than is fathomable. Not everyone makes it out unscathed, or alive for that matter (my fingernails sure didn't). Don't get too comfortable reading this series, just when you think everyone is in the clear, a wrench is thrown into the mix. Inversion ended on a major cliffhanger (as seems his style), how much more can one bookworm take?!

Pardon me while I take an antacid and have a lie down after that heart pounding marathon read. Jenny Delandro1,817 17

A 3.5 star review.
As if we didn't have enough factions fighting each other we get two more..
One is loosely connected to Olesya's team, but their leader, Marina, has been enhanced, after not completing the initial progam.
Are we told who took care of her ... of course not!
Helio goes to a colleague to check on the kill switch. .. she reports there is no such thing..

but her allegiance is to Hal and the Fifth Column... once she reports that Helio and the operatives believed her, Hal kills her.

Denton has sent some teams to Eastern Europe to avoid a disaster but of course he is not including himself. He had an interesting way to get only Sophia' s attention.

There is still not enough emotion or humour, no thoughts or dreams, no love (even between Jay & Narisa .. it was hinted at in book 1), no hope in the characters that we are supposed to be following.
Ark gets cross but nothing is resolved
Olesya is found by Xiu but why when she claims to not remembr her?

Yet another problem for various teams are the Purity zealots... Sophia notes they are calm and resolute while attacking them... more evidence of mind control but of normal population this time.

DC seems to be an enigma... more than any of the othrs

yet another episode to come in November... Elisa3,445 31

I received a copy of this novel from the author. Thank you, Nathan Farrugia!
I was so happy to get the new installment of one of my favorite action series that I had to read it immediately. As always, once I started, I couldn't stop. The characters are getting closer together and the endgame is imminent. Purity, the shady organization that is threatening the teams, keeps getting stronger and at some point I was worried for more than one character. There is less banter amongst them this time, but there is more action and the ending is such a huge cliffhanger that it gave me heart palpitations. I've mentioned this before but one of my favorite things about the Helix series (besides, you know, all the non-stop action) is the strong, believable cast of female characters. In this volume, they carry most of the weight and they are so resourceful and smart that literal armies of zealots can't stop them. I really, really, really want all the teams to get together and beat the bad guys' butts. If the bad guys don't kill them all first. Isabelle71 11

In the fourth installment of Helix, things start to make sense, as the different groups previously encountered converge. At the same time, more questions emerge - who is the real enemy, Purity or Fifth Column? Who is more dangerous? Is Illarion truly friend or foe? Who is DC, really? Who is Denton?

The rooftop scene is incredibly intense, no surprise considering the author's background. Near-misses and close calls are par for the course with Nathan Farrugia, and the way his people cheat death is always satisfying. "Hip-walking" - that's a new term to me!

So far, I would say that the series is best read successively. There are too many characters and too many tangents in the story to follow coherently if you read the books stand-alone and with time in between. Luckily Nathan is a speed-writer, and I believe has already finished the whole series. So readers - old and new a - don't have too long a wait in between installments.

And with the cliffhangers at the end of each book, that is definitely a good thing! Katherine2,734 9

I received a copy of this book from the author.

All of the characters from the series so far come together in this book, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily ready to work together yet. There are still secret plans and further machinations going on that make it difficult for anyone to trust and to work through what they need from each other. Add to that the reappearance of an old enemy in a helpful fashion and everyone is left wondering what the best plan of action really is.

This book had far less flashes to the past than previous ones. We have learned plenty about them and now the focus is on moving forward and how they can do that. We get to learn more about the threats in the world, especially from Purity, and it gives a better picture of what they are facing. The action keeps you on your toes and no person remains completely safe from harm. This series just keeps dishing out the goods and it is delightful! WayneM0349 33

Another excellent addition to this brilliant series.

I love the characters. Sophia will probably always be my favourite but Olesya is a really interesting character as well. Also some of the others , Damian, Jay, Nasira, Ark, Aviary are just so appealing with their character quirks and idiosyncrasies. They also tend to appear in unusual places and across storylines which keeps the reader guessing.

The plot is also great and weaves together a lot of different storylines but how they are coming together doesn't seem too obvious but has a few surprises in there as well.

What really makes this stand out though is the fantastic action scenes. Each one has had some very unique features and this one is no different. they are just so clear it is you are there watching it unfold.

I am really loving this series and as always am hanging out for the next one.1 dennis barron1,475 20

Helix Episode 4 Anomaly

Another techno thriller !! They keep getting better and better!! The Fifth Column controls countries, leaders...Former operatives are trying to stop them. These operatives, from America were part of a secret program with genetically enhanced upgrades. There Russian counterparts were not. The Fifth Column wants to eliminate them. Another group in eastern Europe, Purity has declared war on anyone with these enhancements. This all leads to a action packed scenario. Who do you trust? Something monumental is going to happen in Poland. I can't wait for the next episode to be released!!! Fantastic reads!! I highly recommend this series!!!! Carolyn Walkden69

Anomaly is another explosive episode in the Helix Techno-thiller series. Sophia and her operatives meet the full force of Purity in Latvia, meanwhile, Olesya and her hunters have they own run-in with the same group who are taking over all the Baltic States. Some old friends meet again and some old enemies make tenuous alliances. Another faction has joined, coming from Intron, but can Hélio and his friends be trusted?

This is a complex series from Nathan Farrugia, so if you haven't already, I recommend you read Episodes 1-3. Iah448 1 follower

things are really hotting up in the world of Helix episode 4 Anomaly, Purity are on the march and are a problem for Olesya and her team as well as Sophia and her little band of rebels. denton shows up enough to mess with Sophias head and offer here some unicorn cupcakes! apparently he is a baker, who knew!
expect lots of fights random violence and some interesting events, will the operatives all die from the kill switch? will denton make pumpkin spiced muffins and will Ark find his sister? favourite Orkney Dean85 5

Fast paced action!

Another fast paced techno thriller from Nathan M Farrugia. Guns, knives, fists,elbows, knees and feet with the odd headbutt thrown in for good measure. Rooftop chases and burning buses combine to make a brilliant episode of the Helix series. Oh and a cliffhanger ending again leaves me craving more. A well deserved 5 stars for an excellent writer.

Love the introduction of Purity. During episode 4, I found myself comparing the storyline to world history. How often have we looked at one group as friend and another as enemy only to find friend and foe have switched places over time due to the introduction of someone far worse. The web Nathan is weaving in Helix gets a thumbs up from me. Steve22

Another excellent addition to the series. You can feel the story building as you read, to the point that you can't wait for the next installment. Fast paced, good background information, and plenty of set up for the remaining story to be explosive and intense. Pam Whetton69 3

Now I am waiting for the next on to come out Tony Fecteau1,274 5

Another great episode! This is my favorite so far, as the story is fully developed yet and we need to watch it play out. Judee297 4

Another great book in the Helix series. The action continues at a pretty fast pace, and it definitely makes me want to read the next book as soon as possible. Liz C654 2

Another cracking episode from Nathan.

This series is excellent, fast and action packed, it just gets better. All I want to know now is when the next one is out. Katrina Rae37 2

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