
In Ashes Born (A Seeker's Tale From the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Book 1) de Nathan Lowell

de Nathan Lowell - Género: English
libro gratis In Ashes Born (A Seeker's Tale From the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper Book 1)


An old friend. A new course.

A deadly ship with a secret cargo.
Ishmael Wang returns to Port Newmar but ghosts from his past have followed him. His old shipmate, Phillip Carstairs, offers him the opportunity to track down the man who killed his lover. The catch? He must take command of the Chernyakova, a ship that still stinks of death and haunts Ishmael's nightmares.

Together, Phillip and Ismael begin a journey into unknown reaches of the Deep Dark to bring back the man who killed Greta.


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This is one of those books that I couldn't put down. My only disappointment was finishing it too soon. Now I can't wait for the next in this series. 27 s JasonA334 57

The new series begins a few months after the end of Owner's Share. Ishmael is still dealing with the events of the previous book and returns to Port Newmar to try to heal. Some familiar faces return to the series and a new adventure begins.

This whole trilogy are probably my favorite Ishmael books, so far. This whole series is pretty solid. It brings the best parts of the original series and leaves out the things that didn't work so well. The only real issue I have is that Lowell changes some of the terminology introduced here in future books, so it always throws me a little when reading this one. I keep hoping for an update to correct it.favorites nathan-lowell re-reads ...more29 s DWR54 2

I'm so relieved!

I admit it. I ranted and railed against the ending of Owners Share. I wrote mean . I was angry. I've come to love these books, the characters and the wonderful writing style. Owners's Share was a depressing conclusion to that story line. This book was clearly a return to the magical formula that made the other books so special. If you've read this far in the series, I suspect you know what I mean. There's really nothing more to be said than thank you Mr. Lowell. Well done. 15 s Teresa Carrigan362 80

I stayed up late to finish the same day I started the book. Sooooooo nice to have Ishmael Wang back, and several other familiar faces too.

This is space opera, but it focuses on characterization and cleverness, not battles. You do not need to have read the other Solar Clipper books, but if you haven't read Quarter Share yet it is also five stars, and is the first book about Ishmael Wang. If I have counted correctly, this makes the seventh book about Ish. Quarter Share is in my set of comfort books, and In Ashes Born is joining it. Highly recommended.2018-reread 2020-reread science-fiction10 s Betsy591 225

So glad to have another Ishmael Wang series starting. The thing about Ishmael is that he is just so able. You can't help but root for him.

There isn't much action in this, but there is some conflict and a few real surprises. And of course, Ish deals with them both with his normal understated brilliance.

My only complaint is that this is definitely the first of a series. Not quite what I'd call a cliffhanger, but it leaves you strongly wanting more.

Also, if you haven't read the first Ish series, starting with Quarter Share, I would strongly recommend that you read that series first. It's six books, but most of them go really quickly.commerce fiction future ...more7 s Dan1,324 72

Truly enjoyable. Nathan Lowell makes the mundane day to day life as crew, or captain, of a trading star ship come alive. And makes it interesting. Great characters, very positive outlooks, good camaraderie, humanity in a soft light. 2020 re-read: I re-read it in two sessions, separated by the need for some sleep! So good!2015 2018 2020 ...more7 s Debrac20142,097 18

I enjoyed it! It was good to see familiar characters again!

11/20 reread! I enjoyed the story, especially the tour of the ship!

2022 reread! It's still a favorite!4 s Anita654 15

Totally wonderful story. sci-fi3 s Shane631 20

"First thing, feed the crew." I think I am a little grateful that Nathan has taken some time between his books. When I get drawn into his universe, I usually forget to eat at least once if not several meals...

Was it worth the wait? DEFINATELY! Was it everything I had hoped? No. some of the characters in his stories, Nathan tends to give us what we need, not what we ask for. Once I realized this was the case with Ashes, I settled down to enjoy the ride.

We get to see a lot of the original crew twenty years grown. The change has been good for almost everyone. Ishmael meets up with Pip again and Pip has a plan (doesn't he always?) Only this plan involves the Chernykova (the death ship from "Captain's Share") and Ishmael will need to confront those demons along with the others he still faces if he wants to be involved. so many of Nathan's stories; this feels complete but leaves me wanting so much more...

**Update 4.25.2019**
Has it really been three and a half years? I'm not sure if this was my second or third time through but I still enjoy this story. I the old friends who return and I still get choked up over #1 Sponge.
I've got my son reading these now. It's wonderful to share such a great story with him.2 s Bluecobras09170 2

Ishmael is back!!! Ishmael and Pip are back together for the first time in 20 stan years. With the horrible events that happened to Ishmael, he sold off his company and returned to Newmar where he an Pip went to the officers academy to try and find himself. His normal confidence broken and his ability to pick the direction of his life gone. Pip leads him is to a new chapter of his life that may be just what he needed.

Nathan has gone places with the Ishmael that I just cannot get enough of. The stories are so well written and they just seem to grab me and not let go. I can't wait for the next book.

Start with the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper if you have not read it already, this is a must read.2 s The Man from DelMonte435 8

The love child of Clifford Simak and Fred Pohl

The thing that grates is that this supposed to be set 350 years in the future. Sure there's some rockets and stuff but otherwise 2370 just feels contemporary America. Try winding the clock 350 years in the other direction and you get to 1670. Bit different from 2020. There's nothing in this tale to indicate that three and a half centuries have passed.
The opening third of the book just about drowns in folksiness but the tempo picks up a bit after that, and it reads smoothly enough to the end, but it's all just scene setting for the inevitable sequel(s)
This was also suggested to me as space opera. "Zirn left unguarded …" (Robert Sheckley) is space opera, "In Ashes Born" is not.2 s Laura112

Oh, wonderful, another Nathan Lowell book! A good read - it had felt a bit in the previous book the series was getting away from him, but here it feels more he's taking it back to its origins, and does a good job. I enjoyed it, and there just have to be more, from where it ends.

The worst part of a Nathan Lowell book - finding you've come to the last page. I look forward to the next one. I got this one through Kindle Unlimited, but I'm going to go back and buy the ebook so I'll have it permanently.2 s Bronwyn18 2

I am so happy to be back in the world of the Solar Clippers and Ishmael Wang. Along with the wonderful Captain Wang, Nathan Lowell brings us a glimpse of other characters we have loved and Pip! This is a great set up for the new series, but please start at the beginning and read Quarter Share to get the full effect. 2 s Bernard491 4

This is the first book in the series that I have read. It was almost all background, with little action. It seemed to me that most of the text set the background...

The entire book goes from the main character trying to recover from a personal issue to the main character getting ready for the next book in the series.

It was not exciting.2 s Andrew Jeffree2

The prodigal son returns!

This is really fantastic. I'm so excited that Ishmael Wong is back! I think the only bad thing I can say is now I have wait for the next one and I don't waiting.2 s Rich Van Ollefen113

I really enjoy the Traders Tales books. This first of the next Chapter of Ishmael's journey did not disappoint. I'm not a fan of ebooks, only bought a couple, all by Nathan Lowell.

Read it, you'll it2 s Scott385 22

So, I thought the tales of Ishmael Wang were over but I'm so glad I was wrong! I can't stop reading these books, and I don't care. They are comforting as all hell, coming home after a long time away. sci-fi2 s Enemymind11

RIP Nathan Lowell.

the only explanation for this book is that he died mid way through writing it, and his publisher just slapped on a two-page ending and called it a day.2 s Red Tide1,423 1 followerRead

I finished the book out of curiosity. Rating: minus 5

As I rewrite these book , I wonder if any will read them. I originally scribbled quick notes to myself as a roadmap through the Amazon fiction swamp. I was surprised that my were noticed and that my thoughts disturbed a number of anti-socialist, anti-human, fascistic snowflakes. In their honour I am making them more readable. Must support the fans, lest they return to assaulting the homeless for entertainment. This book is a blandly disturbing non-story. It describes the terrible ennui with which the rich are burdened.

Before continuing I will visit YouTube which is an admittedly flawed site but orders of magnitude less toxic than this. This was made possible by the channels - Acollierastro, Sailing Melody, SK Media, Told in Stone, Jay Exci, The Juice Media, A Day of Small Things, Jessie Gender, Bobbing Along, Nomadic Crobot, Princess Weekes, The Little Platoon, Lily Simpson, Dungeons and Discourse, The Dadvocate, ThePrimeChronus, Owen Jones, The Shades of Orange. Lady Knight The Brave, Silicon Curtain, May Moon Narrowboat, Honest Trailers, Anna from Ukraine, KernowDamo, 2 Steps from Hell, Female Warriors - Teresatessa, May, Trae Crowder, Dark Docs, Deerstalker Pictures, Atun Shei, Ro Ramdin, Council of Geeks, Mia Mulder, Honest Ads, Beau of the Fifth Column, Philosophy Tube, Tara Mooknee, RecklessGirl100, DinsArt Design, Library Ladder, Terrible Writing Advice, Bernadette Banner, Up and Atom, Geo Girl, Gutsick Gibbon, Planarwalker, Physics Girl, Kelly Loves Physics and History, Adiemus - Carmina Slovenica, Sarah Millican, Times Radio, Ponderful, The Caspian Report, Annie's Literary Empire.

I wanted to refer you to other reviewers but Amazon/Goodreads no longer "Allow" me to see other and have begun erasing comments from both my many anti-socialist fanboys and the six or seven sane members. This book is all message and I have seen this story better written at least six times.

An example of Goodreads discourse. Eighteen months ago, I wrote a short negative review of Powers of the Earth, a badly written salute to the sociopathic January 6, 2021 hero by Travis Corcoran. He is a self-described libertarian and vocal advocate for the return of chattel slavery, a US veteran and supporter of Putin's Russia, an employee of an unnamed US agency. The writer and six friends went on a year long tear with comments demanding I respond, as if I would to these cowardly self-described libertarian and white nationalist thugs.

Finally Claes Rees, Jr/cgr710 (he is a long time fan) wrote a comment (erased recently as well as those of two friends who took issue with this madness) declaring that They had "won" (?). I discovered that They had launched a year long campaign of flooding channels which I mention with vile sexual and racist comments. While They did not impress the Oxford astrophysicist, the particle physicist, the historical essayist, the cultural essayist or the many other female creators, They did deliver a splendid self-portrait to a broad multinational audience of the twisted American middle class man-child. Increasing the world's store of unpleasantness was I assume, considered a bonus effect to their little minds, assuming they do in fact possess such. USA! Yay ??

This book has no world building, which is true of all these Neoliberal and Libertarian tracts. This book and the many others it have no story. There is no context for character description, Interactions or plot nor do these books ever pretend to create characters. To do so when the characters are simply delivery vehicles for his talking points, a true attempt at character work would run into the plausibility barrier. His audience wants to see this message and this vision, which is probably a class based preference. Despite the occasional complaint, his audience rated this book a 4.5 which by itself gives the lie to the membership being a yardstick for the good, as opposed to the comfortable for several select groups of readers.

Of course the writer has put on the page his politics and was never looking to write any of the things which he neglected to include. Since this is a political work, he used the least effort to create a setting for his Neoliberal/libertarian fantasy. A necessary admission. My working class desire is to see working class characters. I also expect working class characters who are not sociopathic copies of their social superiors. Better that we be invisible as usual.

The plot consists of a string of more or less related scenes, in which resting from non-existent work and plans to increase wealth are discussed. It could easily be a Beverly Hills soap opera. The book includes two or three non-Anglo named characters, so that is worthy of points. Unfortunately there seem to be no Western European, East Asian, South Asian, African or other presence in human space. It was not surprising, this is an american writer. The parochial (ethno supremacist, might be more accurate) sameness of these books is mind numbing.

I need another YouTube break from this work. This next was brought to you by - Alizee, Brittany Page, Red Plateaus, Real Time History, Olly Richards, Popcorn in Bed, Autumn's Boutique, Whitney Avalon, Two Bit DaVinci, Smack the Pony, Sarah Z, The Octopus Lady, Renegade Cut, Horses, Daisy Viktoria, Kat Blacque, Study of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, The Take, Cynthia Zhou, Extinction Rebellion UK, Engineering Knits, Nerd Cookies, Jake Broe, TriAngulum, Kaz Rowe, ConeofArc, Lisa Walton, Jess of the Shire, Part Time Hobbit, Cinzia Dubois, The Green Wrapper, Kristine Vike, Dr Becky, Ukraine Matters, Times Radio, The Thought Spot, Jay Exci, Make Better Media, Kiko1006, Siobhan McCarthy, Dr Alexander Clarke, The Closet Historian, Honest Ads, Eleanor Morton, Jose, The Trans Atheist.

The book details the adventures of an Old Boys network. The main character was inducted into this world of influence and wealth as a child. Without any influence from his wealthy friends, wealthy adopted family,
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