
Tropic Descent de Nate Van Coops

de Nate Van Coops - Género: English
libro gratis Tropic Descent


THERE ARE OLD PILOTS AND BOLD PILOTS—AND DEAD AND COLD PILOTS.Luke Angel is on a routine cargo flight in the Bahamas, anticipating an icy beer waiting for him on the far side, but when a distress call diverts him into a watery landing in the turquoise Caribbean waters, he ends up with a dead pilot and a mysterious unconscious woman on his hands.
The island town of Hooper’s Haven is a refuge for the wealthy and glamorous.
And their secrets.
When his passenger disappears from the local hospital, Luke has more questions than answers about who she really is. Torn between his desire to bug out ahead of deteriorating weather, and his duty to see his passenger safely home, he finds himself walking a knife edge of danger.
Someone has buried their secrets deep in Hooper’s Haven and the more Luke digs, the more likely he is to be the one to end up in the ground. A killer has struck twice and has the whole island running scared. But Luke Angel never runs when he can fly. And now he’s throttling up for a dogfight.
Strap in for another gripping aviation mystery, with characters you’ll root for, high-flying action, and a wings-on-fire plunge to the finale you won’t want to put down...M.F

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Tropic Descent by Nate Van Coops catapults readers into an exhilarating adventure from the very first page. Seamlessly blending excitement, intensity, and mystery, this book captivates from start to finish. Van Coops' trademark wit and sharp writing are on full display, solidifying its status as another standout addition to his collection. The narrative follows Luke Angel, a pilot whose routine cargo flight in the Bahamas takes an unexpected turn when he responds to a distress call. What unfolds is a gripping tale filled with unexpected twists and turns as Luke becomes ensnared in a web of secrets and danger in the idyllic island town of Hooper’s Haven. With an array of characters to love and loathe, and heart-pounding action that keeps readers on the edge of their seats, Tropic Descent delivers an unforgettable aviation mystery. Brilliant, witty, intriguing, and surprising, this riveting read is perfect for lovers of flight and adventure.3 s Marilyn89 2

What makes Van Coops an outstanding writer…well for me it is his vivid action scenes. One can picture what is happening so easily. Also his excellent descriptions of what the characters are seeing or feeling put the reader right there. His story lines are gripping and always thought provoking. Throw in a great romance and hilarious humor and lots of flying and I am onboard as fast as I can yell, CLEAR PROP.2 s Ginelle Blanch871 26

This book was LIT!!! Lol! Channeling my inner Tyson. But, real talk, really good! Action packed. The story moves quickly, nice flow. Good humor. The author did a great job with the psychotic characters, lol! He has a real gift for writing able villains in this one as well.

The book will keep on your toes till the end. Amazingly vivid action scenes. I wholeheartedly believe this would make the BEST movie! No one would be bored with it! Well written and well told!2 s Jerry Canterbury47

Tropic Descent is full of action from the very first page.

In this sequel to the equally engaging Tropic Angel, pilot Luke Angel and his young protégé and co-pilot Tyson Martin are flying hurricane relief supplies from Florida to the Bahamas when Air Traffic Control asks them to search for and assist in the rescue of a small aircraft in distress over open waters.

True to form, Angel relies upon his military training, his aviation experience, and his deep-seated moral compass to do everything he can to help the aircraft and its passengers.

Yet, Angel soon learns that good deeds do not always go unpunished. Arriving on the Bahamian island of Sunlit Cay, Angel and Martin meet superstar videogame designer Mali Solomon, a native of the island. Yet while Solomon and others welcome the pair and thank them for their assistance, something seems amiss. Other island residents and acquaintances of Solomon seem to be harboring secrets with some individuals actively encouraging them to leave Sunlit Cay – fast – instead of nosing around.

Meanwhile, reporter Whitney Gilton of the Miami Herald has also arrived and is asking hard questions – apparently, there is substance to the suspicions, a mystery that needs to be uncovered. And while Angel is more interested in leaving the island before the approaching storm arrives than he is in getting involved in local drama, eventually that moral compass of his kicks in, leading to more action as he starts to recognize and address the furtive activities hidden beneath the island’s paradisical surface.

Van Coops’ novel is another page-turner. Luke Angel (and by extension, Van Coops) is very knowledgeable about airplanes and aviation, and those details help drive the plot forward. Along the way, we learn enough about Angel’s 1940s-vintage Grumman Mallard amphibious plane to know that it is a nearly indestructible workhorse. Even so, the technical depth does not obscure the narrative – I’m not an aviation groupie yet still was able to follow how the details supported the plot.

Each chapter left enough drama remaining on its last page to make me want to proceed to the next chapter then and there. The dialogue is snappy – Angel is quick with a retort in all situations – leaving me laughing out loud at least once per chapter. The interplay between Angel and Martin is humorous, as the 18-year-old Martin deeply respects Angel but isn’t above a few digs regarding Angel’s “advancing age” and straight-shooter approach. The tension between Angel and Gilton leads to many engaging moments too, as Gilton’s initial efforts to keep Angel out of her way evolve as she recognizes his expertise.

I highly recommend Van Coops’ latest novel and eagerly await the next in what I hope will be the ongoing Luke Angel saga.
Sarah Michelle Bush8

Having been introduced to Archangel Aviation in the book Tropic Angel, I was pleased to be able to read Book 2, pick up where I left off and start to figure out the next mystery. When speaking with a good friend recently, I mentioned enjoying this book and encouraged her to give it a read. Even without the base introduction from the first thriller, you are able to get right into the new story without any confusion. Van Coops gives such a descriptive picture of the aircraft, flight operation details, and locations, that as a reader, feels you are right there along with the team. The interactions are quite entertaining and the new scenic locale is even more colorful to the point of feeling an additional character. In getting into the plot it may start to feel that it is going in what seems a familiar direction. As I had hoped and suspected, however, the story developed quite a creative twist and accelerated into an action-packed race against not only approaching weather devastation, but some dangerous adversaries who would rather shoot first and ask questions never. This story is a fun read with humorous dialogue and it hums along at a great pace while you unravel the pieces of the puzzle along with our hero. Tropic Descent is a more modern vibe and captures your curiosity with regard to what exactly is going on, while delivering the information in a fresh and exciting manner. I continue to be amazed with the voice of this writer and look forward to seeing Luke Angel in a television series or on the big screen one day soon.action intriguing Tony Green76 1 follower

I was eagerly looking forward to this, the second book in in the series about Luke Angel, and, oh boy, was it ever worth the wait! Tropic Descent is a brilliant, exciting page turner, real edge of the seat stuff mixed with really interesting interactions between the various characters (all very believable and so well described that you can picture them standing in front of you!). His co-pilot Tyson is particularly well thought out and provides some comic relief without becoming a caricature (kids these days really do talk that!).
Nate knows so much about flying and the technical side of aircraft and uses this knowledge to give the book an aeronautical spin without making it boring for those of us who do not exist in that particular world - quite an achievement!
In short, this is a brilliantly written book and one (actually, just the same as all of Nate's books) which I highly recommend to all lovers of a good thriller. Roll on book three!1 Tom Pack1 review

What a ride! I wasn’t suppose to get a review copy but somehow I did….it came early in the morning so I figured I would read the first couple of pages and head off to work…….well at page 54 my iPad battery died and I was forced to stop reading! Thankfully I’m my own boss so I could be late for work! You can’t put it down. It normally takes me 2 weeks to read a book this length….I finished it in 4 days!
The story is 99% action…..Nate does set the scene at the beginning of each chapter but that is done in the fewest words possible to give you a full image of where you’re at…..then it’s story time and that story doesn’t disappoint! You think you’ve got it figured out but then it takes a turn you didn’t see but thinking back the clues were there. It’s that well written…great job and can’t wait for the next adventure of Luke Angel! Maarja Kruusmets1 review

I have read every book by Nathan van Coops and not one of them has disappointed me.
Tropic Descent is the second book of the new series and I have to say I enjoyed it even more than the first one. This is a fast-paced story, filled with interesting and colourful characters. I'm totally unfamiliar with planes and aviation, but it did not bother me, as the author's love for planes took a second position to his love for good action. With its short chapters, this really was the book I couldn't put down, as I was constantly thinking to myself, "Just one more chapter." Wholeheartedly recommend. 1 Yvonne Mitchell1 review

I am a big Nathan van Coops fan. I’ve read all of his books and they are always gripping.

I loved this book. Very exciting and funny at the same time. I really Tyson, he is hilarious and the dynamic between him and Luke is very fun.

I the short chapters as I generally read in bed just before sleep and getting to the end of a short chapter is more satisfying than getting part way through a long one. That said, Nate does end chapters in a way that makes reading on too tempting. I just find his writing is very compelling.1 Reader1 review

Another cracking read from Nate Van Coops. His second book in this series is as good as the first if not better. I was drawn into it at the very beginning and could not put it down. If you love action packed novels this is for you. Lots of twists and turns and action packed. You will love this adventure based in the Caribbean involving Angel and his beloved old flying boat. Luke just seems to draw himself into danger from the very beginning while trying to do what is right for his fellow man. I cannot wait for book three! Elaine2

I have read all of Nathan's books, and this one did not disappoint. Very fast paced, add in humor, romance, mystery, murder, and it's another book that can't be put down. Chapters end in cliffhangers so you have to find a quiet spot in the middle, if you can, to take a break. It makes sense that he would eventually write about flying, since he's a pilot himself. I do hope he doesn't fly the way Luke Angel does, though! mmhitson5

Strap in and enjoy!
Nate Van Coop's follow up to his debut Arch Angel series is another home run.
The best way I can describe this one is a summer blockbuster for your kindle; taking place in the Bahamas this time; the action, intrigue and pacing never slows.
What sets Van Coops apart from a lot of his fellow authors in the genre is his pitch perfect dialogue and descriptive prose...not to mention true knowledge of the subject matter.
Cant recommend this one enough. Niki Britton2

After finishing Tropic Angel I found myself wanting more aviation centered literature and I was so stoked when I found out there was a sequel! Once again I found myself completely hooked as I followed along on another high flying adventure with Luke Angel and his Mallard, Tropic Angel. As a bookworm and pilot this fast paced mystery with an aviation angle was right up my alley and I simply couldn’t put it down. Tropic Descent did not disappoint and I can’t wait for the next one! claire manger13

This book keeps you guessing, i could not put it down, most of the chapters end in cliffhangers which made me want to continue reading. I thought i had it all worked out but as always Nathan has the ability to add a few plot twists which i never would of thought of. Brilliant read, highly recommend
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