
The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad de Natasha Deen

de Natasha Deen - Género: English
libro gratis The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad


From award-winning, #OwnVoices author Natasha Deen comes a new funny, honest, YA novel following one girl as she tries to win over her crush before she leaves for college.

Let’s be clear. No matter what her older brother, Robby, says, aspiring screenwriter Tuna Rashad is not “stupidstitious.” She is, however, cool with her Caribbean heritage, which means she is always on the lookout for messages from loved ones who have passed on. But ever since Robby became a widower, all he does is hang out at the house, mock Tuna for following in their ancestors’ traditions, and meddle in her life. 

Tuna needs to break free from her brother’s loving but over-bearing ways and get him a life (or at least, get him out of hers!). Based on the signs, her ancestors are on board. They also seem to be on board with helping Tuna win over her crush, Tristan Dangerfield. The only hiccup? She has to do it before leaving for college in the fall. A ticking clock, a grief-stricken brother, and a crush who doesn’t believe in signs. What could possibly go wrong?

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Soo... this was the first arc (advanced reader copy) I've ever gotten, so thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me this opportunity. Unfortunately I did not love this book.

Let's start with the positives:
+deals with a spiritual/superstitious character and I'm religious so could relate to that a bit.
+main character that has a hobby other than reading (she wants to be a screen writer and love movies so kinda similar but still.)
+tackles serious topics grief

-didnt care for the romance
-didn't that Tristan made fun of her beliefs and she still d him
-this might just be a personal preference but I hate when the girl fights wayyyy harder to get the boy, than the boy does for her, you know?
-jokes weren't funny and over explained
-i didn't the main character at all towards the end
To conclude it was an easy read maybe give it a chance and I hope you have better luck with it than I did.netgalley-arc6 s Fanna1,006 516 Want to read

02.12.2021 i've heard this book is going to be funny and i mean, trying to win over your crush while being on the lookout for messages from ancestors does sound entertaining. 2022-releases6 s Nicay261 91

Originally posted at dearnicay.com

A huge thank you to the Author, the Publisher, and Netgalley for providing the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

To be honest, I have mixed feelings after I finished reading The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad. But before I break down my points and opinions on this one, I want to tell first the overview or what is the story all about.

The story was all about the life and adventure of Tuna Rashad, and how she depends her decisions on her “ancestors”, “signs” and “superstitious beliefs”. But her beliefs will become a challenge as she will try to win the heart of her “smart and not believing in any signs” crush. It was not all about her “shenanigans” adventure towards her crush, but also all about helping her brother Robby to accept and move on with his life after David died.

Based on my overview, I know you already knew what will happen to the story, right?

As mentioned, I have mixed feelings about the story. For the story/plot, it was okay for me, but it didn’t leave a remarkable spot after reading it, but it was good at least. There were questions I have in my mind that I tried to find throughout the story, but I didn’t find any.

For the characters, there were times that I find Tuna annoying. She has this “rebellious” type character that didn’t think her actions very well, and there were times that she was selfish especially to her brother’s feelings.

To her crush, at first his character was okay for me, but during the last few chapters he became an annoying one too. If you are a real person, I will tell you honestly that you are infuriating because if you didn’t a person tell her immediately and don’t give the hints that will make her think that you will end up as a couple. Well, that’s my opinion from the last few chapters, but well since this is a story… it still ends happily.

Well, the story was okay and has potential, but I rated it 3 stars because of the characters in the book. My favorite character here is Tuna’s best friend – Fi. She tells good opinions about the decisions or actions of Tuna, and here is the quoted opinion from her:

“I always wondered why you’re such a fan of screenwriting and movies. Now I get it. It’s because you’re useless in a real-life crisis.” – An honest opinion from Fi to Tuna.

Yeah, she made a good point there.

So overall, my rating is 3 out 5 stars. It’s a good story, I d it but not the characters.

c-3-it-was-okay netgalley4 s Lily M ?352 82

Altuna (or Tuna) Rashad is about to leave for college, and she decides she wants at least one date with Tristan Dangerfield before she leaves.

Let's start with the main character, Tuna. Her voice was certainly unique, oscillating from hilarious to vaguely annoying at times, but it never got so irritating that I stopped reading. The juxtaposition of her religious beliefs to the maths and science of Tristan was interesting but never really explored enough for me. There were lots of pop culture references, some of which I didn't understand because I didn't know Sleepless in Seattle (though I'll be checking it out after reading this!).

I d Tuna's family and the way she considered her ancestors. It was actually a really big highlight for me to see a religious character who took signs really seriously not drop her beliefs in the book and "convert" to being less religious. Though I personally am an atheist, I thought that was super cool! The fact that this story was also #ownvoices was a big plus for me, too.

My main issue with the book was Tuna, though. Some of the things she thought, said, and did really annoyed me. For example, at one point her older brother, Robby, is hanging out with her crush, Tristan, and Robby has recently lost his husband, who he had known for 30 years, since he was in pre-school. Tuna's inner monologue gets annoyed that Robby keeps stealing time from her with Tristan (to some extent, that's fair enough) but then she has the audacity to suggest that Robby has only befriended her crush to make sure she, Tuna, stays single??? Because her brother is so grief-stricken about his loss that he wants to sabotage her happiness? Girl what? After Robby has gone through so much?? Literally almost every thing this girl did annoyed me; she goes on a friendship hangout with her crush and before he arrives orders for him?? That would really annoy me if I was him, but Tristan just kind of goes with it but then she finds out she ordered it at a different restaurant across town? First of all she orders for him and somehow, SOMEHOW, gets it across town?? This girl.

Anyway, it also annoyed me how she kept being "we're such nerds" when they were just being... people? they spoke once in an old-timey Victorian way to make a joke and she was "omg we're such nerds" girl sorry?

Also, a lot of the jokes were not that funny... and there were a lot of them.

I've been a little harsh. Tuna wasn't great but she had a couple of good moments. Fleeting ones.

Tuna and Tristan's relationship, also, didn't work for me. They just didn't gel together and none of their conversations ever indicated them liking each other, really, and it was just so flat. A lot of the things he said to her were total red flags and there was a lot of telling that they d each other but no showing.

The ending was very unexpected and I didn't it. I thought the end should have been about a chapter or 2 before where it really stopped.

You may have different opinions to me, but while I loved the family dynamics I just couldn't deal with Tuna's BS. The casual rep in this, though, was so good.

Thank you Netgalley and Running Press for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and very, maybe brutally, honest.arc-approved4 s Alds ?176 82

This is an underwhelming book. Although the plot and premise were okay, the characters were difficult to relate to. I loved the heroine at first because of her amusing internal monologues, wonderful sense of humor, and beliefs - she's superstitious to the core. However, as the tale progressed, she got increasingly annoying and insufferable. Her superstitions and repeated requests for signs from the ancestors began to wear me down. I understand and respect her views, but the fact that she was completely reliant on them was both absurd and irritating. Her superstitious nature was also the source of friction between her and her crush and brother. Not to mention she became this self-centered and insensitive individual. There were times when I wanted to slap some sense into her
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