
That Night in Tallinn de Natalia Kurki

de Natalia Kurki - Género: English
libro gratis That Night in Tallinn


Natalia Kurki Publisher: Natalia Kurki, Year: 2024

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Author Natalia Kurki gives readers a peek behind the Iron Curtain to see life in Estonia during the 1970s. I was enlightened about the Soviet economy at this time and in awe of the risks ordinary people took to ‘get more’. It was refreshing to read something different and learn something new every few pages!

As I turned the last page, I was filled with gratitude for the simple life I live and the opportunities and freedom I experience. Kurki’s novel has given me empathy and understanding for those who lived in Finland and Estonia during this time in history.

Kaisa struggles as a Finnish cleaning lady to provide for herself and Meerie, her teenage daughter. Unaware of her mother’s struggles, Meerie wants to live a life some of her friends are enjoying and doesn’t realize the cost to her mother.

When an opportunity to help Aivar, a jobbari, arises, Kaisa jumps at the chance. She begins ferrying contraband across the Gulf of Finland to Estonians eager to buy what they can’t purchase in Tallinn. Soon Kaisa’s reputation grows and she and her daughter are living a life they could only ever have dreamed about.

As is always the case, it comes at a cost. Kaisa knows that one wrong move could cost her everything.

Will she stop now before it’s too late or is the pull of easy money too great for her to turn down?

“Kaisa had already learned that you had to play things close to your chest on this side of the Gulf of Finland. The whole country was paranoid - anybody and everybody could sell you out.”

I can’t imagine living this nor can I imagine having enough courage to do what Kaisa did.

This pacey and enlightening read is only 123 pages long and worth reading for those interested in the economy of a country under Soviet rule, the oppression, and the effect it had on citizens.

I was gifted this copy by BookSirens and was under no obligation to provide a review. 2024-reads booksirens historical-fiction15 s3 comments Kristina Anderson167 26

Thank you to BookSirens for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of That Night In Tallinn by Natalia Kurki. This book caught my attention because of my Estonian Heritage and the fact that I have been to Tallinn. It was a difficult time for Estonians and I can't imagine living in this time period. It was a very short book therefore a quick read. I did enjoy reading it and think others who historical fiction and would to learn something about Estonia in the 1970's. A 4 star rating from me. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.2 s Judi314

Since my grandfather was born in Estonia, I was drawn to reading this book, and I am so glad that I did. I don't know much about Estonia, except for the report I wrote in middle school, so I was able to learn a lot about what life was there in the 1970s.

I had no idea that smuggling goods from Finland to Estonia was a huge black market back then. Estonia, under the rule of the Soviet empire, created a hard life for the people there, and the people wanted to live more the "Westerners."

Kaisa, a woman who cleaned for a living in Finland, stumbles upon the world of smuggling while wearing a fur coat on a trip to Estonia. It was her smuggling adventures that made me hold me breath each time. I really d Kaisa as a character, but I struggled with her as a mom. I know she was doing her best, but I'm not sure it was worth it all as a single mother.

I love a historical fiction book when I learn new things about the past, especially events that you never read about in other books. I'm glad I picked this one to read.

I gave this book four out of five stars. It was a little short for me because I really to get into a story, but it was a fast read.

Thank you to BookSirens for my free copy, and this is my honest review. Wendie14

I received an ARC of this book from BookSirens.

I loved this book from the first paragraph! Natalia Kurki has a wonderful voice and draws the reader in with efficient but engaging prose. Kaisa's plight is relatable as well as the tension that mounts throughout the book.

I didn't know about the history of Finnish goods being smuggled into Estonia in the 80s, so it was interesting to learn the details.

Kaisa is relatable as a single mother trying to make ends meet who doesn't really know how to interact with her 12-year-old daughter. And her daughter is painted as a typical tween - loves horses, a bit surly, doesn't relate to her mother.

I hope That Night in Tallinn gets the attention it deserves! Elaine240 7

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