
No Darkness as like Death de Nancy Herriman

de Nancy Herriman - Género: English
libro gratis No Darkness as like Death


Few in San Francisco were troubled by the news that Ambrose Shaw had been found dead at a local health institute—the prominent banker had recently turned to politics and was reviled by many for his incendiary views. But when Celia Davies learns that his death is considered suspicious by the police and that a damning piece of evidence points to a patient of hers as the culprit, she feels compelled to prove the woman's innocence.

Teaming up with Detective Nick Greaves, Celia soon discovers there's no shortage of suspects, including the victim's many political enemies, his disaffected son, who may have been too eager to receive his inheritance, and even the dead man's fellow patients at the institute, whose founder promises miracle water cures but has been covering up numerous burglaries of his well-to-do clients.

As Celia and Nick struggle with their feelings for each other as well as the many murky aspects of the case, they'll have to navigate an endless trail...

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4.5 stars

This is the fourth book in the Mystery of Old San Francisco by Nancy Herriman.

This is the third book I have read in this series and I have to admit that it just keeps getting better and better. Celia Davis is a nurse who is very good at solving crimes. Detective Nick Greaves doesn’t keep Celia from her mysterious hunt but he uses her expertise to aid his own investigation. They make a very good team and round out each other nicely.

There has been a hit of interest in a romantic relationship between the two of them but I am not sure if such a thing will ever happen, especially considering the big shock to Celia at the end of this. That makes me a bit sad since I think the two of them together would be great.

The mystery here was quite complex and I how Nick sometimes marvels at Celia’s insights. Lots of suspects to consider and with the hinderance of the setting of the 1860’s, I think the author does a great job of making us believe the time frame we are in.

This is a series I greatly recommend. This book really kept me guessing up until the end. I look forward to other books by this author.

If you love a good historical cozy mystery, definitely check this one out.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.1 Anna Fox965 29

This is the first time I've read this author. I d the mystery and the characters. The mystery kept me guessing and can't wait to see what happens in the next books. The historical information was interesting as well.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest review.1 Rebecca3,648 71

A very pleasant way to spend a rainy morning, and the series remains reliable in terms of interesting mystery plots. I'm getting frustrated with the overarching romance plot, though, which is just dragging. historical-fiction mystery1 AndreaAuthor 9 books153

A wonderful cozy page turner that will keep you guessing until the end. You'll discover the clues along with Nick and Celia and what a hook at the end. Poor Nick and Celia. I can't wait for the next book.1 Anne2,569 21

No Darkness as Death by Nancy Herriman is a San Francisco Mystery taking place shortly after the end of the Civil War. Celia Davis runs a free clinic and solves crimes as a pastime. Her husband has recently reappeared, apparently, and is off in Colorado mining gold, which means she is no longer a free woman. This puts a damper on the blossoming romance between she and Nick Greaves, a police detective. Ambrose Shaw has been found dead at a local health institute where he had gone to treat a heart illness. San Francisco being so small at the time, Celia and her niece, Barbara, had just visited his daughter, a professional photographer, to have their portrait made. Celia, of course, gets embroiled in the murder investigation, the details of which seem very odd to her. And the whole thing touches her lie in multiple ways although she had never met the man. Despite being warned by Greaves to leave it alone, Celia jumps in headfirst.

I love these historical mysteries. While investigating, they portray so much of life at the time. I find it fascinating. One thing of note is the value of money. $75 is a major debt. Things cost so little that it never fails to amaze. Celia is a strong character, running the clinic, and trying to raise her half-Chinese niece, as well as being on call for anyone who needs her, all of the time. She doesn't know if she can trust the local criminal element: Griffin regarding her husband, Patrick, she does the right thing and retreats from personal entanglements. It is a good mystery, with excellent characters, filled with history. What more could a reader ask for? Loved it.

I was invited to read a free ARC of No Darkness As Death by Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. #netgalley #alldarknessasdeath
Bethany SwaffordAuthor 13 books84

A local politician has been found dead, Celia Davies learns a patient of hers is a suspect. As the young woman suffered a blow and cannot remember what happened, Celia feels compelled to clear the girl's name. Detective Greaves is none to pleased as he also searches for clues to the murderer's identity. Will they learn the truth before another death occurs?

In the previous book, I thought these two were attracted to each other and were resigned to never being able to do anything about that attraction. If I had to go only by this book,. I would say they don't even each other. When their paths do cross, they argue. They don't even trust each other. When Celia finds evidence, she holds it back, not trusting the detective to use it to solve the murder. Because she thinks he will jump to a conclusion she doesn't . Her method of learning information also raised an eyebrow from me, and I did not approve.

The narrative is told mostly through dialogue, which i don't remember from the previous book. There wasn't much in the way of description, so I struggled to envision the scenes in my mind. It was also nice that there was less of a minor character than before, though there were a few distracting scenes told from his perspective. The plot itself is good. It kept me guessing as to the culprit.

This book ends on a cliff-hanger, but I'm not sure I'm interested enough to see how the plot point plays out in the next book.

I received a free copy from NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own. Brenda1,384 21

If you fancy a riveting, twisty and fun historical mystery with an unmissable ending, get a hold of this book! I just love the author's charming writing, laden with wit. It positively hums with historical details. There's angst, tension and suspense as well as atmosphere to settle into, the ultimate escapist antidote.

In 1860s San Francisco, a body is found at a health institute where clients go to take the waters. The body is that of a politician and, as we know, politicians are not without enemies. Nurse Celia Davies' client has amnesia and she has some explaining to do, as do all the characters. Detective Nick Greaves is on the case, as is Mrs. Davies, both with their special skillsets and personalities. Further crimes occur and we are led down a winding path through a forest of subplots which ends in a tremendous denouement. Not only are the crimes interesting but also the characters, politics and medical details which I adore. This book is unputdownable. I found my evening plans inevitably change...for the better.

My sincere thank you to Beyond the Pages and NetGalley for the privilege of reading the early e-ARC of this delightful book...I highly anticipate the next in the series! Jackie M152 6

No Darkness as Death by Nancy Herriman. A Mystery of Old San Francisco #4. Beyond the Page Publishing 2021.

This book begins in 1867 San Francisco, with the apparent murder of a local banker and Copperhead politician. The Copperheads were a short-lived faction of the Democrat party during the US Civil War era. Celia, former Crimean War nurse now serving women otherwise without health care, becomes involved when a neighbour is implicated, her fourth such partnership with Nick, detective, and Civil War veteran.

I was very interested in reading about racism and politics in San Francisco at this time, and about the photography processes of the era. I was distracted Celia’s impulsiveness and Nick’s sadness, by the number of past and current relationship triangles and by trying to keep track of supporting characters and the relationships between them and how Copperheads factored. No doubt, I should have started with the first of this favourably reviewed series instead of the fourth.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of No Darkness as Death free via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. #NoDarknessasDeath #NetGalley
Lucy755 27

I received an advanced ebook copy of this novel via NetGalley.

It wasn't what I expected it to be in all honesty and I felt I was missing A LOT of back story being the fourth book in a series which sadly feels I've missed out on so much between the characters and the relationships they've built and I do feel that I wouldn't be able to read a series that continually goes on. That said, this book was enjoyable and I d to read about the difference in times in San Franscisco as this book is set in 1867.

Though there was a lot of dialogue it was mostly interesting though I did struggle as I do to have a lot of narrative from the author rather than lots of chatter from the characters, sometimes you get way more from that if it's part of a series and you haven't read the other books, I really do enjoy the demonstration of description however there were other things I enjoyed that made up for the lacking such as the informative historical facts and the plot itself.

With thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for this free copy, I really appreciate it. Karen1,770 38

This is another strong entry in this historic San Francisco series.

We learn about a health facility that offers water cures - hot baths, cold baths, steam, etc. as well as dietary assistance.

Unfortunately, one of their overnight guests dies and he is a banker and politician. He had been sending boxes of candy to associates, and one box is found in the dressing room of the lady entertainers at a local beer pub. Mina is Celia's neighbor and she staggers home having been concussed and with amnesia. Her shawl is found near the scene of the death of the banker. Combined with the box of candy from him in her dressing room, there is a focus on her as the killer.

Celia steps in and investigates both the political opponents and the family members. His daughter has just taken a photograph of Celia and her step sister Barbara. This is the second book I have read this year which features a female photographer. The other is Laura Joh Rowland's The Ripper's Shadow.

Nick Greaves is once again the investigating policeman and he is lead throughout by Celia's instinct and interviews.

I bought a copy and there are several people waiting to read my copy as they also this series.own-copy read-by-mysterybooks Tamara777 12

Celia reached into her reticule and searched for the coin to pay off her husband’s debt. A man she once thought to be dead seems to be very much alive. Originally, he had brought her to America in search of gold, and now, he is in Colorado still with the itch of finding it. But no longer can Detective Nick Greaves and Celia Davies consider a match between the two of them.

Celia Davies has this ability to stick her nose in places that most would consider is police work, and so would Detective Nick Greaves also be of this opinion.

Ambrose Shaw is found dead at the Hygienic Institute.

I found the pace in No Darkness As Death move at a very slow pace, and there was a long list of characters that did keep you guessing but I found it hard to keep track of which was probably the author’s intention. I really d the outcome in the end but it was slow and I would’ve d a tighter plot progression. However, I did that Celia’s supposedly dead husband, Patrick finally shows his face, which should make the next installment a lot more interesting...mysteries Sarah27

I received an advanced ebook copy of this novel via NetGalley.

This is the fourth novel in a series. You definitely have to read the others to have a sense of the character relationships throughout the story. Nick seems to have a history with both Mina and Celia. I didn't that he almost found the two women interchangeable in his affections at times. Then, once Mina is implicated in a murder investigation, it's not entirely clear whether Nick wants her to be guilty or not.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read, though also pretty slow-paced. Nick and Celia conduct two separate investigations and hardly ever actually interact with one another or share their findings, which draws out the plot quite unnecessarily.

I was intrigued enough to want to seek out the rest of the novels in the series, which will hopefully fill the many holes that result from treating this as a stand-alone. CarolineAuthor 54 books334

Highly recommended for lovers of Victorian mysteries from Victoria Thompson, Mary Ann Huber and other writers. This one lays out Old San Francisco in all its rambunctious glory—the rich, the fashionable, and the underbelly—at a time of great conflict and upheaval in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War. It is 1867 and a wealthy Copperhead politician is dead. Who dunnit? Red herrings abound. Two thirds of the way through Celia Davis—nurse, midwife, hopelessly in love with a police detective, and friend of a possible perpetrator— her notes. I counted eight suspects at that point and it could have been any of them. Caroline1,083 9

Another excellent addition to the Mysteries of Old San Francisco series! The mystery itself was strong, the recurring characters sympathetic, and Celia and Nick’s longing giving all the feels. A rather unfortunate, but not totally unexpected, cliffhanger has me hoping for another installment next year!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.netgalley Rachel222 1 follower

I am not liking the individual interrogations of Greaves and Celia in this new book of the series. I understand that they can not work together since her husband is still alive but it is repetitive. Celia needs to have more work to do in her clinic where maybe connections to any murder might come from those “ interviews “. Sherry Powell654 2

I received this book from NetGalley and promised an honest review. I throughly enjoyed this book and it kept me guessing until the very end. Because it’s the fourth in a series I feel I’m missing some back story and will have to read the first 3 now. Brenda Freeman832 18

Celia and Nick are no longer seeing each other because rumor has it her husband is alive, not dead. A case brings them together to find out who attacked Mina and murdered the banker. Clues lead to Mina, but clues can be deceiving. Amy5,818

No Darkness as Death is a great addition to Nancy Herriman's Mystery of Old Francisco series. It is my favorite I have read from it. Five stars Amy44

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