
Shades of Darkness de N. K. Leem

de N. K. Leem - Género: English
libro gratis Shades of Darkness


N. K. Leem Year: 2020 ISBN: 9798586751355

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(I got a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and also possibly because the author is afraid of me and my legos.)

Gather around kids-of-appropriate-ages-to-read-about-characters-die-gruesome-deaths and all your fluffy pets to clutch in particularly gory moments and let me tell you the story of two brothers who are only still alive (you know, un almost all of Thal's friends) cause they each have a person by their side whose brains don't shut down every time they panic. (I imagine both Lyris and Fanvi with raised eyebrows half of the time when their boyfriends get ideas. Someone give them a raise.)

Basically this is the story of two road trips with different goals but the same destination: Varle. (Lovely weather, great architecture, nice food and the best place to watch the public execution of people of various ages - they don't descriminate there! Fun times! Unless you were born with the wrong magic of course.)

Thaleon wants to go there because the last father figure and the second to last brother figure he still has are about to be executed for being decent human beings who wouldn't turn a little boy over to that exact same fate years ago and he naturally wants to save them.

Dawyn doesn't actually know he wants to go there, he's just following his - once again lost - little brother, probably thinking about putting a tracking device on him. Fanvi ly already has ideas.

Thaleon tries to get help from a group of valekyns whose goal it is that mothers can savely tuck their children into bed without being afraid. They also kind of enjoy torturing and killing (mostly) innocent people to reach their righteous goal. Thal hates them for it, while still sometimes understanding where they're coming from.

Dawyn tries to get help from a group of wehrs whose goal it is that mothers can savely tuck their children into bed without being afraid. They also kind of enjoy torturing and killing (mostly) innocent people to reach their righteous goal. Dawyn hates them for it, while still sometimes understanding where they're coming from.

Clearly, they both have excellent taste in tour groups.

Luckily, both brothers have better taste in love and so they have significant others who support them and who also kiss them sometimes, because they're both very pretty and deserve something nice once in a while. Aka we get some really nice scenes with both couples that I very much enjoyed.

Of course the main focus remains on the brotherly relationship and them trying to grapple with the fact that they're both still alive but also that the other one might potentially hate them for various reasons.
Naturally all that angst makes them very irrational at some points, leading to some missing of crucial evidence (Dawyn) and accidental stabbings of characters who shouldn't be stabbed (Thal).
There was also some fluff to be had, which made me happy of course.

Small things that bugged me (hey, honest review):

1.) Thal... Lyris... literally all of your friends just died... I know you're on a mission, but please a little breakdown here and there? Hm, kay?

2.) I have an irrational dis of the word "orbs". When I think of orbs, I think of magic stones. Or Orbeez. In this house we prefer the simple but tried "eyes" instead.

3.) I think there were a few instances of repetition that could have been cut. for example in one scene the text goes along the lines of "Dawyn didn't know what he'd do without Fanvi" and literally in the next paragraph Dawyn says: "I don't know what I'd do without you." (We all know the answer to that question: Die in some very unfashionable clothes)

I'd also still a map and maybe a glossary of some terms. That way some things introduced in one book, wouldn't have to be explained again in the next (also looking at you here, Cassie Clare!).

Otherwise, I definitely once again had lots of fun reading this story - in one go as one does - and am looking forward to the next book, in which I assume no one will die and everyone will just give each other flowers and chocolates. I'm sure nothing awful will happen to anyone (and if it does, I have a list of characters I'm willing to sacrifice for others, because I'm evil that).fantasy1 Mere1,117 35

I received a free copy of this book courtesy of the author in exchange for an honest review.

In this fourth book the action seriously picks up and holds you to the edge of your seat. Thal and Dawyn are two characters bound together through brotherhood and it is still evident in this book. Despite everything, they are brothers at heart. What I really love about this book is now that they’ve seen each other, you can see how their personalities have changed from when we’ve first met them. Thal is a lot more independent. Dawyn continues to be a worried brother. Yet, they’re both trying to do the best for those they care about. It comes through really well in this book.

Many previous characters make a reappearance in this one as well.

There is also some minor betrayal, and we see Thal struggling with his powers in this one. You continue to root for the brothers in this one. You want them to succeed, you want them to thrive. One of the major plot points of the previous three books is concluded in this one. However, it also starts the action of what is the next major plot. Everything was woven together absolutely delightfully. Hard decisions must also be made in this book, and it is difficult to talk about the fourth book in the series without going too much into spoilers. There is A LOT that happens in this book plot wise. But we also get a lot of advancement from relationships in this book. Between Thal and Lyris and Dawyn and Fanvi. It is very interesting to read how their relationships play out, differently, but both types of love.

Leem is a smooth writer. She easily transitions between characters POV’s and makes it easy reading. But not only that, their voices are distinctive enough you don’t feel you’re reading the same character over and over.

The stakes in this book just keep getting higher and higher – it’s unbelievable. I couldn’t believe how fast paced this book was. I was absolutely devouring it because I wanted to know what happened next. Of course, pretty much the rest of the series, the ending is a bit unsatisfying in regards to the fact you’re desperate to know what happens next! It’s very much a “OH GOD WHAT NEXT”.

Overall, I feel this is a solid book in the series. It works really well as it prepares to transition us to the next stage of the plot. 1 Milena Ognjanovic38 8

Wow! This has been one hell of a ride! It's really hard to write a review of this book without spoilers. I'm so attached to these characters by now that I feel they're pain and happiness as my own. As the previous books this one was also one big emotional roller-coaster. I just love how N.K. Leem writes. I love her characters, they are so easy to love. Thaleon and Dawyn went through some really hard times in this part and it seems even harder times are coming. I can't wait for the final book in the series to see how everything will be resolved. 1 Julie Anna234 12


Note: Thank you to the author for sending me an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The execution is in two weeks, and without his allies, it seems impossible to Thaleon that he will be able to stop it. But Thaleon will continue onward to Varle, even if it means death for him. Dawyn is in disbelief that Thaleon is still alive, and believing that he was taken captive, embarks on a quest to find him. But the Crown is searching for Thaleon, and the both of them will be killed if anyone finds out about his plans to help him.

After reading the end of book three of the Ledgers of a Dark Mage series, I couldn’t wait for everything that was bound to happen in book 4. And after reading Shades of Darkness, I feel I got everything out of this book and more. Between the action, the emotional scenes, and the progression of the plot, there was so much going on in this book (much the others).

It’s been a while since I’ve consistently read series, and this book was a reminder to get back into them. The characters are so well-developed from the start and having that experience from the journey made me so invested in them throughout the book. Additionally, the worldbuilding that went on in the early books contributes to the story so much over time, leaving so much room for the progression of both the story and the characters. And while I don’t mind increasingly complex worlds over time, I found the balance of this book especially perfect as the story progressed.

Other than that, my raves about this book are so similar to the other books in that my investment in the characters really drove this. There were happy moments, sad moments, tear-inducing moments, and everything in-between. This is definitely a good series to read if you enjoy fantasy series and to experience the journey with the characters (with both the good and bad)!

This is by far my favorite book in the Ledgers of a Dark Mage series so far. While all of the books were packed with intense storylines and a rollercoaster of emotions, this book was my most anticipated in the series so far, and I’m glad to have finally read it.

CW: Death of a prominent character, mentions of past traumas, violence

You can find more of my here: www.julieannasbooks.com
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