
Los misterios de Madrid de Muñoz Molina, Antonio

de Muñoz Molina, Antonio - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Los misterios de Madrid


Un Madrid a principios de los noventa, convertido en un escenario a la vez muy preciso y fantasmagórico. Una peripecia detectivesca en la que Muñoz Molina otorga un papel preponderante a un registro irónico que convierte a este relato de aventuras y desventuras en una versión actual del Cándido de Voltaire.La misteriosa desaparición del Santo Cristo de la Greña lleva a Lorenzo Quesada a la capital española, en donde se suceden las historias más disparatadas, con los más variopintos personajes y situaciones de lo más descabellado.La conjunción de enérgica inventiva expresiva y honda percepción humana de esta obra personal llena de coherencia, confirmó en Muñoz Molina a uno de nuestros principales escritores.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

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Ho questa idea: fare un grande e imponente lavoro; dovrebbe essere esattamente come un romanzo, con un'unica differenza: ogni sua parola dovrebbe essere vera.
Parole di Truman capote che progettava il suo “A sangue freddo”.

Un altro romanzo-inchiesta, o romanzo-documentario, di Svetlana Aleksievic: questo è dedicato alla guerra in Afghanistan, all’invasione che l’Unione Sovietica iniziò nel 1979 con la scusa di appoggiare l’esercito regolare di quel paese contro l’attacco di forze giudicate guerrigliere (prima di tutto i cosiddetti mujaheddin), e secondo il governo sovietico finanziate da forze straniere (USA, Cina, Pakistan, Iran, Arabia Saudita, UK).
L’invasione durò dieci anni e fu un bagno di sangue. Un milione di giovani sovietici, uomini e donne, furono impegnati e direttamente coinvolti.
Alla fine i sovietici furono costretti a ritirarsi senza aver ottenuto che un nulla infernale. Un po’ come quello che era successo a gli USA in Vietnam: uno sforzo bellico enorme, perdite ingenti, violenza sfrenata, nessun risultato. Da qui, appunto, la definizione di Vietnam Sovietico.

L’occhio e l’attenzione della Aleksievic, come sempre affamata di realtà, è diretto a chi ha combattuto quella guerra, i soldati dell’Armata Rossa, molti dei quali tornavano a casa dentro una bara di zinco (da cui il titolo del libro). Oltre che ai combattenti sovietici, agli ausiliari, al personale medico, alle donne coinvolte. E poi ai aprenti di vittime e reduci. Un impianto corale dove come suo solito Aleksievic intreccia le testimonianze ai dati storici, statistici, ai fatti di cronaca.

Aleksievic ascolta molte voci di donne, come quella dell’infermiera, che racconta le molestie subite dai compatrioti, i tentativi di violenza dai quali è riuscita a difendersi.
Come la madre che accoglie felice e gioiosa il figlio reduce dal fronte, per poi accorgersi che è sempre più silenzioso, sempre più legato ai suoi commilitoni, sempre più portato alla violenza, come se la guerra non fosse rimasta laggiù, ma lo avesse seguito a casa.
Non sono neanche più riuscito a indossare i miei jeans e le mie camicie di prima della guerra, perché erano ormai gli abiti di un altro, di una persona ormai estranea, anche se mia madre mi assicurava che avevano conservato il mio odore.

Uno degli aspetti che emerge con più vivezza è la relazione tra menzogna e verità, la prima a carico dello stato, del potere, dell’ufficialità, la seconda conosciuta da chi è stato al fronte: quello che era stato spacciato per dovere internazionalista e fratellanza col popolo afghano, “vigilanza contro gli intrighi dell’imperialismo” e “sostegno della giusta lotta dei popoli per la libertà e l’indipendenza”, si mostra inesistente di fronte a una guerra affrontata senza la minima preparazione tecnica e in condizioni atroci. I reduci, partiti pieni di belle illusioni e buoni sentimenti, di un romanticismo ingenuo, si trasformano in marionette di un gioco ben più grande di loro, si scontrano con la realtà di un carnaio indicibile, e la vanità del loro intervento, del loro sforzo. Un prezzo da pagare davvero troppo alto.

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Elio Vittorini scriveva a proposito della guerra che conobbe di persona, la seconda mondiale:
Ma forse non ogni uomo è uomo; e non tutto il genere umano è genere umano. Questo è un dubbio che viene, nella pioggia, quando uno ha le scarpe rotte, acqua nelle scarpe rotte, e non più nessuno in particolare che gli occupi il cuore, non più vita sua particolare, nulla più di fatto e nulla da fare, nulla neanche da temere, nulla più da perdere, e vede, al di là di se stesso, i massacri del mondo.

bielorussa reportage russia119 s ????? ??????Author 23 books27.1k

?? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ????? ??? 117 s ??????????342 2,421

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83 s Jim381 91

I remember back in the '70s having to sit through long presentations regarding the Soviet Union and the military might thereof. These briefings were given by American military personnel and the general theme was that the Soviet Union was an evil empire, armed to the teeth. It seemed that they had endless munitions and hordes of personnel under arms, all of whom wanted our stuff. They had no stuff in the Soviet Union, we were told, and they would be coveting our stuff, which we had in abundance. Some of this propaganda had a grain of truth in it: the Soviets were starved for consumer goods and they did have a lot of men under arms, but the weaponry was outdated and defective and the soldiery reluctant and usually coerced into service. And while there was a shortage of consumer goods, even the most fashion-conscious was unly to risk death for a pair of jeans. Somehow the people doing the briefings neglected to mention that part. In short, while the Soviet Union had enough punch to mess the world up considerably, they were extremely unly to start anything, military bombast notwithstanding.

After the "invasion" of Afghanistan, I recall even more anti-Soviet propaganda. One US-based military magazine sought donations to purchase ammo for the mujahidin. If I recall correctly, the slogan was "Kill a commie for Mommy" or some such blather. I have often wondered if anyone ever contributed and, if so, whether any of the contribution actually made it to Afghanistan. I guess what I'm getting at with all of this preamble is that we were pretty much brainwashed into an intense dis of all things Soviet.

This book is the result of many personal interviews the author conducted with returned soldiers and civilians and also with the next of kin of those who were returned in zinc coffins, or zinky boys as they became known. Alexievich has managed to put a human face on the Soviet soldier for me, and I have come to realize that soldiers are soldiers the world over. Our governments start wars, and governments legislate soldiers into action whether the soldier s it or not.

In the case of the Russians, many of them were told that their intervention in Afghanistan prevented the takeover of the country by the USA, which was on the point of invading. Many soldiers were told they were being airlifted to some other destination, only to find themselves in Afghanistan when the plane touched down. Some volunteered for the job, as the bazaars in Afghanistan had more consumer goods than the Soviet shops. Ponder that for a moment; a backwater Afghanistan having more produce than your home country!

Life was hard for these soldiers. The Soviet army turned a blind eye to the constant hazing and abuse of recruits. New soldiers were routinely robbed and beaten by the older soldiers or "grandfathers". An excerpt from a soldier's letter home:

"Mum, buy me a puppy and call it Sergeant so I can kill it when I get home." (p.46)

Even the female civilian employees were not free from abuse. They volunteered for service; some for patriotic reasons, some for the extra pay, and yet others for the shopping opportunities. Whatever their motivation, they were universally assumed to have come hunting for men. Sadly, many of them felt a need to take on a man as protection against the predations of others. Better one devil you know than many you don't.

Alexeivich has really been able to express the anguish and heartache of those who came back to a country that was so neglectful that Afghanistan casualties, Zinky Boys, were not allowed to be buried in the same section of a cemetery, they were a collective dirty secret. I won't even go into the sense of loss and betrayal expressed by grieving mothers who were never given adequate details regarding the death of their respective children. In spite of this, the reaction to the author's work was mixed, and I leave you with this final quote from a call she received:

"Who needs your dreadful truth? I don't want to know it!!! You want to buy your own glory at the expense of our sons' blood. They were heroes, heroes, heroes! They should have beautiful books written about them, and you're turning them into mincemeat" (p.187)afghanistan military-non-fiction soviet-union81 s Metodi Markov1,441 359


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2020 anthology favorites ...more78 s Pavel Nedelcu368 122


Aleksievic da voce a coloro che non sono mai stati sentiti, ai combattenti sovietici in Afganistan (i cosiddetti afgancy), ma anche alle infermiere e impiegate e alle madri di chi è stato inviato là tra il 1979 e il 1989. Atrocità terribili, sofferenza per chi se n’è andato, propaganda imbevuta di patriottismo e barre di zinco che non potevano essere aperte dai familiari di chi moriva in combattimento.

Un segreto di stato come molti altri nell’Unione Sovietica, anzi, ancora più perfido e subdolo, che ha distrutto intere famiglie mai risarcite, mai ascoltate. Una guerra voluta dai vertici politici sovietici di quel periodo, senza alcun senso, dispendiosa, inutile – in cui morirono più di 20 000 e ne rimasero feriti 50 000, tra i sovietici, ma anche mezzo milione di afgani!

Ecco allora cos’era questa “grande causa internazionalista e patriottica” di cui si parlava nei giornali in Unione Sovietica, senza mai ammettere ufficialmente che si trattava di una guerra vera e propria. Non si potrà mai sapere com’è stata davvero la guerra dai libri di storia. Le testimonianze orali di chi l’ha vissuta, invece, sulla propria pelle, sono qualcosa di prezioso e da conoscere assolutamente.

A pensare, poi, che dal 2001 ad oggi in Afganistan ancora si combatte…
UPDATE: non più, ma la situazione è ancor peggiore.nobel-prize-literature non-fiction72 s Mohamed AlAuthor 2 books5,192

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I could not and still cannot read this book for more than 10 pages at a time. I put it down, wipe my tears, walk around the house a few times, and get back to it with some wariness. One of my friends/students once said to me, "Never, never teach a class on Afghanistan without this book." Or for that matter on war.

The love of a mother for her son (and sometimes daughter) has never, for me, been so strongly conveyed as in this book. The fear and idealism of the soldier never opened up so carefully, so delicately, so warmly, so precisely. The collective delusions of a society never conveyed so irresistibly as tides, as a gravity that pulls everyone to tragedy, to the inevitable implosion of one's naivete, towards one's desire to be find out that one is indeed a fool, a loving fool, but a fool.

That these are soviet soldiers speaking about their experience in Afghanistan brings home the significance of this book in elliptical ways. The indirectness of the blows Aleksievich delivers compound their deft, deadly, efficiency. Through the particular the universal speaks. And, as it speaks it carries itself to and through another particular. The Soviets and the USAers -- twins.

Read this book and be changed. Read it again and again be changed. Read it a third time and ask yourself if we do not discover our humanity by tragedy alone.

A good film to watch as a companion to this book: The Thin Red Line (1998)
favorite-books-of-a-lifetime63 s Taghreed Jamal El Deen638 628

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??? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ?????, ????? ????????? ??? ?? ????????????? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? review ??? ??? Goodreads: "Read this book and be changed".

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The Enduring Shame of War

War is a nightmare. It remains a nightmare longest for those soldiers who have survived it. The truth is that they don’t survive it, they re-live it one way or another for the rest of their lives. And what they re-live is exactly what all combat soldiers do: the utter absurdity of what they have accomplished.

So this book, although written in 1990 reporting the thoughts, memories and regrets of young Russian soldiers and surviving family members, female civilian employees and nurses who were assigned to Afghanistan, is indistinguishable from the reported experiences of American young men in VietNam twenty years before or of the British and American soldiers who followed the Russians into Afghanistan thirty years later. Roughly a half-century of experience of violent death. This experience is always the same for the grunts who do the shooting and diving for cover, and who suffer from the fear and discomfort of patrols, outposts, and missions that they know are not only dangerous but also ill-founded and useless.

And the personal consequences for these soldiers are virtually identical: alienation from family and friends, drug addiction, psychotic episodes, psycho-somatic disabilities, and a host of other maladies generally known as PTSD. It has become clear that every front-line combatant suffers deeply and permanently from the experiences of killing, being the constant target of killing, and the witnessing of comrades being killed and maimed. The Russians put the situation succinctly:
“… in order to experience the horror you have to remember it and get used to it. Within two or three weeks there’s nothing left of the old you except your name. You’ve become someone else… It’s a total transformation, it happens very quickly, and to practically everyone… everyone’s damaged in some way, no one escapes intact.”

But there is something else that is now also becoming evident. The most enduring effects of combat may not be in the soldiers but in the societies to which they and the bodies of their colleagues return. The introduction to the book is by a veteran of the American War in VietNam who was part of the interviewing process among the Russians. He is very clear about the central commonality between his comrades and the young Russians:
“… of all the comparisons between the American GIs who fought in Vietnam and the young Soviets who fought in Afghanistan, perhaps the most remarkable and consistent is their bitterness towards their governments. Both groups of men feel profoundly betrayed, and it is having been lied to that most sticks in the craw.”

Warfare destroys the fabric of the society that undertakes it. The hundreds of thousands, indeed millions, of disillusioned young men who have been through combat experience and return carry with them this sense of betrayal. They may hesitate to talk about their experiences of death, privation, and suffering. But this betrayal is unavoidably communicated to spouses, family and friends. They are the vectors for a social virus which is unstoppable. Neither the absurd restrictions imposed by the Soviets about discussion of military experience, nor the equally absurd propaganda by the US government about the national duty to stop communism could halt the spread of suspicion that the real enemy is the government.

That the Russian war in Afghanistan was a precipitating factor in the fall of the Soviet state, I think is unquestionable. That the American war in VietNam started a significant if less drastic change in American politics beginning with the Reagan administration and subtly spreading at state level is also ly. That the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan contributed to the breakdown of traditional political party positions in America and the eventual elevation of Trump and his divisiveness is explicit. Wars kill more than people. War destroys trust in organisations and institutions far removed from the battlefield. War demands deceit within the nation that pursues it.

But the deceit involved in war goes even deeper than governmental and military lies, distortions and cover-ups. All of these recent wars were popular in the sense that there was wide-spread public support for their prosecution. In each the stated motivations and objectives were noble: to free, to protect, to build, to develop. Families were proud to send their sons to do their patriotic duty. Everyone was re-assured by the statements of political leaders that military involvement was both necessary and essentially short-term. When the facts of the case emerged, it was clear that the public had been duped. Or rather, they had duped themselves through their naive confidence in largely vacuous concepts justified warfare, theories of strategic vulnerability, the evil of socialism (or capitalism). They, not their governments were the real culprits. They didn’t just allow war, they promoted it.

Shame is an overpowering emotion. The testimony of soldiers is literally shameful in a population that knows it has erred grievously. The public response to soldiers returning from VietNam was exactly the same as for the Russians returning from Afghanistan - shame. The soldiers were the scapegoats for that shame but it resided in those who mocked them, blamed them, accused them, and ignored them. And this shame has a cultural half-life longer than the generation alive during the conflict.

Shame, because it is so unbearable, gets passed along surreptitiously. And it shows up in a sort of self-hatred of the kind visible in America and Russia at the moment. They cannot admit to their own monstrously bad behaviour. So they turn on each other and create diversionary issues - abortion rights, immigration horrors, budget deficits - to avoid confronting the shame.

So the shame lingers and festers. Given an opportunity it provokes the need to demonstrate confidence, bravado, to mask its presence. And the process of war begins its cycle once again. As a Russian artillery officer put the situation: “Our children will grow up and deny their fathers ever fought in Afghanistan.” But those children will probably be sent to fight somewhere else.biography-biographical slavic war46 s ??? ?????Author 1 book5,011

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https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/...????-??????-????39 s E. G.1,112 776

From the Notebooks

--Boys in Zinc

Post Mortem
'Boys in Zinc' on Trial
4-star biography-memoir-letters non-fiction ...more36 s Jonathan775 109

Visceral, searing, and full of emotion. Svetlana found herself "having" to write this book, I think. She opens the book with her going to Afghanistan and not wanting to cover yet another war after her emotional experience in publishing War's Unwomanly Face. She, however, realized these people's stories had to be told, especially with the at-home propaganda machine churning out nonsense "Our brave international soldiers are planting trees, paving roads, and helping the Afghan people."

Much any war that is not popular or considered a mistake, the combat veterans heavily contemplate why exactly they were fighting, dying, and mentally scarring themselves. Given how the veterans were treated when they returned home by their politicians, the civilians, etc., I am even more completely comfortable calling this Russia's Vietnam.

An incredible learning experience for me that Svetlana doesn't shy away from is how many Soviet women were involved in the war. I was unaware of this facet within the war beyond medical staff and how often they bled and died just the men.

The author closes her book with various transcripts of the court proceedings brought against her once the book was published. People who the KGB pressured to rescind their statements and say she twisted their words. Mercifully just about across the board, the court sided with the author.cold-war37 s Sarah ~819 865

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2017 favorites nobel-prize-in-literature35 s ???? ????641 2,205

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i-recommend-it-2u ?????-???-????? ????????-?????-?????? ...more42 s João Carlos646 301

Maldito sejas, Afeganistão!

”Rapazes de Zinco” (1989) é mais uma obra da escritora e jornalista bielorrussa Svetlana Alexievich (n. 1948), galardoada com o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 2015 – “pela sua escrita polifónica, monumento ao sofrimento e à coragem na nossa época.”
O seu projecto literário Vozes da Utopia congrega cinco obras: ”A Guerra Não Tem Rosto de Mulher” (1985), ”As Últimas Testemunhas” (1985) (a ser editado em Portugal em 2017), ”Rapazes de Zinco” (1989), ”Vozes de Chernobyl” (1997) (4*) e ”O Fim do Homem Soviético” (2013)(4*) – e representa um novo género literário de não-ficção em que dá voz aos intervenientes, num estilo documental conjugado a partir de entrevistas, numa prosa de invulgar concisão, dominada por uma sensibilidade desconcertante, sobre histórias dramáticas e trágicas que envolveram homens, mulheres e crianças, em inúmeros contextos geográficos, políticos e sociais.
Em ”Rapazes de Zinco” a temática é a guerra: no caso específico a Guerra do Afeganistão 1979 – 1989 ou a Guerra Afegã-Soviética na qual existiu o envolvimento militar directo das tropas da União Soviética num contexto da Guerra Fria, onde assistimos mais uma vez, tal como já sucedera em outras guerras, ao dissimilar da mentira, a verdade nesta circunstância é um conceito relativo; neste caso específico, para os cidadãos soviéticos, as tropas tinham sido enviadas ao Afeganistão para trabalharem em projectos humanitários e de construção de infra-estruturas, cumprindo-se um dever enquadrado como ajuda internacional.
”Rapazes de Zinco” é um livro cruel – a guerra decorre no terreno, mas os mortos são enterrados em segredo, dentro dos famigerados caixões de zinco – um relato a várias vozes de mulheres, mães e esposas - viúvas, e de ex-combatentes, sobre os jovens, homens e mulheres, que ou não regressaram vivos ou dos que regressaram vivos, retornam como “outras pessoas”; numa guerra que durou quase dez anos, com mais de quinze mil mortos e mais de quatrocentos e cinquenta mil feridos e doentes, e que deixou um rasto destrutivo, na minha perspectiva, mais individual do que colectiva, gerando comportamentos e atitudes irremediavelmente dominadas pelo ódio das pessoas - ex-combatentes e outros cidadãos - que no regresso têm a percepção da mentira e da inutilidade de uma guerra que acabou perdida contra as forças da guerrilha afegãs.
Svetlana Alexievich em ”Rapazes de Zinco” confere, igualmente, um enquadramento sinistro entre as relações de militares e das mulheres civis, voluntariadas para servir e socorrer, e que rapidamente se vêem enredadas em exigências sexuais implacáveis; ou da indiferença burocrática decorrente dos que são enviados mortos – nos caixões de zinco – sem que possam ser rapidamente entregues às famílias ou sequer que possam abrir os caixões; ou do desespero e do calvário dos que regressam, marginalizados e excluídos como párias da sociedade - os "afgan": ”Percebi que aqui ninguém precisa de nós. Não interessa o que passámos. É desnecessário, incómodo. E nós também somos desnecessários, incómodos.
Acordo de manhã e fico contente se não me lembro do que sonhei. Não conto os meus sonhos a ninguém, mas eles regressam... Sempre os mesmos…”
(Pág. 197 – 198)
No final de ”Rapazes de Zinco” há uma secção dedicada aos vários julgamentos e às várias acções intentadas por um grupo de mães de combatentes mortos no Afeganistão e por ex-militares contra Svetlana Alexievich.
”Rapazes de Zinco” é um livro implacável sobre o horror e o inferno da Guerra do Afeganistão 1979 – 1989 ou da Guerra Afegã-Soviética.

l2017 nobel-prize non-fiction31 s PGR Nair47 78


When I read a few days ago in Ladbroke betting site that Svetlana Alexievich, the great Belarusian writer, is topping as a probable candidate for 2015 Nobel prize for literature, I felt a palpitation in my heart. Ever since I read her book Zinky Boys, I have been a great fan of this writer. Now that she has won the prize, my joy knows no bounds as she is a truly deserving writer to win Nobel Prize. I own two books of her-Zinky Boys and Voices from Cherneobyl. Both of them fall into a kind Oral history of ordinary people entangled in the events that are beyond their control; superhuman events that had torpedoed their life- The Soviet Invasion of Afghan and the Chernobyl Nuclear tragedy. The throng of tragedies that she portrays through episodic narration from the voices of the people and witnesses she had interviewed after the events overwhelm any sensitive reader. The trauma of ordinary people who were incapacitated by the immensity of sorrow as a result of the unforeseen events acquire extraordinary dimension as we read them.

Zinky Boys chronicle the stories of mothers, Generals, widows, Privates, nurses, Civilians and even Military advisors who were traumatized by the soviet invasion of Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. The war claimed about 50,000 Soviet causalities, most whom were young boys recruited to fight the Afghan Mujahideens. The Soviet dead were shipped back home in sealed zinc coffins (Hence the term ‘Zinky Boys’. The title is an ironic allusion, on the one hand to the zinc coffins used by the Red Army in this war, on the other hand to the Soviet imagery of ‘steel men’, soldier and workers in heroic narratives of earlier wars.) while the state was denying the tragedy and even the very existence of a conflict in Afghanistan. The whole book as I said is a chorus of voices; voices that reverberate with pain and agony. They offer a unique and hauntingly powerful insight into the realities of war and how the iron curtain of Soviet Union made it invisible and improbable.

Here is an excerpt. Note how she builds up the emotional crescendo by repetitions and associations to simple aspects of her child.


He was always small. He was as small as a girl when he was born, just couple of kilos, and he grew up small. I’d cuddle him and call him my little sunshine.

The only thing he was afraid was spiders. Once he went out to play. We’d bought him a new coat and when he returned I hung it up in the cupboard and went into the kitchen. A few minute later I heard this strange noise , shelp-shlep, shlep-shlep. The entrance-hall was full of frogs. They were jumping out of his pockets. He picked them all up. ‘Don’t be frightened Mum,’ he said, stuffing them back in pockets, ‘they’re nice little creature’. My little sunshine…

He loved toys to do with war, tanks, machine guns, pistols. He’d strap guns round himself and march round the house. ‘I ‘m a soldier, I’m soldier.’
When he went to school, we couldn’t find a uniform to fit him and he was lost in the smallest one they had. My little sunshine…

Then they took him off to army. I prayed he wouldn’t be killed. I prayed he wouldn’t be beaten up and humiliated by the bigger, senior ones-he was so small. He told us how they could force you to clean out the toilets with a toothbrush and wash out other people’s underpants. That’s what I was afraid of. He wrote and told us when he was being posted and to send him photos of his mum and sister….*

He didn’t write where he was being sent. Two months later we had a letter from Afghanistan. ‘Don’t cry, Mum, our flak-jackets are very good,’ he wrote. ‘Our flak-jackets are good…’ My little sunshine….

I was already expecting him home, he had a month more to go in army. I managed to buy him some shirts, and a scarf, and shoes. They’re still in the cupboard.
The first thing I knew about it was when a captain from headquarters arrived.

‘Try to be strong, mother…..’ That’s what he called me.

‘Where is my son?’

‘Here in Minsk. They’re bringing him now.’

I fell to the floor. ‘My little sunshine. My little sunshine.’ I got up and threw myself at the captain. ‘Why are you alive and my son dead? You’re big and strong and he’s so small. You’re a man and he’s just boy. Why are you alive?’

They brought in the coffin. I collapsed over it. I wanted to lay him out and they wouldn’t allow us to open the coffin to see him, touch him, touch him….Did they find a uniform to fit him? ‘My little sunshine, my little sunshine.’ Now I just want to be in the coffin with him. I go to the cemetery, throw myself on the gravestone and cuddle him. My little sunshine….

( *As part of the regime of military secrecy conscripts are generally sent to their units straight from the training-camp)
I know there are puritans who consider that interviews and oral history are not literature in the sense intended by Nobel and the sense employed by the Academy all these years. I do not bear any disinclination to "creative-nonfiction" or "Journalistic Literature" (an excellent example in this genre is that of the late Polish Journalist and writer Ryszard Kapu?ci?ski whose works "Emperor", "Sha of Iran" and "Another day of Life" are marvellous testaments of intercultural encounters and life in turbulent times in Ethiopia, Iran and Angola) so long as the works are great testaments of humanity. Well, this genre is not new also as many writers Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Gulag Archipelago), Truman Capote and Oliver Sacks have written similar works.

The greatness of that Svetlana Alexievich lies in the fact that though the book is written as a collage of polyphonic voices, th
Autor del comentario:

He leído este breve libro en cuestión de días para una asignatura de literatura de viajes, y me ha sorprendido gratamente. Soy lectora de Muñoz Molina, especialmente en su faceta de cronista de ciudades como Nueva York (Ventanas de Manhattan es una delicia). Esta novelita, aparecida en capítulos en El País en 1992, es encantadora a la vez que entretenida y llena de ironía. El retrato de Madrid, muy poco favorecedor, me ha hecho reír y al mismo tiempo sentirme inevitablemente identificada con el provinciano Lorencito Quesada. Al fin y al cabo también yo soy provinciana en esta ciudad que algunos días es hostil y otros te arropa en su caos. La exageración es una constante a lo largo de la trama y eso la hace todavía más desternillante, a pesar de las trapisondas que le ocurren al desgraciado protagonista. Si tengo que sacarle una pega, el léxico que emplea el autor es muy a menudo pretencioso - para referirse a situaciones y cosas muy sencillas de nombrar - y me ha obligado a leer con el diccionario cerca.acci-n ciudades2 s Elrond153 1 follower

Nunca me había atrevido con este autor y ahora por obligación me ha tocado hacerlo. Un relato brillante con un paseo literario por Madrid bastante enriquecedor que hará que no vea muchos lugares con la misma perspectiva.2 s Takoneando entre libros722 104

Solo puedo decir una cosa de este libro: que hacía tiempo que no me lo pasaba tan bien y me reía tanto con una historia.
Es difícil describir la novela sin destripar nada.
¿Qué nos podemos encontrar?
Es una novela de aventuras, una sátira fabulosa, una mezcla entre novela negra cañí y novela de humor. Y por supuesto es un libro con una prosa magnífica que hace que desde el comienzo te veas inmersa en la historia y no quieras salir.
Un paseo espectacular por un Madrid que nos muestra distintos lados de la ciudad y sus habitantes con todo lo que conlleva.
Una aventura absurda e ingenua, unos personajes carismáticos y unos diálogos y situaciones que me han sacado carcajadas muy bestias.
A veces me recordaba a una mezcla de Sin noticias de Gurb y de Las aventuras del marqués de Sotoancho tanto en humor como en calidad de escritura.
En fin, que no puedo nada más que animar a la lectura de este libro.1 Alfredo Vazquez104 2

Entretenida historia que cuenta las peripecias de Lorencito Quesada que viaja a Madrid con la misión de recuperar una venerada imagen en la semana santa de su pueblo de Jaén. Sus entretenidas aventuras por los barrios marginales, los sex shops y los tablaos flamencos del Madrid de los 80 se devoran en dos tardes. La forma en que está contada me recuerda al protagonista loco de las novelas de Eduardo Mendoza (El laberinto de las aceitunas, El misterio de la cripta embrujada, etc.). La historia es puro entretenimiento sin pretensiones, con un desenlace bastante inverosímil. Me divirtió1 Elisabeth116

Ha sido una lectura graciosa, esperaba tan poco que me ha sorprendido para bien. Sobretodo lo más reseñable es la calidad narrativa, está tan bien narrado que te metes de lleno en la historia enseguida.1 Eba MunozAuthor 28 books149

91/ 2023

Este libro ocupa un lugar muy especial en mi vida y en mi biblioteca personal, y os voy a contar por qué.
Yo era una estudiante de 1° de Bachillerato cuando mi profesor de Literatura (nunca te había contado esto, profe) nos lo mandó como tarea de Navidad leer este libro y hacer sobre él un trabajo que tenía unas pautas muy originales, incluyendo una parte de creación literaria.
A esa edad aún me faltaba mucha literatura y no podía saber que este libro tenía un registro muy distinto a los habituales del autor, pero tampoco me hizo falta para disfrutarlo como una enana. El primer día de vacaciones ya me lo había leído, entre lágrimas de risa y mucha emoción. Al tercer día ya había hecho todo el trabajo, que era bastante extenso, pero que me hizo disfrutar incluso más que el propio libro.
Julio Izquierdo Asensio, mi profesor, se convirtió sin él saberlo (aunque quizás sí lo sospechó con los años, ya que pedí hacer mis prácticas del CAP con él) en una inspiración. Yo, que por mi situación peculiar, había aceptado la dolorosa realidad de no ir a la Universidad, me vi batallando internamente contra eso: yo quería ser profesora y no una cualquiera, sino como él, y poder transmitir a otros nuestra pasión por la literatura y la lengua. Así que, cuando acabé 2°, ya no había otro plan para mí que ser profe de Lengua y Literatura; una tan buena como él, o casi.
Años más tarde, siendo ya profe, decidí homenajear a esa persona que cambió mi rumbo sin saberlo y mandé él mismo libro a mis alumnos de Primero de Bachillerato, con un trabajo inspirado en el que hice yo como alumna.
Y ahora, alejada ya de las aulas y la tiza, lo he escogido de nuevo para inaugurar el club de lectura que dirijo en el Hogar del Jubilado. Y les está encantando. Y yo estoy encantada con eso.
Acabo de terminarlo de nuevo entre carcajadas, porque es una sátira deliciosa que fusiona la novela negra con la humorística, elegante, inteligente en su parodia.
Cómo he vuelto a disfrutarlo.
Y a ti, profe, gracias, gracias, gracias por cruzarte en mi camino y enseñarme tantas cosas.1 Liz Estrada378 5

Cómo siempre, me encantó la manera de escribir de Muñoz Molina. Una sátira picaresca y detectivesca en el Madrid de los 90. El protagonista, Lorencito Quesada, un paleto de Andalucía, va a Madrid para tentar descubrir la misteriosa desaparición del Santo Cristo, una relíquia de semana santa de su pueblo. Poco sabe todo lo que le va a pasar en esa ciudad "pecadora".

Entre una y otra aventura, Lorencito conoce a un Madrid caótico, extraño, con personajes siniestros y llenos de misterios. Un ingenuo en "la gran ciudad" no sabe a quien confiar y tiene que virar se solo. La historia se torna una farsa que recuerda a Voltaire. Vale la pena leerlo.1 balbalu54 11

No te puedo dar el cuatro, pero no eres tú: soy yo en 2021.

Lorencito Quesada tiene que salir de Mágina cual Gurb andaluz para buscar un cristo en la pecaminosa Madrid; le pasará de todo y cada vez más descabellado. El libro está escrito deliciosamente (Lorencito adjetivando cómo va a contar lo que está viviendo es genial), con capítulos cortos que hacen que la lectura sea muy ligera (se publicó originalmente por entregas) y con una ironía que tendría que haberme divertido más de lo que lo ha hecho. Seguramente me pasa que estamos en 2021 y no a principios de los 90 (queda un poco lejano y superado un contraste así entre la capital y «las provincias»), así que lo he visto un poco viejunillo (oh, sí, el sex shop, los yonkis, la femme fatale, ¡por supuesto!...). Seguro que cuando se publicó fue más disfrutable, y quién sabe si no mejorará cuando pase todavía más tiempo.novela Jose387 17

An entertaining romp around the Madrid of the 1990's. A timid reporter from Jaen is commissioned by an aristocrat to rescue a cherished town relic which is suspected to have been stolen. Days before a big celebration where the relic is the centrepiece. His trip to the capital proves even more eventful than he expected.

This book has aged a bit, nobody from a provincial town Jaen ( the protagonist in this novel) would feel any degree of cultural shock by travelling to the "sinful" capital of Spain today, neither would they find the sort of characters depicted in the book, at least not in the same form. Easily read in one sitting, the chapters move quickly and are action-packed. The ending comes a bit too fast and furious and forced. Nevertheless, the novel is not a big investment in time and it is fun in spots. spanish Daniel Rico181 8

Esta es una novela muy ágil en la que en cada capítulo ocurre algo trascendente que te anima a seguir leyendo. En algunos momentos hasta me he reído con las peripecias del casto Lorencito Quesada por Madrid. Lo que no caso es el feo, manido y de verdad desagradable argumento en que la guapa veinteañera se acuesta con el feo, gordito, casi calvo cuarentón para conseguir algo. Sé que en el 92 no se tenía una idea clara de esto, pero hay que resaltarlo.2019 Nerea16 2

«Los misterios de Madrid» es una novela breve y entretenida. Al leerlo me he acordado mucho de Eduardo Mendoza en el estilo realista y paródico. Me ha gustado leer una historia divertida con la narrativa de Antonio Muñoz Molina. A destacar el punto de vista regionalista del protagonista ante el ritmo de vida de la capital y las descripciones que hace el autor de esos rincones tan significativos de Madrid.

Ce petit livre semble peu apprécié des amateurs de Antonio Munoz Molina. Pour ma part, j'ai passé un très bon moment en sa compagnie. C'est très drôle. L'auteur malmène son candide héros avec beaucoup de sympathie. C'est rocambolesque et pas du tout plausible, normal : il s'agit des mystères de Paris Madrid. Xabier2

La historia transcurre en pocos días con sus noches, mantiene bastante bien la congruencia del personaje principal, la parte de la caída de la furgoneta y la narración de los poblados de heroína un poco largo o poco interesante la narración, lo de dejar entrever que está vivo y habrá un giro "me gusta",... Lily142

Bien, sin más. Creo que me jugó en contra las altísimas espectativas que tenía del autor (después de haber leído "Invierno en Lisboa). La crítica social acida y mordaz muy bien. Pero la historia en sí me pareció sosa y predecible incluso me aburrió a ratos. Intentaré reencontrarme con Muñoz Molina en otra de sus obras. David268

3.5 Enrique430 208

Se trata de una comedia un tanto surrealista y simpática. Los personajes son muy particulares y grotescos. Giovanni Gregory545 4

Hijos de Pickwick. Pedro Segurola López199 2

Fantástica, irónica, divertida, melancólica historia de aventuras en el mismo centro de un Madrid muy cañí, con lo bueno y lo malo que esto significa.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Gabriel Bernasconi9

Kind of a criminals book where the hero is a very common man.
Common people can do extraordinary things with luck, bravery and perseverance (at least in fiction)traditional-fantasy Manolo51

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