
Cat's Karma de Moore, Christopher

de Moore, Christopher - Género: English
libro gratis Cat's Karma


A short story written in 1987 by Christopher Moore.
An unedited version can be found at Scribd.com.

*This version has been proofed and a cover added. eNjOy!

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An odd little, kind of fable-styled story.2 s Tom M63

Being only 12 pages, the plot is basic: Chang is a fisherman who's not the best, and accepts lower pay for his beginning-to-rot fish. Chang has a cat called Ling-Ling, for whom he brings the day's best fish. A prosperous boat owner approaches him saying that he admired his work, for little pay, and never complained. He offered his daughter for marriage. They get married, but the main fish merchant is jealous because he had tried to court the boat owner's daughter for marriage and was refused.

The spoiler: He kills Chang's wife and the cat with poisoned beef while Chang was stuck at sea in an overnight storm. Chang returns, crushed, and that night has a dream featuring a hybrid of his wife and his cat that becomes sexual. He later lives alone, but people hear cat noises that have elements of human voices as well.

This was a weird little short story. It almost felt there could have been a little more in the plot but where do you really go with a feline-human sex apparition?This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Sedna8

Dura giusto giusto la mezzoretta di decompressione prima della nanna.
E meno male, direi.

Secondo me, a giudicare dalla quantità di parole spese per giustificare genesi-metamorfosi-pubblicazione dei racconti in questione, se ne è vergognato un po' pure l'autore.racconti1 Kittaroo317 37

Raschiando il fondo del barile...1 Tony Rampling295

Bizarre little story. Darth384 11

For a short story prefaced with an almost equal length warning, telling us how bad it is, I d it quite a bit. Super fast read, and not anything you are ly to come across.christopher-moore Naomi136 16

If you are a furry, consider giving this a read.1980s kobo read-2022 ...more Cristina9

Storie parecchio brevi ma divertenti. La Strega325 33

Quello delle due novelle che ho letto assieme ("Il Karma del Gatto" e "Nostra Signora delle Calze a Rete") è un Christopher Moore indubbiamente diverso da quello che conoscevo. Meno "gigione" e forse un po' più profondo.
Delle due novelle ho preferito "Nostra Signora delle Calze a Rete".
Mi è sembrato che "Il Karma del Gatto" sia stata scritta per il solo gusto di metterla su carta, il che non costituisce ovviamente una pecca. Si tratta di una storia molto breve, ma davvero molto piacevole e scorrevolissima da leggere. Roberta1,824 303

E con il giro odierno in Mondadori ho scoperto che l'autore del divertentissimo Vangelo secondo Biff è bravo anche nei racconti seri. Bello il testo in stile orientale che da il titolo al volumetto, ma ancora più divertente la seconda storia, che prende in giro gli stereotipi sudamericani sui narcotrafficanti e sull'eccessiva religiosità.biblioteca-e-prestiti Cookie890 6

Strange short story. Shadallark187

A short story written in the fashion of a fable or an old fairy tale.fantasy Angel8

Very odd story. I enjoyed it, it made me want to get a cat! Phil Smith22

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