
The Lace Widow de Mollie Ann Cox

de Mollie Ann Cox - Género: English
libro gratis The Lace Widow


Could Alexander Hamilton be at the center of a vast murder plot engulfing Old New York? As his widow, Eliza, pieces together the puzzle, she unearths a heartbreaking secret that threatens to tear her family apart.
Perfect for fans of Sherry Thomas and Deanna Raybourn, taking us from the city’s gilded mansions to its meanest streets, Mollie Ann Cox’s debut historical mystery transports readers to center stage in a time of grave political danger.
New York, 1804. America’s beloved Alexander Hamilton lies dead after a duel with Aaron Burr. Meanwhile, Eliza Hamilton’s eighteen-year-old son, Alexander Jr., was seen fighting with a man in a tavern the night before his father’s duel and quickly comes under suspicion for murder when the man turns up dead.
Eliza searches for ways to clear her son’s name, even as she is grieving, but as she combs through her late husband’s papers, she finds evidence of a plot to steal money from the government during his tenure as secretary of state. Hamilton was accused of stealing that money, and it was a scandal that almost broke the family—but is Eliza now holding proof of Alexander’s innocence?
Deep in debt and despair, with eight children to support, Eliza turns to selling her handmade lace—and is drawn into a mysterious network of widow lacemakers who are intimately connected to New York’s high-society families. They know their dead husbands’ secrets—and soon, Eliza begins to piece together the truth.
There’s a dark plot connected with the duel, as one by one, witnesses to the bout are being killed. Now, Eliza must not only clear her husband’s and son’s names but keep herself out of the killer’s sights...M.F

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Dollycas's Thoughts 

Eliza Hamilton is grieving her beloved husband Alexander Hamilton's death following his duel with Aaron Burr when she learns her eighteen-year-old son, Alexander Jr. is under suspicion of murder after he was witnessed fighting with a man in a tavern who later was found dead. Determined to clear his name she starts by going through her beloved's papers and she finds papers covering a plot to steal money from the government. Something he was accused of while serving as Secretary of State. But the papers prove what she already knew. Her husband didn't steal that money.

Hamilton did leave Eliza in dire straights. With little money and deep in debt Eliza doesn't know how she will be able to pay her bills and provide for their eight children. When Eliza reconnects with a woman, Alice, whom she helped after her own husband's death she finds high-quality handmade lace is in demand. She decided to sell some of her family's lace as well as make some herself to sell.

Reconnecting with Alice had another benefit, it connected her other widow lacemakers who knew their husbands' secrets and are tapped into New York’s high-society families and their secrets and they are willing to help her prove her son's innocence and her husband's too. But as more witnesses to the duel are killed Eliza realizes her own life is in danger along with the lives of the women that are helping her.


Ms. Cox has written such a captivating story featuring a strong and compassionate woman in trying times. Eliza Hamilton loved her husband and would go to great lengths to provide and protect her children. Following her beloved's death she exhibited such strength, a strength that she built up from her childhood. A strength that got her through the loss of a son, her husband's death, and in this story clearing a son accused of murder. Within the pages, we get just a peek at Eliza's works to help women and children. Alexander Hamilton was not a perfect man but she was devoted to him and looked past his indecretions and imperfections. One of her daughters struggled with mental illness and that tested her but she handled it as best she could. She truly was an amazing woman for her time.

In addition to Eliza, we meet her sister Angelica who came to help her right after Alexander's death and was grieving in her own right. Angelica's husband John took on Alexander Jr's case to keep the young man out of jail. We also meet Alice Rhodes who Eliza helped through the Widow's Society. Alice introduces Eliza to the four women she shares a house with, each with their own special talents. The characters are well-crafted and distinct. They are believable and develop throughout the book.

The story is well-plotted with an excellent flow. The mysteries are complicated but Ms. Cox's writing style takes her readers right into the story so that we can untangle the clues right along with the characters. The twists and turns were well-placed and my interest continued to build with each turn of a page. Eliza was determined and resilient in her quest for the truth. I enjoyed the way the women pulled together to do almost anything to help her even when the situations turned grim.

While this is a fictional story the author truthfully depicts women's lives in the 1800s. Eliza, Alice, and her friends were unique. The Author's Note at the end of the book reveals the liberties she took with history to build this wonderful story and how she strived to stay as historically accurate as possible. I know she did extensive research to do just that. Before I read this book I didn't know much about Eliza Hamilton. I learned so much while reading The Lace Widow and what I learned piqued my desire to know more.

The Lace Widow tells the story of some strong, confident women and the situations they faced in 1804. Ms. Cox's reimagination of the weeks following Alexander Hamilton's death is compelling. The scenes were described in detail, the dialogues were crisp, and the mysteries were riveting. I truly escaped back in time with Eliza Hamilton and believe this book deserves more than 5 stars. It is my first Best Read of 2024. It is a must-read for fans of historical mysteries.read-20248 s Brenda1,378 21

The Lace Widow by Mollie Ann Cox is a gorgeously-written Historical Fiction peppered with mystery, intrigue, heartache and hope.

The author (do read her notes) bases her story on the incomparable Eliza Hamilton, an intrepid and compassionate widow with eight children in 1804 New York who finds herself in financial trouble. She must rely on herself to earn money for her family and discovers economic and emotional help in a lace-making network. Meanwhile, one of her sons is accused of a murder and a daughter often believes her beloved father is still alive. Eliza goes to unusual measures to prove her son's Innocence. Her strength and fortitude are incredible and the otyer characters are realistic.

My favourite aspect is the focus on a real-life heroine who, in the midst of her own agony, comforts others. The story is vividly drawn and very believable with flaws and hardships.

If you seek a unique perspective during a fascinating era in history, do prioritize this book. Immerse yourself completely.

My sincere thank you to Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this engrossing novel.7 s1 comment Janalyn Prude3,334 95

This is a historical fiction book about Eliza Hamilton trying to clear the name of her son Alexander Junior when he was accused of murdering one of the witnesses at his fathers dual that just happened a month before the book starts end it goes in to them having money issues and him needing his school fees paid and so Eliza start selling her lace. I found this a good read and I love reading a book where I notice names of people that owe worth mentioning from history and although the Author did have a few historical discrepancies Eliza saying she argued with Alexander before he left for the dual and that isn’t true because he stayed in the apartment above his office with his oldest boys who went to school in the city and he left Eliza a note that ended with the Best of wives the Best of women I don’t know why authors and historians to keep playing on this narrative that she woke before he left for the dual because that never happened having said that which is a minor part of the book and has no place in the plot it just irritates me this was still a good book and I think as long as you don’t have historical facts mapped in your head one you will enjoy. I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.net-gally6 s PugMom524 3

If you love historical mysteries with a strong and well written main character then this one is for you. It is evident that the author researched the people she wrote about and then brought them to life. The historical details and well-planned mystery made for a 5 star read.5 s1 comment Jan5,491 78

The daughter of a prominent New York family, the widow of Alexander Hamilton found herself in debt and worse. The witnesses to the fatal duel are being murdered and answers need to be found. To support herself and her eight children she is selling the very valuable labor intensive beautiful lace made by her elders (tatted, pillow, crochet, and woven as kitted lace was not done at that time). She is also trying to find answers with the help of those whom she has helped during the course of her life.
The story is well crafted and the characters are very clearly brought to life as are the civil liberty problems of the day and the unfair advantages of the wealthy. A good read with intensive research evident.
I requested and received an EARC from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you!duel grief grieving ...more5 s Kelsey Baguinat344 62

3.5mystery3 s Star Gater1,486 52

Stars: 4.5

Narrator: Nicol Zanzarella

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The combination of writing, story, main and supporting characters, as well as Zanzarella was the perfect recipe.

Eliza is the woman I want in my mind when I read period books. No names, and there are only a couple that fit, are coming to me right now; most authors write whiny women. Hip Hip Hooray for Cox -- Eliza is a great character. With that said, the other ladies are perfect as well. Everyone had a role and each played it beautifully. This is a book I would love to see as a series. The author has written solid characters with multiple interests; there doesn't have to be a murder in every one. I the role that the lace played. I teared up a couple times.

As far as narration, I felt the book was being read to me with few voice changes, and loved it. It didn't feel performed. Zanzarella was the perfect choice. In my head, she is what I think I sound when I read aloud -- calming and caring.

I would gift this to everyone. This is for teens going into adult books, adults. and elderly. It would make a worry-insult free audio book gift as well (nursing home). The language is classy.

Thank you HighBridge Audio for accepting my request to read and review The Lace Widow on NetGalley.3 s Cindy Spear386 20

I absolutely adored The Lace Widow historical mystery by Mollie Ann Cox. It is a fascinating, riveting story with Eliza Hamilton as its lead character. many, I have seen and loved the Hamilton musical so it was a delight to read a book that focuses on Eliza and the amazing woman she truly was. Although this is fiction, from what I have read of her, Mollie has captured her essence extremely well. It is easy to believe she was fiercely protective of her family and the lengths she would go to keep them safe. It is also understandable why she would work hard to restore the Hamilton name to good standing.

This novel also shows the enduring love Eliza had for her late husband and the grief she experienced in losing him in the crazy duel. It was evident she knew Alexander was not perfect, yet we sympathise with her realisation that he did not prepare for the possibility he might die. He left his wife and children with debts and no funds to sustain them through the trials ahead. But Eliza was a resourceful woman and despite the ugly facts, her faith and love gave her the grace, forgiveness and courage to find solutions and to overlook any imperfections. I found her portrayal both realistic and enlightening. It made me think how I would react in such a situation.

Part of Eliza’s solution to remedy her financial loss was in using the lace she had inherited from her wealthy grandmother. The title The Lace Widow hints at this. I found this an ingenious and unselfish plan on her part. She was always caring for others, providing for those in need, putting others ahead of herself—even giving up something so dear to her—for the greater good. Her faith was part of her inspiration, even though there were times when her beliefs were shaken. This is a realistic human view. As even the most solid Christian will have moments of doubt. But she never lingered on these thoughts long and charged forward with the best of intentions. Love was always at heart of her actions. Her motto: “To help others any time ‘she’ could—it was the Christian thing to do.”

The Lace Widow provides a clear depiction of women’s roles in the early 1800s and the attitudes toward the female mind. The weak thinking of the time is certainly heard in the men’s responses to Eliza’s brilliant observations. More than once when she has made astute suggestions, we see her state of mind questioned. Is she ill or overcome by grief? Did she need to lie down, see a doctor or take medicine? Yes, she was heartbroken over losing her husband but it certainly never hindered her decision making ability! In reality, she was smarter than most and their demeaning attitudes were challenged and proven wrong in the course of the novel’s events.

Everything about this novel is accomplished and rendered by an experienced hand. The plot moves at a thoughtful pace. The mysteries are carefully rolled out and solved at appropriate times. It is well written with excellent dialogue, atmospheric settings and meticulous descriptions. I was completely transported to New York of 1804. I could even imagine the heat waves that Eliza found challenging! The characters are distinct and brilliantly fleshed out. I felt as though I knew Eliza, her sister Angelica, her friend Alice and many of the other women who assisted her. There are a few admirable supportive male figures, too, and quite a daring lot of villains! A good mix of surprises and twists in the plot to keep interest high. I comfortably slipped into this story and followed the journey of justice led by the marvellous Eliza. She sought to clear her son of the false murder charge and find the real person behind it and the other deaths. Plus, she needed to expose the real thief who stole the government funds of which her husband was wrongly accused. Our heroine never gave up until the real culprits were exposed and she defied convention in doing it. Yes, she put herself in danger but her quick thinking and nimble actions brought down their vicious plots.

I will say it again, I loved The Lace Widow! It was everything I hoped and more. And now it has joined the ranks of one of my all-time favourite historical mysteries! I highly recommend this novel and give it a Bold 5 Stars. ??????????

Thanks to Crooked Lane Books and Netgalley for such a fabulous review copy.3 s1 comment Fred1,007 63

The Lace Widow is the first book in the An Eliza Hamilton Mystery series by Mollie Ann Cox.

This series deals with the life of Eliza Hamilton, the widow of Alexander Hamilton. Read the Author’s Note to learn the author’s approach to the series.

The story starts shortly after the Hamilton-Burr duel. Eliza Hamilton is on her way home when her carriage is stopped. Eliza gets out to see what the problem is and sees that the body of John Van Der Gloss is being dragged from the river. She knows he was murdered as she sees that Van Der Gloss's throat has been cut. It hits her hard as he was a good friend of Alexander and to be murdered so soon after her husband's death. Arriving at home, Eliza finds that a constable brought Alexander Jr. home, saying Alexander had been in a fight with Van Der Gloss the previous evening. Alexander claims he only hit him once and ran from the tavern. The constable will take Alexander, Jr. into custody for the murder of Van Der Gloss. When another of Alexander’s friends dies from hanging, Eliza suspects that someone or a group is trying to discredit Alexander and get rid of those who know the truth.

Eliza will start asking questions to clear her late husband’s and her son's names. She will work with the Widow’s Society, a group of widows who need help and live in a home on Pearl Street. When Eliza experiences a rock thrown through her bedroom window, she feels this is a threat to her life and takes up residency at the Widow’s Society home. From there, she will go undercover in search of the people who are trying to frame her son for murder.

The book is well-written, plotted, historically accurate, and moves at a good pace. The author does an excellent job showing how men treated their wives and women in the 1800s. The characters are well-developed, believable, and engaging. There were enough twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end.

I’m looking forward to seeing what adventures Eliza will have next.
3 s1 comment Blue338 5

Elizabeth Hamilton, the wife of Alexander Hamilton has lost her husband to a duel. Aaron Burr is responsible for the lost of the man she loved dearly. This death has shot her into the real world where rumors fly and accusations are not questioned. You have a winning card if you are wealthy and are well known. Almost before Mr. Hamilton is buried she finds herself in a fight to survive with her children and all in her household. She is no weakling. She is strong and ready to do battle. It is not the first time strangers had knocked on her door and came in to defame the Hamilton.

It is an alien world and a time when women were thought of as hysterical. Make a significant statement that pertained to your family and a state's truth and find yourself shunned. She would not allow the stereotype to take away her mind. It did hurt but she did not allow the accusers to smack her fingers and lock her behind an embroidery frame. There were so many questions not answered at this very moment. n Those questions must resound in the streets. She must take her first punch. Lace? Did I hear the word "lace?" At least, we can now vote into power those who will fight for us and with us.3 s Laura Hundley831 36

The Lace Widow by Mollie Ann Cox
Publisher Crooked Lane Books
Release Date December 12, 2023
Genre Historical Fiction

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 4/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

The first thing about this book that I enjoyed was the historical descriptions that the author was able to include in order to make the book more appealing to its readers. Cox has an uncanny ability to take a era and write as though we were in that time period. This book contains murder, grief, and the tenacity to fight for a son. I was intrigued by the way that the author pulled me into the story and did not let go. I love historical fiction and mystery and I was blessed with both in this book. The build up to the main premise is done expertly as is with the characters. They are very well developed and flawed. I will say that this is a slower paced book though. You will not be disappointed at all.3 s1 comment Roger333

Lin-Manuel Miranda'a HAMILTON introduced Eliza Hamilton to our national story and now Mollie Ann Cox jumps through that open door with a mystery set in the early weeks after the infamous Hamilton/Burr duel. In her "Acknowedgements", Cox forthrightly notes the connections between the musical and her inspirations, but this novel isn't simply an opportunistic bit of fluffery. Cox has produced an engaging cozy that has Eliza Hamilton driving an investigation into a series of murders, unveiling a complex conspiracy in the process.

To set up the story, Eliza is in the midst of mourning (an extraordinarily constrained existence at the time) shortly after her husband's death when her oldest remaining son is implicated in the murder of an old family friend, who also happens to be a witness to the Hamilton/Burr duel. Soon after, another witness, and another friend of Alexander's, is found dead. Eliza starts to ask questions despite societal expectations about what her life should be whilst mourning. Eliza's early questions become an off-the-cuff investigation into the deaths, firstly as a way to save her son and then as a means to clear her husband of accusations that he stole from the Treasury in the 1790s. Eliza's persistence and her connections to a set of women who can roam the city little-noticed quickly uncovers clues others have missed, and becomes a catalyst to violent responses from the conspirators.

Much of the action occurs out of sight, as Eliza is an observer with limited access to the powers-that-be and almost no access to the rooms where it happens. But, she does experience real peril during this story, proving herself to be an inteprid agent. The novel is at its best in depictions of life in New York City during the earliest years of the 19th century, especially life for both women who have means and working-class women.

Fans of the musical will recognize familiar themes and that does help produce a fast immersion in the story, but still knowledge of HAMILTON is not a requirement before you open this book. It is a comfortable cozy all on its own. Cox, in the process, has set the stage for additional books in the series with a wide range of supporting characters and a compelling protagonist.

Your work may be long
remembered, but it still takes
money to survive.2 s Robyn2,054 129

So this was about Eliza Hamilton, the wife of Alexander Hamilton as she attempted to fictionally clear her son, Alexander Jr. from a possible scandal that would have changed the course of his life.

The assumption is that Alexander Jr. was suspected of killing the witnesses to his father and Aaron Burr's dual. The book had a great plot and was interesting and entertaining. I guess that it might have been possible.... we will never know.

It was worth the read.

4 stars

Happy Reading!2024 historical-fiction mystrey-murder2 s Alyssa Yutko295 18

Thank you to Kate Rocks Book Tours and Mollie Ann Cox for a copy of The Lace Widow in exchange for my review.

This historical fiction novel was magic in my hands. Mollie Ann Cox does a beautiful job of weaving the story and historical accuracy together. It flowed so well together. I was entranced from start to finish.
All the characters fit into the story nicely. I enjoyed all the characters. Learning about Eliza Hamilton and the type of person she was made me love her as a historical figure. Her rebellious side and her heart of gold is the best. She was a strong woman who stood up for what was right and what she believed in. I loved McNally. I also loved all the Widows of Pearl Street. Alice was fun and loveable. She cracked me up. All the women in this story were strong women who proved you can do anything. I want to be their friend.
The storyline/ mystery was so fun. I love the way it progressed throughout the story. I enjoyed all the shenanigans all the women got themselves into.
I really hope there is another adventure soon. The author did an amazing job.2 s1 comment Nursebookie2,416 369

AUTHOR: Mollie Ann Cox
PUB DATE: DEC 12, 2023 Now Available

THE LACE WIDOW by author Mollie Ann Cox is a Historical Mystery debut about widow Eliza Hamilton who uses her wit and investigative prowess to clear her husband’s name and prove her son’s innocence. I enjoy reading historical mysteries because of how facts are weaved into a fictional murder mystery tale set in 19th century New York, and a heroine to root for.

This is a perfect read for anyone looking for a compelling mystery steeped in history and those still wanting more after seeing Hamilton, here you go! 4 s Linda Friedenberg42 7

Excellent book.2 s Barb reads......it ALL!730 30

Actually 3.5 ??s.
I loved this story and naturally now I need to read more about Eliza Schuyler Hamilton. I always think it's gutsy to build a fictional tale around a historical character and deserving on a ?? just for that.
I look forward to more sleuthing by Mrs General Hamilton.2 s Carol750 27

For Hamilton fans

Eliza Hamilton has lost her beloved husband. She is grieving with her family when men her husband knew start being killed. She feels Aaron Burr may be part of it and decides to investigate on her own. She receives some help from fellow widows from the widows' society. Meanwhile she discovers she may be short on funds and starts selling lace her grandmother had made. 2 s1 comment Melissa aka Melmo2,787

As someone who’s a HUGE fan of Hamilton, this was a must read for me. I was thrilled when I saw this pop on NetGalley, a cozy where Eliza Hamilton is the sleuth? Yes, please! I thoroughly enjoyed this cozy. The fact that the mystery ties in to the duel where Alexander Hamilton lost his life was one that I was all in for. The mystery was fantastic and the supporting characters were perfect for the story. I can’t wait for another case with Eliza and her friends. 5-star-reads-in-20232 s Dawn (noladawnreads)216 31


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