
Heist de Mj Duncan

de Mj Duncan - Género: English
libro gratis Heist


Mj Duncan Year: 2018

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overall rating 3.5*
It's difficult to rate this book because there were parts that I really didn't care about and then there were parts that I really d.

The first point being art. Growing up here in the Netherlands I was taught fairly early on all about the European masters. I really d the aspect of stealing certain paintings and by that I mean when the Matisse was mentioned I actually knew what it looked . (my CKV lerares or arts teacher in Dutch would be so proud.) However the entire process that was described in doing so just felt page filler. For me personally it didn't help creating a feeling of crime being committed because it was already obvious what the outcome of the heist would be.

My second issue would be with the characters. Admittedly the chemistry between Parker and Sheridan was great and I love a slow burn even a super slow one. I do however prefer this to be a gradual process but in this book it felt the author went from 10 to 40 mph for a LARGE part of the book and then went 150 mph for the rest. She did a way better job in Spectrum and Atramentum which I can't help compare it to.

The true saving grace for this book for me were the hilarious colleagues of Sheridan. Especially her partner Kelly (male) who provides a very welcome comic relief. One of my favorite lines of his was when he told Sheridan "sometimes you look a giraffe trying to Rollerblade when you run.”

As I said the book had its up and downs for me and ends with a 3.5* rating, I rounded it up because the two books that I have read so far from this author were great, one of them being an all time favorite. Who knows how I'll rate Veritas when I finally get around to finishing it.art-artist-designer butch-femme cops-detectives-military ...more21 s vacatedboat153

This was a really good book with interesting development. The synopsis doesn’t give away much, so I’ll just go with the simple set up of the first chapter. We have Parker Ravenscroft, who works as a recovery agent for an insurance company that specializes in historic and valuable property, and Sheridan Sloan, who is an agent for the FBI’s Art Crimes Unit. Although once friends in college, they haven’t seen one another in a while and cross paths when one of Parker’s client’s art pieces goes missing and both are brought in to investigate the theft.

At first, Parker and Sheridan spend time together because they’re investigating the same missing painting. Eventually it turns into dinners and coffee and texting, etc. Still, Parker has reasons not to get close to Sheridan and vice versa, however, it can’t be helped. Attraction happens, of course it does, this is a romance after all.

During the initial chapters, I was a little bored because much of the text was detail heavy; I found myself easily distracted by my external environment and I just wasn’t pulled in to this book for a while. The story is good, but overly detailed. For example, it was unnecessary to include every detail of what Sheridan did with her purse, her coat, her holster, her gun, her suitcase, her phone, and her heels when she came home. Because of these long paragraphs describing every little thing, I almost gave up, but am really glad that I didn’t because once I finally found myself invested in these characters, I was really invested. The excess detail continues through the entire book (so this could probably be shaved down quite a bit from its 418 pages), but the story finally picks up pace and grabbed my attention around the 50-60% mark.

I don’t want to say anything to give away the storyline, but I will say that too often I wanted to smack Parker up aside the head and scream, ‘what the hell are you thinking?!’ She does stupid things for stupid reasons and goes against everything inside of her telling her to stop. She doesn’t listen to her conscience when she really should. Now that I’ve finished the book, I’m still not sure how I feel about Parker. She was characterized as a basically good person and decent human being, but some of her actions were blatantly wrong. It’s hard to reconcile those two contradictory sides of a person, even if that person is fictional.

Sheridan, on the other hand, is just likable all the way around. Of course she’s flawed, she’s human, but she’s humble, caring, and sweet and her feelings are palpable. Duncan did a really good job of conveying the depth of Sheridan’s feelings for Parker without sliding into the overly mushy-gushy. She comes close a time or two, but manages to balance on the line without actually crossing it. If any of these two are too mushy, it’s Parker.

As for the romance, this is a slow burn that just starts with a lot of flirting. When the romance finally got going, the slow burn continued because of each character’s apprehension, but this allows the reader to experience Parker and Sheridan falling in love. It was really well done and believable. The characters don't fight to deny their attraction, which is done too often in romance, but they're careful with their steps towards one another. Duncan is really good at describing small touches and intimate gestures that bring the characters emotions alive. That said, despite the slow burn, once these two finally get together, they get together frequently, so if sex scenes are important to you, there are plenty here and they’re well written. They became so frequent, in fact, I almost wondered if all they were going to do for the rest of the story was rip each others clothes off. I did end up skimming some of the sexy-times because they got a bit redundant. Other things did actually happen after they released their sexual tension, of course, and the story comes to a conclusion. I should probably also mention that for a story with way too much detail throughout, it ended a bit abruptly and we’re fast forwarded to the epilogue. I was really hoping for more closure in regards to Parker's behavior.

Overall, I took issue with a lot of one of our MCs actions, but I still found the book entertaining. It’s written well all of Duncan’s previous novels (there are a few proofing errors, but nothing too distracting). I'd say this is more of a 3.5* for me. Deducted 1/2* for too much detail, 1/2* for the rushed ending, and 1/2* because in the end, Parker kinda of made a fool of Sheridan and there's really nothing romantic about that.kindle-unlimited11 s Susanne167 13

On her way to interview a client about artwork that was stolen, Parker Ravenscroft, an insurance art recovery expert catches up with an old college friend, Sheridan Sloan, who is a FBI agent assigned to the Art Crimes Unit. Both have an interest in recovering this artwork and if possible, catches the thief. During their investigations, the attraction and romance rekindles for Parker and Sheridan. Both have baggages from the past which may or may not complicate their budding romance.

ff-fiction ff-mystery6 s Kexx1,939 71

Oh! I was so looking forward to this as MJ is such a good author - but the premise defeated me (and that's my problem!) and once I lose faith in the actions of the characters I lose faith in the book. But she's a superb story-teller & I'll await the next with keen anticipation.art business-work-colleague lesbian-romance ...more8 s Michelle Schuler756 11


Sheridan Sloan is reserved, by the rules and dedicated to her job. Parker is charismatic, playful and in lust with Agent Sloan back from their college days. This pair has amazing chemistry and takes the time to nurture it.
As with all of MJ Duncan books, this one is outstanding. You will not want to put it down and will need to follow along with the twists and turns she creates, while having a romance blossom. I truly enjoyed the book and can't wait for more. Love her writing!4 s Megan294 7

3 stars. This book had good character development and this book was overall enjoyable. The two main characters, Parker and Sheridan both developed a lot over the course of the novel and I enjoyed watching their journey. The description of the book was light and did not really tell you the whole story, so it was interesting to mostly go into this book not knowing where the story would go.

This book is about an FBI again, Sheridan Sloan who is in the art thief department and Parker Ravenscroft who works for an insurance company, recovering lost art insured by her company. The book starts with them meeting again, after not seeing each other since college, and working a case together. They start hanging out and it evolves from there. There is another element to this story, as Parker and her brother, Oliver, are contracted to steal six rare books and are given a million dollars for each book they steal. These books would be investigated by Sheridan, if they are ever found out about

I enjoyed how slow pace the beginning of the book was. I love a lot of tension in my novels and everything building throughout the book. Once the tension finally broke, it seemed it went way too fast. It was either a snails pace or a 100 miles an hour, there seemed to be no in between. It was kind of a strange aspect. Otherwise, this was a good book. Although I am unsure I would read it again or recommend it due to that flaw since it seemed a bit odd. 3-stars lgbt2 s Alex59

I am a huge fan of all of Duncan’s books and this one is no exception. I think it contains more drama than the other books of hers that I have read, which is a good thing. I was a bit worried early on because it seemed a change of pace from her earlier novels but those worries quickly went away.

Also, having just finished binging White Collar (the show), it only made the book all that more interesting. There are obvious similarities and if you this genre and enjoyed that show, you will probably enjoy it.

The main characters were well written, the writing flowed very well, and the side characters were lovable and funny without being overbearing or taking away from the story.

Very much looking forward to more from Duncan. 1 Charlie ConwellAuthor 13 books24

Enjoyable read

This was an intriguing book that had me on edge rooting for the two of them to overcome their past to have their future. The slow build up just led to more emotions flowing for the main characters. Awesome job and would recommend1 Faraona del sol347 2

Awesome story

This is a great story I must recommend. It's romantic and spicy, charming and exciting. Sheridan and Parker are perfect together, their relationship grew slowly and strong. I enjoyed it since the first page. It's erotic, sassy and sweet, I'm a fan of the Duncan style, her writing is a mix of feelings and words that would seduce your soul.1 Gina L986

Loved It!

The story itself was well written especially since different states and countries were used. It did not alter the flow. Parker was known as the cool, gorgeous and sexy one and Sheridan who was beautiful and tough FBI agent was way lacking in self esteem thanks to her mother. When they get reacquainted, sparks fly for Parker and Sheridan who feels she doesn’t believe that Parker could be into her. That is what I enjoyed about Parker. How attentive she was, how all that mattered was making Sheridan smile, and the realization that she needed Sheridan in her life. Her brother, Oliver and Parker had pulled some sketchy jobs in the past and now Oliver wanted to start again to repay medical bills and get himself out of debt. Parker didn’t want to go back to that life but felt guilt for Oliver and the way they grew up. So she decides to help him pull off some heists which involved 6 rare books for one very rich client. But as Parker’s relationship with Sheridan, who is an FBI agent investigating the rare book case, moves forward and the L word is in her throat, she needs to tell Oliver she is out after pulling three jobs. The story unwinds from their and yes even though I do not condone robbery, I was hoping for a great ending and I think we got it. 1 Tere255 50


Love this author and she did not disappoint. This book had a lot going on in a good way. Was expecting a complete resolution to the moral issue of the story but guess there was no happy ending there. I’ll live with that since the rest was so good. I was rooting so badly for these characters that took it so slow! While at the same time confused about the role of the one in the Heist. Then rooting for her to slow down again! Sigh. Anyway, great read!1 Amy Girard34 2

Good read!

I enjoyed this book even though it seriously stressed me out. I could not believe Parker continued to help her brother and was so worried Sheridan would find out. I wasn't too fond of Ollie and how he continued to put Parker in such a predicament. Thank goodness she finally put her foot down and he came to his senses. I will say that the love and passion between Parker & Sheridan was excellent!1 Anne60 2

Heist#2 needed

Good characterizations of people with human failings kept me reading on until an abrupt ending caught me off guard and I ask for more from MJ Duncan on the expansion of the secondary characters of Kelly and Ollie.1 Melissa Clark229 14

When I saw that M. J. Duncan had a new book out, I was ecstatic. She’s one of my all-time favorite authors. Heist was a little different from her other books. It kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know how the book would play out.
I was sucked into this book from the beginning. It reminded me a bit of a mystery novel in some respects. The way that Sheridan was looking for the thief while Parker was trying to hide her involvement in the heists. I also d Parker’s motivation for stealing the books. She wasn’t doing it for the thrill or the money a lot of thieves. Parker was doing it to help her brother. When he got too greedy, she knew when to step away.

The romance aspect of the book was phenomenal. I’m a sucker for a slow burn and this book delivered. The chemistry between Parker and Sheridan was electric. Even though Sheridan was an FBI agent and Parker was a criminal they fit together perfectly.

Kelly was one of my favorite characters. The way he gently teased Sheridan about her relationship with Parker really made the book for me. Also, the way he constantly was getting bested by the women in the FBI.

The one problem that I had with the book was the way that the conflict ended. It was kind of swept under the rug. Never really brought up again. I wish it had played out more and they were forced to deal with the consequences.

I would recommend this book for anyone who loves a slow burn romance.
Collaroy191 3

DNF at about 60 %. The heist parts were plain boring, the supporting cast was annoyingly nosy to a point where you have no idea why they're the MCs BFFs because I would've hated those people.

As for the romance, there's a lot of repetition. Lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, dates. Soft smiles tugging at lips, huge amounts of affection sparkling in eyes. I usually don't mind slow burns, especially since both of the MCs have valid reasons to take it slow. But I find it utterly impossible to believe that two women that are as attracted to each other as the MCs would really content themselves with holding hands and chaste kisses for so long. Or they might, but I wouldn't buy for a second they wouldn't be sexually frustrated, big time.

Well, maybe I'm just a strollop if chastity is so hard to believe. So the plan was to stick around for the sex scenes because MJ Duncan knows how to write them. That plan went out of the window when the one MC agrees to not only one additional and unnecessary heist, but two. Lamenting the risks, but doing them anyway because why exactly? Because her brother wants the money. Wants, not NEEDS the money. So why agree?! That was just plain stupid and I didn't even want to read the sexy parts because there's no faster way to make me lose interest in a MC than to make her do stupid things.

So, no, this book wasn't for me. But since I d Veritas so much I'll still read more of MJ Duncan.didn-t-finish kindleunlimited lesfic Zingari208

This moved slowly at the beginning, and was lengthy in comparison to a lot of the books I've recently read. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and loved that the slow pacing was explained, in part, being due to Sheridan's hesitancy. Parker was a great character who proved to be honorable, even for a thief. I d the distinction of her work with Ollie versus all the others who weren't as intelligent and cunning in regards to being art thieves.

This is an HEA, but the cleanliness in which it's pulled off seems a little strange to me. Ollie's change was so quick. It is also bothering me that the case is never truly solved. Sheridan and Kelly spent so much time on the case, and while I'd hate for her to bust Parker, I also want to know if Marquis was EVER caught. Did someone steal the Shakespeare after all? The fingerprints on the fake Canterbury Tales? Did Parker ever confess? Does Sheridan still think the only lock Parker can crack is a padlock? Am I to assume Sheridan will never know what Parker has done in her past, and will totally be forgiving if it ever comes to light? I have so many questions. That all left me slightly frustrated.

Minor errors, but if you are looking for something well written with character development then give this a try.les-be-honest Theresia.3

The best slow-burn romance I've read so far. I all MJ's books, but I think this one is her best work to date. Everything falls naturally throughout the story. The chemistry between the Parker & Sheridan is palpable. It is very lovely to read how their feelings & affections grow over the course of the story. Their flirty 'non-dates' are the best part, making me feel so soft and fluffy I was on cloud nine the whole time.

Some reviewers may dis the crime part of the story and rated this quite low, but to me even the crime part is just right, not too much drama and angst to distract us from the beautiful romance, yet enough plot twists to keep us on the end of our seats. We have to keep in mind that this is a romance novel first and foremost, so it's only right that romance took the center stage.

The author gave us nice backstories to help us understand why the characters act they way they do. I hate how sometimes wonderful stories end so abruptly, leaving us wanting more, but no worries this story won't leave you hanging. The author gave us a very lovely epilogue to wrap it up nicely. Can't wait to read more from this author. Jessica Roberson247 4

Great story

I have d all of MJ Duncan's books, so when I saw this one pop up as recommended reading I bought it immediately. I wasn't disappointed! I enjoyed the tenderness between the main characters and wondered throughout the whole book if Sheridan would find out about Parker's secret. I very much enjoyed the last chapter when we get to flash forward seven years. I also chuckled each time one of Duncan's other stories were referenced.
I will note, however, that I was disappointed with some careless editing in the book. There were many, many instances of misspelled words, extra words in sentences that didn't make sense, words that were meant to be something else, even conflicting descriptions (for example, pulling a phone out of a pocket in one sentence and reaching to pick it up off a desk in the next sentence). Please respect your story and your reader enough to carefully proofread before publishing. That said, the stories Duncan creates are so good that I won't hesitate to purchase whatever she puts out for us. KAREN ROUTH28 1 follower

Wonderfully storyline!

Just finished my third read of this wonderful book! It is in the top three of this authors work! The storyline is very unique and has just enough suspense to keep things moving along great. The love story is a slow build that is sweet and then super hot and sexy! Lastly, this author knows how to end her books with the BEST epilogue ever! Buy it and then get every other book she has written as they are all that good especially Altamentem (not sure if i spelled right but was my first read of Ms. Duncan's and my all time fav) and Unadulterated Something which is an awesome book! They are my two top favs but Heist is tied with number 2! My only complaint is she does not write them fast enough! Jenn45

Great Read!

Parker is an art recovery agent who works for an insurance firm. All is perfectly legal in her world now, having gotten away from her past in art thievery with her brother, Ollie. Her world changes when she meets Agent Sheridan Sloan, of the FBI’s Art Crimes Unit, while working to retrieve a painting for one of her insurance clients. Sheridan is hard to resist.

So, is her brother, who is in desperate need of money. Ollie somehow manages to convince Parker back into a life of crime for a few easy, but lucrative heists. While the heists might be easy, negotiating them and her developing relationship with Agent Sloan becomes more difficult as the FBI starts picking up on Parker and Ollie’s crime spree trail.

I really d this book. The interaction between Parker and Sheridan is perfect. I enjoyed them together. Great chemistry. I also loved the fact they took it slow and got to know each other. There were many times they went out together after which they would ultimately explain to someone else that “it wasn’t a date”.

I also d the chemistry between Agent Sloan and her partner, Agent Kelly Innes. They are hilarious together. Excellent banter.

I’m not going to spoil anything by talking about the ending. So, there. I suppose that’s all I have to say on the matter, other than there’s a happy ending. I was hoping for a little bit more complexity at the end, but even so, I still give this book 5 stars. Trina11

Another must read from MJ Duncan. I loved the slow buildup of the romance between Parker and Sheridan and the love and loyalty between Oliver and Parker. The drama of will they get caught stealing the books and will Sheridan find out that they were the thieves kept me on the edge of my seat. I thought that the ending was perfect. It was fun seeing the references to her previous novels. I have read and loved all of MJ Duncan’s books and I think that this is my new favorite book by her. Bravo for a job well done. Marty PreslarAuthor 3 books14


This is a wonderful story, with shades of "White Collar" and "The Thomas Crown Affair". But at it's heart is the relationship between Parker and Sheridan and the way they make each other believe that love is possible after earlier relationships and conflicted interests made both of them feel as if they might never find it. The plot is complex and well executed, the characters well developed, and the chemistry between the leading ladies is electric. Highly recommended. Patricia M. Ferry119

Heist was another fantastic book by MJ. The characters, Parker and Sheridan were skeptical about getting together. Parker with a very different past of being a thief and her present job as an investigator for an insurance company. Meeting Sheridan again after many years was an awakening for Parker. Their attraction for each other was so special as it progressed that it was hard to put this book down. I recommend this book. Ty264 21

This was well written and I was really enjoying how it developed, especially the slow burn relationship. However, there is a ready made, inevitable conflict in this book, and avoiding it leaves a gaping hole in the writing. This book also needs editing because there were many more typos present than should be in a published work. Mothership 9929 1 follower

A really good read

Strong characters with a fast and interesting story. Lovely slow burn romance in
A good length book. I agree with others that the poor grammar is distracting but it's infrequent. I really enjoyed this book and will make an effort to track down more by this author. Lisa11

MJ did it again!

Loved the characters, especially how all the relationships were still intact and addressed in the epilogue. The storyline was well crafted and exciting throughout the entire book. Thanks MJ! Eugenia255 13

I have d all of this author's titles, in particular, Atramentum. But this latest book is the best I've read in a long time. From the beginning, the characters engage the reader, there's suspense, danger, travel, and oh so much love and tenderness. I didn't want it to end. I so enjoyed it,
I'm re-reading parts in case I missed details of their story. Excellent book. Don't miss it. Bookgirrll92 1 follower

Loved the slow burn

I always think this author writes well put together stories with characters that you can believe in. The slow build up to a relationships was a breath of fresh air. All in a solid book and well worth a read. amanda2

Soooooo good! I wish I could read a thousand more books by M.J. Duncan. Jesus! Melanie15

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