
Bollenti ricordi de Miranda Lee

de Miranda Lee - Género: Italian
libro gratis Bollenti ricordi


La sua vita precedente è ormai solo un vago ricordo. Che torna a farsi vivo... Nicolas Dupre, ricco impresario teatrale a New York e Londra, pensava di essersi lasciato il passato alle spalle. Quando però riceve l'invito di tornare a Rocky Creek, la piccola cittadina nella quale è cresciuto e che ha abbandonato da tempo per diventare un uomo di successo, tutto quello che aveva provato a dimenticare riaffiora prepotentemente in superficie. Inclusa Serena Harmon, con la quale tredici anni prima ha condiviso una notte di infuocata passione. Nicolas non è mai riuscito a perdonarla per averlo lasciato il mattino seguente senza una spiegazione, e ora forse avrà le risposte che cerca da quel giorno.

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First, I feel I should say that I largely skimmed this book, as it pissed me off so much. Nicolas is often pretty despicable in the beginning. I'm annoyed by the fact that part of the storyline plays on the "woman says one thing but means the opposite and the guy was supposed to know that despite all evidence to the contrary." By which I mean that Serina told Nicolas she didn't love him but he was supposed to know that she did still love him even though she turned around and started dating and eventually married another man. It was also pretty unforgivable that Serina did what she did. I have read several "secret baby" stories and generally have no huge issues with them but this one really, really rubbed me wrong. My problems with the secret baby plot in this particular book were as follows: 1. Serina got pregnant by Nicolas while engaged to another man. She chose to seek Nicolas out...while shopping for her wedding; 2. She knew the baby was Nicolas's but chose not to tell him which was both selfish and cowardly; 3. She knew the baby was not her fiancé's baby and chose not to tell him which was selfish and deceitful; 4. She married Greg while carrying another man's baby and then proceeded to pretend the baby was his, and continue the charade for 12 years--even after Greg's death; 5. When confronted about paternity by Nicolas at his mother's funeral, when their child was about 2 years old, Serina flat out lied to him. It would have been one thing if he'd been a bad person, or into sketchy business, or abusive. But Nicolas was none of those things. He was a decent enough guy (back then, in the present he's sort of a douche, but at least you get to understand why) whom she screwed over in infinite ways--first breaking up with him when he got his big break, then sleeping with him while engaged to someone else then running away, then realizing she's pregnant and it's his baby and not telling him, and finally, by cheating him of his daughters almost-entire childhood--her first breath, her first tooth, her first smile, her first time rolling over, crawling, walking, her first word... It was unbelievable that Nicolas would ever forgive Serina for such an act...she stole his daughter from him!flying-books11 s Wendy, Lady Evelyn Quince357 175

"Tell me you that you love me...You don't have to mean it. Just say it. I want to hear you say it."

Nicolas Dupre is a prideful, arrogant male who made his fortune in the music world while forming no real human attachments. Serina is the small-town girl he left behind, whom he never forgot. Not only does a twenty year old passion unite them...but there is a child as well.

Hidden, secret babies are not my thing, especially when the mother makes it appear that the child is her loving, unknowing husband's for 12 years. But Serina's husband is long dead and somehow, Lee makes it work.

Serina is far from a perfect heroine and Nicolas is much too proud. The ending is full of honest revelations, and neatly wrapped up, albeit too neatly.

However, this is a Miranda Lee book and when she's good, there is no other Harlequin Presents writer who is hotter. Compared to her works of the 1990's & early 2000's, this book is average. But compared to her recent works, this book is excellent. Plus, having a blond hero gets an automatic star from me. 4 1/2 stars for this steamy read.4-stars-and-a-half category-romance contemporary-romance ...more8 s seton713 314

Miranda Lee is my favorite HP author working today. As usual, I d the sexy and emotional depth of the writing she achieves in this book but it was not enough to overcome my distaste for the fact that this is a Secret Baby story.

This books features a couple who first get together (about) 22 years ago and have always been each other's Love of his/her Life. Since the heroine is the one who is mostly responsible for them not getting together sooner and had the dreaded Secret Baby and then, keeps changing her mind when they meet again, she is way too unlikable for the romance to work.

Skip it.category h-needs-to-die sekrit-baybee8 s Kalpana4

This book had a heroine who made me despise my own sex. She is one of the most hateful and selfish women in all of hplandia.

She is more worried about what others might feel instead of the heroes feelings. She can say anything about him" The only thing you are good for is sex" and when he calls her a lay she is hurt????

She doesn't leave a single opportunity to deceive him belittle him but justifies her actions as if she is a damn martyr. The first time she takes a dig at hero saying he doesn't small towns as if she is doing a great favour on all the mankind by living in a small town while the hero is a hateful person because he prefers living in large cities , I felt strangling her.

There is not a single redeeming quality about her she cheated both the persons who loved her always thinking about herself and all others can go take a jump in the lake.

The daughter had much more maturity than her and was a much nicer person.

God she spoiled the whole book for me and made the hero look a wimp because he feels she is bravest person more a piranha eating people alive.

Overall a horrible heroine and a wimpy hero definite miss....2 s Marianne3,680 256

A Night, A SecretÂ…..A Child is the 18th stand-alone romance novel by Australian author, Miranda Lee. Serina Harmon has kept a guilty secret for thirteen years: just before her wedding to Greg Harmon, a night of passion with Nicolas Dupre, the man who broke her heart at eighteen, had produced a daughter, Felicity. Now Greg is dead and Felicity has invited Nicolas, former world-class concert pianist and theatrical entrepreneur, to judge a fund-raising concert, and heÂ’s coming to Rocky Creek! Nicolas is determined to experience again the unequalled passion he once had with Serina. Lee has set this romance where she grew up, which will no doubt appeal to locals. Characters and dialogue are credible; itÂ’s just a pity that whoever chose the cover photo obviously did not read the novel as the Nicolas is meant to be blond with an amputated left thumb, while the guy on the cover clearly still has his left thumb!! Enjoyable.2 s Jen720 60

This was definitely sexy but I agree with other reviewers re: the heroine's handling of her pregnancy; it was so selfish and cowardly (the cowardice I can appreciate) to deceive the father, and the other "father". Girly, that's not the way it goes! And the fact that the father still wanted you and loved you back (ditto your daughter) in spite of this MASSIVE OVERSIGHT just shows how gargantuan a mistake you made.

Granted, Nicolas, put simply, turned out to be quite the prick, but he was a heartbroken prick, and he redeemed himself better than Serina did.mills-boon-harlequin read-in-20102 s Missy896 25

Two people in love with each other that also share a passion for music that can't be honest with each, go their seperate ways. Years later they meet again bought together by their secret child, one a widow & one a womanizer. Was a good read.2 s BiancaNadineReads154 2

I tried romance, a short romance novel... I donÂ’t it. But thatÂ’s just my preference. At least I tried it out and know not to go back to it.
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