
The Devil's Vice (The Dark Triad Series Book 1) de Mindy Paige

de Mindy Paige - Género: English
libro gratis The Devil's Vice (The Dark Triad Series Book 1)


Mindy Paige Year: 2024

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[dnfÂ’ed @ 35%]

a book fanart managed this fool me again (iÂ’m so tired). , iÂ’m already forcing myself to get through this but then HE PUNCHED HER HEAD TO MAKE HER PASS OUT WHILE KIDNAPPING HER.did-not-finish it-was-disappointing19 s6 comments Anekakhanna359 1 follower

DNF, The men in the books are becoming as shitty as men irl 4 s Megan Gomez15 3

I received this book as an ARC and will leave my review voluntarily.

Please be advised that I will explain certain parts of the book that might be seen as a spoilers. So for new readers, the spoilers will be small, not excessively large. They will be featured after my initial thoughts.

First and foremost, oh my goodness. OH. MY. GOODNESS. (My genuine reaction after finishing.)

From the very first chapter The Devils Vice sucks you into LilithÂ’s world and at times it feels you canÂ’t get out. (Good or bad depending on how you view it)

The different emotions I felt throughout the book were absolutely insane, especially regarding the MMC.

There are trigger warnings and I highly suggest you read them carefully and thoroughly. Some of them are detailed throughout the chapters, so please be advised.

When her life gets turned upside down, 24 year old Lillith must live with the eyes of a Hellfyre Motorcycle club member constantly on her. After helping save his life in the hospital she interns, she feels an instant connection. She canÂ’t figure out where this connection is coming from and why she canÂ’t lay her finger on it. His obsession becomes extreme and our MFC canÂ’t seem to catch a break.

I am extremely impressed by the way Mindy Paige wrote her characters. Each character had their own personality, their own drives, their own feelings. They were different in their own way, almost as if you were watching a movie and watching the actors bring to their life a person on the page. Each character that communicates with our main characters have their own purpose and they do their part. There are some character I felt shouldnÂ’t have been there. However, considering there will be a second book, I hope those characters get a better arc and we can get more details about them and their backgrounds. Also, my favorite character has to be Herb. I felt a real connection with Herb, I canÂ’t explain it.

With that being said, the pacing was a little off. Some events happened so fast, I got whiplash. I have some unanswered questions, but again IÂ’m hoping with book two they will be answered.


KainÂ’s background is so beautifully written. I cried so much. You genuinely feel jumping into the page and telling him itÂ’s going to be alright. Does this excuse his actions? Absolutely not. But thereÂ’s more of an understanding regarding what he does. For example, the kidnapping. Is it ever okie to kidnap someone? No of course not.

And my absolute favorite quote is “I'd find you in every lifetime, little flower. You shouldn't have worried about that.” I was kicking and swinging my feet a little school girl.

All in all, this is such a great read and you enjoy Dark Romance, this book is 100% for you! 3 s Ashley Deandrea210 5



Lets start with the first chapter.. I was immediately hooked and gasping, my poor Lilith. That alone makes you want to continue reading. And then you meet Kain and you're done for.

As you read on you just become more invest in all of the characters (and the pigeons) watching them fall apart and come together.
It's dark, emotional and I never knew what was going to happen next.
Lilith's stubbornness and come backs made me laugh. Kain is basically do what I say and she's LOL no and then IMMEDIETELY regrets it.
Mindy's writing style is so easy to fly through and for the first time writing Dark Romance it was really good!! (and she knows how to write spice, that's for sure!)

I think we can all agree that we want Ghost's story, asap.

Please check your trigger warnings going into this one, there's A LOT.
3 s Christine of All About Reading 101101 1 follower

Dark romance between Lillith, an intern working in the Emergency Room, and Kain - a patient she saved. Kain is mysterious and has a dark pull but Lillith cannot stay away from him, even when Lillith discovered that Kain is part of a Motorcycle Club/Gang that she should avoid.

Reading the first few chapters of this book is a rush! I keep on guessing on what happens next for every turn of the page.

However, there are some things to consider before reading this specially for its triggers.

Contains/Mentions of:
- Child neglect/abuse
- Murder/Death
- Violence
- Family death
- Stalking
- Drugs
- Deception
- Rape
- Illegal traficking
- Kidnapping

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