
All for the Beast (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 64) de Milly Taiden

de Milly Taiden - Género: English
libro gratis All for the Beast (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 64)


Milly Taiden Publisher: Latin Goddess Press, Inc., Year: 2022

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Great read

As usual I love reading the PDA trilogy. I can whisk away with love that last forever. Not many in life get a soul mate and when you do it's the other half of yourself. To know what that person is feeling without saying a word. This book brought back so many memories of love lasting. Joanne691 1 follower

V and Katy

V is the prince on the planet of Nova Aurora and Katy was from Earth and work on a cruise ship. With some matchmaking from Gerri Wilder Katy goes to help V with getting a cruise ship up and going on his planet. They are mated but can he convince her to stay? Good story. tburbr5,367 30

4.5 Stars
This latest addition to the PDA series was well written and kept my attention with the endearing characters. This was another home run for Milly Taiden.

I received an ARC of this book and I am voluntarily leaving my honest review. Hilary Collins1,185

Brilliant Series

All for the Beast (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 64) by Milly Taiden. Katy is a cruise entertainment manager. Her current cruise finished Gerri Wilder persuades Katy to go to the planet Nova Aurora. There Prince Vharlk is building a cruise ship. Catriona Bain231 1 follower

Another fantastic must-read in my book. With the emotional suspense and the general discovery of a new world, you are kept thoroughly entertained. There are twists and turns to keep you on your toes, but a great all-around book.
I did receive this book as an ARC, but this is my honest review.2022 Midniteandwolves607 1 follower

most of it

I had a hard time reading this story. I usually can finish Milly’ books in one sitting, not this time. I the story line but not …. I don’t really know how to explain why. V and Katy I’m not sure about them. Julie1,387

V and Katy

Well that was another exciting ride.
Interesting choice of theme, with the cruise ship building. And very logical business too.
I was wondering what kind of threat would show up. Definitely glad the good guys won!
angela gunstone1,634 7

All for the beast

Loved the characters and the storyline and couldn't put it down so it's a well deserved five stars and I would recommend this book to everyone Kimberly1,850 5

Another mating

I would have given this book a higher rating but the grammar and editing that wasn't done left me feeling a bit empty. Mimi Carter1 review

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