
The Debt Collector de Mills, Jon

de Mills, Jon - Género: English
libro gratis The Debt Collector


Jack Winchester was a notorious hitman for a ruthlessNew Jersey crime family until a job went wrong, and he wound up servingtime.

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I have read some pretty good suspense novels in the past couple of months and I am very happy that The Debt Collector didn’t disappoint me. I actually the fact that this novel is a good mixture of romance and suspense. The story is fast paced and very exciting. Good plot and nice characters. I had an enjoyable read and I would recommend this book to my friends who love suspense novels. I am glad that I won a free copy of this book from the Goodreads First Reads program. Thanks for sending me this novel.first-reads9 s Deanna Walker595 6

Wow! Outstanding!

I couldn’t put the book down omg! I absolutely loved it! So much action wow!

Looking forward to more book series soon…kindle-books-i-own mystery-and-thrillers10 s1 comment Trish R.1,772 50

One reviewer said she quit reading because there was too much swearing. Really? Anyone who reads a book on the mafia and expects NOT to hear the word “fuck” is living in their own little dreamworld.
Another said the was too much sex? There was one sex scene and it was fade-to-black. Someone else said it had a despicable ending and I don’t get that at all. It had a really good ending. You just can’t depend on reviewers to tell you about a book and its contents truthfully.

In my opinion this was a great book. It was about Jack Winchester, who had just spent 4 years in prison, who wanted to leave the mob but some of the bad guys were having none of that. There was a lot of killing but no one died that didn’t deserve it. Jack was a kind and loving killer but when it was time to kill, he had no problems following through.

I really d Jack and Dana, and Dana’s 15 year old son, Jason. I d Dana’s crazy friend Sophie, too.

So, one non-existent sex scene, and the F-bomb was used 25 times.

As to the narration: Adam Gold did a very good job with the voices and his emotions when he read was good.8 s Jim A1,267 71

Pretty good story that moves along at a good pace, even though it doesn't feel that way while reading. Some parts of the plot are predictable, and there is one twist.

I felt that too much was given up in the synopsis to make it a very suspenseful book, but that's just my view. Although it's the beginning of a Winchester series, it does not end with a cliff hanger and can easily be read as a stand alone.7 s Bruce McLennan63 2

The Debt Collector is a thrilling read, a little gory in places, a bit predictable in others. As you can read from the synopsis the main character, Jack, is a mafia hit man who wants to go straight. The story revolves around the last job which involves an attractive woman and her son. Possibly, the major impediment to Jack's invincibility as a hit man is that he doesn't kill women or kids but he is pretty good all the same. There's lots of action in this book, lots of bullets to the head. You aren't left wondering about how Jack will handle a given situation. Oh, and there is some romance but it isn't all that convincing.

On the negative side, this book isn't written as well as it could have been. There are gaps in the narrative that make no sense. In one spot Jack has spotted a major clue to solving the mystery of where the missing $500 000 is but the reader doesn't find out till Jack tells the mafia boss that he's found the money. While you have a pretty good idea where the money was hidden from clues given you still ask yourself, when did that happen? There are also quite a few problem paragraphs where you are trying to work out, is this something that happened in Jack's past life or is it happening now, because the flashbacks get mixed up with the storyline. It also needs a lot of proofreading.

But overall still worth four stars, I think.4 s Ted TaylerAuthor 65 books293

"Action-packed, entertaining read"

Easy to read thriller. Standard set of characters. Super-tough guy who wants to start again after a life with the Mob. Bad guys who match all the stereotypes from every film you ever watched. A love interest, of course. At least this version had a slight twist with a teenage son who added a fresh element. Despite the apparent cliches, it worked for me. I couldn't put it down.4 s Nicole Hughes-Chen208 1 follower

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed reading this book. Briefly, it is about a hit man on his final job before he can escape the mob.

The story flows really well, and I quickly found myself stuck within the pages. Initially I wasn't sure whether the main character was believable, as would a hit man want to change after prison? But it is possible.

I really d Jack, Dana and Jason and I quickly felt invested in them. I d where the money was hidden too; I didn't guess but then couldn't believe I didn't realise when it was revealed!

The fight scenes were good and enjoyable, and I d that a bone was made between Jack and Jason. I enjoyed the biker scene too!

There are a few grammatical issues and the odd word is missing, so the book needs proof reading really. The errors were not enough to affect my enjoyment of the book though.

There were times I could envision the story before my eyes, rather than just the words; if this was a film I would definitely watch it. A satisfying end too.

I will read more from Jon Mills, and will look out for the next book in the series.3 s Cathy 286 9

Wow! I did not want to put this book down! If you're looking for a book that will grab you and hold you through the whole book this is it! This is the 1st book in Jon Mills "Jack Winchester " series, this is the 1st book of his that I have read and it will not be my last! Jack Winchester has 1 rule, he does not kill women or children....fast paced,well written with characters that you come to know and care about. Thanks Jon Mills for an excellent way to spend my weekend! 3 s C.A. KnobleAuthor 8 books12

I would have given this five stars had there not been a few errors (larger than typos) and many repeated phrases in the book, something an editor would have caught. The story itself was engaging, if a bit predictable. Jack's character was well-developed and likable, even being a killer. At the risk of revealing a spoiler, I am happy with the state of the relationship between Jack and Dana at the end of the book. It was a realistic ending, something not often found in this genre, and for that reason alone this book was refreshing. 2 s Arnaud392 5

Quick read, interesting enough :-)

Plot is pretty straightforward, not venturing off the beaten paths but the characters development was good enough for me to follow along and enjoy. While certainly not the most gripping, thrilling story of all time, it had good moments and I might go on with the next volumes to get to read a bit more on the involvement of the Cosa Nostra :-) 2 s Gus PhilpottAuthor 2 books5

This is the first book I've read by Jon Mills. I enjoyed it. It was interesting to read as the characters worked their ways out of problems. Interaction between the characters was good.2 s Tony Parsons4,156 87

Jack Winchester (NJ crime family hitman) was finally being released from Riker’s prison. Freddy Carlone (Roy’s mobster) & Louis (Roy’s mobster) were there to pick him up.
Susan Walsh (Rockland Cove HS principal) was letting Dana Grant (36) know her Jason (son) had missed way too many days of school, & had been forging her name to the slips.
Jack arrived at The Pig’s Ear boxing gym (Bergen County).
Roy Gafino (NJ mob family leader) was there to welcome him back into society.
Roy did not what Jack told him.

Freddy (Roy’s mobster) gave Jack a ride to where he wanted to go.
Tony “The Lunatic” Marlon informed Jack; Apollo (dog) was now in the animal shelter, & his belongings were long gone.
Jack gave him something to remember him by.
Jack went to visit his sister at the East Star Behavioral Treatment Center.
Roy & Vincent showed up there.
Roy handed Jack a folder & did not give him much of a choice.
8 hrs. later he & Apollo were in Rockland Cove, ME.
Matt Grant (husband/father, drug dealer) was found dead.
Jack called Roy & told him the news.
Dana owned the Orchard Motel where Jack was staying.

Jack was now scoping out the Thistle Inn bar (Oak/Union).
Roy called & told Jack he had 1 more week, or else.
Deputy Sheriff Frank Grant (Matt’s father), had arrested Jack “Butcher of Manhattan” Winchester (O’Sullivan Roofing co.), & was now going to question him.
Would Jack survive?

Warning: This book is for adults only & contains extreme violent or graphic adult content. It may be offensive to some readers.

I did not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing this book. While I receive free books from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review. Only an honest one.

A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A very well written adventure book. It was very easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. This could also make another great mobster gang movie, or better yet a mini TV series. To be continued. There is no doubt in my mind this is a very easy rating of 5 stars.

Thank you for the free Author; ebookstage; Amazon Digital Services LLC; book
Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)
1 Linda1,017 40

Good Read

This author writes a good thriller. The protagonist , the man the reader loves, works in collections for the mob. He is a made man and proud of it. Now, we can look at his early life and understand why the mob was a fitting home for him. After four years in Rykers prison in New York, he wants to go clean. The boss says after one more collection he can leave the mob with no hard feelings. Is that not sweet? Instead, the boss leaves the mob in a a way he surely did not foresee. Jack meets Dana in this first book, and a love story has its beginning. I this couple. They are solid in their decision to keep their relationship uncomplicated and then ruin it all by giving in to their hormones and suffer morning after mental illness!

Thank you, Mr. Mills, for a good read.1 Patricia Burke-Grubbs8

Excellent and bloody. A true well written book with several twists. I am hooked on this series.completed-very-quickly1 Nick206 3

Not a bad read. Easy quick read. Not huge amounts of depth to the characters but they’re able. Nice twist at the end though 1 Giles Burrows296 2

A hit-man for the mob is released from jail. He wants out but he's given one last job.

It's not a very original plot and features many familiar tropes, but it was an easy read and OK, just a bit ho-hum.
1 Leslie29

We LOVED this book! The perfect amount of crime, violence, drama, yet a hint of love story without turning into the focal point of the story. Well done! We want more! Patti90

Started slow but it picked up and ended up being a very good read!1 Tracy T.1,011 19

I love this series! I love Jack Winchester. (audible review)

If you haven't read this series I totally recommend it. Listen to this series it never gets boring or repetitive.

I have binged the entire series since April 16th. I am currently on the last audible version book 12.

I haven't seen book 13 released on audible yet.

The narration is fantastic. Adam Gold is gold! He does such a great job on all the voices including the females.1 Jo-Anne1,680 33

I really d this mob story. It was different than most of this type because it showed how a young teen (Jack) got involved with a New Jersey crime family and stayed with them for about 20 years, becoming a hit man. After 4 years in prison, he decided he wanted out of that life but the mob boss wanted him to do one more job first. He was told it would be a quick in and out job, but it wasn't. All he had to do was get the man and the money, but neither were there. Just the man's wife and son. As Jack tried to find out what they knew about where the man and money were, he fell in love with the woman.

This is a great story. It's well written with a unique plot and terrific characters. Even though Jack did terrible things for the mob he was a good man. He was very kind to Dana and her son. It was unsettling when Jack wanted out of that life but people tried to stop him. I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. The Debt Collector was a great book with an amazing ending.

If you crime thrillers, you should read this book.own1 Jane1,184 15

Jack Winchester has just been released from prison after being incarcerated for four years. He’s been working for Roy Dafino before he got locked up. Now he wants to leave his past behind him and get a fresh start but Roy won’t let him get off that easily.
Instead Roy puts Jack on one last job in exchange for his freedom; track a man named Matt Grant and collect money Matt owes him. Roy has even threatened to hurt Jack’s sister if Jack doesn’t complete the job.

Matt is married to Dana and they have a son, Jason. Ever since Matt went missing a year ago, Dana’s been trying hard to make ends meet, between running a motel that’s in disrepair and raising a wayward teenage son who’s been skipping school to smoke pot with another delinquent.

When Jack meets Dana, he gets a change of heart and while he’s been receiving threats from Roy to get the money as soon as possible, Jack is even more concerned about keeping Dana and Jason safe from Roy’s thugs.

Oh my goodness, what a refreshing read! This book was so good I'm definitely going to read the rest of the books in the series.1 Linda Galella613 62

The story is good but..

there are so many errors of tense, wrong word usage, improper sentence structure, and just general flailing about grammatically, that I found myself distracted on many occasions. In fact, there were times I had to reread sections to make sure I knew what was actually intended. Frustrating! I can’t help but wonder if J. Mills made use of an editor? For sure, he needs a good one to clean up this book! Even with the wordsmithing difficulties, the story was interesting, especially if a softer dose of mobster going legit, appeals to you. There’s still plenty of shooting, knifing, killing, and Mafia types roaming the pages of “The Debt Collector”. The scenes are just written in an appropriate atmosphere to fit the story rather than gross personifications meant to cater to mongers of violence and gore. 1 Irma Lero226

This is a fast paced suspenseful romantic thriller with good character development with a great storyline and worth reading. This is a great start to a new Jack Winchester series with some expected twist and unexpected turns. Loved Jacks interaction with Jason and how he was able to get past a teenagers rebellious stance towards life and feeling his mother is trying to control and smother him. Loved the chemistry between Jack and Dana and where things could be headed after putting closure to her past.

I felt there were two areas that had parts missing and to many typographical errors to give it 4* but want to see what direction this author goes.1 Dr. Thomas Wasser119 3

It wasn't a bad book it just never developed. At first I thought the development had such great potential but it just never developed in an interesting way. An ex-con, mob connected, one last mission seemed to be a really great scenario but that's where it stopped. It wasn't bad it was just kind of blah... It could be that its other #1 books and that the second might be that way but there is nothing here that makes me want to run to the library and get number two but I'm sure it must be better than this one.1 Ruth Davis17 1 follower

Not .good at writing . But I can tell you, I really enjowed this book.1 T.W. Barton266 22

The introduction to Jack Winchester, Hitman with a code. No Women. No Children.

I was searching for a new read when the fourth book in this series popped up on my recommended list. It had a solid rating and the blurb was interesting to get the first book and see where it leads me.

The book drags you in from the start as you meet Jack. You discover a good bit about him, and the past that landed him where he is when the story opens. By the time the action starts he's already won you over. You want him to succeed. You want him to get that brass ring but life is seldom what we hope and very often exactly as we fear.

The life of a mob hitman isn't all it's cracked up to be. Retirement is something often dreamed of but the reality of mob retirement is either a tiny cell or a bullet in the head.

We meet Jack as he ends a stint in the former. The years have been rough and Jack's had a lot of time to examine his life and his choices. He can't change the past but he's determined to change his future.

He's done.

Done with the mob.

Done being the pointy end for a sadistic maniac who's only goal is money and power.

Done being the mindless tool used to procure that same money and power and most of all, done being a killer.

At least that's what the plan was as he walked through the same gates that held him captive for the last few years.

His past isn't ready to let him go and he's offered the carrot or the stick. Carrot: Finish the job that put him the cage he just left and in the process gain his freedom or the Stick: Die.

The choice is simple but as life proves, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

A great first start to a promising new action/thriller series. I finished it in two days which is a good sign that the story has everything I . Action, interesting characters, and a lead character that I want to root for.

On to number two. Norma3,441 10

( Format : audiobook )
"Seems trouble has a way of following you, son."
As the very fulsome synopsis details, Jack Winchester belongs to the mob.He joined as a boy when the chase was an adventure, be it running away or opposing someone. He was a killer, the season without conscience except for one rule: no women or children. But twenty years on and four years in prison Jack wants the impossible - to get out.
Just one more job, the boss tells him. But he knows it's a lie. But to keep his mentally handicapped sister safe, one more job it is. And it is even worse than he expected; not just a swift in and out as he'd hoped because the target and the money are both missing, leaving behind a woman and her child.

This is a slow paced but intense mystery thriller and, yes, also a romance but very low key. Reasonably well written, the character of Jack, the story, developes slowly leading up to a cresendo of violent twists. The reading is also slowpaced and steady with excellent intonation, the narrator Alan Gold really setting the scene for Jack. His warm rich voice seems to echo Jack's personality, and follows the text with understanding plus the different characters voices are easily distinguishable. However, a slight gap between scenarios within the same chapter would have helped move on the listener with less of a jolt.

An enjoyable book, if not totally original in concept, but well worth reading none the less. My thanks to the rights holder who freely gifted me a complimentary copy of the Debt Collector, at my request, via Audiobook Boom. It was refreshing to read a thriller with plentiful action without too much blow by blow violence (though there is some, naturally) but relying instead on a building of tension. I look forward to the second book in this series to see just how Winchester's hoped for new future will evolve.2018 action audio ...more Lynda Kelly2,066 95

That's 3 for 3 with 5* for this author !!! He's fast becoming a big favourite of mine, I have to say. His writing is easy reading and I his verbiage and his characters......BUT I almost docked him one in this particular tale because of Apollo.....I'll say no more but I remain most unhappy about him.
I d Jack and will stick with the series to see what happens in his future as I'm interested to see.
There seemed to be the odd continuity errors.....we learn Dana was 18 when she had Jason but further in we're told she is 36 so the maths is wrong. We were also informed she had no parents around to assist her yet further in were told how helpful they'd been !!!
I was very proud of myself for guessing where the money was stashed as that never happens as a rule.
Odd words were missing from sentences the/a and hyphens were missed from store bought and wrap around and sun kissed. There was the odd dropped apostrophe here and there (one annoyingly when he wrote Pigs Ear when it had been correct at every other mention) !! Then he wrote incubate whereas I believe it should've been intubate. However, this was an early book by him so I would hope that's why there were more errors in this volume.
Now I've never been in prison but he tells us of 3 times an inmate is ly to be attacked-first thing in the morning, in the courtyard or last thing at night whereas I've always heard/seen this sort of attack occurring in the old showerblocks !!
I did make a note that I loved the ending so I'm looking forward to meeting Jack and possibly Dana once again. I think there are already 13 stories in this series so I'm VERY late to the party !!
Oh, the subtitling is a tad baffling as they're called either the Debt Collector series or the Jack Winchester one depending where you're looking.......a bit irritating !

favourites Beau99 2

jack winchester is a hitman for the a new york mob family, but four years ago in a deal gone wrong he ended up in rikers. since then jack's perspective on things have changed and he's decided he wants out, and on his own terms. but first he has to tie up some loose ends... more than he bargined for.

this was a very action packed book but a very short one. i don't remember how long exactly it took me to read it, but it wasn't very long at all. it was an easy read, and while i think it was honestly a bit shallow it was still entertaining and occupied a few hours of my time which is always a good thing.
it kept my attention well, and i rather d the characters. if you're looking for a quick, easy read with some action pick this up!

okay at first i gave this book four stars but i had to come back and be a bit more honest. the book is good, but it's good for what it is. i think if you keep in mind the fact that its just a kinda manly man story about mobs and death and fighting it's good but i don't think it's really a great piece of literature or anything. it was rather predictable, i knew where the money was the first time the hiding place was even mentioned and believe me when i tell you that i don't pay that much attention to things. Nancy SilkAuthor 5 books82

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