
One Good Man de Miller, Julie

de Miller, Julie - Género: English
libro gratis One Good Man


Mitch Taylor had faith in his gun, his badge and his years of experience. But he knew society girl Casey Maynard was trouble, and protecting her would be hell. Twenty years on the force had toned Mitch's body and honed his senses--keeping Casey safe from her stalker wasn't the issue. Keeping himself from falling for her was. She'd been alone, scared for so long. But in Mitch's arms, Casey felt things she though she'd lost forever: safety, trust ... passion. She needed him there as a cop, to serve and protect. But she wanted him there as a man, to give her something worth living for ...

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The story had a strong beginning but then it slid into a slushy mess with two very insecure people. Casey drove me nuts with her constant ups and downs, yes and no, I want to believe you but I don't believe you.

And Mitch? Don't get me started. alpha-male bodyguard contemporary-romance ...more5 s Luli685 75

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Definitely dated.
Nowadays it´s impossible for me to read words virile and femininity to describe actions and don´t feel some aversion. But even so, I´m willing to cut the author some slack if the story is worthy. Sadly that´s not the case here.
This review is going to be super short. In fact, I only need two quotes to sum up it:
Casey twisted and scratched and screamed for all she was worth. She´d been a fool. Over and over. An idiotic fool.
Emmett (the bad guy) smiled indulgently, his gaze following the trace the knife made as it grazed her lips. “All in good time. It´s nice to know I haven´t lost my touch. I had both of you completely fooled”.

Both quotes are from the end of the story. It seems the author used the foolishness to build her plot.
With a weak and helpless heroine who the once time she found her courage was to do something utterly stupid and a hero who wasn´t a bit better.



Definitivamente anticuada.
Hoy en día me es imposible leer términos como viril o femineidad usados como adjetivos de acciones y no sentir cierta aversión. Pero aún así, estoy dispuesta a hacer la vista gorda si la historia lo merece. Aquí no ha sido el caso, desafortunadamente.
Esta reseña va a ser muy corta. De hecho, me basta con dos citas de la misma para resumirla:

Casey twisted and scratched and screamed for all she was worth. She´d been a fool. Over and over. An idiotic fool.
Emmett (the bad guy) smiled indulgently, his gaze following the trace the knife made as it grazed her lips. “All in good time. It´s nice to know I haven´t lost my touch. I had both of you completely fooled”.

Ambas son del final de la historia. Se ve que la autora ha escrito esta novela con la estupidez de sus personajes como pilar de la misma.
Una heroína débil y desvalida que la única vez en toda la historia que tiene agallas para hacer algo es una completa estupidez y un héroe que no hay por donde cogerlo.

buss-smooch-kisses cardboard-plot enormous-suspension-of-disbelief ...more2 s Apoorva363 56


25/06/2020: I KNEW IT. I KNEW MITCH TAYLOR HAD TO HAVE A BOOK. I KNEW IT. DON'T YOU REMEMBER ME BEING A LITTLE CONFUSED AND INQUISITIVE ON HOW ALEX WAS RELATED TO WHICH TAYLOR? And apparently this is Pre-Precinct period which means I should've started reading from this book. But oh well. When have I ever read books in order? I started the precinct series by reading Takedown first. So it's okay. The next intrigue book I read will be this and then I'll finish all books based on the Taylor clan and THEN come back to Precinct and read Alex's book. Maybe I'll reread Partner-Protector when I'm at it. Who knows? Certainly not me.


WHAT A DELIGHTFUL BOOK. I loved it so much? It felt a little less mystery guess-y compared to the books in the Precinct series but I LOVED ITT. I LOOOOVED IT. I love Mitch and his beautiful protective behaviour. Both of their insecurities made me soo sad but I was incredibly happy when he made the move and they finally got together and THE ENDING(!!!!) CAN WE PLEASE APPRECIATE THAT. FUCKING. ENDING? So cute. SO cute.

Edit: I've been thinking about this for the past hour and it makes next to no sense why Emmett wanted to kill Casey when the object of his woe was RIGHT THERE. I mean,,,what did she do? But.....maybe that's the mind of a psychotic killer? Things that don't make sense to us makes perfect sense to them? Hmm. Maybe.famous-or-celebrity i-love-my-significantly-older-men love-in-harlequin ...more2 s Janet2,547 24

Good romantic suspense. This is your usual guy protects girl, then falls in love story. 1 Christy Roberts1,197 45

One Good Man is the first book of the Taylor Clan by Julie Miller it introduces Mitch Taylor. He is the police captain/chief of Kansas City’s Fourth Precinct. He is the nephew of Sid Taylor and grew up with his cousins after his mom and dad were murdered by a junkie.

Casey Maynard has been locked away in her “Uncle” Jimmy’s house for seven years. She’s been a prisoner, scared to go out in the world after her stalker took his anger out on her. She does not anybody with a badge especially because of the past. When Mitch shows up it is defiantly not love at first site, or rather hit as case is.

Mitch never expected to be assigned as a bodyguard to the police commissioner’s “niece” in order to prove he was worthy of a promotion. He wanted the promotion but knew he had a slim chance of getting it if it had to do with politics. Mitch and Casey both protest him being there but the commissioner isn’t having it. He had a secret behind wanting his best man to watch Casey and it leads back to seven years before.

Casey didn’t see what Mitch saw in her. He pushed her to do better and saw her as a woman not a cripple as she thought of herself. He saw courage and when it really counted that knowledge finally gave Casey strength to act. She fought and kept fighting even when she wanted to give up, Emmett lost in thinking he could win against Mitch and her.

Mitch saved her and she saved him as well. Mitch did a lot of things for her during his time being her body guard and afterwards when she was safe from Emmett once and for all he did something else. He brought her parents home.

This book was a great read it did lack in the part of an honest goodness love scene though. It had plenty of kissing and teasing but the actual love making scene was skipped right over. That is why I have give this a four star rating the build up I had hope for never gave what I had longed for between Mitch and Casey.

2013-read 4-stars adult ...more1 Annie1,356 5

I really enjoyed this book. Even though this is the first Taylor book, I read it last because it's not on Kindle for some reason. For that reason, I almost didn't read it, but I'm so glad that I found a paperback copy! A creepy baddie; a tortured, reclusive heroine; and an alpha male hero make for an enjoyable reading experience.1 Cunningham Sandra279

@JulieMillerAuth Is One Of My Favorite Author . I 've been reading a lot of my earlier books from my favorite Author. I love this one... Here is a highlight from the book...

“Taylor.” He sat up in the bed, almost snapping to attention. “Yes, sir.” His gaze shot to hers. “I understand.” The tense line of his mouth softened with the hint of a smile. “I’ll tell her.” “Who was that?” she asked after he’d hung up the phone. “An agent from the witness-protection program. Your folks are on a flight to the U.S. right now. They’ll be at KCI airport by five this evening. I’ll send Joe out to meet them.” “They’re coming home?” An oppressive weight lifted from Casey’s shoulders and she launched herself into Mitch’s arms. She hugged him around the neck, tears of sheer joy blending with tears of relief on her cheeks. “Much better, princess.” His whispered words lapped deliciously against her ear. His arms tightened around her, and she grew achingly aware of the solid heat of his arms and chest, and how strips of gauze and hospital garb left very little to the imagination. Instead of retreating, Casey snuggled closer. This was it. Now or never. If she didn’t give everything she had right now, she would lose this most precious race of her life. “Mitch. What you said at the cabin. About love and courage…” “I was out of line…” “No.” She shifted quickly and pressed her fingers against his lips to silence him. “You were right. I was a coward. I took everything you offered me because I needed it—your warmth, your embrace, your protection. Even your love. And I treated you you were just doing your job.” She bit her lip, hurting inside at the hateful memories of how foolish and cruel she had been. “Look at everything that was going on around you. You had every right to doubt me.” Casey shook her head, loving him even more for the unending compassion hidden beneath his gruff exterior. “You are one good man, Mitch Taylor. I love you.” His shoulders sagged, and for an instant she wondered if he had changed his mind about her. If she had waited too long to accept the beautiful gift he offered her. And then his arms were folding around her and his lips were covering hers. Branding her with his taste, claiming her with the promise of his love. His hands were in her hair, skimming down her back, lifting her onto his lap. She heard a little grunt of pain deep in his throat and tried to move away, but he pinned her firmly against his thighs and tucked the crown of her head beneath his chin. “No way, princess. You’re not going anywhere. Not this time.” Casey thrilled to the uneven huskiness of his voice. Her valiant gladiator had a weakness. Her. She silently vowed to protect him always. “Mitch?” “Hmm?” His heartbeat steadied beneath her ear as she nestled into the treasured haven of his arms. “Would you to meet my parents in person?” He half laughed, half frowned into the billow of hair at her temple. “What made you think of them? All I can think of now is whether or not I’d rip any stitches if I made love to you right here in this hospital bed.” Her cheeks grew hot, and she made him suffer for the suggestion by running her fingernails along that sensitive spot on his neck and eliciting a feral groan. “Don’t you think they’d to meet the man I plan to marry?” He eased away from her then, keeping one hand at the small of her back, and tipping up her chin with the other. The earnest frown creasing the corners of his eyes touched her heart. “You think the judge would take an old downtown boy me for his son-in-law?” Casey tunneled her fingers into his hair and reassured him with a smile. “Did I ever tell you that my dad was an old downtown boy himself?” “No kidding?” “No kidding.” She gave a gentle tug and pulled him closer. “He’s going to love you, Mitch. Almost as much as I do.” His eyes blazed with the power of love that filled her, made her strong, made her his. “In that case, princess, I accept your proposal.” Penny Griffin178 1 follower

October 16, 2000

Julie Miller turns in her first Intrigue with "One Good Man." This is a well-written, but less than satisfying tale. An escaped killer has put his last victim, Casey Maynard, back on alert. Scarred emotionally and physically, Casey has hidden from the world at her family estate. She doesn't trust anyone she doesn't know. That includes Mitch Taylor, the cop who's been assigned to protect her. Their attraction is immediate. With a clever killer moving in, can Casey trust Mitch with her life and her heart?

Creativity and originality have been in short supply in this year's Intrigues. Too often, books have been too similar too ones that came out not long before. Amanda Stevens' "The Littlest Witness" was followed by Leona Karr's "Innocent Witness." The final book in Joanna Wayne's Family Ties series was much the first book. Man pretends amnesiac is his wife in "A Night Without End." Man pretends amnesiac is his wife in "Love at First Sight" a month later. This does have more to do with the editors not telling their authors they already have a similar story in the works than the authors themselves, but for readers, the similarities are hard to miss. In this case, "One Good Man" is very similar to Gayle Wilson's "Her Private Bodyguard," which came out six months ago. A woman with a severe leg injury that causes her to limp has shut herself away from the world. When she finds herself in danger, she is saddled with a bodyguard she doesn't want, who is scornful of rich women her. A key emotional scene involves the heroine dancing in her hero's arms for the first time. I'm not saying Miller knew about the other book. I am saying this is a bit much to take so soon.

On a positive note, "One Good Man" is a better book than "Her Private Bodyguard." The romance and suspense are balanced better and the heroine is more sympathetic. Though it is also well-written, "One Good Man" fails to rise above a routine stalker story because Miller uses too many cliches. The killer is a master of disguise (aren't they all?), a device so tired most mainstream thrillers are starting to have the good sense not to use it anymore. If he's as good as described, why hasn't he moved on to more impressive crimes than the petty ones he is first attributed with? Mitch himself is a huge cliché. He's a working class cop who was once married to a woman from a wealthy family who cheated on him because he couldn't give her the life she wanted. Now he's bitter and resentful to all rich women. Have we heard that one before? That is about as obvious as Casey being rich, causing the expected friction.

Even if I didn't know the man was nothing but an irritating "type," I wouldn't have d him. Mitch's prejudices make him hard to warm up to and the condescending way he calls Casey "Princess" annoyed me throughout. Worse than a cliché, he's not a sympathetic one. Miller offers several fascinating facts about her characters, then fails to explore any of them. Casey's past as an Olympic swimmer and the loss caused by her attack are hardly developed, and the fact that Mitch took back his wife and cared for her when she was dying is intriguing, but never delved into at any length. Miller tells us things about her characters. In the end they feel more a collection of facts than real people.

"One Good Man" is also a story with no surprises. The villains are practically announced with neon letters, acting so suspicious it is impossible to miss how guilty they are. The story is generally well told, but the story is predictable and the clues obvious. Miller is never able to work up a consistent level of suspense despite some good atmosphere and moments. It never drags, but it's not a page-turner. "One Good Man" is an acceptable story. The familiar story and characters ensure it is not more than one. Grace466

This was very repetitive and a bit boring. I d the characters just fine, except they focused SO much on their insecurities. Not enough dialogue between characters in this, just a lot of inner dialogue. They went back and forth so many times getting closer then pulling apart and then BAM suddenly they realize they each love the other.

Casey's father was a judge and her dads best friend is the commissioner, her "uncle" Jimmy. They arrested and were convicting a woman and her twin brother tried everything to stop it. This included killing Casey's bodyguard, then impersonating him. He tired her up and cut up every tendon, muscle, and nerve in her right leg till it spelled REVENGE. Casey was an Olympic swimmer so this destroyed her career. She had to have over 30 surgeries and so much physical therapy. She can walk but with a brace or cane. Her father sent the woman to prison and then faked his and his wife's death. Casey was left behind with a few family friends and uncle Jimmy. She locked herself behind her fear and became a recluse.
Mitch grew up downtown. His parents died when he was around 8 during a robbery. He went to live with his Aunt and Uncle and their many kids and grew up without a lot of means. He went on to become a cop, working his way up the chain. He married a woman who wanted to live the rich life. Things were good until they weren't. She cheated on him and left to go live with her new guy. Then she got cancer and died, but Mitch stood by her side.
The majority of this book is Mitch comparing everything to his ex wife and believing Casey would never want to slum it with him. Casey didn't feel she had anything to offer a man, especially one Mitch and she was ashamed of her leg and the limitations she had. Neither could stop focusing on them to realize the others point of view. I didn't really the way Mitch tried to get through to her, by yelling. He had a lot of anger. Mitch is 39 and she is 28 so there is an age difference.
Turns out uncle Jimmy was being blackmailed by a hooker which he sent the bad guys to kill. Except the woman got caught. He tried to get her off but it didn't work so he gave the info to steal Casey and hurt her. Then both siblings went to prison. The book was a bit unclear in parts. Casey botched the witness testimony on stand because of his disguises and her trauma. Instead of max security he got of easier. He breaks out when his sister died in prison. Jimmy's secretary and crazy whatever she was to him has the sister killed because she knows where the proof of his affair are is about to be released. So now Emmett the bad guy is out for everyone. Jimmy gives him money and Casey, fighting ensues, Emmett kills Jimmy and almost Casey till Mitch comes. Then he goes after Mitch and stabs him, but Emmett dies in the process. They both love each other and her parents are coming home.
I don't get why Jimmy was such a snob. His best friend, judge, was from downtown. And he is a cop, just Mitch was. He sends Mitch to "protect" Casey, why he bothered is kind of stupid.
The first encounter between the H and h is Mitch tackling her and wrestling with her. 2017 romantic-suspense Midniteillusion543 39

3.5 stars
I enjoy Julie Miller’s older Harlequin Intrigue books but have never read her Taylor Clan series.
This one was a good start to the series and I got to see some familiar characters.

I didn’t love Mitch calling her “princess”. I get he doesn’t her because she has money but it was just such an abrasive introduction to him. He’s very prejudice against her throughout most of the book simply because of who she is, before even getting to know her. He makes lots of assumptions which kind of got old. I think I would have d to have seen his character grow more.

The mystery was good and made sense. I d the level of suspense, I know it can be hit or miss with Harlequin but it was good here.
Would have d more on page intimacy. action american-romance betrayed-betrayal ...more Phylisha Stone1,146 4

A story about a psychopathic stalker targeting a young woman who's judge father put him in prison. Casey was an olympic swimmer who suffered career ending injuries from the pscho stalker before he was put away. He escapes from prison to attempt to finish the job. Kristal19

Back Cover: "Mitch Taylor had faith in his gun, his badge, and his years of experience. But he knew society girl Casey Maynard was trouble, and protecting her would be hell. Twenty years on the force had toned Mitch s body and honed his senses keeping Casey safe from her stalker wasn t the issue. Keeping himself from falling for her was.

She d been alone, scared for so long. But in Mitch s arms Casey felt things she thought she d lost forever: safety, trust...passion. She needed him there as a cop, to serve and protect. But she wanted him there as a man, to give her something worth living for..."

While I’ve read many of the Taylor clan series, and the subsequent spin-off series The Precinct, this was my first opportunity to read the premiere story of the series “One Good Man”. I’m hoping to actually read and review this entire series (Taylor clan and Precinct) from start to finish before the next in the series “The Marine Next Door” releases in May. Since I’m still missing a few of the books, getting them all in might be wishing thinking but here goes.

Abducted and physically scarred by a sick madman, Casey Maynard isolated herself from the world at her family’s estate. But when her assailant escapes from prison set on revenge, her solitary existence as well as her life is put in jeopardy. Enter Captain Mitch Taylor.

Normally a police captain would delegate protection detail to a lower man on the totem pole but when the police commissioner requests his presence and a much coveted (but apparently unly) promotion stands in the balance, Mitch makes the exception…even though his past prejudices to the ‘privileged elite’ lead him to be quite annoying. Orphaned at a young age, he went to live with his cousins (who end up featured in later books in the series) and while his uncle and aunt treat him one of their own, life isn’t easy with six other kids in the household. Still he grows up to become a respected working class cop and married a woman from a wealthy family who cheated on him when he couldn’t give her the life she wanted. Reason enough to be bitter towards all rich women, right? *rolls eyes*

If that was the only reason to resent Casey, I probably would have be extremely turned off by the conflict but Ms. Miller actually took it one step further and made Casey act the spoiled debutant putting the lowly cop in his place. This leads to Mitch condescendingly (at first) calling her “Princess” which of course, Casey didn’t because she wasn’t the privileged brat she wanted him to believe. Fascinating interplay between the two characters throughout the story as they work overcoming past hurts, current misconceptions, etc. to find a common ground.

The whole plot with the killer, his sister, and the prostitute did get a bit convoluted as it progressed but I guess that’s to be expected with category length titles. Perhaps if it was a single title that could have been expanded more but all in all a great story. I’m glad I took the time to go back and read this. Definitely not time wasted.
julie-miller Vivian164 3

This is the 7th book I have read by Julie Miller. I am enjoying the quick, romantic reads her books are. I am not normally a romance reader, but have enjoyed the characters and setting of the books that I have read. I plan on continuing the Taylor Clan series to see what happens with the rest of the family. Shirley Owl83

Love the Taylor clan books! This is the first of the series as I had read later ones. It is interesting that Casey has been victim of a crime and now walks with a limp and needs a cane - she is a refreshing change, as she is a strong woman. Loved the fact that all the Taylor clan were introduced for later books - brought this book as part of a bestseller collection and then went to read (sudden engagement) that is Brett's story -reading both books together have each story more depth.... Collecting the whole set,mb-intrigue-suspense The Queen Katz264 1 follower

Reread 04/05/23

I needed something quick and easy after having a bad run with books lately.
There was a few annoying issues
* FMC blowing hot and cold so many times….
* The abrupt happily ever after ending after so much back and forth and couples insecurities
* The ending felt rushed

But I read it in one sitting and enjoyed most of the characters/story so will leave it with a 3 ?? ?? ?? ratingharlequin-intrigue have-ebook Chrissy431 6

I loved this

I loved this story, of Mitch Taylor. It hooked me in from the first page till the last. I was glad to see Mitch's story. Casey was good to, I loved it. I love all Ms. Miller's books. Get it today. Cathy Beckett485 1 follower

I finished this fast-paced romantic suspense novel today. It was a real treat and a first time to read this author. I need to search my shelves to see if I have any more of her books.2013-books-read Veronica445

First read July 2014.
Reread. Chele483 32 Shelved as 'wishlist'

Waiting for ebook release June 2015!genre-harlequin-silhouette-category genre-romantic-suspense prequel-sequel-series Donna KayeAuthor 3 books14

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