
Keep Calm de Mike Binder

de Mike Binder - Género: English
libro gratis Keep Calm


"Starts with a bang and never slows down—a very superior high-stakes thriller." —#1 New York Times bestselling author Lee Child
When a bombing at 10 Downing Street wounds the Prime Minister and tests Great Britain's resolve, American ex-cop Adam Tatum must confront a conspiracy in the highest halls of power

Former Michigan detective Adam Tatum receives an unexpected offer, a golden opportunity that seems almost too good to be true. He travels to 10 Downing Street to participate in a high-stakes conference. Immediately after his visit, a bomb detonates, wounding the prime minister and placing Adam Tatum squarely in the crosshairs of suspicion.
Sensing a setup, Tatum flees with his family, desperately fighting for survival in an unfamiliar country. The lives of his children, the future of his marriage, and the fate of a nation depend on Tatum exposing the conspirators who pegged him for a fall.
Georgia Turnbull, the chancellor of the exchequer, and...

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Already a wonderful storyteller in film, Mike Binder explodes on the pages of "Keep Calm" as a hugely gifted word-shaper of action, character, and riveting events. A wildly impressive debut54 s Karen1,995 510

The other day while my husband was picking up a library book that had been on order for months, I asked if he would FaceTime me so I could see what books were also on display that I might be interested in reading. This one was one of those books.

I didn’t think I was going to be interested in reading it just yet. I had another book on my currently reading list to get to – but I was curious and decided to read the blurb more closely.

I couldn’t help myself.

This is the author’s debut novel (published 2015). He is an award-winning director, screenwriter, and producer, probably best known for the film Black or White which starred Kevin Costner (released 2014).

And I began to read…

Adam Tatum is our flawed protagonist, trying to put his life and marriage back together. Despite his best efforts, readers find him and his family in the midst of international intrigue, which includes the bombing at the prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing St. in London, in a scheme that can be traced to the top of Britain’s political system and it’s elite.

The characters are believable, the plot moves at a quick pace, and the tension is spine-tingling.

Once this book was started, it was hard to put down.

When looking to see if there were any more Binder books since this one, it was disappointing to discover, the answer was no.captivating compelling creates-questions ...more52 s Faith2,014 589

I called it quits on this book at page 95. By that point, the book had irritated me sufficiently that I had no desire to go on with it. However, I did read the ending and noticed that the poor writing/editing continued to the end (unless you think the use of the word disaster or disastrous at least once in each of the ending chapters is a good thing). At least the author was consistent. The plot was preposterous from beginning to end.

My reading got off to a bad start. I was 25 pages into the book and realized that there had not been a single woman who was not beautiful, stunning or gorgeous. The twenty something prodigy put in charge of the investigation was merely cute. I guess for variety. I might not have noticed if I hadn't been hammered over the head with physical descriptions in such a short time. The author, who is also a screenwriter, is obviously already casting his movie with the actresses du jour. He also shoehorned in a lesbian flirtation, probably because once you have starlets under contract you have to give them something sexy to do. God forbid that the female characters would just do their jobs. Neither this book nor any of the characters was believable for one second. Even if you are just looking for mindless entertainment, there are so many better books to read.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher. dnf librarything reviewed8 s Cheryl5,624 214

I thought this book sounded really good. Thus the reason I wanted to read it. It has been a really long time since I have read a political/international thriller. At first I thought it was the timing of when I started this book. Sometimes when you start a book it might not be the right time and for me this can mean that I can become easily distracted when reading a book. So after about seven chapter in I took a mini break from this book. I picked it back up because I was still intrigued by the concept of the plot. Yet my feelings about this book did not change from when I first started reading. This is disheartening. I could not remember anything in the first seven chapters that I read and I could not remember anything after that as well. This book does have promise and some action and if I had kept reading I am sure the intensity levels would show that they are there but none of this matters if I can't get into the characters that help sell the story. 8 s Truman32360 114

Shenanigans are happening across the pond in Mike Binder’s novel, Keep Calm.

Disgraced Michigan cop, Adam Tatum is set up to be the fall guy for a bombing at 10 Downing Street that has seriously injured the Prime Minister and spun London into turmoil. His only course of action is to take his family and flee into the streets of an unfamiliar country, the police and the actual bombers hot on their trail.

Binder, a Hollywood screenwriter, plots his novel a movie (in fact it is currently in production to be filmed by New Line Cinema)—that is, a B movie from the 1980’s staring Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal. The vapid story line is ludicrous and the cast of characters includes some of the most unpleasant people ever to grace the pages of literature. The author could not be bothered to research for this work (for example one turn of the plot depends on having the new British Prime Minister drugged unconscious, removed from her residence at Downing Street, and then later returned. All without so much of a mention of any avoiding any security guards or cameras.) So any type of authenticity or realism is just thrown out the window.

To me this work is simply a money grab, it’s a movie-pitch by a screenwriter who believes that he can write a genre book because with those types of books you don’t have to try hard and the story doesn’t have to make sense and the characters don’t have to be compelling. Keep Calm is not only a very badly written book, it is also insulting to anyone who reads7 s Kate Baxter622 42

This first book by award winning director and screenwriter, Mike Binder, is a heart-pounding, suspense-filled story of British political corruption at its finest (even if not terribly realistic). This yarn is well spun; the primary character is continuously staying two-steps ahead of the pack to evade annihilation. Can he turn the tables and bring the perpetrators to justice while still protecting his family? This is fast-paced all the way to the very end.

Please note: this story is not for everyone. If you're uncomfortable reading of lesbian attraction and grizzly murder/execution scenes, this one's not for you.

I am grateful to author Mike Binder, publisher Henry Holt and Co. and LibraryThing Early Reviewers' program for having provided a free advance reader's edition of this book. Their generosity did not, however, influence this review, the words of which are mine alone. fiction librarything-early-reviewers mystery-suspense-thriller3 s Andy Grabia111 4

Was an enjoyable book until the last 100 pages. Then it went completely off the rails. A terrible ending. Completely unbelievable, improbable, and unsatisfying. 3 s Nancy McFarlane689 130

Adam Tatum is a disgraced American ex-cop when his British father in law gets him a job with a powerful investment banker. Adam and his young family travel to London and he ends up in a high power conference at 10 Downing St. Soon after his meeting a bomb goes off and he becomes a suspect. Keep Calm is a powerfully written political conspiracy where one innocent man is caught in the expanding web of lies and deceit, and must protect his family from the crossfire while he attempts to stay alive and prove his innocence. Action packed and full of suspense, this debut author has written a winner.2 s Mary1,025 33

I received this book from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program and from Henry Holt and Company in return for a review.

While the writing was good, a fast-paced story with multiple points-of-view I just couldn't didn't connect with any of the characters. I was actually hoping something bad would happen to all of them and a new group would come in that I could connect with.

I do have to say that others who don't want to be invested in the characters and just read for the story may enjoy this book. But for me I need to connect with a character, it doesn't have to be the main character.advancedcopy-proof contemporary fiction ...more1 Reading Fool1,015

I received an Advance Reader's Copy of this book.

Adam Tatum, a former detective from Michigan, has been set up to plant a bomb in the office of the Prime Minister of England. Once he realizes that he has been set up, he flees with his family, not sure of whom he can trust. This is a fast-paced thriller, with several subplots that will keep the reader guessing. An entertaining debut novel from filmmaker Mike Binder.2016 giveaways2 s Jennifer1,428 52


Mike Binder’s novel Keep Calm is a faced-paced multi-faceted story that will keep the reader engrossed from beginning to end. I enjoyed the complexity of the storyline, some areas stretched the imagination, however overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to those who are looking for an action packed thriller.fiction mystery suspense2 s Matthew Dixon242

Finished it but

The author was skillful enough to create a propulsive plot that drove me to finish the book quickly. But the book is riddled with plot holes and passages that just make you go "huh.". The actions of the characters often make no sense. So if you're looking for a thriller and you want to turn your brzain pretty much off, this is the book for you.2 s Donna612 21

Adam Tatum, a US cop rebounding after a serious scandal, receives the chance of a lifetime when he is offered a position to participate in a conference with Great Britain’s Prime Minister. The offer seems too good to be true, and perhaps it was, because immediately after his visit, a bomb detonates in the Prime Minister’s office, seriously wounding the leader. And all fingers point to Adam when they start looking for a guilty party.

The plot sounds good, but I just couldn’t lose myself in this book. It wasn’t bad, it just lacked that special something that turns a good book into a really good book.
crime police-procedure thriller1 Glen5,449 63

Disgraced cop, former union thug, gets a job in finance, and gets to go on a business trip to London due to his wife's pull.

It's all a scam to frame him for bombing 10 Downing Street. He's got to clear his name.

I found the characters shallow and unlikable, and the action very low octane.espionage men-s-adventure1 Kathy1,270 21

This is not original with me - this book is obviously a "treatment" for a movie. The characters are wooden and stereotypes: the clueless husband who is being set up; the gorgeous wife; the manipulating father-in-law; and a bomb at 10 Downing Street. There's just nothing likable about this book, and if it actually becomes a movie, it will not be on my "must be seen" list. I got to about page 50, and couldn't stand it any more.avoid-this-book debut-novel did-not-finish ...more1 Michael Martz972 30

I've been duped again. Remind me to stop paying attention to blurbs written by writers I respect (in this case, Lee Child) praising new authors.

Keep Calm is Mike Binder's first book. Although his prose is competent enough, the plot (a failed assassination attempt of Britain's PM is blamed on an American doofus) is laughable and unrealistic, the dialogue is stilted, the romantic entanglement of a couple characters really doesn't contribute to the story line, it's too long, and the conclusion is silly.

I know Mr. Binder has an extensive (and very successful) background in film and Keep Calm may make a good outline for a screenplay, but it fails too many 'smell tests' for me. Here's hoping for improvement if he stays in the thriller writing business. 1 Heather830 32

I'm a big Mike Binder fan and heard him talking about this on WTF and was psyched about his foray into thriller novels. This is about Adam Tatum, an American ex-cop who went bonkers a couple of years ago and got sucked into some plot to kill/scare/whatever a governor and then his life went nuts cuz of it. And now he is in the UK with his wife/fam and he is being framed for a bombing at 10 Downing St.

I was def into finding out where this goes, however there is a weird and gratuitous lesbian plot that really annoyed me, so I stopped. Please see the gratuitous part about that. Really detracted and distracted so fuck it.couldntfinish1 Cheryl Simmons123 22

I had high hopes for this book. It was recommended in a magazine as a good thriller by a known director, screen writer, and producer. This is Mike Binder's first novel, however. I think this book is good evidence that writing a novel is VERY different than a screen play. The characters were so superficial, they were almost laughable. There were extraneous plot lines that made no sense to the story, and the main story seemed to lurch from one scene to the next. Not recommended even as a fast beach read. 1 exncgal209 1 followerShelved as 'gave-up'

I got about 10% of the way through the book, and was struggling to keep going. Then my 6-year-old accidentally pulled out the bookmark... and I took it as a sign that I didn't need to keep going. The plot just didn't draw me in, and quite frankly the only memorable thing was the "will they, won't they" relationship developing between two characters, which was memorable only for its obviousness. Oh well. Thank goodness the bookmark incident happened early enough that I didn't waste more time on this.1 Kristin Stevens57

The story of Adam Tatum, an American ex-cop, who is set up to take a fall for the bombing of 10 Downing Street, starts off fast and keeps moving at a brisk clip. The suspense kept my nose in the book which became even more exciting with the introduction of Davina Steel, the lead investigator. Not only is she a fresh and interesting character, but her relationship with Georgina Turnbull, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, makes "Keep Calm"anything but ordinary. Great read. Al1en3

Really struggled to get through this one. The writing just felt off - I have never read a screenplay but maybe it is more in that style. I groaned out loud at several of the character descriptions, cliche interactions and as others have noted there some huge plot holes. Could have been decent if heavily edited - the language was well written but the characters and plot needed work.

At the end characters were flying from London to Chicago on a “long flight east”. Yeah that would be the really bloody long way to go, sheesh. I have honestly re-read that several times as I can’t imagine how it made it to publication. Nick Loritsch3

Having heard writer/filmmaker, Mike Binder, plug his first novel on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast, I was instantly intrigued - as I dig Binder’s film work (especially “The Upside Of Anger). The novel shares Binder’s great ear for dialogue, as well as allowing him to explore a new genre in this “fish-out-of-water,” political thriller. You can sense his enjoyment of not writing within budget constraints and allowing his imagination to run wild. Strong characters, fun set-pieces and zippy dialogue make this a fun, fast read. Recommend! Andy Plonka3,628 15

I didn't the format of this book. There was a weird sequence in which the events were narrated, before... after in part 1 and the before and after parts were revisited in Parts 2 and 3. At first I was confused and as I reached Parts 2 and 3 I already had too much information about the events that were revealed therein. An unsatisfying read.src Pren Clair412 4

no. That is all. There is such a visceral rape scene in this before the 1/4 mark that I stopped reading. you can write terrible things happening to people in a book without seeming you're getting off on it Binder. Also this Narrator is always a no for me. I've run into him on a few books and (its just personal preference) but his voice sounds he's poking you. it's very....aggressive.dnf read-with-my-ears Anne1,181 21

I've been immersed in the television series 24 and found this book to be a lot watching the show. It's very fast paced, with lots of twists and government conspiracies abound. I normally love a fast book and I didn't hate this, but I also never really felt all that into it. Linda134 17

This author's first novel was a hit with me. Victoria650 10

Interesting start but it was just to unappealing for me.
Mike Heenan238 1 follower

Plot holes you could drive a truck through. Mike24

Interesting plot idea, poorly written and badly (if at all) researched. Sophomoric character description. Did not finish. Corey Ledin-Bristol97

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