
Day of the Guns (Murder Room Book 147) de Mickey Spillane

de Mickey Spillane - Género: English
libro gratis Day of the Guns (Murder Room Book 147)


Mickey Spillane Publisher: Orion, Year: 2015 ISBN: 9781471917868

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With a healthy 3.56 stars, and a more 4 star than others, this seems to be a book well received by the reviewers on GR. I didn't think this was Spillane's best work - by some distance. I thought the twist in the story was so obvious that I can't believe there is any reader who didn't see it approaching... It was that and the main character's complete block on seeing the obvious that disturbed my reading of this.

But I have jumped ahead - this is a story of counterespionage, with Tiger Mann (I know, right?) as a agent working for a private counterespionage/espionage company run by an independently wealthy man who has big political sway, meaning they are able to force the assistance of the Feds and other agencies where required.

Published in 1964, the main storyline is that during the war Tiger Mann was in love with a British Agent Rondine Lund, who double crossed him shot him in the stomach and left him for dead, disappearing into the Nazi system. All this time later, Mann sees her in a restaurant, and although she has had some excellent plastic surgery to change her age, he recognises her instantly. She now works for the UN as a translator and the UN has a leak that is providing the Russians with all the inside intel on the deals being done on the UK/US side, allowing them to make good in the political manoeuvring.

Tiger is intent on killing Rondine - or Edith Caine as she is now known, but he won't do it until he has torn apart whatever she is involved in. Edith Caine has passed all the security checks and her background is as faultless as her plastic surgery - Tiger having made an opportunity to check everywhere for scars.

Ian Fleming's James Bond has been around 10 years before Spillane dips into the secret agent genre, and are four books in this series - and yes I have the other three. Hopefully the next one is a bit less obvious, as there is at least some potential in this character and setting.

2.5 stars really, so 3 stars from me.crime-fiction fiction usa ...more37 s10 comments Dave3,240 395

"Day of the Guns" was the first of four Tiger Mann novels, followed by "Bloody Sunrise," "Death Dealers," and "By-Pass Control." Although it seems nearly every writer in the mid-sixties wanted to camp onto the James Bond bandwagon, there are perhaps none who did a spy novel as successfully as Mickey Spillane.

Tiger Mann is an aging spy who had fought the Nazis twenty years earlier, nearly dying at the betraying hands of the bombshell Nazi spy Rondine. He has vowed to catch this voluptuous fantasy girl and end her life as she did to so many of his buddies and is amazed years later to spot her, after plastic surgery, working for the British UN mission. Or is it her? No one else seems to think so and her background as Edith Caine from a well -heeled British family checks out.

It is a cat and mouse game with the sexiest spy that ever lived and, Tiger relives his years ago romance with this deadly dame. This is spy fiction done right, mean, nasty, hardboiled, and just great reading. Spillane tells this story well with just the right amount of intrigue, action, and cattiness.crime-fiction-all mickey-spillane17 s Howard275 9

Mickey Spillane's take on the spy novel. Mike Hammer, Tiger Mann's approach to women and his enemies is brutal and final. Yes, the book contains language and attitudes that are inappropriate today. But there is a reason that Spillane sold so many books following WWII.

in the 1950's Ian Fleming introduced James Bond. Donald Hamilton introduced Matt Helm in 1960. I have always found the Matt Helm stories a good read, and an interesting comparison to Hall's Quiller series. Tiger Mann was featured in 4 Spillane novels, and besides being an answer to Bond, I think he was also poking at Matt Helm. When Tiger first meets with the head of a competing agency, the man is referred to as Mac and is described as having a crew cut. [this is the description of the head of Helm's agency].
A fun action filled read.4 s James Love397 14

Three stars for the fact that this is the average normal Mickey Spillane novel and an extra star just to p!$$-off the whining, liberal, millennial crybabies. F#@k 'em and their over used stereotypes.

The novel is your typical 1960's action spy novel. Mickey's Tiger Mann is a mix of Mike Hammer and Matt Helm (not the Dean Martin version, thank GOD!). A British U. N. translator is actually a former Nazi spy. She tried to kill Tiger after the Nazis lost WWII.

This book is filled with the sex and violence that the fans demanded from Spillane. It's a great fun read to help escape the mind-numbing stupidity that passes for diplomacy and political correctness in this country.2017 action adventure ...more8 s Christopher (Donut)477 14

I think I picked this up for camp potential, and, indeed, it became more and more apparent as the book progressed, that this was just the same corny Race Williams escapade sexed up for the sixties, with Tiger Mann serving a James-Bond- role for I.A.T.S., whatever that is, fighting commie fire with extra-legal U.S. fire.

So, 1964, and it owes a little to Goldfinger, and a little to Goldwater. I personally had no problem with Tiger Mann's cranky right-wing musings, although another reader might find them grating:

We made it the hard way and now the clunkers wanted to take it away and the eggheads were willing to give it to them. But there were some of us who werenÂ’t going to let it go. There are ways of doing things and if there had to be a modern-day tea party we could do that too. If we had to stand in line abreast and challenge officialdom, red tape and radical thinking, it would be done. TheyÂ’d never expect it. They knew the usual pattern of things, the way the compromise would come or the total back-down when the propaganda pressure went on. But let them know there was more to us than what they thought and some revisions would be made. Fast. Nobody d to die at all. Who was it that had called it the day of the guns? It was back again. You canÂ’t win with scared diplomacy, but a bullet on the way to somebodyÂ’s gut doesnÂ’t know any fear at all and moves too fast to be stopped. It has a power all its own of changing the shape of things instantly and instituting a propaganda factor that sticks in a personÂ’s mind all his life. They could stand up to words and would hold down a gun themselves, but what they did when the big hole in the end was pointed at them and they saw the hammer go back was a different story entirely and if ever there was a moment of truth it was then, and not in a bull ring.

So, corny as it was, and as thinly veneered was the update from two-gun private eye (i.e., cowboy) to international man of mystery, I d it well enough.secret-agents7 s George K.2,574 349

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When secret agent Tiger Mann finds an old nazi lover (now U.N. Assistant or something) in a night club, he vows revenge, but only after he breaks up whatever sheÂ’s doing, upon hearing about multiple leaks coming from inside the U.N., the Tiger goes in for the kill...

Okay, so that Tiger pun was poorly done, but I had to make up for the complete lack of them in this Spillane fun-fest, featuring a brand new character. If youÂ’re familiar with other Spillane novels, youÂ’ll find the setup shares some similar ground to his other works, especially those with a certain Mike Hammer, who new comer Mr. Mann seems to be very similar to.
But that doesnÂ’t make this book any less fun! Despite his reputation, IÂ’ve always found the Mike Hammer novels a little lacking in the action department (except for One Lonely Night, of course), but once again, Spillane proves that working outside of the Hammer mold, he delivers the goods. Action and sex abound in this novel, and Agent Mann gets a lot of use out of his .45 caliber weapon of choice.
IÂ’d honestly consider this book my second favorite Spillane novel next to One Lonely Night, just due to how much happens in it, despite the fact I couldnÂ’t give you an honest plot synopsis with a gun to my head. (Who the hell was I.A.T.S again?)
A lot of fun, recommended if you SpillaneÂ’s style. owned2 s Ken Schloman349 1 follower

Mickey Spillane is the one author that must get credit for the popularity of paperback thrillers mysteries, and spy novels of the 1950's and 60's. His popularity is returning today due to the work of author Max Allan Collins, who worked with Spillane prior to his death and continues to work with the author's unpublished manuscripts.

While "Day of the Guns" does not feature Mike Hammer, the character most closely identified with the author, it introduces a spy character, Tiger Mann, who I believe was the key figure in at least three novels. The novel contains all the trademarks that made Spillane one of the most highly sold novelists of all time-- good story with twists and turns, plenty of action and gun play, and sexy but hard women. Even Spillane said his work wasn't high class literature but his popularity speaks volumes about his craftsmanship. It's hard to imagine what today's thrillers and hardboiled detective novels would be without his influence. Anyone interested in this genre should read his works, this one included.
2 s Dartharagorn 182 1 follower

I have really mixed feelings about this book. I'm a huge Mike Hammer fan. So I thought I would really love this. But sadly it was just ok for me. It seemed to really jump all over the place. I considered a few times to just put it down. I pushed through. If someone asked me to recommend a Mickey Spillane book. This would not be on the list at all. 2 s B.E.Author 18 books60

Now that was wicked awesome. I certainly didn't see the twist at the end coming. Too cool. 2 s John BruniAuthor 39 books82

Another ultraviolent, bloodthirsty Spillane read. You can't go wrong with his work. There are a few things that bug me about his protagonists, in particular Tiger Mann. He's the uber American, a Commie-hating lunatic who feels better killing people than getting laid, and he does a lot of both. Some of his inner musings turn me off. I don't know if that was Spillane projecting himself into the character or not, but I suspect it was. All things considered, I'm sad to say I think the Spillane who wrote this book would have voted for Trump. I think Spillane mellowed in age after he found religion, but when he wrote this WWII spy with a heart of pure lead, he most certainly toed the American line. But regardless of this, his writing had a high quality to it that most people would try to deny. Despite the overtones, I really enjoyed this book.1 Roger188 12

Tough cold war spy out for revenge on the job. Younger readers of the 21st century might find Spillane's writing sexist and opinionated, but that makes it fascinating. I had trouble keeping track of some of the minor characters, and was leaning toward 3.5 - 4 stars, but it gets so good nearer the end I'm rating it 5 stars. 1 Van Roberts201 2

Another Tenacious Tiger Mann Epic

Mickey SpillaneÂ’s first novel introducing Tiger Mann is a hard boiled, no-nonsense yarn where the corpses stack up and our indefatigable hero triumphs over the Soviets spies with only minor bruises. Tiger thinks that he has seen a dame from his past who shot him twice in the stomach. Now, with her in his gunsights, he plans to ice her, but not before he sabotages her plans involving a United Nations politician from Britain. Mind you, the talk is tough in this first-person narrative and our hero is red, white, and blue to the core, in this right-wing, Cold War fantasy. One of the flaws is that Tiger doesnÂ’t so much as outwit the Soviet gunmen who track him down as they behave stupidly by never confirming their kills. Consequently, we have these assassins barging into TigerÂ’s apartment and blasting away at the shapeless lump of pillows with administering a coup de grace. Our brawny hero survives several attempts on his life. Nevertheless, despite the villainous cretins that fail to knock him off, the Tiger Mann melodrama is a fast, easy read.1 joan106 8

goes to bar, leaves bar, cornered by hoods, shoots up hoods, meets girl, sex with girl, cornered by hoods, kills hoods, nightclub, hoods, hotel, hoods, cabaret, sex, hoods, cops, hoods, sex, hotel, TWIST ENDING, sex. 1 Siobhan9 2

Best last line of a book, ever.
1 Bill Jackman79 1 follower

Tiger Mann is Mickey Spillaine's best continuing Character, in my opinion.
1 Alex Wiseman108 1 follower

This is the first book written by Mickey Spillane, that IÂ’ve ever read, and it didnÂ’t disappoint. There is certainly plenty of mid-20th century misogyny, patriarchy, and racism to reflect the era in which this was written, but there are redeeming qualities amongst the mess. First of all, itÂ’s a page turner, and it has a good twist at the end. Is this something that I would read again? Maybe. It has surprisingly good character development for the main character who has the dumbest name in the history of protagonists. I lost track of the different organizations and the entities that were weaving in and out of a lot of the story but overall it was a quick and interesting read. Les75435 5

Con questo romanzo, Spillane introduce un nuovo personaggio seriale, Tiger Mann, un agente segreto implicato in un thriller di rilevanza internazionale. Come sempre, ci sono pallottole, botte e donne bellissime, anche se i toni sono un po' più soft rispetto ai volumi che vedono protagonista Mike Hammer. Il cocktail è sempre ben fatto e la lettura ne risulta godibile, ma a mio avviso manca qualcosa: manca quell'alchimia di caratterizzazioni, personaggi e storie parallele che si trovano in molti altri lavori di Spillane.gialli Eric KeeganAuthor 11 books23

This was a messy spy yarn that shied away from intriguing action and espionage elements. It mainly revolved around a series boring interrogations and inquiries, usually involving the same people, and in no way reached the heights of a James Bond or Matt Helm novel. There was a lot of potential here for the introduction of an iconic main character, but it proved to be a meandering story with little substance and quality. John Stanley644 9

Mickey Spillane at his most...Spillaneish. Hard boiled dialogue, the bad guys alwatys get it, and the women are always beautiful - and there if Mickey (I mean Tiger Mann) wants them. Mickey Spillane isn't for everyone but it is what it is and this is Spillane all the way. Lukas Persson67 1 follower

Kind of silly, but whatever-- Joseph Broderick32

Great to true last word .

As with all of Mr SpillaneÂ’s books he take the excitement does to the last word. He never needs an epilogue or last chapter. Frank Allen99 1 follower

The master of Hard Boiled at his best. A “don’t miss book “ for all Mickey Spillane fans ! AndrewP1,502 37

A Tiger Mann story, not Mike Hammer as often listed.crime-mystery1 Quasimode93

Tiger Mann is an agent and this is an espionage thriller, but Mann's pedigree is classic hardboiled detective of the no-BS, no-compromise toughness variety that only Spillane can breathe into a character. The publication date was January 1964 - in the thick of the Cold War, the subject of the story - and Spillane pulls no punches in identifying the good and the evil in that conflict. Which is an unexpectedly refreshing thing, as is the utter absence of contemporary America's creepy, Orwellian "PC" (Polite Censorship?) doublespeak.

There are terminology and attitudes in Spillane's work that would drive today's far-Left Orwellians into hand-wringing apoplexy, but which were neither unusual nor necessarily derogatory in their intent at that time - with "intent" being the critical issue. Example: Today calling a woman a "dame" would ly raise some eyebrows; in context of 1964 NYC, normal parlance with no overt hostility to women in general intended. So guess what: Some of us kiddies are smart enough to employ this awareness of context while reading,, and to evaluate these things all by our lonesomes. For anyone who ( me) has had it up to his hairy eyebrows with pompous "acceptability checkers" presuming to do his thinking for him - see what I did there? - and worse, writers who self-censor to placate these retro-Thought Police mentalities, Spillane is a tonic.

The mix of bare-knuckle mean-streets action against the backdrop of tense, Cold War chess between America and the Soviet communists is as immersive in its along-for-the-ride intensity as it is engrossing. Mann is larger-than-life yet as real as the guy sitting at the other end of the counter at the corner diner. He's cocky, he's laser-focused on his prey (plural,) and he's driven. His mind is a computer into which he's feeding bits and pieces of an ominous plot with enormous geopolitical implications, and even after he's put all the pieces together we're hit with a huge dual twist right out of left field.

This is classic Americana, and for once told from the perspective of the moral and political good guys. And with those twists, I'm wondering where the next in this series is going to go... Ed5,305 56

#1 in the Tiger Mann series. Author Spillane introduces a second series with secret agent Tiger Mann as a counterpoint to his established PI Mike Hammer. Great fun.

Tiger Mann series - Counterspy Tiger Mann smashes into a Communist conspiracy involving UN delegates, CIA agents, ex-Nazi spies, and a bold-bosomed, no-good beauty whoÂ’s so kissable and so killable.
action espionage nyc Jack2,700 26

Whilst reading this I kept thinking of the Bonzo Dog Band's "I am the big shot....normally I pack a rod in pyjamas...". They must have read Spillane. Entertainingly of its time. TimoAuthor 3 books11

Tiger Mann ei ole koskaan ollut Spillanen hahmoista suosikkini. Mutta hupasan tyly poika se on. Kyllä tämän luki, hymyillen.timo James Hutcheson1 review

Way to reinforce those traditional gender roles Mickey! Brian101 7

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